Papers by Stefano Francesco Musso
TeMa, Feb 15, 2023
Remarkable historic timber roofs. Knowledge and conservation practice Part 2 -Investigation, anal... more Remarkable historic timber roofs. Knowledge and conservation practice Part 2 -Investigation, analysis, and interventions Year 2022 (Issues per year: 2) Cover illustration: Auxiliary truss for the strengthening of the roof of San Giovanni Battista church (architectural design by P. Castelnovi, structural design by E. Zamperini with the collaboration of G.

Proceedings - 3rd Valencia International Biennial of Research in Architecture, VIBRArch
It is difficult to say what Restoration is today and what place it occupies among the disciplines... more It is difficult to say what Restoration is today and what place it occupies among the disciplines of architecture, in the fields of education, research and profession. Equally complex is to delimit the concept of Cultural Heritage, which is increasingly extended and differentiated by scale, types of artefacts, age of formation, etc. Furthermore, it is increasingly subject to risks of various kinds that cast doubts on its survival and transmission to the future. On the other hand, we still live in a "liquid" and ever faster changing contemporaneity, according to Zygmunt Bauman, while for the philosopher Umberto Garimberti it would be almost "cemented" and blocked (Palese 2014). Our relationship with the traces of the many pasts that preceded us cannot ignore this fragile, uncertain, but also open nature of the time we live and those that await us. Marc Augè, in this regard, questioned about the two great ways of relating to the future in different human societies ...

Legislation and practice: the case of historic concrete buildings
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
PurposeOnly recently have historic concrete buildings received attention and the need for their p... more PurposeOnly recently have historic concrete buildings received attention and the need for their protection has been understood. Their listing as architectural heritage in most countries is ruled by legislations. The research carried out within the framework of the CONSECH20 JPI project on the conservation of historic concrete buildings in the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy and the Netherlands has allowed to study the legislations in the four aforementioned countries and how these are brought to practice. This paper aims at the evaluation of these legislations and of their function in practice.Design/methodology/approachThe legislations have been examined focussing on the protection of historic buildings and the guidelines to achieve a correct technical conservation. These were assessed in practical situations. The situations of the four countries were studied and the parameters used allowed comparisons.FindingsConcrete buildings are at risk and the guidelines should be further develo...

Purpose-Only recently have historic concrete buildings received attention and the need for their ... more Purpose-Only recently have historic concrete buildings received attention and the need for their protection has been understood. Their listing as architectural heritage in most countries is ruled by legislations. The research carried out within the framework of the CONSECH20 JPI project on the conservation of historic concrete buildings in the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy and the Netherlands has allowed to study the legislations in the four aforementioned countries and how these are brought to practice. This paper aims at the evaluation of these legislations and of their function in practice. Design/methodology/approach-The legislations have been examined focussing on the protection of historic buildings and the guidelines to achieve a correct technical conservation. These were assessed in practical situations. The situations of the four countries were studied and the parameters used allowed comparisons. Findings-Concrete buildings are at risk and the guidelines should be further developed to meet actual conservation needs, including historical and aesthetical compatibility. The re-use of listed concrete buildings often means transforming and adapting these to a variety of modern needs and norms: the complexity of this assignment asks for a multidisciplinary teamwork. The bottom-up Dutch programme for quality in conservation, striving to bring ethical and technological principles to practice, could be a sound basis for developing respectful conservation strategies of heritage concrete buildings. Research limitations/implications-The research concerns the four countries involved in the CONSECH30 project and could be extended to include more countries. Practical implications-More stakeholders have to be involved in the process of conservation and transformation of heritage concrete buildings. This should be directed by the legislation. Social implications-No direct social implications are foreseen from the outcome of the research. However, the suggestion is made that social involvement is essential in planning concrete building transformations. Originality/value-The study focussed on the application of theory (the legislation) to practice (thus showing the limits of the legislation), which is an innovative way of contributing to the conservation of historic concrete buildings.
Infrastructures, Aug 3, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Rural architecture and landscape between tradition and innovation
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Restauro Archeologico
The paper deals with a Document prepared by an expert group, chaired by the author, established b... more The paper deals with a Document prepared by an expert group, chaired by the author, established by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) under the mandate of the European Commission. The action took place in the framework of the flagship EU Initiative of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018: “Cherishing heritage: developing quality standards for EU-funded projects that have the potential to impact on cultural heritage”. The main objective of the “Document on quality principles for EU-funded interventions on cultural heritage”, is to provide guidance for all stakeholders directly or indirectly engaged in EU-funded heritage conservation and management (European institutions, managing authorities, international organisations, civil society and local communities, private sector, and experts).
Abandoned historic rural hamlets: concrete metaphors for conservation tomorrow
\u2018Inheriting\u2019 our Cultural Heritage: Changes of paradigm of conservation
Fermate l'assalto ai Beni Culturali
Conservare il Moderno: Franco Albini e il Museo del Tesoro di San Lorenzo
Restauro. Conoscenza, progetto, cantiere, gestione
Il 2018 \ue8 stato l\u2019Anno Europeo del Patrimonio Culturale e nel suo ambito la Commissione E... more Il 2018 \ue8 stato l\u2019Anno Europeo del Patrimonio Culturale e nel suo ambito la Commissione Europea ha lanciato 10 Flagship-Initiatives, alcune direttamente legate al nostro campo di studio e di azione. L\u2019iniziativa Cherishing Heritage: developing quality principles for interventions on cultural heritage aveva un particolare significato perch\ue9 richiesta dal Parlamento Europeo in risposta tra l\u2019altro a una sollecitazione della Presidenza di turno della Lituania, contenuta nel \u2018Joint Statement\u2019 of the Latvian Presidency, al termine della Conferenza Heritage, Contemporary Architecture and Design in Interaction, del 2015. Su quella base il Consiglio d\u2019Europa invit\uf2 a produrre \uaba guidance document on quality principles for EU-funded interventions on cultural heritage\ubb

The paper illustrates the enhancement of knowledge of architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa by ... more The paper illustrates the enhancement of knowledge of architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa by means of the publication on the Geoportal of the Municipality, which was developed with open-source systems, of a proper dataset and tools for digital storytelling for citizens. The implementation on the municipal Geoportal of a section called “Contemporary Architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa” was made possible through collaboration between the University of Genoa Architecture and Design Department (DAD) and the Municipality of Genoa Office for Geographical Information Systems. The data related to the buildings in the Municipality of Genoa were extracted from a previous study about contemporary architecture in Liguria carried out by DAD. The case study introduced two tools for the promotion and enhancement of knowledge of such architecture, a map on which the buildings are located and associated with an information form and geostories with in-depth information on selected buildings, ...
Restauro e "citt\ue0 moderna
L'umanesimo salver\ue0 l'architettura? Le tradizioni generaliste alla luce degli indirizzi europei
Arte per l'Architettura - Architettura per l'Arte
Conservazione, Restauro e Patrimonio mondiale dell'umanit\ue0

Qualit\ue0 dell'ambiente di vita e Patrimonio Culturale
Coinvolgere i pi\uf9 giovani nella ricerca di una maggiore qualit\ue0 degli ambienti della loro v... more Coinvolgere i pi\uf9 giovani nella ricerca di una maggiore qualit\ue0 degli ambienti della loro vita futura \ue8 di cruciale importanza. Come qualcuno ha scritto in questo volume, non si tratta certo (o solo) di \u201ceducare\u201d, cio\ue8 \u201ccondurre\u201d in modi imperativi, i fanciulli e i ragazzi in et\ue0 scolare alla ricerca della qualit\ue0 dell\u2019abitare o dell\u2019architettura in senso stretto, peraltro assai difficile da definire. I ragazzi, infatti, non sono vasi da riempire o cui dare forma (formare) secondo ci\uf2 che aggrada o pare giusto agli adulti. Il saggio, a margine del Premio istituito dal 'Consiglio Nazionale dell'Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori' e rivolto alle Scuole di ogni rofine e grado sui temi della Qualit\ue0 dell'Abitare, offre il contributo delle discipline della conservazione e del restauro del patrimonio costruito di interesse storico e culturale a tale cruciale sfida per il futuro, con rifer...
Papers by Stefano Francesco Musso