Papers by Stamatina Anastopoulou

This paper describes the development of nQuire, a software application to guide personal inquiry ... more This paper describes the development of nQuire, a software application to guide personal inquiry learning. nQuire provides teacher support for authoring, orchestrating and monitoring inquiries as well as student support for carrying out, configuring and reviewing inquiries. nQuire allows inquiries to be scripted and configured in various ways, so that personally relevant, rather than off-the-shelf inquiries, can be created and used by teachers and students. nQuire incorporates an approach to specifying learning flow that provides flexible access to current inquiry activities without precluding access to other activities for review and orientation. Dependencies between activities are automatically handled, ensuring decisions made by the student or teacher are propagated through the inquiry. nQuire can be used to support inquiry activities across individual, group and class levels at different parts of the inquiry and offers a flexible, web-based approach that can incorporate differen...
Research and Pedagogy, 2011
ABSTRACT In this chapter, we discuss the capacity of mobile technology in facilitating young peop... more ABSTRACT In this chapter, we discuss the capacity of mobile technology in facilitating young people's ubiquitous learning and socializing, both formally and informally. We report on a study of how young adolescents (12-13 year olds) in Australia and UK use handheld ...
There is currently a rapidly growing interest in inquiry learning and an emerging consensus among... more There is currently a rapidly growing interest in inquiry learning and an emerging consensus among researchers that, particularly when supported by technology, it can be a significant vehicle for developing higher order thinking skills. Inquiry learning methods also offer ...
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2015
Proceedings of the Fourth Ieee International Workshop on Wireless Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, 2006
Abstract Field trips in science centers and museums are often isolated from the school curriculum... more Abstract Field trips in science centers and museums are often isolated from the school curriculum, missing the opportunity to link fun to science learning. This research describes the efforts to enhance the students and teachers experience when visiting a science center or ...
The University of Nottingham and the Open University are partners in a ca. £1.2m project to help ... more The University of Nottingham and the Open University are partners in a ca. £1.2m project to help school students learn the skills of modern science. The three-year project, Personal Inquiry (PI) 1 (funded by the UK ESRC and EPSRC research councils), is developing a new approach of 'scripted inquiry learning', where children investigate a science topic with classmates by carrying out explorations between their classroom, homes and discovery centres, guided by a personal computer. This paper describes our progress to date on the development of four models for inquiry-based learning, as part of the PI project. These are being used as the basis for the development of educational scenarios and associated scripts to explore the use of mobile technologies in supporting an inquiry-based approach to teaching Scientific thinking across formal and informal learning.
2006 Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education (WMTE'06), 2006
Abstract Field trips in science centers and museums are often isolated from the school curriculum... more Abstract Field trips in science centers and museums are often isolated from the school curriculum, missing the opportunity to link fun to science learning. This research describes the efforts to enhance the students and teachers experience when visiting a science center or ...
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - CSCL'09, 2009
Introduction The aim of this symposium is to highlight issues in collaborative inquiry science le... more Introduction The aim of this symposium is to highlight issues in collaborative inquiry science learning that have challenged researchers when designing technologies for the support of learners and teachers, and to advance a discussion about how these issues can be addressed. ...
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2014

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2011
The Personal Inquiry project is an investigation into the role that technologies can play in enab... more The Personal Inquiry project is an investigation into the role that technologies can play in enabling effective inquiry. While it is generally agreed that inquiry-based learning has potential for student learning, especially in science, three main challenges remain. The first is to provide effective support for inquiry learning, for both students and teachers; the second is to be able to support inquiry learning across a range of contexts, including formal settings such as classrooms, and informal settings such as the home, and the final challenge is to support inquiries that engage the students. This paper addresses how inquiry-based activities for students and the teacher orchestration of such activities across time and contexts can be supported by technology using scripting. Personalization of the inquiries in terms of relevance and providing students with choice about the inquiries they carry out is an important part of the project's objective to engage students. A framework for the inquiry learning process is presented, and how this framework has influenced the design of the software nQuire is illustrated. Examples are drawn from trials with the software in several different settings with children working on science and geography investigations.
Designing the Science Laboratory for the School of …
... The design of the SensVest. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 9: 6-19. 15. Milrad, M., Gottd... more ... The design of the SensVest. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 9: 6-19. 15. Milrad, M., Gottdenker, J., Strobel, J., Björn, M. & Karlsson, M.(2003). Exploring Technologies and Activities to Support Authentic Scientific Inquiry Learning. ...
This workshop compares and seeks to synthesize different design approaches for exploring and prom... more This workshop compares and seeks to synthesize different design approaches for exploring and promoting innovative educational practices supported by collaborative technologies. Bringing the design process to the forefront to support research and the realization of products for CSCL can help to balance the different needs of researchers and practitioners. The goal of the workshop is to examine different collaborative inquiry-learning based projects to determine what key themes can be further developed to address the use of ...
Abstract Our hands-on workshop convenes educational designers and learning technology architects ... more Abstract Our hands-on workshop convenes educational designers and learning technology architects to author inquiry learning activities and user experiences. Participants will use a scenario editor to design classroom and field activities based on pedagogical approaches such as personal inquiry. Designs will be implemented using modeling tools, mobile devices and inquiry management tools provided by the organizers. Participants will gain insight into new pedagogical and technological approaches for inquiry learning and discuss ...
Papers by Stamatina Anastopoulou