Books by Suharko Suharko

Environmental Movements and Politics of the Asian Anthropocene, 2021
“This collection provides a powerful and sophisticated analysis of how environmental movements in... more “This collection provides a powerful and sophisticated analysis of how environmental movements influence politics in Asia, and how politics influences movements.” (John Dryzek, University of Canberra)
“This important book reflects the challenges and questions currently foremost in scholars’, activists’ and policy- makers’ minds—the Anthropocene, environmental justice, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and post-politics—all addressed through the lens of environmental movements in Asia.” (Jonathan Rigg, University of Bristol)
“This book shows convincingly that the concept of Anthropocene is as relevant in Asia as anywhere.” (Philip Hirsch, University of Sydney)
“How have authoritarianism, democratization and political change affected environmentalism in East and Southeast Asia? How have environmental mobilization and demands for environmental justice at the grassroots influenced politics there? These are among the vital questions answered by this insightful and well-crafted volume.” (Paul Harris, Education University of Hong Kong)
“Despite its claims to universality, the Anthropocene concept remains largely a Western phenomenon. Yet the importance of Asia for the Anthropocene can hardly be overstated. This book is crucial in correcting this view by putting environmental movements in Asia center stage.” (Eva Horn, University of Vienna)
Papers by Suharko Suharko

ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2020
This paper aims to study ways of how eco-feminism and Islam are integrated ontologically and epis... more This paper aims to study ways of how eco-feminism and Islam are integrated ontologically and epistemologically by studying women who are conserving the environment in Pesantren Ath-Thaariq, Garut, West Java. The women seriously concern of the environment because of environmental crisis in Indonesia, espcially in Garut and because of muslim women who are rarely active to promote enviromental conservation. Therefore, this paper portrays ways and results of the integration of eco-feminism and Islam as seen in the women by using a qualitative research and applying feminism approach. In ontological approach, this study found that the women in the pesantren do not believe in dualism between humans (either women or men) and nature. They protect, conserve and love the nature with a concept of rahmatan li al-‘ālamīn (a blessing is for all God creations). In epistemological approach, they integrate local knowledge and Islam to interact with nature. They also implement principles of heterogene...
This paper discuses integration between Green Islam and an agro - ecological movement in establis... more This paper discuses integration between Green Islam and an agro - ecological movement in establishing food sovereignty practiced by a community of Pesantren Ath - Thariq Garut, West Java. They have struggled for food sovereignty through agricultural production models by prioritizing local wisdom, respecting to organisms, dividing land with zoning systems, planting with polyculture system, consuming diversified food, and self-mastering to make fertilizer. Furthermore, they also have preserved local and inherited seeds as an approach to cultivate their farming.
This article focuses on the relationship between NGOs and central government in promoting democra... more This article focuses on the relationship between NGOs and central government in promoting democratic governance in the post New Order Indonesia. In general, the government has tended to show a form of benign neglect in dealing with the NGO community, and NGOs have taken an ambiguous position in interacting with the government, somewhere between critical collaboration and confrontation. Under such modes of relationship, and supported by international donors, NGOs have sought to promote democratic governance. Even though there has been increasing political commitment to build democratic governance, so far, the government has made little progress. By combining cooperative and advocacy strategies, NGOs has made significant contributions to governance reform.

Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 2019
The article describes efforts to preserve local food culture. Local people previously consumed va... more The article describes efforts to preserve local food culture. Local people previously consumed various local food, but now they tend to consume rice and wheat as staple food. Food diversification policies and programs failed to encourage the people to reduce consumption of rice and wheat. As a consequence, availability of local food has reduced, and people tends to switch from consuming local food to rice and wheat-based food. In the context of domination of national (rice) and global (wheat) food culture, using Williams’s theory of culture, and based on case study method, the article delineates production, distribution and consumption of corn-based food in Pagerejo village, district of Wonosobo, province of Central Java. The local people of Pagerejo have preserved corn-based food culture as a residual culture. The corn-based food culture is a part of past food culture that has still lived and been practiced by the local people.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2017
Social confilct between indigenous community of Sedulur Sikep and PT SMS has arisen as a conseque... more Social confilct between indigenous community of Sedulur Sikep and PT SMS has arisen as a consequence of utilization of karst for cement plant in District of Pati, Central Java since 2010. Using secondary data collected from off line and on line media, and applying Wehr's model of conflict mapping, the article aims to map the conflict. For the corporation, karst can be mined and has a high economic value. For Sedulur Sikep, karst must be concerved because it covers water reservoir that is vital for its agricultural livelihood. From 2010 to 2014, while Sedulur Sikep continuesly rejected the establishment of the plant, PT SMS had completed environmental impact analysis. After Head of Pati district launched an environmental licence for PT SMS in the end of 2014, the two parties of conflict had been head to head in two levels of the administrative courts (PTUN Semarang and PTTUN Surabaya). The verdicts of court are not able to end the conflict yet. Opportunity to solve the conflict w...

Asian Social Science, 2015
This article presents a case study of a youth oriented-environmental NGO, Koalisi Pemuda Hijau In... more This article presents a case study of a youth oriented-environmental NGO, Koalisi Pemuda Hijau Indonesia (KOPHI), which has experienced rapid growth in recent years in Indonesia. As a network organization, KOPHI has been able to accommodate youth in many cities throughout Indonesia, especially in prompting university students to get involved in numerous environmental actions. Its main activity is environmental conservation that is able to involve children, youth and communities in a number of cities. In contrast to established environmental NGOs, KOPHI has also been able to develop a mechanism for self-financing, so that it is not dependent on foreign aid agencies. The capacity of KOPHI in implementing the three dimensions of the strategic triangle (value creation, support & legitimacy, and operational capacity) is a key to the success in the sustainable growth of the organization and in its role in conserving the environment in Indonesia.

Tourism: An international Interdisciplinary Journal, 2018
Th is article discusses the institutional conformance of Halal Certifi cation Organisation (HCO) ... more Th is article discusses the institutional conformance of Halal Certifi cation Organisation (HCO) to the development of Halal Tourism Industry (HTI). It seeks to understand how the HCO, which provides Halal certifi cation for wideranging products in the tourism industry, performs the institutional adjustment towards changes in its surrounding environment. In so doing, this article utilises institutional theory and instrumental qualitative case study approach to examine two notable HCOs in Indonesia and Th ailand, namely Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and the Central Islamic Committee of Th ailand (CICOT) based on Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI). Despite the unchanging organisational forms and structures, the two HCOs have been developing innovative functions and measures to adapt the institutional pressure of HTI. Adapting to the rapid development of HTI, the two HCOs provided Halal certifi cate for Muslim consumers' protection, increased export of goods to a number of Muslim co...

ABSTRAK Kejadian bencana terus meningkat di Indonesia. Sebagian besar dari kejadian bencana ters... more ABSTRAK Kejadian bencana terus meningkat di Indonesia. Sebagian besar dari kejadian bencana tersebut merupakan bencana lingkungan hidup seperti angin puting beliung, banjir dan tanah longsor, yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh gejala perubahan iklim. Tulisan ini berkaitan dengan tindakan menghadapi bencana lingkungan hidup terutama pada kondisi normal atau prabencana. Bencana lingkungan hidup disebabkan oleh intervensi manusia terhadap alam terutama melalui aktivitas industri seperti produksi, konsumsi dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam lainnya. Karena itu, bencana lingkungan hidup adalah bagian inheren dari modernisasi dan bencana lingkungan hidup adalah konsekuensi modernisasi. Dalam alur perpektif tersebut, pendidikan lingkungan memiliki peran strategis dalam mencegah dan mengurangi resiko bencana lingkungan hidup. Praktik pendidikan lingkungan perlu memfasilitasi berbagai proses belajar pada ranah kognitif dan kesadaran, sikap dan perilaku, dan tindakan kolektif untuk melembagakan peril...
Environmental Movements and Politics of the Asian Anthropocene

JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
Cosmopolitanism among migrant workers may present as the result of interpretations between transn... more Cosmopolitanism among migrant workers may present as the result of interpretations between transnational mobility, class, and cultural intermediary. Applying the ethnographic method this research was carried out during 2018-2019, which took Indonesian student-migrant workers aged 20-35 years in South Korea as informants. Travel and immigration, and higher education experiences have left Indonesian migrant workers at work in any places both in and out of campus areas. These practices show that the broader social, cultural, and individual agendas are one way of recognizing a new cosmopolitanism. There are two factors influence the cosmopolitanism process of Indonesian migrant workers; first, the transnational migration process. Second, the process of cultural intermediation in universities. This study reveals significant differences in how Indonesian migrant workers respond to the possibilities and opportunities of transnational mobility, from developing the cultural acceptance skills...
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan
This article outlines the role of rural women in diversification of local foods in Indonesia, spe... more This article outlines the role of rural women in diversification of local foods in Indonesia, specifically cassava. Cassava is the third main staple food in Indonesia, after rice and corn. By referring to the concept of food security and food diversification, and using the case study method, this article describes and discusses rural women’s innovations and business initiatives in developing nutritious processed cassava products in Gunungkidul Regency. These products are available at various outlets and are accessible and affordable to the public. Rural women have become the main actors in the diversification of local foods while also playing an important role in creating food security that has become a strategic agenda in Indonesia.

This article aims at proposing an analysis formula on how the mechanism of cultural intermediarie... more This article aims at proposing an analysis formula on how the mechanism of cultural intermediaries done by Indonesian migrant worker student. The subject of this study were Indonesia migrant worker students in Korea undertaking higher education while under the contract as migrant workers. Various previous research on migrant workers mostly put them as "those who are powerless or unskilled." The emergence of these migrant worker students reflects that there is a change in values in viewing immaterial consumption by migrant workers. There is a kind of trendsetter (role model) that might influence them to enter the university as well as mediate new culture to other migrant workers. In this context, they are mediating the importance of having a higher education. Cultural intermediaries have an important role in creating a new social class. Many research reported, those involved in the work of cultural intermediaries include music critics, fashion directors, bloggers, stylists,...

Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif
The general condition of river in Indonesia is degraded and polluted. River restoration is effort... more The general condition of river in Indonesia is degraded and polluted. River restoration is effort to recover the function and natural condition of river. The government has implemented programs to improve some degraded rivers. Civil society organizations (CSO) and communities have initiated various actions to restore the rivers in some regions. By positioning the concept of river restoration as part of environmental movement, the article describes the Karang Mumus river restoration initiated by a CSO in the city of Samarinda. The CSO has practiced environmental education as an entry point and platform of actions for river restoration. The environmental education has engaged individuals and social groups in the city. They have learned and practiced actions to restore the river. Even though the more actions are still needed to recover the river, to some extent the CSO has been able to put river restoration as a centre of environmental activism in the city. Kondisi umum sungai-sungai d...
Books by Suharko Suharko
“This important book reflects the challenges and questions currently foremost in scholars’, activists’ and policy- makers’ minds—the Anthropocene, environmental justice, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and post-politics—all addressed through the lens of environmental movements in Asia.” (Jonathan Rigg, University of Bristol)
“This book shows convincingly that the concept of Anthropocene is as relevant in Asia as anywhere.” (Philip Hirsch, University of Sydney)
“How have authoritarianism, democratization and political change affected environmentalism in East and Southeast Asia? How have environmental mobilization and demands for environmental justice at the grassroots influenced politics there? These are among the vital questions answered by this insightful and well-crafted volume.” (Paul Harris, Education University of Hong Kong)
“Despite its claims to universality, the Anthropocene concept remains largely a Western phenomenon. Yet the importance of Asia for the Anthropocene can hardly be overstated. This book is crucial in correcting this view by putting environmental movements in Asia center stage.” (Eva Horn, University of Vienna)
Papers by Suharko Suharko
“This important book reflects the challenges and questions currently foremost in scholars’, activists’ and policy- makers’ minds—the Anthropocene, environmental justice, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and post-politics—all addressed through the lens of environmental movements in Asia.” (Jonathan Rigg, University of Bristol)
“This book shows convincingly that the concept of Anthropocene is as relevant in Asia as anywhere.” (Philip Hirsch, University of Sydney)
“How have authoritarianism, democratization and political change affected environmentalism in East and Southeast Asia? How have environmental mobilization and demands for environmental justice at the grassroots influenced politics there? These are among the vital questions answered by this insightful and well-crafted volume.” (Paul Harris, Education University of Hong Kong)
“Despite its claims to universality, the Anthropocene concept remains largely a Western phenomenon. Yet the importance of Asia for the Anthropocene can hardly be overstated. This book is crucial in correcting this view by putting environmental movements in Asia center stage.” (Eva Horn, University of Vienna)