Papers archaeology by bambang Sugiyanto
Papers by bambang Sugiyanto

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 8, 2011
Karstic environments provide a large range of rock-shelters and cave-nets and have always been "g... more Karstic environments provide a large range of rock-shelters and cave-nets and have always been "goldmines" for archaeologists, since they allow a better conservation of remains. Therefore, the first investigations conducted in East Kalimantan by Franco-Indonesian teams have focused on the numerous and impressive karst ranges and outcrops. More than 150 caves and rock-shelters have been surveyed since 1992 in the East Kutai district only, including 36 ornate caves containing a very specific rock art expression. Archaeological excavations, since 2003 in cooperation with central and local Indonesian authorities, have provided important insights into human history from the past (from 12,500 YBP) until the protocontemporary periods, in a large triangular area (Sangkulirang-Bengalone-Merapun). After seven years of investigations in the deserted area of GunungMarang, our project has moved 50km northwest towards the Merabu district (south of Berau Province), where large karstic outcrops and a complex rock art expression are present. In addition, Lebbo' local communities are still occupying these remote territories, with a relatively traditional way of life. Excavations conducted in Liang Abu, since 2009, have been an exceptional opportunity to combine complementary approaches, including ethno-historical, ethno-linguistic, archaeological (ceramic, lithic, archaeozoology) and genetic investigations. This aims to explore genetic and cultural links between Lebbo" communities and their living neighbours, their putative ancestors buried or deposited in caves and rock cracks and broader issues related to the settlement processes, origin and dispersal of the Lebbo" communities linked to karstic environment.

Quaternary International, Sep 1, 2016
This study is the first in-depth archaeological examination of a pottery assemblage found in the ... more This study is the first in-depth archaeological examination of a pottery assemblage found in the Indonesian part of Borneo Island. It aims to balance the regional knowledge of this large island, since the majority of information comes from sites located in the Malaysian northern part. Excavations in the Liang Abu rock shelter (East Kalimantan) led to the discovery and analysis of 1104 potsherds. The discussion on the upper part of the stratigraphy is based on the refitting relations between sherds. We propose some methodological improvements on the refitting analysis, based on the use of graph theory. The main ceramic layer is radiocarbon dated to 1672 ± 21 BP and 1524 ± 22 BP. Results from the petrographic analyses carried out on six sherds are presented and give a reference for future comparative investigations. Vessel morphology and stylistic features are presented, including those of red-slipped, cord-marked and incised pottery sherds. These results are discussed within the context of the settlement history in the Eastern part of Borneo and issues specific to archaeological investigations in tropical regions.
Trans-Disciplinary Asia Karst International Conference, Jan 8, 2012

Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul), Nov 8, 2022
The purpose of this paper (part two) was to describe the features of the rock painting "Burung En... more The purpose of this paper (part two) was to describe the features of the rock painting "Burung Enggang" around 5,000 years ago from the Bukit Bangakai site, Dukuhrejo village, Mantewe, Batu Licin. This place was conducted a programme of public service in 2017-2022. The features of this rock art were similar to bird Enggang. The Kanayatan Dayak tribe has preserved the Enggang symbol through their daily lives, including through humming or musical creativity to this day. In the cosmology of the Kanayatan Dayak community, the Enggang bird was believed to be the first created animal ("Jubata nange, Ne' pantanpa-Ne' pajaji"). Furthermore, the creation of other creatures as inhabitants of the universe. As the first living being created by God (Jubata), the Enggang is responsible for caring for forest life." Meanwhile, Kalimantan universities were founded in the 1960s (60s last year). On the other side, universities

Naditira Widya
Perubahan nomenklatur terutama pada instansi penelitian arkeologi di Indonesia dan instansi penge... more Perubahan nomenklatur terutama pada instansi penelitian arkeologi di Indonesia dan instansi pengelolaan cagar budaya berpengaruh pada pengelolaan cagar budayanya. Dengan bergabungnya Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional dan Balai Arkeologi ke dalam struktur organisasi Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, maka nomenklatur lembaga penelitian arkeologi pun berubah. Nomenklatur baru tersebut adalah Organisasi Riset Arkeologi, Bahasa, dan Sastra yang mempunyai tujuh pusat riset, yaitu tiga menyelenggarakan penelitian arkeologi, dan empat melaksanakan penelitian bahasa, sastra, dan manuskrip. Sementara perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Riset dan Teknologi adalah penggabungan dua unit pelaksana teknis, yaitu Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya, menjadi Balai Pelestarian Kebudayaan. Perubahan di atas berpengaruh pada pengelolaan cagar budaya di Indonesia. Bagaimana pengaruhnya dan bagaimana kemitra...

The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
In recent decades, East Borneo has become an increasingly important archaeological "hot-spot" in ... more In recent decades, East Borneo has become an increasingly important archaeological "hot-spot" in Island Southeast Asia as a result of early dates for rock art ca. 38,000 BP and the greater number of excavated sites that support a much longer period of human occupation. However, the chronology of settlement and adaptation to environmental changes during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition is still poorly known. Here we report on an excavation at the Liang Abu rock shelter which has contexts dating from the Late Pleistocene (12,660 ± 58 uncal. BP) to the present day, indicating a terminus ante quem (TAQ) for human occupation at 23,790 BP. We present the results of an attempt to systematically integrate and compare data from Liang Abu and Kimanis, a geographically close site with a previously published sequence. Particular attention is paid to post-depositional issues in tropical settings and to data compatibility, reuse, and reproducibility, relying on open-source software for data processing (R scripts) and Bayesian chronological modeling. Two Bayesian models are built and compared using the ChronoModel software, which can handle outliers and uncertainty (e.g., freshwater reservoir effect). This first inter-site comparison for Borneo results in a new chronology of human settlement and mainland-coastal interactions in East Borneo and paves the way for future regional synthesis.
Berkala Arkeologi, 2005
Perubahan nilai dan makna Baluntang bisa terjadi karena adanya beberapa faktor penyebab, seperti ... more Perubahan nilai dan makna Baluntang bisa terjadi karena adanya beberapa faktor penyebab, seperti misalnya adanya penggabungan kepercayaan lama (Kaharingan) dalam agama Hindu. Penggabungan ini membawa dampak terhadap perilaku mereka terhadap adat ritual tradisi lama. Meskipun dalam kenyataannya mereka tetap melaksanakan upacara adat ritual lama, tetapi pelaksanaan upacara tersebut hanyalah rutinitas belaka sebagai perwujudan rasa hormat mereka terhadap leluhur. Dengan kondisi dan latarbelakang demikian tentunya apa yang dilakukan itu akan memberi kesan yang kurang baik, karena di hati mereka ada pertentangan batin yang cukup hebat antara menghormati leluhur dengan mematuhi ajaran agama yang baru.
Jurnal Arkeologi Siddhayatra Vol.5 No.2 Tahun 2000 kali ini menerbitkan beberapa karya ilmiah. Di... more Jurnal Arkeologi Siddhayatra Vol.5 No.2 Tahun 2000 kali ini menerbitkan beberapa karya ilmiah. Diantaranya Bambang Sugiyanto menerbitkan karya "Hubungan Manusia dan Bintang pada Budaya Megalitik Pasemah (Tinjauan atas Arca Megalitik dan Lukisan Dinding Kubur)". Kristantina Indriastuti kali ini membahas "Kajian Arkeologi Keruangan dalam Menentukan Pola Sebaran Situs-Situs Megalitik di Provinsi Bengkulu". Retno Purwanti membahas "Latar Belakang Pendirian Prasasti Telaga Batu". Agustijanto menyumbang karyanya yang berjudul "Arca Garuda dari Candi Sukuh". Terkahir Octaviadi Abrianto yang berkolaborasi dengan Aryandini Novita menghasilkan karya dengan judul "Tipologi Bangunan Kolonial di Batavia Abad XVII-XIX"
Buku Kemaritiman Nusantara ini berisi tulisan tentang aktivitas masyarakat Nusantara yang mencerm... more Buku Kemaritiman Nusantara ini berisi tulisan tentang aktivitas masyarakat Nusantara yang mencerminkan adanya hubungan yang erat antar kelompok masyarakat di Nusantara dengan lingkungan bahari. Berbagai temuan arkeologis yang terkumpul di dalam buku ini memperlihatkan bagaimana peradaban yang tumbuh di Nusantara tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kehidupan bahari yang melingkupinya. Seperti halnya relief kapal yang ditemukan di Candi Borobudur yang mencerminkan kemampuan masyarakat Jawa kuno dalam mengarungi samudera luas. Kapal tersebut merupakan angkutan besar yang membawa pengaruh Indonesia jauh mengarungi Samudera Hindia selama berabad-abad
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Papers archaeology by bambang Sugiyanto
Papers by bambang Sugiyanto