Papers by Syafryadin syafryadin

Edu-Ling, Dec 31, 2021
The objectives of this research are to identify the linguistic features contained in K 13 English... more The objectives of this research are to identify the linguistic features contained in K 13 English textbook revised edition of grades X, XI, and XII published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in terms of sentence pattern, types of tenses, voice, and aspect. This research is descriptive quantitative research. The sample of this research is thirty-nine reading passages were extracted from K13 English textbook revised edition published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture for senior high school students in Indonesia. All reading passages are taken as a sample, including fourteen texts of grade X, nine texts of grade XI, and sixteen texts of grade XII. The data were gathered by using a checklist and were analyzed by content analysis method. The findings showed that 1) The most common sentence patterns found are simple sentences. 2) Simple past tense is the majority of tenses used in reading the passages, especially at grade X and XI textbooks, while simple present tense is the dominant tenses found at grade XII. 3) The use of active voice dominates all reading passages at all grade levels. 4) The intensity of using the perfective aspect is higher than the imperfective aspect. 5) This result also implies that there are some differences in the findings of linguistic features from the three levels of this book. First, in terms of sentence patterns used in textbooks, at grade X the order of sentence patterns begins from the simple to the complicated one; simple sentences, then compound sentences, next complex sentences, and finally compound-complex sentences. Meanwhile, at grades XI and XII, the most complicated sentence patterns, namely compound-complex sentences, are less than compound sentences. Second, in terms of the types of tenses, the difference is that at grade X and XI textbooks, it is found that the dominant tenses used are simple past tense, while at grade XII textbooks, the most common tenses are simple present tense. these results indicate that the four linguistic features contained in English textbooks for high school In conclusion students in Indonesia need to be taught to students so that students can more easily understand and capture the meanings contained in the textbooks.

English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris
This study is a descriptive qualitative which aims to know the appropriateness of the textbook’s ... more This study is a descriptive qualitative which aims to know the appropriateness of the textbook’s content with the cognitive dimension of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and to know the dominant cognitive category of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in the textbook. This research was focused on analyzing the English Textbook, “Pathway to English”, which is published by Erlangga. The data was analyzed through data analysis table to categorize the activity with defined as any one of the following: a question or instructional activity, based on cognitive dimension. The result showed that there are 271 activities in the textbook. The activities spread over 105 (38.7%) remembering, 76 (28%) understanding, 48 (17.7%) applying, 28 (10.3%) analyzing, 7 (2.6%) evaluating, and 7 (2.6%) creating. The total number of activities that included to HOTS are 42 activities or 15.5% and the activities that included to LOTS are 229 activities or 84.5%. The most dominant activity was remembering which the lowest di...

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
This study aims to describe the narrative style of time of Habiburrahman El Shirazy's in developi... more This study aims to describe the narrative style of time of Habiburrahman El Shirazy's in developing the Bidadari Bermata Bening novel. The research method used is the narrative method. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques with steps: compiling a series of events in the novel, determining the time of events in the novel and the actual time of events, and determining the type of time contained in the novel. Test the validity of the data using member checking, bending, and validation of literary experts. The results showed that the narrative style of time by Habiburrahman El Shirazy in constructing the Bidadari Bermata Bening novel consists of: (1) the actual duration of the story is 59 years starting from the introduction of Ayna's parents, until Ayna lived happily in Amman with her husband, Afif. (2) Order of the story in the novel's text is a 10-year story of the event starting from the atmosphere of Ayna in Kanzul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Magelang, Ayna who was still in high school class, then made a flashback or flashback, namely telling the present and past when the death event Ayna's parents, and the Ayna parents meeting in Jordan, then the story ends with Ayna's happiness in Amman with her husband, Afif. Then, (3) frequency in the form of repetitive frequency is more dominant followed by singular, multiple-singular, and iterative frequencies. While the events that often arise are the events of Ayna's adolescence, namely the story of Ayna who received the National Examination score, Ayna who could not watch the Wayang Kulit performance, the love story of Ayna and Afif, the event of Ayna's adult life which is the story of Ayna's life with Yoyok, the difficulties of Ayna's life after getting divorced from Yoyok, and Ayna's success.
Papers by Syafryadin syafryadin