Papers by Stijn Van Der Krogt
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public.

Social Science Research Network, Sep 24, 2020
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions, views, and opinions of chief te... more Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions, views, and opinions of chief technology officers (CTO) of software development firms (SDF) about how and why machine learning (ML) methodologies might be used to support foreign market evaluation and selection decisions. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative research was conducted. The research design is a multiple case study with six semi-structured, in depth interviews with CTOs of SDFs and corporate documents about ML applications from the case study firms as sources of evidence. Findings: The results of this multiple case study suggest the following four findings: 1) The usage of ML to support foreign market evaluation and selection decisions has the potential to improve quality and efficiency, 2) data availability is a key factor of ML to support foreign market evaluation and selection decisions, 3) "easy to use" and "easy to interpret" machine learning supervised methods are the most suitable to support foreign market evaluation and selection decisions, and 4) existing ML development methodologies can be applied to support market evaluation and selection decisions. These findings have a limited generalizability due to the research methodology and are valid only for these case study firms. Research/practical implications: The results of this study might be relevant for researchers who are interested in a further digitalization of decision-making processes. The results might also be relevant for practitioners to better understand the use of ML methodologies in complex and financially important decision-making processes like the evaluation and selection of foreign markets. Originality/value: This work integrated fundamental theories of internationalization based on the works of Johanson and Vahlne in the Uppsala Internationalization Process Model with the concepts and methodologies of machine learning, whose relationship is yet not covered by the academic discourse.
SMART 2021, The Tenth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies, May 30, 2021
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

INTL: Descriptive Studies in Emerging Markets (Topic), 2020
Purpose: This study aims to examine the manner in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) ... more Purpose: This study aims to examine the manner in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Paraguay choose to internationalize, by dissecting their internationalization process and comparing the process to the framework described in the Uppsala internationalization process model (UIPM). The research follows a comparative multiple case-study approach, analyzing the internationalization of 62 Paraguayan companies. The chronology and the reasoning behind internationalization decisions are researched and compared to the UIPM to determine whether Paraguayan SMEs internationalize according to the UIPM. <br><br>Design/methodology/approach: The research follows a multiple case-study design, based on interviews with 62 entrepreneurs and senior managers, and data collected from their Paraguayan SMEs about their internationalization behavior using a purposive sampling method. Data analysis happened to dissect the similarities and differences so as to create patterns and th...

Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 2020
The quality of life in Latin American cities is negatively affected by inefficient public transpo... more The quality of life in Latin American cities is negatively affected by inefficient public transport systems, low levels of mobility and an increased use of cars. The hours lost in traffic, environmental and noise pollution are just some of the negative effects of inefficient public transport systems that call for more efficient and effective transport systems. Searching for a solution, various cities in the region have started with initiatives to improve efficiency through a better integration of public transport services. Yet they are encountering a series of challenges including the lack of long-term strategies, financial resources, resistance of transport operators, limited application of information and communication technologies (ICT) and a limited use of bank accounts among users. This research seeks to derive lessons to overcome these challenges from the experiences of smart cities with advanced public transport systems including Singapore, Hong Kong, Stockholm, Munich and San Francisco. These cities have demonstrated that successful mobility and integration strategies depend on different strategies including the preparation and continuous monitoring of long-term plans, new public procurement processes for the development of the transport infrastructure and exploitation of public transport services and additional taxation modalities. The research demonstrates that cities in Latin America need to adopt a combination of these strategies to overcome key public transport challenges and to achieve more effective integration of public transport services and high levels of mobility in the region.
International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 2017
This study examines the internationalisation of high-tech start-up firms (HSFs) from small and op... more This study examines the internationalisation of high-tech start-up firms (HSFs) from small and open economies (SMOPECs). It explores how HSFs may differ in their speed of internationalisation relying on information collected via interviews with the CEOs or founders of 32 HSFs that operate internationally. It uses a comparative cross-national multiple-case study research design to answer the research questions. The findings provide the basis for developing propositions for further comparative analyses of the early and fast internationalisation of HSFs based in emerging and developed markets. The study contributes to the literature on networks, internationalisation and international entrepreneurship.
Technology Innovation Management Review, 2018

Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence, 2019
Mobility and the integration of public transport are concepts that are consolidating more and mor... more Mobility and the integration of public transport are concepts that are consolidating more and more on a global scale and Latin America it is not the exception. The need to establish more inclusive and sustainable public transport programs has brought larger cities in Latin America to seek new ways to enhance mobility and integration of transport systems. In this paper, we analyze the level of mobility and integration of public transport systems in eight Latin American cities. For each city we applied the mobility integration index introduced by Cohen [1] and Kamargianni [2] considering key factors including ticket and payment integration, use of information and communication technologies (ICT), institutional integration, clean energy transport and mobility packages. The study indicates that Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and Buenos Aires have made most advances in implementing a more integrated and mobile public transport system, with São Paulo, Santiago de Chile and Curitiba showing an intermediate level of integration and Lima and Bogota struggling to achieve higher levels of mobility. While the study indicates that integrated mobility programs are taking off in Latin America, faster development is limited by multiple factors including a lacking vision on inclusive and sustainable public transport, resistance from transport operators, limitations in ICT infrastructure and limited financial resources to embark on mayor mobility programs in the region. Given that this research is limited to a comparison of Latin American cities and to advance with much needed mobility in the region, it is recommended to conduct further research and derive lessons learned from smart cities with more advanced levels of mobility in public transport in Europe or Asia.
Investigación Agraria, Nov 5, 2020
This study examines the internationalization of high-tech start-up firms (HSF) from small and ope... more This study examines the internationalization of high-tech start-up firms (HSF) from small and open economies (SMOPEC). It explores how HSF may differ in their speed of internationalization relying on information collected via interviews with the CEOs or founders of 32 HSF that operate internationally. It uses a comparative cross-national multiple case study research design to answer the research questions. The findings provide the basis for developing propositions for further comparative analyses of the early and fast internationalization of HSF based in emerging and developed markets. The study contributes to the literature on networks, internationalization and international entrepreneurship.

This report describes a monitoring and evaluation instrument to be used to measure the role of II... more This report describes a monitoring and evaluation instrument to be used to measure the role of IICD in assisting its partners in the South and the development impact of local projects supported by IICD. The instrument has been developed with experts in the Netherlands and with project partners in selected partners countries. The Monitoring and Evaluation system is built on two instruments including questionnaires and focus group sessions. The questionnaires provide insight information on the profile of the users, the satisfaction with the assistance provided by IICD and local partners, and on the development impact on the individual users of the project. To analyse the results of the questionnaires, an annual focus group session is organised with the project managers. These focus group sessions are set up to analyse and compare the results for all projects in a country and to provide recommendations to improve the projects. The findi ngs of the questionnaires and focus group are pre...
Papers by Stijn Van Der Krogt