A lot of physics lab equipments are not available at scholl. The development of ICT makes it poss... more A lot of physics lab equipments are not available at scholl. The development of ICT makes it possible to create such a virtual lab equipment. The purpse of this study is to develop a medium of learning the tools of ICT-based optics. Development methods used in this study adapted the model of development which include seven procedure development, namely: analysis of needs and characteristics of students, formulating learning goals, formulating the points of matter, preparing evaluation instruments, composing media texts, expert validation, field trials, and the final products. The product have been produced in the form of instructional media optical instruments that contain material, a virtual lab which is equipped with worksheets, exercises with answer keys, and test the competence that comes with the recording of values for each correct answer. The product has been tested in accordance with the theory of quality: very attractive, very easy to use, and highly usable and declared effective as learning media optical instruments in senior high school.
This paper seeks to answer the questions 1) What decision making is practiced in School Based Man... more This paper seeks to answer the questions 1) What decision making is practiced in School Based Management (SBM) in Indonesia ?, 2) What problems are faced in implementing SBM in Indonesia?, 3) What strategies do practitioners do in dealing with problems? SBM can facilitate practitioners in terms of school committee involvement in strategic decision making in term of school missions, vision, objectives, repairmen of building, funds, new classroom, programs and teaching and learning process, facilities preservation, student conduct policies, canteen management, governing of fund income, choosing educator, choosing teachers, choosing principals, choosing administrative staff, choosing textbooks, curriculum development. Problems encountered include inadequate parental participation, weakness in selfgoverning, coordination handicap, principal and school committee role overlap, weakness in school leaders and professional improvement for, school appliances constrain, SBM understanding constrain, inadequate school finance. The strategies or creativity used in resolving problems include: seeking advice and support from other school stakeholders, the principal and staff discussing and agreeing on strategies to implement change collaboratively, principals consider themselves to be team members, delegate authority. There is an agreement between the school and the school committee on reducing workload.
This community service activity is motivated by the weak understanding of elementary school teach... more This community service activity is motivated by the weak understanding of elementary school teachers in HOTS-oriented learning. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct training in designing thematic learning that is oriented towards HOTS. The training is carried out by presenting information, holding responses and group discussions on previously informed material and holding HOTS-based learning tools preparation exercises. The training was attended by elementary school teachers in District of Pesawaran. Based on the results of observations and written tests, the teachers were active in following the material presentation, discussion and preparation of HOTS learning tools. In addition, teachers' understanding has improved. This is evidenced by the pretest and posttest n-gain values of 0.09. However, the increase is not significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the participants' conceptual understanding of HOTS-oriented learning increased. This increase occurred because the previous participants did not really understand the true meaning of HOTS-oriented learning. Through this activity, participants get more detailed and easily accepted knowledge because in addition to presenting the material, the implementer also provides guidance on the development of learning designs. However, there is a need for ongoing technical guidance related to its implementation in classroom learning both online and face-to-face.
Z-Generations are student who was born in the years of 1995-2015. This generation is characterist... more Z-Generations are student who was born in the years of 1995-2015. This generation is characteristic of media consumption of at least 3 hours a day online mostly using mobile phone. Physics learning process or teaching strategy have to consider also the characteristic of student who belongs to this age. This study is conducted in order to consider physics student characteristic and expectation in learning process, so that lecturers are able to use appropriate teaching strategy in their class. The study of this research is descriptive qualitative using survey technique. Survey technique using questionnaire to 165 physics teacher college in Lampung. Based on data analysis, it can be conclude that Z-generation learner characteristic in Lampung is mostly interested with technology integration in learning process. Besides that, they are also distributed in 3 kinds of learning style that are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Leadership skills are crucial for a principal to perform his duties as a leader in school. In add... more Leadership skills are crucial for a principal to perform his duties as a leader in school. In addition, these skills develop a conducive culture to achieve school vision in the industrial revolution 4.0 era. Hence, the purpose of this study is to analyze and map the level of leadership skills as the technical, conceptual, and human skills corresponding to the 21st-century literacies, i.e., data, technology, and human, respectively. Note that the method applied in this research is a descriptive quantitative collected using a questionnaire from 112 certified elementary school teachers in Bandar Lampung City. Then, we categorize the collected data based on the skills and Likert scale. The results show that the average level of leadership skills of elementary school principals for the technical skills is the lowest, while for the human skills is higher than conceptual skills. In addition, technical skills are inversely proportional to human skills. Furthermore, the conceptual skills increase linearly according to the duration of experiences. Every aspect of the principal skills at each level of school accreditation is in the vulnerable score of 2.85-3.19 which is categorized as good. While the technical skills at a score of 2.75 are categorized as sufficient. We expect that this research can contribute the recommendations to the government to provide the program to increase the leadership competency of the elementary school principals.
Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: K... more Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: Knowing and analyzing scientific literacy skills by applying the HOTS-oriented Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. Methods: The type of research in this research is experimental research. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat. The research design used is a pre-experimental design and uses one form of design, namely the one group pretestposttest design. The HOTS indicators used in this study are identify scientific issues (problems); explain scientific phenomena; using scientific evidence Findings: Based on the results of the data analysis, the pretest score for the scientific literacy ability of students achieved by the experimental class was 9.25 and the posttest score was 11.90. Conclusion: The results of the research that have been carried out show that the application of high order thinking skills (HOTS) based on problem based learning (PBL) to improve scientific literacy skills has the impact of increasing n-gain by 0.21 in the low category. In the analysis of the average n-gain score on the highest scientific literacy ability indicator, namely the use of scientific evidence.
Computational Thinking (CT) skill is the ability to solve problems with computer thinking. In add... more Computational Thinking (CT) skill is the ability to solve problems with computer thinking. In addition, CT can be seen as a structured and systematic approach that can be implemented in learning. This study aims to bring the computational thinking approach to the non-computer science student's class and involved 35 undergraduate students of physics education in the computational physics course. The research method used was the mixed method sequential explanatory design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011), with the following design. Broadly speaking, the flow of the mixed method research method with an explanatory sequential design in this study includes the collection of quantitative data obtained from student self-evaluation instruments related to the understanding of the CT approach stage. The results showed that the Computational Thinking (CT) approach can be applied to non-computer science students in online learning which includes 6 stages of implementation and 6 stages of implementation. Other results indicate that this method can be used in improving student CT skills.
Recent study findings indicate that global warming plays a significant impact on our planet, for ... more Recent study findings indicate that global warming plays a significant impact on our planet, for instance the raising temperature of earth that affects the melting of polar ice caps. This melting polar ice cap may cause the increasing of sea level, moreover it also causes serious effect for all organisms on earth. The research aimed to describe the ways of reducing the negative impact of global warming integrated into students’ participation in their daily life based on science teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, opinion and ideas. The results are converted into preliminary forms of product in the form of a hypothetical framework of green school-based management. This study was the qualitative research with the methods of Focused Group Discussions (FGD). Based on the result of FGD, school communities and stakeholders have to actively participate in reducing the effects of global warming integratedly and continuously. The form of participation and integration are presented in the hypothetical school-based management framework.
Indonesia global assessment in 2017 and preliminary survey results illustrated the achievements o... more Indonesia global assessment in 2017 and preliminary survey results illustrated the achievements of teachers' cognitive abilities that were still low in terms of professional knowledge and pedagogic. This study were aimed to describe the existing conditions of the pedagogical content knowledge of physics teachers at the undergraduate level and predict future prospects about what pedagogical content knowledge the pre-service physics teacher (PPTs) will have by considering the futuristic aspects. This study used case-study qualitative research within a group of 52 mostly passive pre-service physics teachers during the fourth semester of their four-year graduate program. It focuses on the central issue of essential topics in school physics learning. The results of the document analysis indicated that they have not been able to design a learning scenario for each Physics essential material with reference to the development of science and technology. Then, they have not showed a good subject matter mastery for each Physics topic. This paper ultimately also explore a hypothetical model of learning strategies that has the potential to develop PPTs' PCK through School Physics learning in college. This strategy is based on the future needs that must be mastered by students from an early age.
Digital literacy is a media-based learning that combines education and technology with the hope t... more Digital literacy is a media-based learning that combines education and technology with the hope that students can make the most of it. This requires learning skills, one of which is the ability to take the initiative to be responsible for learning materials, often called self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of self-directed learning on students' level of digital literacy in online learning. This study used a quantitative approach with ex-post facto research type. The populations in this study were students of the University of Lampung with a sample of 947 taken using simple random sampling. The data collection instrument used was adapted from the Self Rating Scale of Self-Directed Learning (SRSSDL) and Digital Literacy Measurement (DLM). The data collected were analyzed using linear regression. The results showed the positive and significant effect of self-directed learning on the digital literacy level of students, with the contribution of 54.80%, and the rest was influenced by other factors that were not measured in this study. The effect also had a positive direction, which means that the higher the student's self-directed learning score, the better the digital literacy skills will be.
The research purpose was to implement of the STEM 4.0 approach in improving student CT. This stud... more The research purpose was to implement of the STEM 4.0 approach in improving student CT. This study used a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The learning integrated 4 STEM components to improve students' CT. Participants were elementary school teacher education students at state universities in Lampung Province. The test instrument is at the cognitive level C4 and C6 which refers to Bloom's Taxonomy. Based on research data, it is stated that in learning with the STEM 4.0 approach, there are activities to understand the concept of learning material (Science) by integrating everyday life phenomena (Mathematics) and supported by learning media (Technology). Furthermore, there are learning activities in the form of practice activities in solving a problem in groups and making simple products by applying the concepts contained in the learning materials. Through this treatment, CT participants increased with male CT participants being higher than female.
This study aimed to develop a PhET-assisted Student Worksheet (LKS) in training students' critica... more This study aimed to develop a PhET-assisted Student Worksheet (LKS) in training students' critical thinking skills. This development uses a 3-D model (Define, Design, and Develop). The product development, which has been validated and revised, was then tested on 44 students of class XI public high school in Surabaya using the One Group Pretest-Posttest design. Based on the research data, it can be concluded that the PhETassisted inquiry worksheets on the supported gas kinetic theory teaching materials are declared valid in quality in training high school students' critical thinking skills with an increase in skills reaching 80%. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) inkuiri berbantuan PhET dalam melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model 3-D (Define, Design, dan Develop). Produk pengembangan yang telah divalidasi dan direvisi, kemudian diujicobakan pada 44 siswa kelas XI SMA negeri di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan rancangan One Group Pretest-Posttest. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa LKS inkuiri berbantuan PhET pada materi ajar teori kinetik gas yang didukung dinyatakan valid berkualitas dalam melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa SMA dengan peningkatan keterampilan mencapai 80%.
Ruang Pengabdian : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
The profession as a teacher is required to have the ability to write scientific papers. This is s... more The profession as a teacher is required to have the ability to write scientific papers. This is stated in the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform No. 16 of 2009 concerning Teacher's Functional Positions and Credit Scores. In addition, writing scientific papers can be a medium for sharing knowledge related to educational innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to increase the interest, knowledge, and skills of teachers in writing scientific papers. This community service activity was carried out with a target of 20 elementary school teachers in Metro City. This training activity has 2 stages, the presentation of material about writing scientific papers and the practice of writing scientific papers. Based on the data from the implementation, the training went well. However, there are obstacles to its implementation, namely: at the pretest and post-test stages in the form of an internet connection. In addition, this t...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the STEM 4.0 approach in increasi... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the STEM 4.0 approach in increasing CT which included differences in CT in experimental and control class students and in increasing student CT.The research method used is Quasi-Experimental Design with One Group Pretest-Postest. This research involved 56 university students. The sample was treated in the form of learning with the STEM approach. Student CT includes 5 indicators, namely: (1) Interpreting Problems, (2) Analyzing Solution of the Problem, (3) Applying Gained Solution, (4) Evaluating the Gained Solution, and (5) Concluding the Results Attached with Supportive Evidence.The results of the study prove that based on the results of the Independent T-Test, there are significant differences in students' CT in the STEM class and the conventional class. The increase in CT in the experimental group was also significant based on the results of the Paired Samples Test. Thus, it can be concluded that the STEM 4.0 app...
Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: K... more Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: Knowing and analyzing scientific literacy skills by applying the HOTS-oriented Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. Methods: The type of research in this research is experimental research. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat. The research design used is a pre-experimental design and uses one form of design, namely the one group pretestposttest design. The HOTS indicators used in this study are identify scientific issues (problems); explain scientific phenomena; using scientific evidence Findings: Based on the results of the data analysis, the pretest score for the scientific literacy ability of students achieved by the experimental class was 9.25 and the posttest score was 11.90. Conclusion: The results of the research that have been carried out show that the application of high order thinking skills (HOTS) based on problem based learning (PBL) to improve scientific literacy skills has the impact of increasing n-gain by 0.21 in the low category. In the analysis of the average n-gain score on the highest scientific literacy ability indicator, namely the use of scientific evidence.
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
ABSTRAK Penilaian sangat diperlukan bagi seorang pendidik untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan s... more ABSTRAK Penilaian sangat diperlukan bagi seorang pendidik untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan selama proses belajar. Fungsi penilaian adalah untuk dapat mengetahui ketercapaian peserta didik dalam pembelajaran. Penlaian juga penting bagi pendidik untuk introspeksi diri, mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan dalam pembelajaran. System penilan yang dilakukan untuk saat ini menggunakan teknologi karena mempermudah proses assesment. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dasar Assesment berbasis android pada guru SMA di kab. Pesawaran. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada guru-guru supaya menerapkan penilaian kepada siswa secara efektif, efisien serta tepat guna dengan menggunakan android. Guru mahir menyusun assesment penilaian hasil belajar siswa dan mahir menggunakan android untuk keperluan assesment siswa. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan adalah metode praktek pelatihan dan diskusi sosialisasi. Pemahaman guru terhadap penilaian meningkat, h...
A lot of physics lab equipments are not available at scholl. The development of ICT makes it poss... more A lot of physics lab equipments are not available at scholl. The development of ICT makes it possible to create such a virtual lab equipment. The purpse of this study is to develop a medium of learning the tools of ICT-based optics. Development methods used in this study adapted the model of development which include seven procedure development, namely: analysis of needs and characteristics of students, formulating learning goals, formulating the points of matter, preparing evaluation instruments, composing media texts, expert validation, field trials, and the final products. The product have been produced in the form of instructional media optical instruments that contain material, a virtual lab which is equipped with worksheets, exercises with answer keys, and test the competence that comes with the recording of values for each correct answer. The product has been tested in accordance with the theory of quality: very attractive, very easy to use, and highly usable and declared effective as learning media optical instruments in senior high school.
This paper seeks to answer the questions 1) What decision making is practiced in School Based Man... more This paper seeks to answer the questions 1) What decision making is practiced in School Based Management (SBM) in Indonesia ?, 2) What problems are faced in implementing SBM in Indonesia?, 3) What strategies do practitioners do in dealing with problems? SBM can facilitate practitioners in terms of school committee involvement in strategic decision making in term of school missions, vision, objectives, repairmen of building, funds, new classroom, programs and teaching and learning process, facilities preservation, student conduct policies, canteen management, governing of fund income, choosing educator, choosing teachers, choosing principals, choosing administrative staff, choosing textbooks, curriculum development. Problems encountered include inadequate parental participation, weakness in selfgoverning, coordination handicap, principal and school committee role overlap, weakness in school leaders and professional improvement for, school appliances constrain, SBM understanding constrain, inadequate school finance. The strategies or creativity used in resolving problems include: seeking advice and support from other school stakeholders, the principal and staff discussing and agreeing on strategies to implement change collaboratively, principals consider themselves to be team members, delegate authority. There is an agreement between the school and the school committee on reducing workload.
This community service activity is motivated by the weak understanding of elementary school teach... more This community service activity is motivated by the weak understanding of elementary school teachers in HOTS-oriented learning. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct training in designing thematic learning that is oriented towards HOTS. The training is carried out by presenting information, holding responses and group discussions on previously informed material and holding HOTS-based learning tools preparation exercises. The training was attended by elementary school teachers in District of Pesawaran. Based on the results of observations and written tests, the teachers were active in following the material presentation, discussion and preparation of HOTS learning tools. In addition, teachers' understanding has improved. This is evidenced by the pretest and posttest n-gain values of 0.09. However, the increase is not significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the participants' conceptual understanding of HOTS-oriented learning increased. This increase occurred because the previous participants did not really understand the true meaning of HOTS-oriented learning. Through this activity, participants get more detailed and easily accepted knowledge because in addition to presenting the material, the implementer also provides guidance on the development of learning designs. However, there is a need for ongoing technical guidance related to its implementation in classroom learning both online and face-to-face.
Z-Generations are student who was born in the years of 1995-2015. This generation is characterist... more Z-Generations are student who was born in the years of 1995-2015. This generation is characteristic of media consumption of at least 3 hours a day online mostly using mobile phone. Physics learning process or teaching strategy have to consider also the characteristic of student who belongs to this age. This study is conducted in order to consider physics student characteristic and expectation in learning process, so that lecturers are able to use appropriate teaching strategy in their class. The study of this research is descriptive qualitative using survey technique. Survey technique using questionnaire to 165 physics teacher college in Lampung. Based on data analysis, it can be conclude that Z-generation learner characteristic in Lampung is mostly interested with technology integration in learning process. Besides that, they are also distributed in 3 kinds of learning style that are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Leadership skills are crucial for a principal to perform his duties as a leader in school. In add... more Leadership skills are crucial for a principal to perform his duties as a leader in school. In addition, these skills develop a conducive culture to achieve school vision in the industrial revolution 4.0 era. Hence, the purpose of this study is to analyze and map the level of leadership skills as the technical, conceptual, and human skills corresponding to the 21st-century literacies, i.e., data, technology, and human, respectively. Note that the method applied in this research is a descriptive quantitative collected using a questionnaire from 112 certified elementary school teachers in Bandar Lampung City. Then, we categorize the collected data based on the skills and Likert scale. The results show that the average level of leadership skills of elementary school principals for the technical skills is the lowest, while for the human skills is higher than conceptual skills. In addition, technical skills are inversely proportional to human skills. Furthermore, the conceptual skills increase linearly according to the duration of experiences. Every aspect of the principal skills at each level of school accreditation is in the vulnerable score of 2.85-3.19 which is categorized as good. While the technical skills at a score of 2.75 are categorized as sufficient. We expect that this research can contribute the recommendations to the government to provide the program to increase the leadership competency of the elementary school principals.
Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: K... more Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: Knowing and analyzing scientific literacy skills by applying the HOTS-oriented Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. Methods: The type of research in this research is experimental research. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat. The research design used is a pre-experimental design and uses one form of design, namely the one group pretestposttest design. The HOTS indicators used in this study are identify scientific issues (problems); explain scientific phenomena; using scientific evidence Findings: Based on the results of the data analysis, the pretest score for the scientific literacy ability of students achieved by the experimental class was 9.25 and the posttest score was 11.90. Conclusion: The results of the research that have been carried out show that the application of high order thinking skills (HOTS) based on problem based learning (PBL) to improve scientific literacy skills has the impact of increasing n-gain by 0.21 in the low category. In the analysis of the average n-gain score on the highest scientific literacy ability indicator, namely the use of scientific evidence.
Computational Thinking (CT) skill is the ability to solve problems with computer thinking. In add... more Computational Thinking (CT) skill is the ability to solve problems with computer thinking. In addition, CT can be seen as a structured and systematic approach that can be implemented in learning. This study aims to bring the computational thinking approach to the non-computer science student's class and involved 35 undergraduate students of physics education in the computational physics course. The research method used was the mixed method sequential explanatory design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011), with the following design. Broadly speaking, the flow of the mixed method research method with an explanatory sequential design in this study includes the collection of quantitative data obtained from student self-evaluation instruments related to the understanding of the CT approach stage. The results showed that the Computational Thinking (CT) approach can be applied to non-computer science students in online learning which includes 6 stages of implementation and 6 stages of implementation. Other results indicate that this method can be used in improving student CT skills.
Recent study findings indicate that global warming plays a significant impact on our planet, for ... more Recent study findings indicate that global warming plays a significant impact on our planet, for instance the raising temperature of earth that affects the melting of polar ice caps. This melting polar ice cap may cause the increasing of sea level, moreover it also causes serious effect for all organisms on earth. The research aimed to describe the ways of reducing the negative impact of global warming integrated into students’ participation in their daily life based on science teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, opinion and ideas. The results are converted into preliminary forms of product in the form of a hypothetical framework of green school-based management. This study was the qualitative research with the methods of Focused Group Discussions (FGD). Based on the result of FGD, school communities and stakeholders have to actively participate in reducing the effects of global warming integratedly and continuously. The form of participation and integration are presented in the hypothetical school-based management framework.
Indonesia global assessment in 2017 and preliminary survey results illustrated the achievements o... more Indonesia global assessment in 2017 and preliminary survey results illustrated the achievements of teachers' cognitive abilities that were still low in terms of professional knowledge and pedagogic. This study were aimed to describe the existing conditions of the pedagogical content knowledge of physics teachers at the undergraduate level and predict future prospects about what pedagogical content knowledge the pre-service physics teacher (PPTs) will have by considering the futuristic aspects. This study used case-study qualitative research within a group of 52 mostly passive pre-service physics teachers during the fourth semester of their four-year graduate program. It focuses on the central issue of essential topics in school physics learning. The results of the document analysis indicated that they have not been able to design a learning scenario for each Physics essential material with reference to the development of science and technology. Then, they have not showed a good subject matter mastery for each Physics topic. This paper ultimately also explore a hypothetical model of learning strategies that has the potential to develop PPTs' PCK through School Physics learning in college. This strategy is based on the future needs that must be mastered by students from an early age.
Digital literacy is a media-based learning that combines education and technology with the hope t... more Digital literacy is a media-based learning that combines education and technology with the hope that students can make the most of it. This requires learning skills, one of which is the ability to take the initiative to be responsible for learning materials, often called self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of self-directed learning on students' level of digital literacy in online learning. This study used a quantitative approach with ex-post facto research type. The populations in this study were students of the University of Lampung with a sample of 947 taken using simple random sampling. The data collection instrument used was adapted from the Self Rating Scale of Self-Directed Learning (SRSSDL) and Digital Literacy Measurement (DLM). The data collected were analyzed using linear regression. The results showed the positive and significant effect of self-directed learning on the digital literacy level of students, with the contribution of 54.80%, and the rest was influenced by other factors that were not measured in this study. The effect also had a positive direction, which means that the higher the student's self-directed learning score, the better the digital literacy skills will be.
The research purpose was to implement of the STEM 4.0 approach in improving student CT. This stud... more The research purpose was to implement of the STEM 4.0 approach in improving student CT. This study used a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The learning integrated 4 STEM components to improve students' CT. Participants were elementary school teacher education students at state universities in Lampung Province. The test instrument is at the cognitive level C4 and C6 which refers to Bloom's Taxonomy. Based on research data, it is stated that in learning with the STEM 4.0 approach, there are activities to understand the concept of learning material (Science) by integrating everyday life phenomena (Mathematics) and supported by learning media (Technology). Furthermore, there are learning activities in the form of practice activities in solving a problem in groups and making simple products by applying the concepts contained in the learning materials. Through this treatment, CT participants increased with male CT participants being higher than female.
This study aimed to develop a PhET-assisted Student Worksheet (LKS) in training students' critica... more This study aimed to develop a PhET-assisted Student Worksheet (LKS) in training students' critical thinking skills. This development uses a 3-D model (Define, Design, and Develop). The product development, which has been validated and revised, was then tested on 44 students of class XI public high school in Surabaya using the One Group Pretest-Posttest design. Based on the research data, it can be concluded that the PhETassisted inquiry worksheets on the supported gas kinetic theory teaching materials are declared valid in quality in training high school students' critical thinking skills with an increase in skills reaching 80%. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) inkuiri berbantuan PhET dalam melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model 3-D (Define, Design, dan Develop). Produk pengembangan yang telah divalidasi dan direvisi, kemudian diujicobakan pada 44 siswa kelas XI SMA negeri di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan rancangan One Group Pretest-Posttest. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa LKS inkuiri berbantuan PhET pada materi ajar teori kinetik gas yang didukung dinyatakan valid berkualitas dalam melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa SMA dengan peningkatan keterampilan mencapai 80%.
Ruang Pengabdian : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
The profession as a teacher is required to have the ability to write scientific papers. This is s... more The profession as a teacher is required to have the ability to write scientific papers. This is stated in the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform No. 16 of 2009 concerning Teacher's Functional Positions and Credit Scores. In addition, writing scientific papers can be a medium for sharing knowledge related to educational innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to increase the interest, knowledge, and skills of teachers in writing scientific papers. This community service activity was carried out with a target of 20 elementary school teachers in Metro City. This training activity has 2 stages, the presentation of material about writing scientific papers and the practice of writing scientific papers. Based on the data from the implementation, the training went well. However, there are obstacles to its implementation, namely: at the pretest and post-test stages in the form of an internet connection. In addition, this t...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the STEM 4.0 approach in increasi... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the STEM 4.0 approach in increasing CT which included differences in CT in experimental and control class students and in increasing student CT.The research method used is Quasi-Experimental Design with One Group Pretest-Postest. This research involved 56 university students. The sample was treated in the form of learning with the STEM approach. Student CT includes 5 indicators, namely: (1) Interpreting Problems, (2) Analyzing Solution of the Problem, (3) Applying Gained Solution, (4) Evaluating the Gained Solution, and (5) Concluding the Results Attached with Supportive Evidence.The results of the study prove that based on the results of the Independent T-Test, there are significant differences in students' CT in the STEM class and the conventional class. The increase in CT in the experimental group was also significant based on the results of the Paired Samples Test. Thus, it can be concluded that the STEM 4.0 app...
Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: K... more Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Objectives: Knowing and analyzing scientific literacy skills by applying the HOTS-oriented Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. Methods: The type of research in this research is experimental research. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat. The research design used is a pre-experimental design and uses one form of design, namely the one group pretestposttest design. The HOTS indicators used in this study are identify scientific issues (problems); explain scientific phenomena; using scientific evidence Findings: Based on the results of the data analysis, the pretest score for the scientific literacy ability of students achieved by the experimental class was 9.25 and the posttest score was 11.90. Conclusion: The results of the research that have been carried out show that the application of high order thinking skills (HOTS) based on problem based learning (PBL) to improve scientific literacy skills has the impact of increasing n-gain by 0.21 in the low category. In the analysis of the average n-gain score on the highest scientific literacy ability indicator, namely the use of scientific evidence.
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
ABSTRAK Penilaian sangat diperlukan bagi seorang pendidik untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan s... more ABSTRAK Penilaian sangat diperlukan bagi seorang pendidik untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan selama proses belajar. Fungsi penilaian adalah untuk dapat mengetahui ketercapaian peserta didik dalam pembelajaran. Penlaian juga penting bagi pendidik untuk introspeksi diri, mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan dalam pembelajaran. System penilan yang dilakukan untuk saat ini menggunakan teknologi karena mempermudah proses assesment. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dasar Assesment berbasis android pada guru SMA di kab. Pesawaran. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada guru-guru supaya menerapkan penilaian kepada siswa secara efektif, efisien serta tepat guna dengan menggunakan android. Guru mahir menyusun assesment penilaian hasil belajar siswa dan mahir menggunakan android untuk keperluan assesment siswa. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan adalah metode praktek pelatihan dan diskusi sosialisasi. Pemahaman guru terhadap penilaian meningkat, h...
Papers by Ismu Sukamto