Papers by Luis E . Castro
Revista chilena de nutrición, 2009
Revista chilena de …, 2009
... EVALUATION OF EATING DISORDERS: PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF EDI-2 IN STUDENTS 13 TO 18 YEARS O... more ... EVALUATION OF EATING DISORDERS: PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF EDI-2 IN STUDENTS 13 TO 18 YEARS OLD. ... de prevalencia (6,7) y en otras investigaciones sobre trastornos alimentarios (8), sin embargo, no han reportado su comportamiento psicométrico en ...
ABSTRACT The objective of the present work was to carry out a census of the remaining native gene... more ABSTRACT The objective of the present work was to carry out a census of the remaining native genetic groups of swine found in the state of Paraíba. A questionnaire was used to identify the breeds by means of their main descriptive factors (hair color, hair presence, ear type, and silhouette). Of all places visited, only thirty-nine had native swine, totalizing 56 animals, among which the Piau breed represented 28.57% of the total evaluated. Other identified breeds were Mouro (n=8; 14.29%), Baé (n=4; 7.14%), and Canastrão (n=2; 3.57%). The largest group of evaluated animals (n=26; 46.42%) comprised those classified as undefined breed. This is indicative of the accelerated genetic dilution process to which these animals are submitted, as a result of disorderly crossings among themselves and with exotic breeds introduced from other countries, available in that region.

Genetics and Molecular Research, 2012
Genetic variability at 11 microsatellite markers was analyzed in five naturalized/local Brazilian... more Genetic variability at 11 microsatellite markers was analyzed in five naturalized/local Brazilian horse breeds or genetic groups. Blood samples were collected from 328 animals of the breeds Campeira (Santa Catarina State), Lavradeira (Roraima State), Pantaneira (Pantanal Mato-Grossense), Mangalarga Marchador (Minas Gerais State), as well as the genetic group Baixadeiro (Maranhão State), and the exotic breeds English Thoroughbred and Arab. We found significant genetic variability within evaluated microsatellite loci, with observed heterozygosis varying between 0.426 and 0.768 and polymorphism information content values of 0.751 to 0.914. All breeds showed high inbreeding coefficients and were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The smallest genetic distance was seen between the Pantaneira and Arab breeds. The principal component ©FUNPEC-RP Genetics and Molecular Research 11 (2): 881-890 (2012) A.C.M. Silva et al.

Con el fin de conocer las razas/tipos de cerdos naturalizados encontrados en el Distrito Federal ... more Con el fin de conocer las razas/tipos de cerdos naturalizados encontrados en el Distrito Federal (DF, Góias Brasil), la Embrapa Recursos Genéticos y Biotecnología y la EmaterDF firmaron en 1999 un convenio de cooperación con el objetivo de realizar un censo poblacional de cerdos en la zona del DF, y sensibilizar a técnicos y productores rurales sobre la importancia de la conservación de las mismas. Fueron distribuidas 44 encuestas en 26 propiedades, donde se identificaron 253 animales. El tipo más frecuente fue Piau (n=119), seguido de Nilo (n=85), en menor número fueron encontrados el Pirapetinga (n=15) y el Caruncho (n=12). Fue observado un tipo conocido como Cuié (n=10) de piel negra, cerdas escasas y orejas muy pequeñas en forma de cuchara, y otro tipo de porte pequeño, patas cortas, localmente conocido como Bassê (n=12). Los resultados obtenidos desencadenaron acciones frente a los ganaderos. Está siendo creado un archivo de aquéllos sensibilizados con la conservación de cerdos...
Archivos de Zootecnia
En el presente trabajo se describen los recursos genéticos porcinos del Brasil, además de las act... more En el presente trabajo se describen los recursos genéticos porcinos del Brasil, además de las actuaciones desarrolladas por empresas como EMBRAPA y EMATER para su conservación y utilización con propósitos productivos y científicos.
Brasília, DF: Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, 2006. 23 p. – (Documentos / Embrapa Rec... more Brasília, DF: Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, 2006. 23 p. – (Documentos / Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, ISSN 0102-0110 ; 166)

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2006
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, por meio de marcadores RAPD, dois grupos genéticos de... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, por meio de marcadores RAPD, dois grupos genéticos de búfalos, Carabao e tipo Baio, que estão sendo conservados in situ, assim como verificar as relações genéticas entre eles e os outros três grupos genéticos de búfalos existentes no Brasil, Murrah, Jafarabadi e Mediterrâneo, considerados raças comerciais. Foram estudados 48 animais de cada grupo, com exceção dos grupos Murrah e Mediterrâneo, com 47 e 42 animais, respectivamente, compreendendo um total de 233 animais. Os 21 iniciadores polimórficos geraram 98 marcadores. A variabilidade genética entre e dentro dos grupos foi estimada em 26,5 e 73,5%, respectivamente, sugerindo divergência significativa entre os cinco grupos genéticos. Na análise entre pares de grupos, foi verificado que a maior e a menor divergência estavam em torno de 40 e 18%, quando se compararam os grupos Carabao x Mediterrâneo e Murrah x Jafarabadi, respectivamente. Entre os grupos Baio e Murrah, a análise revelou div...

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2005
The objective of this study was to verify the genetic diversity between and within seven populati... more The objective of this study was to verify the genetic diversity between and within seven populations of Moxotó goat (n = 264) from the States of Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Moxotó, as well as other naturalized breeds, suffers genetic losses due to the indiscriminate miscegenation with breeds raised in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The genetic characterization of these genetic resources is essential to conservation and breeding programs. DNA was extracted from lymphocytes using a non-organic protocol. The 16 primers used were selected from 120 decamer oligonucleotide primers and generated 56 polymorphic bands. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the greater part of total genetic variability (71.55%) was due to differences between individuals within populations, while 21.21% was among populations. The analysis of variance among the pairs of populations demonstrated that the populations located in Flor...

Livestock Science, 2009
The genetic diversity within and between five genetic groups of pigs in Brazil, (n = 182) represe... more The genetic diversity within and between five genetic groups of pigs in Brazil, (n = 182) represented by three naturalized breeds (Moura, Piau and Monteiro), one commercial breed (Landrace) and one commercial composite (MS60) was estimated using 28 microsatellite markers. The genetic structure within these groups was also tested. The results showed that 14% of the total variation (p b 0.001) observed was due to differences between breeds. Based on the UPGMA dendrogram obtained from Nei's D A genetic distance it was possible to differentiate three groups. The first was formed by the commercial breed, Landrace, and the composite MS60, the second by two of the naturalized breeds (Piau and Monteiro) and the third by the Moura naturalized breed. Within breed variability indicated that the Piau breed had the highest value of expected heterozygosity among the naturalized breeds, whereas Landrace had the highest value between the commercial breeds. Using a Bayesian analysis, a population substructure was identified in Monteiro and Piau breeds. Furthermore, lower values for breed certification probability were observed for these two breeds as well as a significant genetic differentiation between the Moura and Landrace breeds and the composite MS60. The microsatellite marker panel possessed high precision (99.99%) when used in paternity exclusion in naturalized pig breeds and proved to be an effective tool for the management and conservation of naturalized pig breeds.
BMC Genetics, 2007
Background: Brazil holds the largest commercial cattle populations worldwide. Local cattle breeds... more Background: Brazil holds the largest commercial cattle populations worldwide. Local cattle breeds can be classified according to their origin, as exotic or Creole. Exotic breeds imported in the last 100 years, both zebuine and taurine, currently make up the bulk of the intensively managed populations. Locally adapted Creole breeds, originated from cattle introduced by the European conquerors derive from natural selection and events of breed admixture. While historical knowledge exists on the Brazilian Creole breeds very little is known on their genetic composition. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships and patterns of taurine/zebuine admixture among ten cattle breeds raised in Brazil.
Papers by Luis E . Castro