Papers by Spyros Papantoniou
[1992 Proceedings] The Third IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
A model for the mobile radio channel is proposed that is intended to apply to wideband signals in... more A model for the mobile radio channel is proposed that is intended to apply to wideband signals in the 900 MHz band. The model is specified by a two-variable impulse response h,(t), where x represents the location of the receiver. The model consists of two submodels, one describing the direct line-of-sight path, and the other the signal that reaches the receiver over simple reflections. This geometric model is spatially stationary but time-invariant. Time variation is the result of the receiver's motion that alters the point z. Moreover the model is based on physical reasoning and places no restriction on the transmitted signal.

Basic physical assumptions 5 2.2 The Simple-Reflection (SR) Model 2.2.1 Definition of basic terms... more Basic physical assumptions 5 2.2 The Simple-Reflection (SR) Model 2.2.1 Definition of basic terms 2.2.2 Statistical assumptions for the five underlying pro¬ cesses 2.2.3 Distribution of the amplitudes 11 2.2.4 Distribution of the delays 2.2.5 Distribution of the angles of ineidence 2.2.6 Distribution ofthe beam-width and the interbeam distance 2.3 The line-of-sight (LOS) path model 2.4 The multipath channel for bandpass signals 2.4.1 The equivalent SR channel response 2.4.2 The equivalent LOS path response xi xü Contents 2.4.3 Approximation of the SR model response .... 28 2.4.4 Approximation of the LOS path 29 3 Measuring the channel response 31 3.1 Measuring the response hXc/s(t) 32 3.2 Swiss PTT Measurements 35 3.2.1 Description of the measuring apparatus 35 3.2.2 Equivalent simplified measuring apparatus .... 39 3.2.3 The properties of the pulse p(t) 41 3.2.4 The discrete response hxc/sfc] 44 3.3 Processing of the Swiss PTT measurements 49 3.3.1 Inverse filter method 49 3.3.2 Linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) estimation 50 3.3.3 LMMSE estimator for the deeimated Observation 61 3.3.4 Condusion 64 3.4 Experimental observations 70 3.4.1 Spatial evolution of phase 70 3.4.2 LOS fading 3.4.3 Finite width of beams 3.4.4 Conclusions 4 Properties of the new model and comparison to other models 4,1 Time Varying model 75 Contents xiii 4.2 The autocorrelation funetions (ACF) 4.2.1 The ACF for the approximated baseband SR model 4.2.2 ACF for the second approximation of the SR model 4.2.3 ACF for the exact SR model 4.3 Comparison to previous models 4.3.1 Clarke's Narrowband Model 4.3.2 Rician Fading 4.3-3 Hashemi-Suzuki-Turin's (HST) Wideband Chan¬ nel Model 4.4 Summary 5 Concluding remarks and open problems 95 LOS path model and the simple-reflection (SR) model. Our model of the mobile radio channel will actually consist of two sub-models. The first sub-model aceounts for that portion of the re¬ ceived signal that reaches the receiver by paths in which only one 1989 Since January enrolled at INSEAD Fontainebleau, France, study¬ ing towards an MBA.
… , 1992. Proceedings, PIMRC'92., Third IEEE …, 1992
A model for the mobile radio channel is proposed that is intended to apply to wideband signals in... more A model for the mobile radio channel is proposed that is intended to apply to wideband signals in the 900 MHz band. The model is specified by a two-variable impulse response h,(t), where x represents the location of the receiver. The model consists of two submodels, one describing the direct line-of-sight path, and the other the signal that reaches the receiver over simple reflections. This geometric model is spatially stationary but time-invariant. Time variation is the result of the receiver's motion that alters the point z. Moreover the model is based on physical reasoning and places no restriction on the transmitted signal.
Page 1. ä 0. Juli 1990 Diss. ETH No. 9120 ModeUing the Mobile-Radio Channel A Dissertation submit... more Page 1. ä 0. Juli 1990 Diss. ETH No. 9120 ModeUing the Mobile-Radio Channel A Dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY ZÜRICH for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences Presented by SPYROS J. Papantoniou dipl. El.-Ing. ETH ...
Papers by Spyros Papantoniou