Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) affects the first permanent molars and permanent incisors ... more Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) affects the first permanent molars and permanent incisors whose formative embryological process develops around birth and the first year of life. This study’s main objective is to assess the relationship between MIH, on the one hand, with the administration during childbirth of epidural bupivacaine, intramuscular meperidine with haloperidol, synthetic intravenous oxytocin, and prostaglandins such as dinoprostone vaginally, and on the other hand, with suffered pathologies during the first year of life. Cross-sectional retrospective study was carried out on 111 children who attended dental check-ups. Oral examination was carried out to determine MIH involvement. Data on the administration of medications during delivery and the illnesses suffered by the children in the first year of life were taken from the hospital records. Significant relationship with Pearson's chi-square was found between the presence of MIH and the administration of meper...
La promocion de resiliencia con ninos y adolescentes Entre la vulnerabilidad y la exclusion. Herr... more La promocion de resiliencia con ninos y adolescentes Entre la vulnerabilidad y la exclusion. Herramientas para la transformacion Valeria Llobet El objetivo de este libro es promover la resiliencia, entendida como la promocion de autonomia, independencia, iniciativa y sociabilidad en las instituciones. El interes suscitado en el campo psicosocial por el concepto ha acarreado, en pos de su divulgacion, un acallamiento del debate teorico-politico alrededor del tema. Este enfoque desarrolla el problema de los ninos, ninas y adolescentes en situacion de vulnerabilidad psicosocial y la posibilidad de generar intervenciones eficaces para su abordaje. El enfoque de resiliencia permite una mirada diferente, centrada en las capacidades de la poblacion para hacer frente a la adversidad. El propio concepto genera criticas y resquemores teoricos e ideologicos; muchas de las criticas mas solidas son compartidas en este libro: desde su asociacion con intervenciones pobres para pobres, hasta la pro...
En el 2014, el Centro de Informacion Cartografica y Territorial de Extremadura (CICTEX) puso en e... more En el 2014, el Centro de Informacion Cartografica y Territorial de Extremadura (CICTEX) puso en explotacion la IDE Didactica de Extremadura, un proyecto que obtuvo uno de los «Geospatial World Awards 2016» concedidos por el Geospatial World Forum. Pasada la puesta en explotacion, se llevaron a cabo iniciativas para recoger las opiniones de usuarios y de la comunidad educativa y de donde surgieron nuevos desarrollos: IDE Atlas e IDE Aventura, y una plataforma de colaboracion. IDE Atlas facilita el acceso a la informacion de manera estructurada, a nivel de Extremadura, Espana, Europa y el mundo, segun sea la tematica, mediante el uso de mapas, estadisticas y otros recursos. En IDE Aventura se juega a traves de preguntas y geolocalizaciones. Ofrece la posibilidad de lanzar campanas: «curso escolar», «semana de Europa», ajustando el juego a la tematica. Las preguntas se generan a partir de una base de datos PostGIS, comun para toda la IDE Didactica y desde la que tambien se genera servi...
Abelian Cayley digraphs can be constructed by using a generalization to $\mathbb{Z}^n$ of the con... more Abelian Cayley digraphs can be constructed by using a generalization to $\mathbb{Z}^n$ of the concept of congruence in $\mathbb{Z}$. Here we use this approach to present a family of such digraphs, which, for every fixed value of the degree, have asymptotically large number of vertices as the diameter increases. Up to now, the best known large dense results were all non-constructive.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department de Matemàtica Aplicada de la Mon... more Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department de Matemàtica Aplicada de la Montanuniversität Leoben, Àustria, entre agost i desembre del 2006. L’ objectiu ha estat fer recerca sobre digrafs infinits amb dos finals, connexos i localment finits, i, en particular, en digrafs amb dos finals i altament arc-transitius. Malnic, Marusic et al. van introduir un nou tipus de relació d’equivalència en els vèrtexs d’un dígraf, anomenades relacions d’assolibilitat, que generalitzen i tenen el seu origen en un problema posat per Cameron et al., on les classes de la relació d’equivalència eren vèrtexs que pertanyien a un camí alternat del dígraf . Malnic et al. en el mencionat article van establir connexions ben estretes entre aquestes relacions d’assolibilitat i l'estructura de finals i creixement dels digrafs localment finits i transitius. En aquest treball, s’ha caracteritzat per complet aquestes relacions d’assolibitat en el cas de dígrafs localment finits i transitius amb exactament dos finals, en termes de la descomposició en números primers del número de línies que genera el digraf amb dos finals. A més, es nega la Conjectura 1 sostinguda per Seifter que afirmava que un digraf connex localment finit amb més d’un final era necessàriament o be 0-, 1- o altament arc-transitiu. Seifer havia donat una solució parcial a la conjectura pel cas de digrafs regulars amb grau primer que tinguin un conjunt de tall connex. En aquest treball, es descriu una família infinita de dígrafs regulars de grau dos, amb dos finals, exactament 2-arc transitius i no 3-arc transitius. Així, es nega la Conjectura de Seifter en el cas general, fins i tot per grau primer. Tot i així, la solució parcial donada per Seifter en el seu article és en cert sentit la millor possible i l'existència un conjunt de tall connex essencial.Report for the scientific sojourn at the Department of Applied Mathematics in the Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, from August until Desember 2006.The goal was to investigate in detail locally finite transitive (connected) two-ended digraphs, and in particular, highly arc transitive two-ended digraphs. Malnic, Marusic et al. introduced a new kind of equivalence relations of vertices in a digraph, called reachability relations, that generalises and originates from a problem posed by Cameron et al. where the class of the equivalence relation were edges contained in some alternating walk of the digraph. Malnic et al. Had established close connections between properties of reachibility relations and the end structure and growth properties of locally finite transitive digraphs. In the present work, it is completely characterised reachibility relations for locally finite transitive two-ended digraphs in terms of the decomposition into prime numbers of the number of lines that spanned the two-ended digraph. Moreover, it is disclaimed in this work Conjecture 1 posed by Seifter that stated that a connected locally finite digraph with more than one end was either 0-, 1- or highly arc transitive. In the above mentioned work the author gave a partial solution to the conjecture, for regular digraphs of prime degree with a connected D-cut. In this work, we describe an infinite family of 2-arc transitive two-ended digraphs, not 3-arc transitive, of degree 2. Thus, we disprove Seifter's Conjecture in the general case, even for prime degree. Nonetheless, the partial solution given by Seifter in is in some sense best possible and hence the existence of a connected D-cut in the digraph essential
con la referencia 1998 SGR00119. Esta tesis ha sido realizada parcialmente con el soporte del Com... more con la referencia 1998 SGR00119. Esta tesis ha sido realizada parcialmente con el soporte del Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca en la Beca 1997FI-693, en el marco de los proyectos CICYT siguientes: Grafos y digrafos Un grafo ; = (V E) es un par ordenado formado por un conjunto no vac o V = V (;) de v ertices y un conjunto E = E(;) de pares no ordenados de v ertices llamados aristas. El orden de un grafo ; es su n umero de v ertices, es decir, el cardinal del conjunto V jV j: El tamaño de ; es el cardinal del conjunto de aristas E, i.e. jEj: Un bucle o autolazo (a veces tambi en lazo) es una arista fu vg tal que u = v:Un grafo simple es un grafo sin bucles. Si u y v son v ertices del grafo tales que fu vg 2 E decimos que u y v son adyacentes, y lo denotamos por u v: Tambi en en este caso se dice que u y v son incidentes a la arista e: El conjunto de v ertices adyacentes a un v ertice dado u se llama vecindario de u y s e d e n o t a ; (u): El cardinal j;(u)j es el llamado grado del v ertice u y se denota (u): El grado m nimo se de ne como el m nimo de los grados de entre todos los v ertices de ; y se denota = (;): An alogamente se de ne el grado m aximo y s e d e n o t a = (;) : Un grafo ; se dice regular si = o t a m bi en r-regular cuando = = r: An alogamente, un grafo dirigido o digrafo ; = (V A) e s t a formado por un conjunto no vac o de v ertices V = V (;) y un conjunto A = A(;) de pares ordenados de v ertices llamados arcos. Recubrimientos k-arco t r ansitivos de digrafos El orden de un digrafo es el cardinal jV j y e l tamaño el cardinal jAj: Un arco de la forma (u u) se llama bucle o lazo. Un digrafo simple es un digrafo sin bucles. Si u y v son v ertices del digrafo ; tales que (u v) 2 A diremos que u es adyacente hacia v o que v es adyacente desde u: En este caso tambi en se dice que el arco (u v) e s incidente desde u o incidente hacia v:De la misma manera, dados dos arcos de la forma (u v) y (v w) donde el v ertice hacia el cual es incidente el primer arco coincide con el v ertice desde el cual es incidente el segundo, se dice que son arcos adyacentes el uno hacia el otro. El conjunto de v ertices adyacentes desde un v ertice
V Jornadas De Matematica Discreta Y Algoritmica 2006 Isbn 978 84 8448 380 9 Pags 393 400, 2006
A hypergraph is s-edge transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the set of its s... more A hypergraph is s-edge transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the set of its s-edges. In this work, we study s-edge transitive hypergraphs and prove that if a hypergraph has degree at least three and all edges of size at least three, then s≤ 5. Besides, given an s-edge transitive hypergraph, we prove that there are infinitely many s-edge transitive hypergraphs that cover the given one.
2007 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2007
In this paper, we focus on improving EDGE technology with the aim that the benefits of mobile com... more In this paper, we focus on improving EDGE technology with the aim that the benefits of mobile communication reach rural environments and isolated areas. We present a method of channel allocation that provides both voice and data services, improving data traffic transmission without putting aside the QoS of voice traffic. Firstly, a general analytical model is presented. Secondly, allocating sequentially the time slots, we study the best way of using few reserved time slots just for voice calls, in order to get greater probabilities of higher throughput. Finally, the results obtained are analysed and using them, the network operator can schedule the channel allocation of their users according to the QoS requirements of each of them
2006 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2006
In this paper, we focus on different strategies of radio resource allocation in cellular mobile n... more In this paper, we focus on different strategies of radio resource allocation in cellular mobile networks. The paper proposes two models of ordered allocation of the time slots in a frame (with or without time slots reserved for data traffic) and in such a way that the available resources for an user can be maximized if we take into account
2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006
In this paper, we address the issue of the radio resource allocation in a cellular mobile network... more In this paper, we address the issue of the radio resource allocation in a cellular mobile network. We propose a new method to reach high peak rates which improves the requirements of mobile users. The method consists of managing the available time slots, in order to obtain groups of idle consecutive time slots to allocate them in a sequential order.
We report a case of a 7-year-old child who required emergency surgery for acute abdomen and suspe... more We report a case of a 7-year-old child who required emergency surgery for acute abdomen and suspected acute appendicitis. During surgery a tumor located in the small bowel that caused intestinal occlusion was found. Histopathologic analysis showed a solitary gastrointestinal myofibroma. This is a very rare tumor, especially as a single lesion, because in world literature, there are less than 10 cases reported.
Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) affects the first permanent molars and permanent incisors ... more Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) affects the first permanent molars and permanent incisors whose formative embryological process develops around birth and the first year of life. This study’s main objective is to assess the relationship between MIH, on the one hand, with the administration during childbirth of epidural bupivacaine, intramuscular meperidine with haloperidol, synthetic intravenous oxytocin, and prostaglandins such as dinoprostone vaginally, and on the other hand, with suffered pathologies during the first year of life. Cross-sectional retrospective study was carried out on 111 children who attended dental check-ups. Oral examination was carried out to determine MIH involvement. Data on the administration of medications during delivery and the illnesses suffered by the children in the first year of life were taken from the hospital records. Significant relationship with Pearson's chi-square was found between the presence of MIH and the administration of meper...
La promocion de resiliencia con ninos y adolescentes Entre la vulnerabilidad y la exclusion. Herr... more La promocion de resiliencia con ninos y adolescentes Entre la vulnerabilidad y la exclusion. Herramientas para la transformacion Valeria Llobet El objetivo de este libro es promover la resiliencia, entendida como la promocion de autonomia, independencia, iniciativa y sociabilidad en las instituciones. El interes suscitado en el campo psicosocial por el concepto ha acarreado, en pos de su divulgacion, un acallamiento del debate teorico-politico alrededor del tema. Este enfoque desarrolla el problema de los ninos, ninas y adolescentes en situacion de vulnerabilidad psicosocial y la posibilidad de generar intervenciones eficaces para su abordaje. El enfoque de resiliencia permite una mirada diferente, centrada en las capacidades de la poblacion para hacer frente a la adversidad. El propio concepto genera criticas y resquemores teoricos e ideologicos; muchas de las criticas mas solidas son compartidas en este libro: desde su asociacion con intervenciones pobres para pobres, hasta la pro...
En el 2014, el Centro de Informacion Cartografica y Territorial de Extremadura (CICTEX) puso en e... more En el 2014, el Centro de Informacion Cartografica y Territorial de Extremadura (CICTEX) puso en explotacion la IDE Didactica de Extremadura, un proyecto que obtuvo uno de los «Geospatial World Awards 2016» concedidos por el Geospatial World Forum. Pasada la puesta en explotacion, se llevaron a cabo iniciativas para recoger las opiniones de usuarios y de la comunidad educativa y de donde surgieron nuevos desarrollos: IDE Atlas e IDE Aventura, y una plataforma de colaboracion. IDE Atlas facilita el acceso a la informacion de manera estructurada, a nivel de Extremadura, Espana, Europa y el mundo, segun sea la tematica, mediante el uso de mapas, estadisticas y otros recursos. En IDE Aventura se juega a traves de preguntas y geolocalizaciones. Ofrece la posibilidad de lanzar campanas: «curso escolar», «semana de Europa», ajustando el juego a la tematica. Las preguntas se generan a partir de una base de datos PostGIS, comun para toda la IDE Didactica y desde la que tambien se genera servi...
Abelian Cayley digraphs can be constructed by using a generalization to $\mathbb{Z}^n$ of the con... more Abelian Cayley digraphs can be constructed by using a generalization to $\mathbb{Z}^n$ of the concept of congruence in $\mathbb{Z}$. Here we use this approach to present a family of such digraphs, which, for every fixed value of the degree, have asymptotically large number of vertices as the diameter increases. Up to now, the best known large dense results were all non-constructive.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department de Matemàtica Aplicada de la Mon... more Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department de Matemàtica Aplicada de la Montanuniversität Leoben, Àustria, entre agost i desembre del 2006. L’ objectiu ha estat fer recerca sobre digrafs infinits amb dos finals, connexos i localment finits, i, en particular, en digrafs amb dos finals i altament arc-transitius. Malnic, Marusic et al. van introduir un nou tipus de relació d’equivalència en els vèrtexs d’un dígraf, anomenades relacions d’assolibilitat, que generalitzen i tenen el seu origen en un problema posat per Cameron et al., on les classes de la relació d’equivalència eren vèrtexs que pertanyien a un camí alternat del dígraf . Malnic et al. en el mencionat article van establir connexions ben estretes entre aquestes relacions d’assolibilitat i l'estructura de finals i creixement dels digrafs localment finits i transitius. En aquest treball, s’ha caracteritzat per complet aquestes relacions d’assolibitat en el cas de dígrafs localment finits i transitius amb exactament dos finals, en termes de la descomposició en números primers del número de línies que genera el digraf amb dos finals. A més, es nega la Conjectura 1 sostinguda per Seifter que afirmava que un digraf connex localment finit amb més d’un final era necessàriament o be 0-, 1- o altament arc-transitiu. Seifer havia donat una solució parcial a la conjectura pel cas de digrafs regulars amb grau primer que tinguin un conjunt de tall connex. En aquest treball, es descriu una família infinita de dígrafs regulars de grau dos, amb dos finals, exactament 2-arc transitius i no 3-arc transitius. Així, es nega la Conjectura de Seifter en el cas general, fins i tot per grau primer. Tot i així, la solució parcial donada per Seifter en el seu article és en cert sentit la millor possible i l'existència un conjunt de tall connex essencial.Report for the scientific sojourn at the Department of Applied Mathematics in the Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, from August until Desember 2006.The goal was to investigate in detail locally finite transitive (connected) two-ended digraphs, and in particular, highly arc transitive two-ended digraphs. Malnic, Marusic et al. introduced a new kind of equivalence relations of vertices in a digraph, called reachability relations, that generalises and originates from a problem posed by Cameron et al. where the class of the equivalence relation were edges contained in some alternating walk of the digraph. Malnic et al. Had established close connections between properties of reachibility relations and the end structure and growth properties of locally finite transitive digraphs. In the present work, it is completely characterised reachibility relations for locally finite transitive two-ended digraphs in terms of the decomposition into prime numbers of the number of lines that spanned the two-ended digraph. Moreover, it is disclaimed in this work Conjecture 1 posed by Seifter that stated that a connected locally finite digraph with more than one end was either 0-, 1- or highly arc transitive. In the above mentioned work the author gave a partial solution to the conjecture, for regular digraphs of prime degree with a connected D-cut. In this work, we describe an infinite family of 2-arc transitive two-ended digraphs, not 3-arc transitive, of degree 2. Thus, we disprove Seifter's Conjecture in the general case, even for prime degree. Nonetheless, the partial solution given by Seifter in is in some sense best possible and hence the existence of a connected D-cut in the digraph essential
con la referencia 1998 SGR00119. Esta tesis ha sido realizada parcialmente con el soporte del Com... more con la referencia 1998 SGR00119. Esta tesis ha sido realizada parcialmente con el soporte del Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca en la Beca 1997FI-693, en el marco de los proyectos CICYT siguientes: Grafos y digrafos Un grafo ; = (V E) es un par ordenado formado por un conjunto no vac o V = V (;) de v ertices y un conjunto E = E(;) de pares no ordenados de v ertices llamados aristas. El orden de un grafo ; es su n umero de v ertices, es decir, el cardinal del conjunto V jV j: El tamaño de ; es el cardinal del conjunto de aristas E, i.e. jEj: Un bucle o autolazo (a veces tambi en lazo) es una arista fu vg tal que u = v:Un grafo simple es un grafo sin bucles. Si u y v son v ertices del grafo tales que fu vg 2 E decimos que u y v son adyacentes, y lo denotamos por u v: Tambi en en este caso se dice que u y v son incidentes a la arista e: El conjunto de v ertices adyacentes a un v ertice dado u se llama vecindario de u y s e d e n o t a ; (u): El cardinal j;(u)j es el llamado grado del v ertice u y se denota (u): El grado m nimo se de ne como el m nimo de los grados de entre todos los v ertices de ; y se denota = (;): An alogamente se de ne el grado m aximo y s e d e n o t a = (;) : Un grafo ; se dice regular si = o t a m bi en r-regular cuando = = r: An alogamente, un grafo dirigido o digrafo ; = (V A) e s t a formado por un conjunto no vac o de v ertices V = V (;) y un conjunto A = A(;) de pares ordenados de v ertices llamados arcos. Recubrimientos k-arco t r ansitivos de digrafos El orden de un digrafo es el cardinal jV j y e l tamaño el cardinal jAj: Un arco de la forma (u u) se llama bucle o lazo. Un digrafo simple es un digrafo sin bucles. Si u y v son v ertices del digrafo ; tales que (u v) 2 A diremos que u es adyacente hacia v o que v es adyacente desde u: En este caso tambi en se dice que el arco (u v) e s incidente desde u o incidente hacia v:De la misma manera, dados dos arcos de la forma (u v) y (v w) donde el v ertice hacia el cual es incidente el primer arco coincide con el v ertice desde el cual es incidente el segundo, se dice que son arcos adyacentes el uno hacia el otro. El conjunto de v ertices adyacentes desde un v ertice
V Jornadas De Matematica Discreta Y Algoritmica 2006 Isbn 978 84 8448 380 9 Pags 393 400, 2006
A hypergraph is s-edge transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the set of its s... more A hypergraph is s-edge transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the set of its s-edges. In this work, we study s-edge transitive hypergraphs and prove that if a hypergraph has degree at least three and all edges of size at least three, then s≤ 5. Besides, given an s-edge transitive hypergraph, we prove that there are infinitely many s-edge transitive hypergraphs that cover the given one.
2007 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2007
In this paper, we focus on improving EDGE technology with the aim that the benefits of mobile com... more In this paper, we focus on improving EDGE technology with the aim that the benefits of mobile communication reach rural environments and isolated areas. We present a method of channel allocation that provides both voice and data services, improving data traffic transmission without putting aside the QoS of voice traffic. Firstly, a general analytical model is presented. Secondly, allocating sequentially the time slots, we study the best way of using few reserved time slots just for voice calls, in order to get greater probabilities of higher throughput. Finally, the results obtained are analysed and using them, the network operator can schedule the channel allocation of their users according to the QoS requirements of each of them
2006 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2006
In this paper, we focus on different strategies of radio resource allocation in cellular mobile n... more In this paper, we focus on different strategies of radio resource allocation in cellular mobile networks. The paper proposes two models of ordered allocation of the time slots in a frame (with or without time slots reserved for data traffic) and in such a way that the available resources for an user can be maximized if we take into account
2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006
In this paper, we address the issue of the radio resource allocation in a cellular mobile network... more In this paper, we address the issue of the radio resource allocation in a cellular mobile network. We propose a new method to reach high peak rates which improves the requirements of mobile users. The method consists of managing the available time slots, in order to obtain groups of idle consecutive time slots to allocate them in a sequential order.
We report a case of a 7-year-old child who required emergency surgery for acute abdomen and suspe... more We report a case of a 7-year-old child who required emergency surgery for acute abdomen and suspected acute appendicitis. During surgery a tumor located in the small bowel that caused intestinal occlusion was found. Histopathologic analysis showed a solitary gastrointestinal myofibroma. This is a very rare tumor, especially as a single lesion, because in world literature, there are less than 10 cases reported.
Papers by Sonia Mansilla