David Allen South
As an American I was raised in a time of transition, I was taught to question everything but what the government and the media taught me. Being raised in a community where science was used to get us safely to and from earth orbit, I was instructed in the importance of the scientific method. As I grew older I found certain cherished paradigms like Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, the tooth faerie, leprechauns with gold at the end of the rainbow were merely stories to entertain children; not to be limited to just folklore; suffice it to say, I have compiled information showing that things are not as we were taught. I love science, study history, analyze philosophy, and crave learning to understand the universe and life on earth better. furthermore, learning to commune with other humans plants and animals to better serve my ecosystem, hoping to elongate the time we have here in a more pleasant and less polluted habitation. I share what I have found because I would want to know if I was not aware of something, and do not want to think something is true if it is not. Best wishes to you and yours.
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sedm .org
University of California, Davis
Papers by David Allen South