Papers by Stephanie Daffara

An on ym ize d Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetue r adipis cing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nib... more An on ym ize d Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetue r adipis cing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nibh euism od tincid unt ut laoree t dolor e magn a aliqua m erat volutp at. Ut wisi enim ad minim venia m, quis nostr ud exerc i tation ulla mcorp er suscip it lobor tis nisl ut aliqui p ex ea comm odo conse quat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendr erit in vulpu tate velit esse moles tie conse quat, vel illum dolor e eu feugia t nulla facilis is at vero eros et accum san et iusto odio dignis sim qui bland it praes ent lupta tum zzril delen it augue duis dolor e te feuga it nulla facilis i. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetu er adipis cing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nibh euism od tincid unt ut Figure 1: Our three prototypes, embodying the six design guidelines we iteratively developed throughout the four month codesign process. Left: Augmented Playbill, a familiar artifact from the world of theatre, which embodies the affordances of a theatrical visit, augmented to extend the narrative of the production, prompt reflection on the themes of the show, and provide privileged access to behind-the-scenes information. Center: Prayer Wheel, constructed out of laser-cut wood, the prayer wheel resonates with motifs from the play. When scanned, each side reveals audience and cast-member reflections about the themes of the play. Right: Tarot Cards, each depicting a character from the play, which launch an augmented reality scene when scanned by our app.
Storytelling is an important means for children to build literacy while sharing beliefs, values, ... more Storytelling is an important means for children to build literacy while sharing beliefs, values, and cultural norms. Our work investigates how augmented reality (AR) can fit into creative storytelling practices. We introduce Living Paper, a system for authoring AR narratives that span both digital and tangible media. Our augmented storybook prototype integrates animated AR characters from hand drawings with programmable LED lights that shine through the pages. Living Paper combines the flexibility of digital objects with the tangibility of physical cues to enable the creation of immersive and shareable stories.

While Virtual Reality (VR) hardware is increasingly available and 3D model repositories are plent... more While Virtual Reality (VR) hardware is increasingly available and 3D model repositories are plentiful, creating immersive interactive experiences is still hard for non-programmers. Current content creation tools require reasoning about complex spatial interaction logic in some formal language (e.g., textual or visual programming). Programming by demonstration (PbD) has been a promising direction to allow systems to infer rules from examples. But gaps exist between algorithmic advances in PbD and appropriate user interfaces that enable authors to leverage PbD inference while remaining in control of the authoring process. We contribute a new hybrid authoring method “disambiguating demonstrations”, in which users demonstrate interactions between objects in a VR environment and the system generates suggestions based on these interactions providing resolution of dierent options along the way. This enables users to create interactive experiences through demonstration. We evaluate our tool...
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020
Storytelling is an important means for children to build literacy while sharing beliefs, values, ... more Storytelling is an important means for children to build literacy while sharing beliefs, values, and cultural norms. Our work investigates how augmented reality (AR) can fit into creative storytelling practices. We introduce Living Paper, a system for authoring AR narratives that span both digital and tangible media. Our augmented storybook prototype integrates animated AR characters from hand drawings with programmable LED lights that shine through the pages. Living Paper combines the flexibility of digital objects with the tangibility of physical cues to enable the creation of immersive and shareable stories.

Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021, 2021
An on ym ize d Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetue r adipis cing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nib... more An on ym ize d Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetue r adipis cing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nibh euism od tincid unt ut laoree t dolor e magn a aliqua m erat volutp at. Ut wisi enim ad minim venia m, quis nostr ud exerc i tation ulla mcorp er suscip it lobor tis nisl ut aliqui p ex ea comm odo conse quat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendr erit in vulpu tate velit esse moles tie conse quat, vel illum dolor e eu feugia t nulla facilis is at vero eros et accum san et iusto odio dignis sim qui bland it praes ent lupta tum zzril delen it augue duis dolor e te feuga it nulla facilis i. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetu er adipis cing elit, sed diam nonu mmy nibh euism od tincid unt ut Figure 1: Our three prototypes, embodying the six design guidelines we iteratively developed throughout the four month codesign process. Left: Augmented Playbill, a familiar artifact from the world of theatre, which embodies the affordances of a theatrical visit, augmented to extend the narrative of the production, prompt reflection on the themes of the show, and provide privileged access to behind-the-scenes information. Center: Prayer Wheel, constructed out of laser-cut wood, the prayer wheel resonates with motifs from the play. When scanned, each side reveals audience and cast-member reflections about the themes of the play. Right: Tarot Cards, each depicting a character from the play, which launch an augmented reality scene when scanned by our app.
Papers by Stephanie Daffara