Books Edited by Steven Vertovec
The authors and editors consider the multi-layered ways in which cosmopolitanism has entered our ... more The authors and editors consider the multi-layered ways in which cosmopolitanism has entered our world. They review the major theoretical interventions of recent years as well as discussing the contexts and practices of cosmopolitanism. The book comprises an ambitious introduction and sixteen chapters by leading scholars. Duncan S. A. Bell in International Affairs 79 (4), July 2003, p. 880 calls this ‘[An]’ insightful collection of essays’. He continues ‘Moreover, the editors provide an excellent summary of the multiple ‘cosmopolitanisms’ that the book seeks to uncover, articulate, prescribe and critique’
Papers by Steven Vertovec
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Feb 1, 2019
While the effects of direct and indirect forms of contact on intergroup relations are well docume... more While the effects of direct and indirect forms of contact on intergroup relations are well documented, little is known about their longitudinal co-development. Based on the social-psychological literature, we hypothesize that indirect contact predicts future direct contact by reducing intergroup anxiety.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Feb 1, 2019
While the effects of direct and indirect forms of contact on intergroup relations are well docume... more While the effects of direct and indirect forms of contact on intergroup relations are well documented, little is known about their longitudinal co-development. Based on the social-psychological literature, we hypothesize that indirect contact predicts future direct contact by reducing intergroup anxiety.

Conceiving Cosmopolitanism
Understanding the ancient and long sidelined concept of cosmopolitanism has suddenly found a fres... more Understanding the ancient and long sidelined concept of cosmopolitanism has suddenly found a fresh impetus and urgency. Globalization, international migration, multiculturalism and global social movements, as well as atrocities committed by those with narrow religious and ethnic identities, have led to reposing of two basic cosmopolitan questions: Can we ever live peacefully with one another? What do we share, collectively, as human beings? The term cosmopolitanism has attracted many understandings and uses over the years. Covering the global, national, social and personal levels of analysis, the authors consider the multiple meanings of the term in the past and in the present and develop new ways of conceiving cosmopolitanism. Through challenging old assumptions and advancing new analytical frameworks, the collection provides a full and representative set of views on the nature, definition and prospects of cosmopolitanism. Written by eminent scholars and publicly recognised intelle...

‘Cosmopolitanism’ is a long-sidelined concept recently reactivated by a wide range of social and ... more ‘Cosmopolitanism’ is a long-sidelined concept recently reactivated by a wide range of social and political theorists. For various reasons, as David Harvey (2000: 529) puts it, ‘cosmopolitanism is back’. In most cases the re-emergence of cosmopolitanism arises by way of a proposed new politics of the left, embodying middle-path alternatives between ethnocentric nationalism and particularistic multiculturalism. For some contemporary writers on the topic, cosmopolitanism refers to a vision of global democracy and world citizenship; for others it points to possibilities for shaping new transnational frameworks for making links between social movements. Yet others invoke cosmopolitanism to advocate a non-communitarian, post-identity politics of overlapping interests and heterogeneous or hybrid publics in order to challenge conventional notions of belonging, identity and citizenship. And still others use cosmopolitanism descriptively to address certain socio-cultural processes or individual behaviours, values or dispositions manifesting a capacity to engage cultural multiplicity. What are the processes and conditions that have led to a call to conceive cosmopolitanism afresh? Globalization, nationalism, migration, multiculturalism and
This paper considers the developments of diversity in Europe in recent years. It highlights some ... more This paper considers the developments of diversity in Europe in recent years. It highlights some of the key issues surrounding ‘Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Diversity’ as they have emerged and engaged public debate and policy development in various national and local contexts. Furthermore, it gives an overview of some of the academic literature concerning these issues.
Global Networks-a Journal of Transnational Affairs, 2001

Choice Reviews Online, Jul 1, 1991
List of figures List of maps List of tables Notes on contributors Preface Introduction: themes in... more List of figures List of maps List of tables Notes on contributors Preface Introduction: themes in the study of the South Asian diaspora Colin Clarke, Ceri Peach and Steven Vertovec Part I. South Asians in Colonial and Post-Colonial Contexts: Introduction Colin Clarke, Ceri Peach and Steven Vertovec 1. Indians in Southeast Asia: imperial auxiliaries Hugh Tinker 2. Women under indenture in colonial Natal, 1860-1911 Jo Beall 3. Indians in the French Overseas Departments: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion Singaravelou 4. Oil boom and recession in Trinidad Indian villages Steven Vertovec 5. The Fiji Indians: marooned at home Victor Lal 6. The political position of Indians in South Africa Anthony Lemon 7. East African Asians through a hundred years Michael Twaddle Part II. South Asians in Contemporary Western Countries and the Middle East: Introduction Colin Clarke, Ceri Peach and Steven Vertovec 8. South Asian countries as competitors on the world labour market Beatrice Knerr 9. Asian Indians in the United States: a geographic appraisal Surinder M. Bhardwaj and N. Madhusudana Rao 10. Migration and kinship: the differential effect of marriage rules on the processes of Punjabi migration to Britain Roger Ballard 11. Transcontinental families - Gujarat and Lancashire: a comparative study Elinor Kelly 12. Boom and gloom: the success and failure of South Asians in Britain Vaughan Robinson 13. The participation of Asians in the British political system Muhammad Anwar 14. Bangladeshi community organisation and leadership in Tower Hamlets, East London John Eade 15. Manchester Pakistanis: division and unity Pnina Werbner Author index Subject index.

Global Networks
It is now over 3 years since the global Covid-19 pandemic cast its long shadow over the human fac... more It is now over 3 years since the global Covid-19 pandemic cast its long shadow over the human face of globalization and transnationalism, fundamentally changing the practices of transnational actors and their constituent networks in both global and local affairs. Those global networks between individuals, family-members, firms, social groups, and organizations have been disrupted and reframed to produce new forms of capital flows, labour mobilities, communication technologies, and social-economic-political and cultural relationships. Such disruptions have transcended territorial borders presenting significant challenges to states, firms, cities, and governance. Covid-19 has fundamentally redrawn our understanding of research focused on (a) transnational social sciences perspectives; (b) networks, flows, connections, and disconnections; (c) human agency and 'globalization from below'; and (d) the future of globalization and transnationalism. The pandemic and ensuing post-pandemic disruption for global society have raised more questions than answers for individuals, communities, governance, states, and organizations. Global inequality has been magnified, populism remains a powerful force, and there is a growing debate whether we are drifting into a new epoch manifested by deglobalization, with heightened friction over the international trade of goods and services, global migration flows, and a new spirit of the protectionism of borders, which has been ramped-up over the past decade with Trumpism and, in Europe, Brexit. But, simultaneously, the fallout of Covid-19 has speeded up, intensified, and in some senses democratized communication and connections, through the advent (or just discovery) of platforms like MS Teams, Zoom, Bluejeans which have not only become normalized technologies for individuals to work from home or engage in their
Routledge eBooks, Nov 3, 2022
Routledge eBooks, Nov 3, 2022
Routledge eBooks, Nov 3, 2022

Superdiversity explores processes of diversification and the complex, emergent social configurati... more Superdiversity explores processes of diversification and the complex, emergent social configurations that now supersede prior forms of diversity in societies around the world. Migration plays a key role in these processes, bringing changes not just in social, cultural, religious, and linguistic phenomena but also in the ways that these phenomena combine with others like gender, age, and legal status. The concept of superdiversity has been adopted by scholars across the social sciences in order to address a variety of forms, modes, and outcomes of diversification. Central to this field is the relationship between social categorization and social organization, including stratification and inequality. Increasingly complex categories of social "difference" have significant impacts across scales, from entire societies to individual identities. While diversification is often met with simplifying stereotypes, threat narratives, and expressions of antagonism, superdiversity encourages a perspective on difference as comprising multiple social processes, flexible collective meanings, and overlapping personal and group identities. A superdiversity approach encourages the re-evaluation and recognition of social categories as multidimensional, unfixed, and porous as opposed to views based on hardened, one-dimensional thinking about groups. Diversification and increasing social complexity are bound to continue, if not intensify, in light of climate change. This will have profound impacts on the nature of global migration, social relations, and inequalities. Superdiversity presents a convincing case for recognizing new social formations created by changing migration patterns and calls for a rethinking of public policy and social scientific approaches to social difference. This introduction to the multidisciplinary concept of superdiversity will be of considerable interest to students and researchers in a range of fields in the humanities and social sciences.

Ethnic and Racial Studies
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to widespread worries that the health crisis is resulting in genera... more The Covid-19 pandemic has led to widespread worries that the health crisis is resulting in generalized hostility towards minorities and reduced support for a diverse society. Relying on a large survey of diversity attitudes in Germany fielded before and during the pandemic, we employ a quasi-experimental design to evaluate whether such a trend has occurred among the general public. Past work suggests two competing expectationsone anticipating a rise in hostility grounded in threat theories, and one anticipating stability grounded in public opinion research and theories of longer-term value change. Empirical results reveal generally high assent to socio-demographic diversity and minority accommodation, and remarkable stability during the pandemic period. Additionally, survey vignettes show strong and equally stable anti-discrimination norms that are inclusive of Asian-origin populations. Overall, results suggest that surges in racist incidents during the pandemic do not reflect analogous surges in hostility within the population at large.
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, 2013
Books Edited by Steven Vertovec
Papers by Steven Vertovec