Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after... more Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after the realization that the capture fisheries have approached their maximum take and the land-based farming systems are facing serious constraints. Aquaculture should pursue the sustainable development goals to be able to deliver the expected supplies. It can do so by bringing about transformations consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Aquaculture influences the oceans and their ecosystem services negatively as well as positively, depending on the pathways of its development. It is pertinent to highlight the implications of both these impacts and present specific case scenarios that provide evidence of how the ecological aquaculture can benefit the environment, society and economy. Success of such aquaculture models can be measured through sustainability indicators. This paper elaborates these issues while providing an account of the role of aquaculture in food security.
Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after... more Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after the realization that the capture fisheries have approached their maximum take and the land-based farming systems are facing serious constraints. Aquaculture should pursue the sustainable development goals to be able to deliver the expected supplies. It can do so by bringing about transformations consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Aquaculture influences the oceans and their ecosystem services negatively as well as positively, depending on the pathways of its development. It is pertinent to highlight the implications of both these impacts and present specific case scenarios that provide evidence of how the ecological aquaculture can benefit the environment, society and economy. Success of such aquaculture models can be measured through sustainability indicators. This paper elaborates these issues while providing an account of the role of aquaculture in food security.
Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA)
Stocking density can induce stress in fish in an aquaculture system if not handled properly, and ... more Stocking density can induce stress in fish in an aquaculture system if not handled properly, and the chronic stress may lead to mortality. Several studies have reported that the capability to deal with a range of stocking densities differs among fish species and maturity stage. Hence, fish larvae may have different resilience to stress from the adult fish. Milkfish larvae were reared in hatchery for 50 days using a recirculating culture system at four different stocking densities (8,12,16 and 20 larvae/liter). The growth performance was not significantly different (P>0.05) except at stocking density of 20 larvae/liter. The highest survival rate (88.04%) was recorded in the system with 8 larvae/liter while the lowest (55.44%) in the culture tank where stocking rate was 20 larvae/liter. The stocking density also influenced the RNA / DNA ratio of the milkfish larvae. The RNA/DNA ratio showed a pattern that was identical with that of sigmoid growth where stocking rate of 8, 12, and 1...
Fish wastes are the discarded parts include the internal organs, viscera, bones, trimmings, tails... more Fish wastes are the discarded parts include the internal organs, viscera, bones, trimmings, tails, fins and skin of fishes. These discarded portions while disposing of cause major environmental damage. Usually, the discarded parts of fishes are ground into fishmeal for livestock and aquaculture feed. This study was undertaken to explore biodiesel production based on the fatty acids composition. The fish waste sample was collected from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah fish market. The sample was drained for excess water and oven-dried at 55˚C-60˚C for complete dryness. Crude oils were extracted in petroleum ether in Soxhlet extraction method. Methylation of the extracted crude fish oil was carried out to yield fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). The FAME was analyzed by GCMS system and the reference to NIST library was used to identify the fatty acids present in the FAME. A total of 21 fatty acids were identified that composed of 53.53% saturated fatty acids (SFA), 22.1% monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and 24.37% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The important fatty acids [myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), palmitoleic acid (C16:1), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), linolenic acid (C18:3), docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6)] found in fish oil indicated the potentiality of biodiesel production if fish waste was stocked. The highest percentage of SFA causes higher viscosity, cetane number and density and hence these properties of biodiesel produced from the fish waste are expected to be high. Therefore, the fish waste has high potential of fatty acid in FAME to produce biodiesel through transesterification process.
Commercial fish hatchery generates waste both organic and inorganic; the sources are primarily fr... more Commercial fish hatchery generates waste both organic and inorganic; the sources are primarily from uneaten food and fish feces. Conventional methods of treating hatchery wastes will increase the operating cost and become extra burden in production. It is necessary to develop a new research application of this nonconventional resource and reduce the negative impacts of hatchery waste on the environment. The whole project is to utilize hatchery waste through bioprocess for probiotic fortified live feed production. In this study, the chemical composition of hatchery waste was determined to understand the suitability waste to get value-added derived products through bioprocess. Composite samples were collected everyday and dried in an oven at a temperature of 65˚C until complete dryness. Dried samples were mixed well and grinded into fine powder. The analytical parameters like total solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate were determined from the freshly collected samples. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were determined from the dry samples. Total solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate-phosphorus were observed in the ranged from 75-82 mg/L, 0.25-8.5 mg/L, 0.05-1.9 mg/L, 0.04-6.7 mg/L and 4.1-16.7 mg/L respectively. On the other hand, the mean content of 3.75% total nitrogen, 1.80% total phosphorus and 0.15% potassium were determined in dry hatchery wastes. The analytical parameters are useful and demonstrate that the nutrients in both fresh and dry waste will be supportive for the growth of microbes in the bioprocess system.
This experiment was conducted to determine the possibility of utilization of vegetable waste juic... more This experiment was conducted to determine the possibility of utilization of vegetable waste juice in the production of purple non-sulfur bacterium Afifella marina biomass. Bacterium was cultured in four diluted such as, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v) vegetable waste juices. In addition synthetic 112 media were used as control to compare the growth characteristics of Afifella marine. The bacterium Afifella marina grew well in 10% diluted vegetable waste juice in anaerobic light condition with the highest production of 5.02 g/l dry cell weight in fifth day of culture, whereas the highest total carotenoid production of 0.87 mg/g dry cell weight was recorded in third day of culture. The highest dry cell weight productions recorded in 10% of VWJ was significantly higher compared to four other treatments (F = 14.63; p = 0.00). However, the total carotenoid production of bacteria in 10% VWJ showed no significant difference compared to the carotenoid production in 112 synthetic media, but was significantly higher compared to three other treatments (P = 0.00). The bacterium, Afifella marina has the ability to use vegetable waste juice at certain level for the production of bacterial biomass.
Sustainable use of palm oil mill effluent (POME) has been the major focus in the recent developme... more Sustainable use of palm oil mill effluent (POME) has been the major focus in the recent development in palm oil industry due to the fact that environmental issue brought by POME. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum incubation period of purple non-sulphur bacterium (PNSB) in reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in settled POME and to determine the dry cell weight, TN, TP and cell yield of PNSB. Pure isolate of Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain UMSFW1 was cultured in settled POME under anaerobic condition at 2500 lux illumination on light intensity at a temperature of 30˚C ± 2˚C for 144-h. Parameters such as COD (mg/L), dry cell biomass (g/L), TP (mg/L) and TN (mg/L) in settled POME and bacterial cells were analyzed. A total reduction of TN (43.9%) in settled POME and a total increase of TN (43.2%) in bacterial cell were recorded at the end of experiment. At the same time the reduction of 51.5% chemical oxygen demand was determined from the POME. The highest dry cell weight of 2.44 g/L with cell yield 0.39 (mg/cell/mg COD) was achieved at the end of experiment. A total 24.7% of TP reduction in settled POME was achieved in 144-h culture, but while a maximum 10% of TP in bacterial cell was achieved in 48-h culture. This study shows that PNSB Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain UMSFW1 grows well by using settled POME as substrate and is capable to remove TN in the settled POME and assimilate into bacterial biomass. This study could provide us a further insight in the nutrient removal and COD removal in the bioremediation process by bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain UMSFW1.
Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) are well known for their ability in transforming organic substr... more Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) are well known for their ability in transforming organic substrates for their own source of nutrients. The nutritional values of leafy vegetable waste could be improved through bioconversion with PNSB. This study was conducted to access nutritional status of leafy vegetable waste bio-converted product and efficacy of derived product as aquaculture feed supplement. Proximate compositions of bio-converted leafy vegetable wastes were improved after 6 days with 30% inoculums of Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142). The crude proteins (%) and ashes (%) in derived product was increased to 51.7% and 19.6% respectively. On the other hand, the fiber (%) in the bio-converted derived product was decreased by 21%. During feeding trial in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), no significant differences were observed in the feed intake (g/fish/day), but significant differences were observed in the value of feed conversion ratio and weight gain (%) among the used diets. However, lower ingestion rate (g/d/fish) and better feed conversion ratio were obtained while fishes were fed with diet composed of commercial feed mixed with 5% of the bio-converted product. The higher ingestion rate (g/d/fish) and lower feed conversion ratio were observed with only commercial diet. There observed no significant differences in the ingestion rate (g/d/fish) and FCR values among the diet composed of commercial feed with 5% (D5) and 10% (D10) of the bio-converted product. The derived bio-converted product can be a promising approach to open new market segment in aquafeed industry.
Aquaculture industry is often generating waste that negatively impact to the environment. These w... more Aquaculture industry is often generating waste that negatively impact to the environment. These wastes are rich in nutrients. Seaweed can utilize these waste nutrients. This experiment was conducted in a flow-through system (FTS) and a recirculation system (RS) in land-based integrated multi-trophic aquaculture module using seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii as one of the components. The aim was to access the efficiency of the removal of nutrients in the integrated culture. Kappaphycus alvarezii was stocked at the density of 1 kg/tank in the rectangular plastic tank with 500 L of seawater. The waste generated from integrated multi-trophic aquaculture tanks was directed towards K. alvarezii culture tank. Water samples from inlet, outlet and inside of the culture tanks were drawn to determine the nutrients, namely, total nitrogen (mg/L) and total phosphorus (mg/L). Total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the seaweed sample and from the sediment of culture tanks were also analyzed. The total nitrogen amounting to 59.5% and 61.6% nitrogen was taken up by K. alvarezii in FTS and RS culture tank, respectively. The phosphorus showed the highest deposition of 61.1% and 31.6% in the sediment of in FTS and RS culture tanks respectively, whereas only 5.5% and 3.4% of phosphorus were taken up by K. alvarezii from FTS and RS culture tanks, respectively. The percentage of nitrogen remained in water was comparatively higher by 14.2% and 27.5% than phosphorus by 8.3% and 23.0% in water of both FTS and RS culture tanks, respectively. These results indicated that this species seaweed is efficient in the removal of nitrogen from both FTS and RS culture tank.
The compound fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from three sea cucumber species Holothuria atra, Sti... more The compound fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from three sea cucumber species Holothuria atra, Stichopus horrens, and Holothuria arenicola was extracted and purified using strong ion exchange chromatography. The structure and sulfation patterns on their fucose branches were partially characterized and compared using liquid, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, infrared spectrosco-py, and chemometrics. The monosaccharide composition was consistently a 1:1 molar ratio of glucuronic acid to N-acetylgalactosamine while the fucose molar ratio was statistically different among the three species. Normal IR spectra exhibited a broad band at the region of 850–830 cm À1 assigned to the sulfate CÀ ÀOÀ ÀS group. This band was resolved in the second derivative spectra into two or three bands corresponding to the difference of sulfation patterns among sea cucumber species. Principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed the difference in the sulfate substitution region with additional discrimination of the combination amide NÀ ÀH and C¼O group, sulfate S¼O region, and skeletal region 1050–980 cm À1. The hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) successfully grouped each sea cucumber FuCS in the same cluster. Nevertheless, the comparison of the FuCS structure was simplified using chemometrics analysis.
Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue / [bian ji, Zhongguo ke xue yuan huan jing ke xue wei yuan hui "Huan jing ke xue" bian ji wei yuan hui.], 2015
In order to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in Daning river sedimen... more In order to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in Daning river sediments and to investigate the relationship between nutrients and algal cells, samples were selected from 4 typical sampling sites, i. e. Caizi Dam, Baishui River, Shuanglong and Dachang. Vertical gravity mud samplers were used to collect the sediments from different layers within 20 cm in increment of 2 cm. Vertical distributions of TN, NH4(+)-N, NO3(-) -N, NO2(-) -N, TP, inorganic P and organic P in sediments of different sampling sites were investigated. And so was the vertical distribution of chlorophyll. Moreover, the correlation between chlorophyll and the nutrients was analyzed. Results showed that the contents of TN were the highest at the depth of 0.0-2.0 cm in the Caizi Dam sediments, and at the depth of 2.0-4.0 cm in the Baishui River sediments. The highest NH4(+) -N content occurred at 2.0-4.0 cm in the Caizi Dam sediments and at 4.0-6.0 cm in the Baishui River in January and Febr...
Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, 2015
Heavy metals are defined on the basis of three different criteria which including density, atomic... more Heavy metals are defined on the basis of three different criteria which including density, atomic number or their chemical properties. Radojevic et al. [13] have mentioned that heavy metals can be defined by density of such metals (5 g/cm 3) which is denser than water by five times. Yu [14] categorized metals as any elements with an atomic number of higher than 20 excluding alkaline metals, alkaline earth, lanthanides and actinides. In sewage water, concentration of Zn is found highest value compared to other heavy metals as shown in Table 1 [15].
Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FucCS) is structurally distinct glycosaminoglycans found from th... more Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FucCS) is structurally distinct glycosaminoglycans found from the sea cucumber body wall consisted of chondroitin sulfate type backbone with attached sulfated or nonsulfated fucose side chain. Structurally this compound plays an important role in maintaining the body wall integrity and possesses a wide spectrum of biological activities. Recently several glycosaminoglycans' structures have been solved to elucidate its physicochemical activity. The purpose of this review paper is to elaborate existing structural properties and functions, reporting over 30 years and systematically discussion herein.
Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques, 2014
Monosaccharide characterization study can give valuable information on newly discovered intact mu... more Monosaccharide characterization study can give valuable information on newly discovered intact mucopolysaccharide. The compound fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FuCS) is a unique mucopolysaccharide having various bioactive properties reported only in targeted holothurians species. The monosaccharide composition of FuCS from a sea cucumber, Holothuria arenicola was studied by comparing a modified and conventional 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) derivatization method where tributylamine addition was found to improve the chromatographic conditions. The monosaccharide proportion of FuCS from H. arenicola was determined to be 1:1:0.44 for glucuronic acid: N-acetylgalactosamine: fucose, respectively. Thus, the FuCS monosaccharide ratio of H. arenicola was first reported and this method is more useful for structurally similar compound analysis.
Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142), a purple nonsulfur bacterium was isolated from mangrove hab... more Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142), a purple nonsulfur bacterium was isolated from mangrove habitats of Sabah. The effects of light intensities and photoperiods on proteolytic activity in Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142) were investigated. Secretion of proteolytic enzymes in Afifella marina was preliminarily assessed by skim milk agarose media. Subsequently, light intensities, such as, dark,
Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after... more Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after the realization that the capture fisheries have approached their maximum take and the land-based farming systems are facing serious constraints. Aquaculture should pursue the sustainable development goals to be able to deliver the expected supplies. It can do so by bringing about transformations consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Aquaculture influences the oceans and their ecosystem services negatively as well as positively, depending on the pathways of its development. It is pertinent to highlight the implications of both these impacts and present specific case scenarios that provide evidence of how the ecological aquaculture can benefit the environment, society and economy. Success of such aquaculture models can be measured through sustainability indicators. This paper elaborates these issues while providing an account of the role of aquaculture in food security.
Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after... more Contribution of aquaculture to global food security has increased significantly, especially after the realization that the capture fisheries have approached their maximum take and the land-based farming systems are facing serious constraints. Aquaculture should pursue the sustainable development goals to be able to deliver the expected supplies. It can do so by bringing about transformations consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Aquaculture influences the oceans and their ecosystem services negatively as well as positively, depending on the pathways of its development. It is pertinent to highlight the implications of both these impacts and present specific case scenarios that provide evidence of how the ecological aquaculture can benefit the environment, society and economy. Success of such aquaculture models can be measured through sustainability indicators. This paper elaborates these issues while providing an account of the role of aquaculture in food security.
Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA)
Stocking density can induce stress in fish in an aquaculture system if not handled properly, and ... more Stocking density can induce stress in fish in an aquaculture system if not handled properly, and the chronic stress may lead to mortality. Several studies have reported that the capability to deal with a range of stocking densities differs among fish species and maturity stage. Hence, fish larvae may have different resilience to stress from the adult fish. Milkfish larvae were reared in hatchery for 50 days using a recirculating culture system at four different stocking densities (8,12,16 and 20 larvae/liter). The growth performance was not significantly different (P>0.05) except at stocking density of 20 larvae/liter. The highest survival rate (88.04%) was recorded in the system with 8 larvae/liter while the lowest (55.44%) in the culture tank where stocking rate was 20 larvae/liter. The stocking density also influenced the RNA / DNA ratio of the milkfish larvae. The RNA/DNA ratio showed a pattern that was identical with that of sigmoid growth where stocking rate of 8, 12, and 1...
Fish wastes are the discarded parts include the internal organs, viscera, bones, trimmings, tails... more Fish wastes are the discarded parts include the internal organs, viscera, bones, trimmings, tails, fins and skin of fishes. These discarded portions while disposing of cause major environmental damage. Usually, the discarded parts of fishes are ground into fishmeal for livestock and aquaculture feed. This study was undertaken to explore biodiesel production based on the fatty acids composition. The fish waste sample was collected from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah fish market. The sample was drained for excess water and oven-dried at 55˚C-60˚C for complete dryness. Crude oils were extracted in petroleum ether in Soxhlet extraction method. Methylation of the extracted crude fish oil was carried out to yield fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). The FAME was analyzed by GCMS system and the reference to NIST library was used to identify the fatty acids present in the FAME. A total of 21 fatty acids were identified that composed of 53.53% saturated fatty acids (SFA), 22.1% monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and 24.37% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The important fatty acids [myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), palmitoleic acid (C16:1), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), linolenic acid (C18:3), docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6)] found in fish oil indicated the potentiality of biodiesel production if fish waste was stocked. The highest percentage of SFA causes higher viscosity, cetane number and density and hence these properties of biodiesel produced from the fish waste are expected to be high. Therefore, the fish waste has high potential of fatty acid in FAME to produce biodiesel through transesterification process.
Commercial fish hatchery generates waste both organic and inorganic; the sources are primarily fr... more Commercial fish hatchery generates waste both organic and inorganic; the sources are primarily from uneaten food and fish feces. Conventional methods of treating hatchery wastes will increase the operating cost and become extra burden in production. It is necessary to develop a new research application of this nonconventional resource and reduce the negative impacts of hatchery waste on the environment. The whole project is to utilize hatchery waste through bioprocess for probiotic fortified live feed production. In this study, the chemical composition of hatchery waste was determined to understand the suitability waste to get value-added derived products through bioprocess. Composite samples were collected everyday and dried in an oven at a temperature of 65˚C until complete dryness. Dried samples were mixed well and grinded into fine powder. The analytical parameters like total solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate were determined from the freshly collected samples. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were determined from the dry samples. Total solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate-phosphorus were observed in the ranged from 75-82 mg/L, 0.25-8.5 mg/L, 0.05-1.9 mg/L, 0.04-6.7 mg/L and 4.1-16.7 mg/L respectively. On the other hand, the mean content of 3.75% total nitrogen, 1.80% total phosphorus and 0.15% potassium were determined in dry hatchery wastes. The analytical parameters are useful and demonstrate that the nutrients in both fresh and dry waste will be supportive for the growth of microbes in the bioprocess system.
This experiment was conducted to determine the possibility of utilization of vegetable waste juic... more This experiment was conducted to determine the possibility of utilization of vegetable waste juice in the production of purple non-sulfur bacterium Afifella marina biomass. Bacterium was cultured in four diluted such as, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v) vegetable waste juices. In addition synthetic 112 media were used as control to compare the growth characteristics of Afifella marine. The bacterium Afifella marina grew well in 10% diluted vegetable waste juice in anaerobic light condition with the highest production of 5.02 g/l dry cell weight in fifth day of culture, whereas the highest total carotenoid production of 0.87 mg/g dry cell weight was recorded in third day of culture. The highest dry cell weight productions recorded in 10% of VWJ was significantly higher compared to four other treatments (F = 14.63; p = 0.00). However, the total carotenoid production of bacteria in 10% VWJ showed no significant difference compared to the carotenoid production in 112 synthetic media, but was significantly higher compared to three other treatments (P = 0.00). The bacterium, Afifella marina has the ability to use vegetable waste juice at certain level for the production of bacterial biomass.
Sustainable use of palm oil mill effluent (POME) has been the major focus in the recent developme... more Sustainable use of palm oil mill effluent (POME) has been the major focus in the recent development in palm oil industry due to the fact that environmental issue brought by POME. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum incubation period of purple non-sulphur bacterium (PNSB) in reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in settled POME and to determine the dry cell weight, TN, TP and cell yield of PNSB. Pure isolate of Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain UMSFW1 was cultured in settled POME under anaerobic condition at 2500 lux illumination on light intensity at a temperature of 30˚C ± 2˚C for 144-h. Parameters such as COD (mg/L), dry cell biomass (g/L), TP (mg/L) and TN (mg/L) in settled POME and bacterial cells were analyzed. A total reduction of TN (43.9%) in settled POME and a total increase of TN (43.2%) in bacterial cell were recorded at the end of experiment. At the same time the reduction of 51.5% chemical oxygen demand was determined from the POME. The highest dry cell weight of 2.44 g/L with cell yield 0.39 (mg/cell/mg COD) was achieved at the end of experiment. A total 24.7% of TP reduction in settled POME was achieved in 144-h culture, but while a maximum 10% of TP in bacterial cell was achieved in 48-h culture. This study shows that PNSB Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain UMSFW1 grows well by using settled POME as substrate and is capable to remove TN in the settled POME and assimilate into bacterial biomass. This study could provide us a further insight in the nutrient removal and COD removal in the bioremediation process by bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain UMSFW1.
Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) are well known for their ability in transforming organic substr... more Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) are well known for their ability in transforming organic substrates for their own source of nutrients. The nutritional values of leafy vegetable waste could be improved through bioconversion with PNSB. This study was conducted to access nutritional status of leafy vegetable waste bio-converted product and efficacy of derived product as aquaculture feed supplement. Proximate compositions of bio-converted leafy vegetable wastes were improved after 6 days with 30% inoculums of Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142). The crude proteins (%) and ashes (%) in derived product was increased to 51.7% and 19.6% respectively. On the other hand, the fiber (%) in the bio-converted derived product was decreased by 21%. During feeding trial in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), no significant differences were observed in the feed intake (g/fish/day), but significant differences were observed in the value of feed conversion ratio and weight gain (%) among the used diets. However, lower ingestion rate (g/d/fish) and better feed conversion ratio were obtained while fishes were fed with diet composed of commercial feed mixed with 5% of the bio-converted product. The higher ingestion rate (g/d/fish) and lower feed conversion ratio were observed with only commercial diet. There observed no significant differences in the ingestion rate (g/d/fish) and FCR values among the diet composed of commercial feed with 5% (D5) and 10% (D10) of the bio-converted product. The derived bio-converted product can be a promising approach to open new market segment in aquafeed industry.
Aquaculture industry is often generating waste that negatively impact to the environment. These w... more Aquaculture industry is often generating waste that negatively impact to the environment. These wastes are rich in nutrients. Seaweed can utilize these waste nutrients. This experiment was conducted in a flow-through system (FTS) and a recirculation system (RS) in land-based integrated multi-trophic aquaculture module using seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii as one of the components. The aim was to access the efficiency of the removal of nutrients in the integrated culture. Kappaphycus alvarezii was stocked at the density of 1 kg/tank in the rectangular plastic tank with 500 L of seawater. The waste generated from integrated multi-trophic aquaculture tanks was directed towards K. alvarezii culture tank. Water samples from inlet, outlet and inside of the culture tanks were drawn to determine the nutrients, namely, total nitrogen (mg/L) and total phosphorus (mg/L). Total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the seaweed sample and from the sediment of culture tanks were also analyzed. The total nitrogen amounting to 59.5% and 61.6% nitrogen was taken up by K. alvarezii in FTS and RS culture tank, respectively. The phosphorus showed the highest deposition of 61.1% and 31.6% in the sediment of in FTS and RS culture tanks respectively, whereas only 5.5% and 3.4% of phosphorus were taken up by K. alvarezii from FTS and RS culture tanks, respectively. The percentage of nitrogen remained in water was comparatively higher by 14.2% and 27.5% than phosphorus by 8.3% and 23.0% in water of both FTS and RS culture tanks, respectively. These results indicated that this species seaweed is efficient in the removal of nitrogen from both FTS and RS culture tank.
The compound fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from three sea cucumber species Holothuria atra, Sti... more The compound fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from three sea cucumber species Holothuria atra, Stichopus horrens, and Holothuria arenicola was extracted and purified using strong ion exchange chromatography. The structure and sulfation patterns on their fucose branches were partially characterized and compared using liquid, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, infrared spectrosco-py, and chemometrics. The monosaccharide composition was consistently a 1:1 molar ratio of glucuronic acid to N-acetylgalactosamine while the fucose molar ratio was statistically different among the three species. Normal IR spectra exhibited a broad band at the region of 850–830 cm À1 assigned to the sulfate CÀ ÀOÀ ÀS group. This band was resolved in the second derivative spectra into two or three bands corresponding to the difference of sulfation patterns among sea cucumber species. Principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed the difference in the sulfate substitution region with additional discrimination of the combination amide NÀ ÀH and C¼O group, sulfate S¼O region, and skeletal region 1050–980 cm À1. The hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) successfully grouped each sea cucumber FuCS in the same cluster. Nevertheless, the comparison of the FuCS structure was simplified using chemometrics analysis.
Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue / [bian ji, Zhongguo ke xue yuan huan jing ke xue wei yuan hui "Huan jing ke xue" bian ji wei yuan hui.], 2015
In order to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in Daning river sedimen... more In order to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in Daning river sediments and to investigate the relationship between nutrients and algal cells, samples were selected from 4 typical sampling sites, i. e. Caizi Dam, Baishui River, Shuanglong and Dachang. Vertical gravity mud samplers were used to collect the sediments from different layers within 20 cm in increment of 2 cm. Vertical distributions of TN, NH4(+)-N, NO3(-) -N, NO2(-) -N, TP, inorganic P and organic P in sediments of different sampling sites were investigated. And so was the vertical distribution of chlorophyll. Moreover, the correlation between chlorophyll and the nutrients was analyzed. Results showed that the contents of TN were the highest at the depth of 0.0-2.0 cm in the Caizi Dam sediments, and at the depth of 2.0-4.0 cm in the Baishui River sediments. The highest NH4(+) -N content occurred at 2.0-4.0 cm in the Caizi Dam sediments and at 4.0-6.0 cm in the Baishui River in January and Febr...
Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, 2015
Heavy metals are defined on the basis of three different criteria which including density, atomic... more Heavy metals are defined on the basis of three different criteria which including density, atomic number or their chemical properties. Radojevic et al. [13] have mentioned that heavy metals can be defined by density of such metals (5 g/cm 3) which is denser than water by five times. Yu [14] categorized metals as any elements with an atomic number of higher than 20 excluding alkaline metals, alkaline earth, lanthanides and actinides. In sewage water, concentration of Zn is found highest value compared to other heavy metals as shown in Table 1 [15].
Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FucCS) is structurally distinct glycosaminoglycans found from th... more Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FucCS) is structurally distinct glycosaminoglycans found from the sea cucumber body wall consisted of chondroitin sulfate type backbone with attached sulfated or nonsulfated fucose side chain. Structurally this compound plays an important role in maintaining the body wall integrity and possesses a wide spectrum of biological activities. Recently several glycosaminoglycans' structures have been solved to elucidate its physicochemical activity. The purpose of this review paper is to elaborate existing structural properties and functions, reporting over 30 years and systematically discussion herein.
Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques, 2014
Monosaccharide characterization study can give valuable information on newly discovered intact mu... more Monosaccharide characterization study can give valuable information on newly discovered intact mucopolysaccharide. The compound fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FuCS) is a unique mucopolysaccharide having various bioactive properties reported only in targeted holothurians species. The monosaccharide composition of FuCS from a sea cucumber, Holothuria arenicola was studied by comparing a modified and conventional 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) derivatization method where tributylamine addition was found to improve the chromatographic conditions. The monosaccharide proportion of FuCS from H. arenicola was determined to be 1:1:0.44 for glucuronic acid: N-acetylgalactosamine: fucose, respectively. Thus, the FuCS monosaccharide ratio of H. arenicola was first reported and this method is more useful for structurally similar compound analysis.
Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142), a purple nonsulfur bacterium was isolated from mangrove hab... more Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142), a purple nonsulfur bacterium was isolated from mangrove habitats of Sabah. The effects of light intensities and photoperiods on proteolytic activity in Afifella marina strain ME (KC205142) were investigated. Secretion of proteolytic enzymes in Afifella marina was preliminarily assessed by skim milk agarose media. Subsequently, light intensities, such as, dark,
Papers by Sujjat Azad