Papers by Stela Benítez Leite
Jornal De Pediatria, 1997
Pediatría (Asunción): Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Pediatría, Dec 1, 2006

Revista chilena de pediatría, Apr 1, 2008
Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to HIV/AIDS in high-school aged youth in the Metropoli... more Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to HIV/AIDS in high-school aged youth in the Metropolitan Area of Asunción, Paraguay Introduction: The current generation of youths is the largest in history; almost half of the world's population are less than 25 years of age. They have never known a worldwithout AIDS. The few countries that have achieved a reduction in the prevalence of HIV have done so above all by inducing young people to practice safe behavior. Objectives: Determine the HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes, and practices of high-school aged students in public and private secondary schools of the cities of Asuncion and Lambare, Paraguay. Material and Methods: The study is prospective, analytical, cross-sectional, and observational. A self-administered voluntary survey was given to students of the 1st-, 2d-, and 3d-year students (corresponding to grades 10, 11, and 12) of the mean of the high schools in Asuncion and Lambare during the month of August, 2006. Results: A total of 336 surveys were analyzed; the mean age of respondents was 16 years-of-age, and 48 percent were female. The source of information cited most often by respondents, and the one they rated most important, was their school. Of the respondents, 42% reported having sexual relations, including 56.5% of the males and 27% of the females. The mean age of first intercourse was 14.6 years, with 72% of the males reporting that they first experienced intercourse before 15 years of age. Overall, 55% reported using prophylactics during casual sex, and 71.3% knew what to do in risk situations. Fourteen had had a test for HIV, 10 of whom had also reported having sexual relations. The level of knowledge was generally low and inconsistent. Conclusion: The results show that young people are at risk if contracting HIV/AIDS.
Pediatría (Asunción. Impresa), Apr 26, 2023
Este es un artículo publicado en acceso abierto bajo una Licencia Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0

Pediatría (Asunción), Dec 1, 2006
Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to HIV/AIDS in high-school aged youth in the Metropoli... more Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to HIV/AIDS in high-school aged youth in the Metropolitan Area of Asunción, Paraguay Introduction: The current generation of youths is the largest in history; almost half of the world's population are less than 25 years of age. They have never known a worldwithout AIDS. The few countries that have achieved a reduction in the prevalence of HIV have done so above all by inducing young people to practice safe behavior. Objectives: Determine the HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes, and practices of high-school aged students in public and private secondary schools of the cities of Asuncion and Lambare, Paraguay. Material and Methods: The study is prospective, analytical, cross-sectional, and observational. A self-administered voluntary survey was given to students of the 1st-, 2d-, and 3d-year students (corresponding to grades 10, 11, and 12) of the mean of the high schools in Asuncion and Lambare during the month of August, 2006. Results: A total of 336 surveys were analyzed; the mean age of respondents was 16 years-of-age, and 48 percent were female. The source of information cited most often by respondents, and the one they rated most important, was their school. Of the respondents, 42% reported having sexual relations, including 56.5% of the males and 27% of the females. The mean age of first intercourse was 14.6 years, with 72% of the males reporting that they first experienced intercourse before 15 years of age. Overall, 55% reported using prophylactics during casual sex, and 71.3% knew what to do in risk situations. Fourteen had had a test for HIV, 10 of whom had also reported having sexual relations. The level of knowledge was generally low and inconsistent. Conclusion: The results show that young people are at risk if contracting HIV/AIDS.
Pediatría (Asunción), Aug 1, 2014
Pediatría (Asunción)
Este es un artículo publicado en acceso abierto bajo una Licencia Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Frontiers in Epidemiology

Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2019
Background & objectives: Chronic exposure to pesticides can damage DNA and lead to cancer, di... more Background & objectives: Chronic exposure to pesticides can damage DNA and lead to cancer, diabetes, respiratory diseases and neurodegenerative and neurodevelopment disorders. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of DNA damage through the comet assay and micronucleus (MN) test in two groups of children, under 10 yr of age living in rural Paraguay and in relation to pesticide exposure. Methods: Two groups of 5 to 10 yr old children were formed; the exposed group (group A, n=43), born and currently living in a community dedicated to family agriculture and surrounded by transgenic soybean crops, and the control group (group B, n=41), born and living in a community dedicated to family agriculture with biological control of pests. For each child, 2000 cells were studied for the MN test and 200 cells for the comet assay. Results: The comparison between exposed and control children revealed significant differences in biomarkers studied for the measurement of genetic damage (cell death and DNA damage). The median of MN was higher in the exposed group (6 vs. 1) (P <0.001). Binucleated cells (2.9 vs. 0.5, P <0.001); broken eggs (5.5 vs. 1.0, P <0.001); karyorrhexis (6.7 vs. 0.5, P <0.001); kariolysis (14.0 vs. 1.0, P <0.001); pyknosis (7.4 vs. 1.2, P <0.001) and condensed chromatin (25.5 vs. 7.0, P <0.001) were significantly higher in the exposed group. The values of tail length (59.1 vs 37.2 μm); tail moment (TM) (32.8 vs. 14.4 μm); TM olive (15.5 vs. 6); % DNA tail (45.2 vs. 27.6) and % DNA head (54.8 vs. 72.4), were significantly different between the two groups. Interpretations & conclusions: In children exposed to pesticides, a greater genotoxic and cytotoxic effect was observed compared to non-exposed children. Our findings suggest that monitoring of genetic toxicity in population exposed to pesticides and agrochemicals should be done.
Pediatría (Asunción. Impresa), Aug 2, 2022
Este es un artículo publicado en acceso abierto bajo una Licencia Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
A Reader on Reading, 2017

Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción), 2016
Para el levantamiento de información se recurrió a la revisión de artículos, donde buscamos el pe... more Para el levantamiento de información se recurrió a la revisión de artículos, donde buscamos el perfil de otras Universidades de medicinas referentes, tantos de MERCOSUR, como Internacionales. Se realizaron focus group en docentes, pacientes y egresado de la FCM-UNA, también se utilizó entrevistas a empleadores del sector privado, público y seguro social. Posteriormente, se realizó el proceso de análisis de contenidos con interés interpretativo. En cuanto al resultado obtenido podemos decir que el egresado clínico debe reunir cierta competencia clínicas, además de buenos relacionamientos con los pacientes, parientes y sus propios colegas y el personal de apoyo. Cabe además señalar algunos actores coinciden en interacción comunicativas y además en incorporar tecnología de avanzadas, actualización permanente en los saberes disciplinares y en la investigación, una formación contextualizada social y que atienda las necesidades de salud de la población. Una demanda expresada convergentemente es la consideración de la gestión como parte del desempeño del médico, asimismo, en la dimensión de la responsabilidad social, pacientes, egresados y empleadores; relevan la necesidad de formar médicos con sentido humanista, comprometidos con el proyecto de justicia social y que sean éticos, advierten del peligro de la mercantilización del acto médico como regulador de la relación médico-paciente, entre otros. Un importante hallazgo de la investigación, fue la aparición de dos dimensiones demandadas en la formación del médico como es la enseñanza/docencia Palabras clave: Perfil de egreso, responsabilidad social.
Revista chilena de pediatría, 2002

Pediatría (Asunción), 2018
La dignidad humana se reconoce como el principio ético básico que fundamenta la forma de gobierno... more La dignidad humana se reconoce como el principio ético básico que fundamenta la forma de gobierno democrática adoptada constitucionalmente en Paraguay. Este principio se entiende como autonomía o como posibilidad de diseñar un plan vital y de determinarse según características propias, requiere de ciertas condiciones materiales concretas de existencia y exige protección de la integridad física e integridad moral. Desde esta perspectiva, se reflexiona, a partir del análisis de estudios sobre poblaciones expuestas a sustancias tóxicas en diferentes contextos, acerca de la vida posible de dichas poblaciones, condicionada por la vulneración de derechos básicos, situación que plantea desafíos para promover una educación para la paz desde dichas realidades. Conflicto de intereses: Los autores declaran no poseer conflicto de interés.Recibido: 20/11/2017. Aceptado: 13/04/2018.

Pediatría (Asunción), 2018
Introducción: Las malformaciones congénitas constituyen la segunda causa de mortalidad infantil e... more Introducción: Las malformaciones congénitas constituyen la segunda causa de mortalidad infantil en América del Sur, según datos de la OMS. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre los factores de riesgo prenatales y las malformaciones congénitas de pacientes internados en un hospital de referencia. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, analítico de caso-control, corte transversal en pacientes internados desde Octubre 2014 a Octubre 2015 que cumplieron con criterios de inclusión y exclusión como caso; además en pacientes ambulatorios que cumplieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión como control. Con pareo 1:1 por edad y sexo. Instrumento: encuesta estructurada. Tamaño de muestra con variable cualitativa, valor de Z: 1,9, P: 4% (Porcentaje en población general 2 a 5%) de la variable principal, valor de D: 95% y el valor de p de 0,05, resultando N: 60 por grupo. Resultados: Se consideraron 66 casos y 66 controles pareados por edad y sexo; edades comprendidas de 1 mes a 15 años, me...

Revista chilena de pediatría, 2009
Introduction: Exposure to pesticides is a known risk for human health. This paper describes the r... more Introduction: Exposure to pesticides is a known risk for human health. This paper describes the relationship between parental exposure and congenital malformations in the newborn. Objective: To study the association between exposure to pesticides and congenital malformations in neonates born in the Regional Hospital of Encarnacion, in the Department of Itapua, Paraguay. Materials and Methods: A prospective case-controlled study carried out from March 2006 to February 2007. Cases included all newborns with congenital malformations, and controls were all healthy children of the same sex born immediately thereafter. Births outside the hospital were not counted. Exposure was considered to be any contact with agricultural chemicals, in addition to other known risk factors for congenital defects. Results: A total of 52 cases and 87 controls were analyzed. The average number of births each month was 216. The significantly associated risk factors were: living near treated fields (OR 2.46, CI 95% 1.09-5.57, p<0.02), dwelling located less than 1 Km. (OR 2.66, CI 95%; 1.19-5.97, p<0.008), storage of pesticides in the home (OR 15.35, CI 95%, 1.96-701.63), p<0.03), direct or accidental contact with pesticides (OR 3.19, CI 95%, 0.97-11.4, p<0.04), and family history of malformation (OR 6.81, CI 5%, 1.94-30.56, p<0.001). Other known risk factors for malformations did not show statistical significance. Conclusion: The results show an association between exposure to pesticides and congenital malformations. Further studies are required to confirm these findings.
Revista chilena de pediatría, 2012
seleccionados para ser publicados por los países integrantes durante el año 2012
Papers by Stela Benítez Leite