Papers by Stase Ustilaite
The qualitative research aimed to reveal how a teacher creates a meaningful learning environment ... more The qualitative research aimed to reveal how a teacher creates a meaningful learning environment for primary school students in order to stimulate their motivation for learning. Eight primary school teachers participated in the focus group interviews. During the inductive analysis of the research data, five thematic categories were identified, that reflected the types of teachers activities encouraging students to learn and creating preconditions for meaningful learning of students.

Tyrimų apie studentų studijų pasirinkimo motyvus Lietuvoje nėra gausu. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos... more Tyrimų apie studentų studijų pasirinkimo motyvus Lietuvoje nėra gausu. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto (toliau – LEU) kūno kultūros pirmo kurso studentų studijų pasirinkimo motyvai. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti LEU kūno kultūros pirmo kurso studentų studijų pasirinkimo motyvus. Tyrimas atliktas LEU 2012 ir 2013 m., jame dalyvavo 133 pirmakursiai: 2012 m. – 71 pirmakursis (iš 116), 2013 m. – 62 (iš 96). Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa. Gautų duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant duomenų apdorojimo ir analizės programos SPSS 22.0 versiją, pritaikytą „Windows“ operacinei sistemai, naudota aprašomoji statistika. Atskleista, kad pirmo kurso kūno kultūros studentai, būsimi kūno kultūros mokytojai, renkasi tą studijų programą, kur, jų manymu, yra kokybiškos studijos. Motyvai, pagal kuriuos studentai renkasi kūno kultūros studijas LEU, išvardyti nuo svarbiausio iki mažiausiai svarbaus šiuo eiliškumu: 1) kokybiškos studijos pagal pasirinktą sp...
Mykolo Romerio universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti brandos egzamino, kaip mokyklinio nerimo ir mokyklos baimės raiškos... more Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti brandos egzamino, kaip mokyklinio nerimo ir mokyklos baimės raiškos, turinį bei ypatumus tarp Lietuvos XI–XII klasių mokinių, atskleisti egzamino baimės sąsajas su psichosomatiniais negalavimais ir vaistų vartojimu. Medžiaga ir metodai. Tyrimo metodas – anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Tyrimo imtis reprezentuoja Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų XI–XII klasių mokinių situaciją. Tyrime dalyvavo 1035 mokiniai iš visų Lietuvos apskričių miesto ir kaimo mokyklų. Rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad nerimo ir įtampos mokykloje jausmai būdingi 9,3 proc. mokyklą baigiančių mokinių. Brandos egzaminų bijo 71,7 proc., o egzaminų baimę patiriančių mokinių dalis per penkerius metus padidėjo pusantro karto. Mokytojų bijo septintadalis XI–XII klasių mokinių. Mokyklinis nerimas, egzaminų ir mokytojų baimė labiau būdinga mergaitėms. Egzaminų baimę patiriantys mokiniai dažniau nei kiti skundžiasi psichosomatiniais negalavimais, dažniau vartoja vaistus nuo galvos skausmo, nervinės įtampos, nemigos. Pagrindinės mokyklinio nerimo ir egzaminų baimės priežastys, kurias įvardija mokiniai, yra nesugebėjimas valdyti informacijos, planuoti savo laiką, atskirų mokomųjų dalykų mokymosi sunkumai, nesuprantamas medžiagos dėstymas per pamokas ir vadovėliuose, per dideli mokymosi reikalavimai. Išvados. Brandos egzaminų bijo du trečdaliai vienuoliktokų ir dvyliktokų, nuolatiniu nerimu ir įtampa mokykloje skundžiasi kas dešimtas tyrime dalyvavęs mokinys. Egzaminų baimę patiriantys ugdytiniai dažniau nei kiti skundžiasi psichosomatiniais negalavimais, būdingais protinam nuovargiui ir lėtiniam stresui, bei vartoja vaistus šiems negalavimams pašalinti. Ugdymo proceso organizavimo tobulinimas galėtų sumažinti streso apraiškas tarp XI–XII klasių mokiniųObjective of the study was to investigate the content and peculiarities of the Maturity examination fear as a part of school anxiety and school fair among Lithuanian 11th–12th grades students, and also to reveal links between examination fear and psychosomatic complains as well as use of medicines. The method of the study was anonymous questionnaire. Study population represents the Lithuanian XI–XII graders from secondary schools. It consisted of 1035 students from urban and rural schools of all Lithuanian districts. Results. The study revealed that anxiety in school is characteristic to 9,3 % of the students graduating from secondary school. 71,7 % of them feel examination fear, and part of students who feel examination fear increased one and half time in five year period. One seventh part of study population feels fear of teachers. School anxiety and fear of the examination are more prevalent among girls. Those who feel fear of the examination compared to the rests significantly more often have psychosomatic complains; they also use medicines for headache, nervous tension and sleeplessness more often. The main reasons listed by students for school anxiety and examination fear are their poor information management and insufficient time planning skills, difficulties when learning particular subjects, not enough clear teacher’s instructions and the textbooks, over-large academic requirements. Conclusions. Two thirds of students graduating from secondary school feel examination fear, anxiety in school is characteristic to one tenth part of them. Students who feel fear of the examination compared to the rests significantly more often have psychosomatic complains that are typical to mental overwork and chronic stress, and they use medicines for these ailments. Organizational development of education process in schools would decrease manifestation of stress among XI–XII grades studentsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

The aim of this article is to show the influence of family on teenagers’ sexual activity. The res... more The aim of this article is to show the influence of family on teenagers’ sexual activity. The research that is described in the article is based on the answers of 1046 students (432 boys and 614 girls) of 14-17 years old. This article deals with a problem on family and its influence on teenagers’ sexual behaviour. The author stresses that the lack of love and attention bad relations between the members of family force its daughters and sons to look for this outside their home. The influence of Westem way of living, the occupation of women makes this situation very complicated and on the other hand - attractive to scientific research. The research that is in short presented and described in the article shows that 73,8% teenagers felt deprivation of emotions in the family and it has a direct influence on their sexual activities. The teenagers who didn't like their parents had more sexual activities. This all shows that we are to be very attentive to the problems of family if we wi...

Social Work, 2011
The birth of a disabled child creates a stressful family situation and changes the inner and soci... more The birth of a disabled child creates a stressful family situation and changes the inner and social life in the family changes. It predetermines existential problems of the family that raises a disabled child. The article seeks to answer the following problematic questions: What changes in inner life are characteristic to families that raise a disabled child? How does the birth of a disabled child influence the social position of the family? What encounters and experiences strengthen the family? Having conducted qualitative research, categories have been singled out, the content of which reveal these changes: an initial reaction of members of the family to the birth of a disabled child and inner and social changes of the family. Changes in the inner life of the family that raises a disabled child are connected with the change of purposefulness of personal life, the test of marital relationship, the acquisition of new skills and responsibility when realizing the significance of the b...

Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos pedagogų nuostatos į neįgaliųjų vaikų integraciją bendrojo lavinimo mo... more Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos pedagogų nuostatos į neįgaliųjų vaikų integraciją bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose. Tyrime dalyvavo desimt pedagogų, kurie taiko integruoto ugdymo formas vaikams, turintiems intelekto, klausos, regos, judesio ir padėties sutrikimų ar kompleksine negalią. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė leidžia įžvelgti ir teigiamus, ir probleminius neįgaliųjų vaikų integracijos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose aspektus. Atlikto tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad neįgaliųjų vaikų integracija bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose turi teigiamą įtaką tiek neįgaliųjų vaikų raidai (teigiamam saves vertinimui, socialinių įgūdžių formavimuisi), tiek nesutrikusios raidos ugdytiniams (vertybinių nuostatų ir socialinių įgūdžių formavimuisi, neįgaliųjų žmonių problemų suvokimui). Kita vertus, aktualu islieka tai, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose egzistuojancios fizinės ir psichosocialinės aplinkos sąlygos tik is dalies tenkina neįgaliųjų vaikų poreikius, isryskėja mokytojo padėjėjo, psichologo bei specialiojo pe...

Social Work, 2011
The article seeks to answer the following problematic questions: how environment affects educatio... more The article seeks to answer the following problematic questions: how environment affects education of children with disabilities, how significant the integration of disabled children is to the psychosocial development of the educatees and what possibilities a disabled child has in the integration process. The analysis of the data shows that the physical conditions of the environment that exists at general education schools satisfies the needs of disabled children only partly. When estimating the psychosocial environment, it comes to light that some disabled children actively take part in school life, whereas others are ignored and mocked by their peers. The results of the research show that there are positive examples connected with the adaptation of a socioeducational environment: pedagogues understand the significance of improvement of their qualification, necessity of mutual cooperation of different specialists and the possibility to acquire special methodological help and, on th...

Pedagogika, 2021
This article reviews survey data obtained through anonymous questionnaires of 779 mothers on the ... more This article reviews survey data obtained through anonymous questionnaires of 779 mothers on the website on their perceptions, emotional well-being, and expectations of communication with adolescents on sexuality issues. The majority of the survey participants think that they can talk openly with their daughters and sons on various topics of sexuality(about emotional changes in adolescence, friendship and love to a person of a different gender, violence, abuse recognition and help, family importance to the individual and society, gender equality, equality of roles of men and women, etc.). Mothers, who have higher education degrees, are more likely to interact with their children about sexual orientation and gender stereotypes created by the media, mass culture, and advertising regarding body appearance and their impact on a person’s self-perception. The survey results showed that almost all mothers who participated in the survey (93.6%) perceived conversations with thei...

Sporto mokslas / Sport Science, 2017
Pagrindinis straipsnio tikslas buvo sukurti ir patvirtinti kūno kultūros dalyko programos efektyv... more Pagrindinis straipsnio tikslas buvo sukurti ir patvirtinti kūno kultūros dalyko programos efektyvumą, siekiant pagerinti mokinių nuostatas į regos negalią. Tyrime dalyvavo 910 mokinių nuo 9 iki 13 metų amžiaus iš Kastilijos-La Mančos (Castilla-La Mancha) regiono (Ispanija). Dalyviai imitavo regos negalią aštuonių kūno kultūros ugdymo užsiėmimų metu žaidybinio ir sportinio mokymosi aplinkoje. Be to, du kartus (iki ir po intervencijos) jie atsakė į autorių (2018) klausimyno klausimus, siekiant įvertinti vaikų nuostatas į regos negalią bei vaikų nuostatas į integruotą kūno kultūros ugdymą pagal CAIPE-R . Buvo atlikta aprašomoji ir lyginamoji analizė bei ANOVA. Rezultatai rodo, kad buvo pasiektas reikšmingas poveikis mokinių nuostatoms į regos negalią. Dėl šios priežasties ateityje ši programa galėtų būti taikoma įvairiose mokyklose, nes jos efektyvumas įrodytas suformuotomis palankesnėmis mokinių nuostatomis inkliuzijos atžvilgiu.

SHS Web of Conferences, 2018
A synthesis of theory, research, and practice shows that education is linked to better health thr... more A synthesis of theory, research, and practice shows that education is linked to better health through individuals’ increased health knowledge and healthy behaviour. Health literacy is put forward as the central mediator between education and health. Scientific studies have shown a strong association between the levels of health literacy and health outcomes. The aim of the study is to identify the levels of health literacy on health promotion among Lithuania’s young adults. The anonymous self-reported questionnaire survey was carried out in the period of 2014-2015. The research sample involved 842 young adults aged 18-29. Health literacy was measured using an HLS-EU-Q-47 questionnaire. The research studies suggest that less than half of Lithuanian young adults have sufficient or excellent health literacy on health promotion, which is essential in maintaining good health and the quality of life. These findings are important evidence that health education should become a priority area ...

Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 2019
The purpose of this article was to analyse the challenges primary and subject teachers had experi... more The purpose of this article was to analyse the challenges primary and subject teachers had experienced concerning the implementation of inclusive education in Lithuanian primary schools, progymnasiums and gymnasiums. In this study, 86 Lithuanian teachers reflected on their experiences of teaching in heterogeneous classes. The data were collected from 13 group interviews. The article highlights the challenges encountered by the primary and subject teachers in implementing inclusive teaching. The findings were arranged under four themes. Concerning teachers’ pedagogical competence, the teachers highlighted difficulties in differentiating their teaching and including the students with special educational needs in the classes’ social peer networks. Teachers also pointed out the need for multiprofessional collaboration and dialogue with parents. The themes were then interpreted in the theoretical frames of teachers’ professional competences. At a practical level, the study’s findings may...

Pedagogika, 2019
The curriculum and its implementation are continuously at the centre of discussions of education ... more The curriculum and its implementation are continuously at the centre of discussions of education policymakers, society and scientists. It is obvious that it is a teacher, who implements curriculum and seeks to achieve the quality of its implementation while reacting to the context of his practice, makes decisions based on his convictions and attitudes, knowledge about the educational process. This article endeavours to reveal teachers’experiences in implementing curriculum of Lithuanian comprehensive schools. The research raises the following question: how do teachers understand and experience the implementation of curriculum? The phenomenography method was chosen for the research and a focus group interview method was used for data collection. 86 teachers of various subjects and primary school teachers, who have the qualification category of a teacher-senior or a teacher-methodologist, participated in the study. The analysis of research results has shown that the implementation of ...
Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 2016
Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas šeimos poveikis paauglių lytiškumo raiškai. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo... more Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas šeimos poveikis paauglių lytiškumo raiškai. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, išryškinami šeimos socialinės aplinkos veiksniai, tėvų-paauglių ir tėvų tarpusavio santykių būdingiausi bruožai, lemiantys ankstyvą paauglių seksualinę patirtį.

SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2016
Seeking to successfully act in the 21st century, a person should have a relatively big spectrum o... more Seeking to successfully act in the 21st century, a person should have a relatively big spectrum of abilities and competences; in other words, s/he should develop literacy in a number of spheres. Health literacy is essential for a person’s daily capability to manage own health and the quality of life, which is dependent on it. It is significant for the social and economic development of the society. The purpose of the research was to identify the relationships between subjective health literacy and self-reported health status among young adults in Lithuania. The methods of the research included the analysis, interpretation and generalisation of scientific literature on the topic of research, as well as anonymous questionnaire survey. Self-reported health status was ascertained by a single WHO recommended question: “How is your health in general?” Subjective health literacy of young adults was measured using an HLS-EU-Q-47 questionnaire. The survey was conducted in 2014. The research ...

Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis, 2015
By analyzing European and national documents regulating studies in higher education schools one c... more By analyzing European and national documents regulating studies in higher education schools one can see that a student has become an important participant in securing the process of quality of studies. Therefore, it is important to systematically analyze students' attitudes to various aspects connected to quality of studies. The aim of the research was to convey the conception of quality of studies by first and last year students of physical education. The research was carried out in 2013-2014 and 121 first and last year students of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences participated in it. The following research methods were applied: scientific literature and documents, students' answers to open question: "what are quality studies for you personally?", and quality content analysis. By singling out categories naming of research participants (keyword or phrase) were taken into account as well as study quality exterior assessment by areas according to legal acts of Lithuania. By analyzing conception of quality studies of first and last year students of physical education eight quality categories have been singled out: study outcomes, structure of study programme, study process, favourable study environment, material and methodical resources, lecturers, accessibility of studies and possibility to be employed, prestige institutions and studies.

Pedagogika, 2015
The article reveals experiences of parents experienced after receiving the first information on c... more The article reveals experiences of parents experienced after receiving the first information on child’s disability. Data collection of qualitative phenomenological research was performed using the interview in which 12 families took part. Content analysis was applied to the data analysis. Experiences of parents reveal that professionally presented information helps a family to put up with the child’s disability providing hope for the future of the child and has the influence on family’s purposefulness, on the other hand, the information provided without using the principles of medical ethics, insensitively and unintelligibly to parents causes negative experiences. Unawareness of the true situation, lack of information on assistance resources do not create conditions for parents to become equivalent partners of specialists when providing assistance to the child. The data analysis of qualitative research reveals the need of families rearing children with disabilities for psychosocial ...
Societal Studies, 2014
competition between students, odds with professors). It was found that Mykolas Romeris University... more competition between students, odds with professors). It was found that Mykolas Romeris University students have three main stress coping strategies: positive self-help (listening to music, going to sleep, engaging in any physical activity or other enjoyable activities, dancing, going for a walk, interacting with animals, trying to look at the problematic situation differently, looking for support, trying to resolve the problem, trying to look to the situation in a positive way); looking for support in others or elsewhere: in humans, God or medicine (going to a psychologist or psychotherapist, praying, meditating, using sedatives, drinking soothing tea), negative self-help (smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating).
Socialinis darbas, 2011
Neįgalaus vaiko gimimas sukelia stresine situaciją seimai, dėl to joje vyksta vidinio ir socialin... more Neįgalaus vaiko gimimas sukelia stresine situaciją seimai, dėl to joje vyksta vidinio ir socialinio gyvenimo pokyciai. Tai lemia seimos, auginancios neįgalų vaiką, egzistencines problemas. Straipsnyje siekiama atsakyti į siuos probleminius klausimus: kokie vidinio gyvenimo pokyciai būdingi seimoms, auginancioms neįgalų vaiką; kaip neįgalaus vaiko gimimas seimoje veikia jos socialine poziciją; kokie isgyvenimai ir patirtys stiprina seimą. Atlikus kokybinį tyrimą, apibrėžtos kategorijos, kurių turinys atskleidžia seimos narių pirmine reakciją į neįgalaus vaiko gimimą ir kitus vidinius bei socialinius seimos pokycius.
Papers by Stase Ustilaite