As has bem commonly rxperienced in Muslim societies, the modernist Muslim mot)ement in Indonesiz ... more As has bem commonly rxperienced in Muslim societies, the modernist Muslim mot)ement in Indonesiz initially concentrated its ffirts on ritual maxers. As surh a movement ofreligious reform bas generally implied, it uas an atternpt to ,eplare traditional religious thoughts and practices with d ne@ mode of religtous thought that tmded to regard traditional religious practices as bqetical, deuiant and supstitious. Based on ideas of religious puity and truth, membqs of reform moz)etnmt wqe stong/y motiaated to ra.dicate man! common religious practices, As a consequence, the aerV idca of newness in areligious movetnent constitutes arisk of social unrest and is mgmdered uith po lemical tmdcncies, A. Hassan Bandung one of Indonesia's modernist proponmts, is unllknozun for controaersial idcas and polunical rhetoric. His thoughts have mrirbed the diversiry of Indonesian kkmic prartices and tra^ditions and, to some extent, have also contributed to the aery creation of kkmic moderuism in this country, particukrly uithin rhe field of kkmic ku. h is dffiuh to tra& social bachground and delineate the influences responsiblc for the shaptng of Hassan\ thougbt and religious inclination, yet sateral rhings are known about bis life. He uas born in Singapore in 1887 of a MalayJndian family. His father, Ahmad, who also beld the Indian nAme, Sinna Vappu Mricar, was a Tamil ubo had d great interest in Islam and liwature. His mothq uas of a mofust and religiorc Malay family from Surabaya, East Java Hassan himself nner completnd his primary e&tration , as be fugan to work at age twehte in ord.q to belp his pmmts in earningthefami-ly\ livelibood. Houaner, he studied religion and Arabic Wvateb Teith local Mrclim elders. From 1910 to 1921, Hassan uorkzd in oarious plzres in Singdpore ds areligious teach*, tBxtile tradq, ice disrributor and secretarV. He mooed to Surabaya in 1921 to ukz otsq the mdnagement of a textile shop ubich uas ouned by his uncle, and hqe he met Fdkih Hdsyrm, an Islamk religiorc leader of the \ydhhdbi school. Hassan kgr navellcd to fundung West laaa, to suldy the uchnolog of textiles in a suu textilc cmter. In this city Haswn stayed in the house of tlte Persatuan kkm (skmic Union) lad"der, MuharnmadJunts. Ahhough Hassan had not planned to sudy religion with Junus, be was nmual$ absarfud
One of the legacies of Islamic civilization in India was the Mughal dynasty that had encouraged t... more One of the legacies of Islamic civilization in India was the Mughal dynasty that had encouraged the new revival of the old and almost drowned civilization. With the presence of this dynasty, the glory of India with Hindus civilization reappeared. Recorded in the history of Islam, the dynasty was established in the middle period. After the mid-over, there appeared three great kingdoms to rebuild the progress of Muslims. Among the major kingdoms were royal Mughal. The third crown can already be categorized as a superpower in those days, because the greatness of the kingdom had been able to organize the economic, political as well as military.. Islamic education at this time gained considerable attention. For this purpose, the royal Mughal made the mosque as a place of worship other than as a place of religious learning for the community. The mosque indeed had been provided with scholars who gave various lessons of religious knowledge. In fact, the mosques had also been completed with ...
As has bem commonly rxperienced in Muslim societies, the modernist Muslim mot)ement in Indonesiz ... more As has bem commonly rxperienced in Muslim societies, the modernist Muslim mot)ement in Indonesiz initially concentrated its ffirts on ritual maxers. As surh a movement ofreligious reform bas generally implied, it uas an atternpt to ,eplare traditional religious thoughts and practices with d ne@ mode of religtous thought that tmded to regard traditional religious practices as bqetical, deuiant and supstitious. Based on ideas of religious puity and truth, membqs of reform moz)etnmt wqe stong/y motiaated to ra.dicate man! common religious practices, As a consequence, the aerV idca of newness in areligious movetnent constitutes arisk of social unrest and is mgmdered uith po lemical tmdcncies, A. Hassan Bandung one of Indonesia's modernist proponmts, is unllknozun for controaersial idcas and polunical rhetoric. His thoughts have mrirbed the diversiry of Indonesian kkmic prartices and tra^ditions and, to some extent, have also contributed to the aery creation of kkmic moderuism in this country, particukrly uithin rhe field of kkmic ku. h is dffiuh to tra& social bachground and delineate the influences responsiblc for the shaptng of Hassan\ thougbt and religious inclination, yet sateral rhings are known about bis life. He uas born in Singapore in 1887 of a MalayJndian family. His father, Ahmad, who also beld the Indian nAme, Sinna Vappu Mricar, was a Tamil ubo had d great interest in Islam and liwature. His mothq uas of a mofust and religiorc Malay family from Surabaya, East Java Hassan himself nner completnd his primary e&tration , as be fugan to work at age twehte in ord.q to belp his pmmts in earningthefami-ly\ livelibood. Houaner, he studied religion and Arabic Wvateb Teith local Mrclim elders. From 1910 to 1921, Hassan uorkzd in oarious plzres in Singdpore ds areligious teach*, tBxtile tradq, ice disrributor and secretarV. He mooed to Surabaya in 1921 to ukz otsq the mdnagement of a textile shop ubich uas ouned by his uncle, and hqe he met Fdkih Hdsyrm, an Islamk religiorc leader of the \ydhhdbi school. Hassan kgr navellcd to fundung West laaa, to suldy the uchnolog of textiles in a suu textilc cmter. In this city Haswn stayed in the house of tlte Persatuan kkm (skmic Union) lad"der, MuharnmadJunts. Ahhough Hassan had not planned to sudy religion with Junus, be was nmual$ absarfud
One of the legacies of Islamic civilization in India was the Mughal dynasty that had encouraged t... more One of the legacies of Islamic civilization in India was the Mughal dynasty that had encouraged the new revival of the old and almost drowned civilization. With the presence of this dynasty, the glory of India with Hindus civilization reappeared. Recorded in the history of Islam, the dynasty was established in the middle period. After the mid-over, there appeared three great kingdoms to rebuild the progress of Muslims. Among the major kingdoms were royal Mughal. The third crown can already be categorized as a superpower in those days, because the greatness of the kingdom had been able to organize the economic, political as well as military.. Islamic education at this time gained considerable attention. For this purpose, the royal Mughal made the mosque as a place of worship other than as a place of religious learning for the community. The mosque indeed had been provided with scholars who gave various lessons of religious knowledge. In fact, the mosques had also been completed with ...
Papers by Sri Suyanta