Papers by Jelena Stanojevic

Journal of Risk and Financial Management
The recent pandemic has been identified as a driver of one of the most severe socio-economic cris... more The recent pandemic has been identified as a driver of one of the most severe socio-economic crises over the last few decades. While some sectors have experienced an expansion, others have struggled with a changed business environment. The aim of this research is to simultaneously examine the financial performance and sustainability of the e-commerce and hospitality industries, applying asset and debt ratio analysis to the top five companies in the world from each sector in the time period from 2017 to 2022. The results indicate that the assessed companies demonstrated the ability to successfully manage some of their assets. The debt ratio analysis implies that the assessed companies in the hotel industry have reshaped their capital structure, increasing their reliance on debt in 2020 and 2021 to finance their assets. On the contrary, the selected e-commerce companies were found on average to rely less on debt to finance assets. In accordance with expectations, the differences acros...

Ekonomski izazovi, 2018
Osnovni problemi sa kojima se suočavaju ljudi u ruralnim sredinama tiču se nepovoljne demografske... more Osnovni problemi sa kojima se suočavaju ljudi u ruralnim sredinama tiču se nepovoljne demografske strukture i nižeg nivoa i kvaliteta javnih usluga, a pre svega obrazovanja, kao važnog faktora razvoja ovih oblasti. U poređenju sa pretežno urbanim i mešovitim regionima EU, za pretežno ruralna područja je karakteristična najniža stopa zaposlenosti, posebno žena, mladih ljudi i starijih. Zbog toga se kao jedan od ključnih ciljeva Zajedničke agrarne politike EU za period od 2014. do 2020. godine ističe rast zaposlenosti i podrška razvoju ruralnih sredina. Cilj rada je analiza humanog kapitala, kao ključne determinante razvoja ruralnih područja EU, kroz poređenje sa pretežno urbanim i mešovitim regionima, uz poseban akcenat na problem zaposlenosti u ovim sredinama, kao važnog faktora očuvanja humanog kapitala. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena zemljama EU koje se izdvajaju kao pozitivni primeri, ali i zemljama koje su, posmatrano sa ovog aspekta, ispod proseka.

Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series, Jul 1, 2021
The rapid technological development of the last decades has affected practically all areas of the... more The rapid technological development of the last decades has affected practically all areas of the economy, society, and culture. Almost every aspect of life and work in the modern world to a greater or lesser extent depend on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The aim of this paper is to analyze the ICT performance of ten Balkan countries and to highlight areas that need further improvement. The analysis is based on the data published by the International Telecommunication Union in annual Measuring the Information Society Report. The research is conducted through comparative analysis and benchmarking method. The ten best-positioned European countries in terms of ICT development represent the benchmark group. The analysis finds low level of national ICT performance of the Balkan countries compared to the Issue 2/2021 248 selected European countries. The conclusions of this research may serve as guidelines for ICT policy makers in the observed economies.

Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, 2015
Sustainable development implies growth that needs to be inclusive and environmentally in order to... more Sustainable development implies growth that needs to be inclusive and environmentally in order to reduce poverty and create current prosperity, having in mind at the same time the needs of future generations. The multidimensional nature of sustainable development includes economic growth, environmental stewardship and social inclusion. In order to formulate effective policies and strategies, the creators of development policies need adequate information related to all vital determinants of sustainability. Therefore, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has developed the CSD Indicators of Sustainable Development. The CSD indicators contain a core set of 50 indicators related to 14 main themes. Education, as one of the core indicators of sustainable development is a measure of human capital and therefore a major element of economic growth and development. Based on the Human development report that provides information related to education, the paper explores ch...

Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2021
Structural changes in agriculture, rural areas and regions, as well as in economic activities rel... more Structural changes in agriculture, rural areas and regions, as well as in economic activities related to the production and trade of agricultural products, most often occur as a response to periodic changes in general economic and social conditions. In order to formulate effective policies and strategies, policy makers need adequate information about the main structural changes in agriculture. Therefore, based on the information framework of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, the article primarily focuses on changes of agricultural output in Serbia, respectively changes in crop and animal production, and agricultural services. The research aims to analyze changes in the structure of agricultural output in the period from 2007 to 2019 in order to identify its future trend by applying the forecast function. The research results show that the agricultural production of goods and services will keep the positive trend with a dominant share of crop production.

Agriculture of the Republic of Serbia plays an important role in the national economy, making it ... more Agriculture of the Republic of Serbia plays an important role in the national economy, making it significantly different from agriculture of developed countries. Its contribution to the national economy is reflected in a still significant share in the gross domestic product, total employment, and trade balance. Despite the insufficient utilization level of available natural resources, agriculture in Serbia is a backbone of the economic development of rural areas. The research goal of the paper is to examine structural changes in Serbian agriculture in the following aspects: changes in the employment structure, plant and animal production, as well as a change in the share of agriculture in the gross domestic product and trade balance of Serbia. The analysis has been carried out in the period from 2002 to 2017 based on the data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Research results show that the Serbian agriculture has suffered significant changes in the analysed areas,...

Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization, 2019
The high level of interconnection between economic sectors, respectively agriculture, manufacturi... more The high level of interconnection between economic sectors, respectively agriculture, manufacturing and the service sector, imposes the need to understand intersectoral structural changes and transfer of resources between sectors in order to perceive their contribution to economic development. Based on the rich information base compiled by data from various national and international statistic sources, intersectoral structural changes in the Republic of Serbia as one of the transition economies are analysed from different aspects. The paper deals primarily with the share of economic sectors in the gross domestic product. Further, it points to the participation of economic sectors in overall employment, but also in international trade. The research goal is to analyze the structural changes in the Serbian economy, identify the direction of resource transfer between sectors, as well as their contribution to the economic development measured by different indicators.

Economic Themes, 2015
One of the main objectives pursued in agriculture as the primary sector in the economy is to incr... more One of the main objectives pursued in agriculture as the primary sector in the economy is to increase the labour productivity. In order for this objective to be achieved, it is necessary to increase agricultural production, while at the same time preserve natural resources and the environment. If the creators of development policies are to formulate effective policies and strategies, adequate information relating to all vital determinants of productivity of agriculture is required. Therefore, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia annually prepares and publishes, among others, information on the value of agricultural production and the number of employees in agriculture. The aim of this paper is to examine the changes in the level of productivity of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2007 to 2013. It also analyses the impact of labour productivity in agriculture in the share of GDP that is realized in this sector of the national economy. Agricultural ...

Tm-technisches Messen, 2020
A secure environment plays a crucial role in the overall stability of the economy, having an impa... more A secure environment plays a crucial role in the overall stability of the economy, having an impact and contributing to its competitiveness. Although an absence of security risks cannot certainly drive the country's economic development and competitiveness, its existence would definitely have far-reaching consequences for the economy. The paper aims to analyze the national security of the European (EU) countries and Serbia, reflected in the following security indicators: business costs of terrorism, business costs of crime and violence, organized crime, and the reliability of policy services. In this context, the study provides a comparative analysis of the mentioned indicators in order to assess their trend, as well as the correlation between national security and national competitiveness with the aim to determine how national security affects national competitiveness. The empirical analysis of the study includes 28 EU member countries and Serbia as a candidate country, coverin...

Management, 2021
Enhancing competitiveness in the era of globalization has become an essential topic of academic a... more Enhancing competitiveness in the era of globalization has become an essential topic of academic and policy debates for all contemporary economies. The role of a country’s competitiveness has been addressed by many scholars aiming to assess the extent to which this concept is associated with economic prosperity matters, such as social welfare and attracting foreign direct investments. Along with this debate, there has been a growing interest in understanding the linkages between the competitive forces and the gap in economic progress across the EU members, this being one of the main concerns within the EU. Filling this gap and achieving greater convergence among the EU countries has been one of the critical goals in shaping the European structural policy reforms. However, following the empirical findings, there has been little consensus on what are the main sources of a country’s economic progress as addressed through the prism of national competitiveness, particularly if being studi...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the position of the Balkan countries, according to the Corrup... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the position of the Balkan countries, according to the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Due to the efforts of the Balkans countries to improve their level of economic development and for some of them that are not already, to become members of the European Union (EU), the average of relevant indicator for the EU is used as a benchmark in the analysis. The purpose of the paper is to identify deviations of the Balkans in the level of corruption in relation to the EU and to each other. Also, the aim is to formulate recommendations for the possible reduction of corruption and improvement of the position of these countries with regards to the CPI.

Facta Universitatis. Series: Economics and Organization, 2016
Abstract. It is generally known that the market represents the overall relationship between suppl... more Abstract. It is generally known that the market represents the overall relationship between supply and demand. The relations between these two are constantly intertwining and are constantly influenced by different factors. Depending on their relationship as well as on factors specific to a particular economy, there are different market conditions, such as: monopoly, oligopoly, limited oligopoly, limited competition, perfect competition, etc. The liberalization of the domestic oil and oil derivatives market represents an open space for creating a high-quality competitive relationship. However, the course of strengthening the competitive relationship should be carried out considerably faster. Market conditions and competitiveness are in practice determined by the concentration in the observed market. Competition is in a particular relevant market expressed by a number of concentration indicators. Thus, an important aspect of the analysis of competitiveness intensity in the domestic oi...

Innovations, as a determinant of competitiveness, are one of the fundamental presuppositions for ... more Innovations, as a determinant of competitiveness, are one of the fundamental presuppositions for the economic prosperity of every country and the well-being of the population. The creators of the development policies need adequate information relating to all vital determinants of competitiveness, including innovations, in order to formulate effective policies and strategies. Therefore, the World Economic Forum (WEF) annually prepares and presents the Global Competitiveness Report. Thus, based on the information from the WEF reports, the paper explores changes in the level of competitiveness of Serbia (measured by the Global Competitiveness Index - GCI) for the period from 2009 to 2014, in comparison with other Western Balkan countries. Also, an in-depth analysis of the competitiveness of Serbia is carried out in the subindex “Innovation and sophistication factors” as a component of the GCI, considering that in 2014 this subindex for Serbia recorded the lowest value compared with oth...
Hyperion Economic Journal, 2014
The purpose of this paper is understanding of the importance of financial support for agricultura... more The purpose of this paper is understanding of the importance of financial support for agricultural development and achieved results. The aim is an assessment of the importance of the European Union funds intended for agricultural and rural development. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research, we analyze the efficiency of investment in the European Union agricultural funds. Also, the interdependence between agriculture expenditures from the European Union funds and results achieved in agriculture in the European Union countries is examined in this paper. Homogeneity of the European Union countries, according to agricultural expenditures and agricultural results is analyzed. The results of this research highlight the importance of financial support provided from the European Union funds for agricultural and rural development.
The aim of the research is to show the relationship between political parties and voters and its ... more The aim of the research is to show the relationship between political parties and voters and its impact on economic situation in the pre and post-election period. The paper points out the interaction between economics and politics, the behaviour of an individual in the economic and political market and analyses the economic models that study the response of voters to different political programmes. An overview of all political elections in the Republic of Serbia since 2000 and the inflation and unemployment rates during the same period is also provided in order to confirm the hypothesis that inflation and unemployment in the pre-election period are in the function of political interests, while in the post-election period they return to their initial level.

According to the comprehensive literature on economic development, international trade is believe... more According to the comprehensive literature on economic development, international trade is believed to be one of the several catalysts of productivity and growth. As being supported by the core empirical findings, internationally active countries are found to be more productive and to record greater growth rates as compared to those that produce only for the domestic market. The European Union (EU) is an important player in international trade, which has largely contributed to the smooth development of the world trade. Due to greater economic efficiency arising from the lower transaction costs, increased specialization, scale economy and competitive pressure, the EU trade liberalization has made an increasingly significant contribution to economic development of its accessing countries. This paper aims to empirically assess the effects of EU accession and trade openness on economic development of latest 13 EU members (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta...

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis
Corruption is a global phenomenon that can be identified in all countries. Although visible every... more Corruption is a global phenomenon that can be identified in all countries. Although visible everywhere, corruption usually affects poorer countries, limiting the progress of the national economy and taking away the resources needed for education, health care and other public goods and services. However, the private sector also faces this global problem that jeopardizes corporate identity, distorts trust among business partners, and ruins the reputation of companies. The paper primarily provides a theoretical overview of corruption, with a special emphasis on the role of corruption in achieving macroeconomic stability of а country. Changes in the level of corruption in the Republic of Serbia are being analyzed in comparison with the European Union countries in the period from 2009 to 2016, based on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). The paper also analyses the impact of corruption on national competitiveness in order to assess the degree of their interdependence. The research in this paper may be useful for policy makers in the context of the future development of anti-corruption policy and strategy.
The must uncorrupted nations are the mast competitive nations. The corruption – a very important ... more The must uncorrupted nations are the mast competitive nations. The corruption – a very important phenomenon – is the one who make a nation to try to be competitive. In the last years the Nordic Country’s leading the top of competitiveness and the top of the uncorrupted nation. This article emphasizes the role of corruption in economic and social life with a strong impact on economic growth and competitiveness. The growth competitiveness index and the corruption perception index are the indicators who help us to calculate the correlation index between corruption and competitiveness.

Ekonomika, 2015
Macedonian agriculture has received substantial donor support in the past two decades. Now, when ... more Macedonian agriculture has received substantial donor support in the past two decades. Now, when most of those donor projects are completed, this paper looks at what have been the most important factors for achieving sustainability, and how the level of sustainability of the foreign assistance in the agriculture can be improved. The analysis is based on 8 different foreign donor projects in Macedonia. The data collection is done through a primary research-interviews with stakeholders of those projects, and secondary research-already existing publications on the topic. In the analyzed cases the achieved sustainability of the results is not on a required level. The factors that contributed to this can be seen in the lack of political support, socio-cultural aspects, institutional aspects, economic and financial aspects as well as the external factors. This gives basis for recommendations for the main stakeholders and potential users of this paper: the national government to ensure that the donors' country strategies are in line with the national strategies; to the donors to use the participatory approach in the project design; and to the beneficiaries (farmers) to take greater responsibility and commitment for ownership of the achieved project results.
Industrija, 2015
The aim of the research is to show the relationship between political parties and voters and its ... more The aim of the research is to show the relationship between political parties and voters and its impact on economic situation in the pre and post-election period. The paper points out the interaction between economics and politics, the behaviour of an individual in the economic and political market and analyses the economic models that study the response of voters to different political programmes. An overview of all political elections in the Republic of Serbia since 2000 and the inflation and unemployment rates during the same period is also provided in order to confirm the hypothesis that inflation and unemployment in the pre-election period are in the function of political interests, while in the post-election period they return to their initial level.
Papers by Jelena Stanojevic