A new species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated region of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia... more A new species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated region of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia is described and illustrated, and compared with similar species. It is distinguished from other Cyrtochilum species by the violet color of the sepals and petals, in combination with the pandurate lip lamina with a large and protruding nose-like central callus keel.
A new species of Cyrtochilum from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia is described and illustrated... more A new species of Cyrtochilum from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia is described and illustrated. The new species is most similar to the pink-flowered Cyrtochilum distans but is distinguished by its white and yellow-green flowers with spreading sepals and a pink lip with a basally yellow and apically white callus consisting of two parallel keels ( vs . pink lateral sepals that are fused to about half or more of their length and a white callus consisting of two basal and two apical spreading keels).
A new and previously little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), is named in honor and in... more A new and previously little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), is named in honor and in memory of Leonore Bockemühl, who published a monographic treatment of Odontoglossum in 1989, which included many species that subsequently were transferred to Cyrtochilum based on molecular evidence. One of these species that was included in her treatment as “Odontoglossum leucopterum” is in fact an undescribed Cyrtochilum and is described here. The real “Odontoglossum leucopterum”, which was transferred to Cyrtochilum in 2001, has proven to be quite elusive since its original description. It was only recently photographed in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia, its only known location, and photos of this rare orchid are featured here for the first time. The new Cyrtochilum is described, illustrated and compared with closely related Cyrtochilum species which are featured with line drawings and color photographs to illustrate the differences.
A new small-flowered Cyrtochilum from Peru is described, illustrated with photos and drawings, an... more A new small-flowered Cyrtochilum from Peru is described, illustrated with photos and drawings, and compared to similar species. The new species is similar to C. fidicularium and C. gracile in having extra thumb-like projections above the rounded ventral lobes of the column but differs from C. fidicularium by the more sharply pointed and forward projecting callus keels on the lip and by a longer front-lobe of the lip, versus blunt and downward directed lobes in C. fidicularium. The new species differs readily from C. gracile by the long and wiry inflorescence, versus a more sub-erect and straighter panicle in C. gracile.
A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It i... more A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It is featured with color photos and a map showing its only known locality. The new species is compared with the other three spotted Chiloschista species from Bhutan: C. densiflora, C. gelephuense, and C. himalaica, which have similarly colored flowers, but different lip structure, and the differences are explained and illustrated.
A new species of Chiloschista Lindl. from western Thailand is described and illustrated with a li... more A new species of Chiloschista Lindl. from western Thailand is described and illustrated with a line drawing and photographs. It is compared with the sympatric C. parishii Seidenf., from which it differs in having larger flowers, which are 11–12 mm across versus 8–10 mm across for C. parishii. The new species also distinctly differs in having widely spreading rostellum lobes and a viscidium that is as broad as the length of the stipe, as opposed to downward directed rostellum lobes and a viscidium that is distinctly narrower than the length of the stipe for C. parishii. The same distinguishing features separate the new species from the similarly colored C. trudelii Seidenf., which has inward-directed rostellum lobes and a viscidium that is distinctly narrower than the length of the stipe. Key words: Epidendroideae, new Chiloschista, Thailand orchid flora, Vandeae
A new small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated range of the Condor mountai... more A new small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated range of the Condor mountains in Ecuador is described and illustrated with a line drawing and a photograph of the holotype. It shares morphological features with several different-looking groups of Cyrtochilum, such as the two generitypes of the genus: C. undulatum and C. flexuosum, as well as with plants in the C. myanthum complex. These groups are treated as three separate genera by some (Cyrtochilum, Trigonochilum and Dasyglossum, respectively), but the combination of morphological features seen in our new species brings the groups together into one polymorphic but genetically monophyletic genus. Key words: Condor, Cyrtochilum, new species, Oncidiinae
A new and unusual-looking Cyrtochilum species is described, compared with the possibly closely re... more A new and unusual-looking Cyrtochilum species is described, compared with the possibly closely related Cyrtochilum leucopterum and illustrated by drawings and a photograph of the holotype. It is distinguished from Cyrtochilum leucopterum by having an elongate basal portion of the lip with erect lateral lobes, and a trilobed front lamina with a glabrous, blunt and thickened bilobed lip callus, versus what appears to be more horizontally spreading lateral lip lobes, and a densely micro-pubescent apically multifid lip callus for the latter species. The new species also has some purported silica bodies of unknown significance visible in plant and flower parts, which are not present in C. leucopterum. Key Words: Colombia, Cyrtochilum leucopterum, Helmuth Schmidt-Mumm, Oncidiinae, new species
A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It i... more A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It is compared with C. parishii from Myanmar and Thailand, which has similarly colored flowers and from which it differs by the larger flowers, 15–18 mm versus 8–10 mm, and the lack of a glandular and pubescent, erect and curved callus lobe inside the lip, which is generally seen in other similarly colored species of this genus. Key Words: Aeridinae, Bhutan, Himalaya, new Chiloschista, Orchidaceae, Vandeae
Two species, originally described as Odontoglossum amphiglottis and Odontoglossum sodiroi are her... more Two species, originally described as Odontoglossum amphiglottis and Odontoglossum sodiroi are here transferred to Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), based on molecular data and morphological features, accompanied by brief discussions about their taxonomic background and natural history, and illustrated with line drawings and photographs. Both species were previously considered to be synonyms of C. ramosissimum by the author of this paper and others, due to limited access of type material. But recent field discoveries reveal that a much stouter growth habit and distinctly corymbose inflorescences distinguish O. amphiglottis from C. ramosissimum. In the case of O. sodiroi the smoothly rounded pair of basal lip calli, which are marginally covered externally by the ventral flanks of the column, distinguish this species from C. ramosissimum, which has more or less denticulate basal callus keels on the lip, and where the ventral columnar flanks are marginally placed between these keel...
A new golden yellow small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum is described and illustrated with a lin... more A new golden yellow small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum is described and illustrated with a line drawing and photographs. It is compared with superficially similar species in the C. aureum complex, in which the new species differs by the lack of lacerate column wings typical for that group. It is distinguished from all other known small-flowered Cyrtochilum species by the golden yellow color in combination with the distinctly pandurate lip lamina where the front lobe is wider than the basal lobes combined. Key Words: Ancash, Cyrtochilum, new species, Oncidiinae, Peru
A new small-flowered natural Odontoglossum hybrid from northwestern Ecuador is described and illu... more A new small-flowered natural Odontoglossum hybrid from northwestern Ecuador is described and illustrated with a line drawing and a photograph. The novelty is compared with its sympatric parent species, Odontoglossum armatum and O. mirandum. The flower of the new natural hybrid has shorter erect lateral lip-lobes compared to those for O. mirandum, but distinctly longer erect lateral lip-lobes compared to those for O. armatum, which are basically lacking altogether. The taxonomic status of the variable O. mirandum is briefly discussed. Key words: Ecuador, new hybrid, Odontoglossum, Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae
A new species of Oliveriana is described and illustrated. It is compared with and distinguished f... more A new species of Oliveriana is described and illustrated. It is compared with and distinguished from all other listed members of the genus by a unique combination of distinct features, such as the extremely elongate and narrow leaves, and a flower with a fleshy triangular lip. It is speculated here that this new species may be self-pollinating due to the high success of seed pod production, which is unusual among genera in Oncidiinae.
A new and attractive but little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), which was previously... more A new and attractive but little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), which was previously misidentified as Cyrtochilum aemulum, is named in honor of the 95th birthdays of Carlyle August and Jane Hortense Pfeiffenberger Luer of Sarasota, Florida, the most prolific orchid research couple the world has ever known. The background of how the author first became acquainted with the legendary researchers is featured here together with color photographs of them taken by the author on various occasions during their long career. The new Cyrtochilum is described, illustrated and compared with the rather similarly colored C. aemulum. The new species is distinguished from it by the combination of geniculated and shortly spathulate bases of the petals and a glabrous, more erect and more complex lip callus versus shortly unguiculate bases of the petals and a finely micro-pubescent and a horizontally flatter and more simple lip-callus of C. aemulum.
For a variety of reasons and from a taxonomic point of view, this is not an easy group of plants ... more For a variety of reasons and from a taxonomic point of view, this is not an easy group of plants to deal with. Traditionally, in this particular case, taxonomists have focused on a few morphologic features, generally associated with some flower details, particularly the angle between the column and the lip. Species with similar looking flowers, with regards to the chosen important taxonomic features favored at the time, have ended up in the same genus despite displaying many different-looking features otherwise, such as vegetative and micro-morphologic structures. Since molecular research focusing on DNA sequencing has arrived on the scene as an additional tool for systematists, we realize that vegetative features are very important in revealing close or distant relationships. Also micro-morphology has an important role to play here, while flower color, odor and general shape can be misleading and appear to be evolutionary plastic adaptations to available pollinators.
A new species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated region of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia... more A new species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated region of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia is described and illustrated, and compared with similar species. It is distinguished from other Cyrtochilum species by the violet color of the sepals and petals, in combination with the pandurate lip lamina with a large and protruding nose-like central callus keel.
A new species of Cyrtochilum from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia is described and illustrated... more A new species of Cyrtochilum from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia is described and illustrated. The new species is most similar to the pink-flowered Cyrtochilum distans but is distinguished by its white and yellow-green flowers with spreading sepals and a pink lip with a basally yellow and apically white callus consisting of two parallel keels ( vs . pink lateral sepals that are fused to about half or more of their length and a white callus consisting of two basal and two apical spreading keels).
A new and previously little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), is named in honor and in... more A new and previously little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), is named in honor and in memory of Leonore Bockemühl, who published a monographic treatment of Odontoglossum in 1989, which included many species that subsequently were transferred to Cyrtochilum based on molecular evidence. One of these species that was included in her treatment as “Odontoglossum leucopterum” is in fact an undescribed Cyrtochilum and is described here. The real “Odontoglossum leucopterum”, which was transferred to Cyrtochilum in 2001, has proven to be quite elusive since its original description. It was only recently photographed in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia, its only known location, and photos of this rare orchid are featured here for the first time. The new Cyrtochilum is described, illustrated and compared with closely related Cyrtochilum species which are featured with line drawings and color photographs to illustrate the differences.
A new small-flowered Cyrtochilum from Peru is described, illustrated with photos and drawings, an... more A new small-flowered Cyrtochilum from Peru is described, illustrated with photos and drawings, and compared to similar species. The new species is similar to C. fidicularium and C. gracile in having extra thumb-like projections above the rounded ventral lobes of the column but differs from C. fidicularium by the more sharply pointed and forward projecting callus keels on the lip and by a longer front-lobe of the lip, versus blunt and downward directed lobes in C. fidicularium. The new species differs readily from C. gracile by the long and wiry inflorescence, versus a more sub-erect and straighter panicle in C. gracile.
A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It i... more A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It is featured with color photos and a map showing its only known locality. The new species is compared with the other three spotted Chiloschista species from Bhutan: C. densiflora, C. gelephuense, and C. himalaica, which have similarly colored flowers, but different lip structure, and the differences are explained and illustrated.
A new species of Chiloschista Lindl. from western Thailand is described and illustrated with a li... more A new species of Chiloschista Lindl. from western Thailand is described and illustrated with a line drawing and photographs. It is compared with the sympatric C. parishii Seidenf., from which it differs in having larger flowers, which are 11–12 mm across versus 8–10 mm across for C. parishii. The new species also distinctly differs in having widely spreading rostellum lobes and a viscidium that is as broad as the length of the stipe, as opposed to downward directed rostellum lobes and a viscidium that is distinctly narrower than the length of the stipe for C. parishii. The same distinguishing features separate the new species from the similarly colored C. trudelii Seidenf., which has inward-directed rostellum lobes and a viscidium that is distinctly narrower than the length of the stipe. Key words: Epidendroideae, new Chiloschista, Thailand orchid flora, Vandeae
A new small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated range of the Condor mountai... more A new small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum from the isolated range of the Condor mountains in Ecuador is described and illustrated with a line drawing and a photograph of the holotype. It shares morphological features with several different-looking groups of Cyrtochilum, such as the two generitypes of the genus: C. undulatum and C. flexuosum, as well as with plants in the C. myanthum complex. These groups are treated as three separate genera by some (Cyrtochilum, Trigonochilum and Dasyglossum, respectively), but the combination of morphological features seen in our new species brings the groups together into one polymorphic but genetically monophyletic genus. Key words: Condor, Cyrtochilum, new species, Oncidiinae
A new and unusual-looking Cyrtochilum species is described, compared with the possibly closely re... more A new and unusual-looking Cyrtochilum species is described, compared with the possibly closely related Cyrtochilum leucopterum and illustrated by drawings and a photograph of the holotype. It is distinguished from Cyrtochilum leucopterum by having an elongate basal portion of the lip with erect lateral lobes, and a trilobed front lamina with a glabrous, blunt and thickened bilobed lip callus, versus what appears to be more horizontally spreading lateral lip lobes, and a densely micro-pubescent apically multifid lip callus for the latter species. The new species also has some purported silica bodies of unknown significance visible in plant and flower parts, which are not present in C. leucopterum. Key Words: Colombia, Cyrtochilum leucopterum, Helmuth Schmidt-Mumm, Oncidiinae, new species
A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It i... more A new species of Chiloschista from a restricted area in Bhutan is described and illustrated. It is compared with C. parishii from Myanmar and Thailand, which has similarly colored flowers and from which it differs by the larger flowers, 15–18 mm versus 8–10 mm, and the lack of a glandular and pubescent, erect and curved callus lobe inside the lip, which is generally seen in other similarly colored species of this genus. Key Words: Aeridinae, Bhutan, Himalaya, new Chiloschista, Orchidaceae, Vandeae
Two species, originally described as Odontoglossum amphiglottis and Odontoglossum sodiroi are her... more Two species, originally described as Odontoglossum amphiglottis and Odontoglossum sodiroi are here transferred to Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), based on molecular data and morphological features, accompanied by brief discussions about their taxonomic background and natural history, and illustrated with line drawings and photographs. Both species were previously considered to be synonyms of C. ramosissimum by the author of this paper and others, due to limited access of type material. But recent field discoveries reveal that a much stouter growth habit and distinctly corymbose inflorescences distinguish O. amphiglottis from C. ramosissimum. In the case of O. sodiroi the smoothly rounded pair of basal lip calli, which are marginally covered externally by the ventral flanks of the column, distinguish this species from C. ramosissimum, which has more or less denticulate basal callus keels on the lip, and where the ventral columnar flanks are marginally placed between these keel...
A new golden yellow small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum is described and illustrated with a lin... more A new golden yellow small-flowered species of Cyrtochilum is described and illustrated with a line drawing and photographs. It is compared with superficially similar species in the C. aureum complex, in which the new species differs by the lack of lacerate column wings typical for that group. It is distinguished from all other known small-flowered Cyrtochilum species by the golden yellow color in combination with the distinctly pandurate lip lamina where the front lobe is wider than the basal lobes combined. Key Words: Ancash, Cyrtochilum, new species, Oncidiinae, Peru
A new small-flowered natural Odontoglossum hybrid from northwestern Ecuador is described and illu... more A new small-flowered natural Odontoglossum hybrid from northwestern Ecuador is described and illustrated with a line drawing and a photograph. The novelty is compared with its sympatric parent species, Odontoglossum armatum and O. mirandum. The flower of the new natural hybrid has shorter erect lateral lip-lobes compared to those for O. mirandum, but distinctly longer erect lateral lip-lobes compared to those for O. armatum, which are basically lacking altogether. The taxonomic status of the variable O. mirandum is briefly discussed. Key words: Ecuador, new hybrid, Odontoglossum, Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae
A new species of Oliveriana is described and illustrated. It is compared with and distinguished f... more A new species of Oliveriana is described and illustrated. It is compared with and distinguished from all other listed members of the genus by a unique combination of distinct features, such as the extremely elongate and narrow leaves, and a flower with a fleshy triangular lip. It is speculated here that this new species may be self-pollinating due to the high success of seed pod production, which is unusual among genera in Oncidiinae.
A new and attractive but little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), which was previously... more A new and attractive but little-known Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae), which was previously misidentified as Cyrtochilum aemulum, is named in honor of the 95th birthdays of Carlyle August and Jane Hortense Pfeiffenberger Luer of Sarasota, Florida, the most prolific orchid research couple the world has ever known. The background of how the author first became acquainted with the legendary researchers is featured here together with color photographs of them taken by the author on various occasions during their long career. The new Cyrtochilum is described, illustrated and compared with the rather similarly colored C. aemulum. The new species is distinguished from it by the combination of geniculated and shortly spathulate bases of the petals and a glabrous, more erect and more complex lip callus versus shortly unguiculate bases of the petals and a finely micro-pubescent and a horizontally flatter and more simple lip-callus of C. aemulum.
For a variety of reasons and from a taxonomic point of view, this is not an easy group of plants ... more For a variety of reasons and from a taxonomic point of view, this is not an easy group of plants to deal with. Traditionally, in this particular case, taxonomists have focused on a few morphologic features, generally associated with some flower details, particularly the angle between the column and the lip. Species with similar looking flowers, with regards to the chosen important taxonomic features favored at the time, have ended up in the same genus despite displaying many different-looking features otherwise, such as vegetative and micro-morphologic structures. Since molecular research focusing on DNA sequencing has arrived on the scene as an additional tool for systematists, we realize that vegetative features are very important in revealing close or distant relationships. Also micro-morphology has an important role to play here, while flower color, odor and general shape can be misleading and appear to be evolutionary plastic adaptations to available pollinators.
Papers by Stig Dalstrom