Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 2000
This study presents a description of Physics university solved problems textbooks. The aim is to ... more This study presents a description of Physics university solved problems textbooks. The aim is to make a characterisation of authors’ treatment of the presentation and resolution of these problems and to investigate its congruity with an investigation model of problem solving.From the analysis of the results it comes out that a presentation of the problematic situation as a closed problem predominates in the sample. Also basic problem-solving processes are not explicit and analysis of results is limited. It is concluded that treatment of solved problems textbooks as examples presents weak coherence with a scientific conception of problem solving.
Climate change is impacting locally adapted species such as the keystone tree species cork oak (Q... more Climate change is impacting locally adapted species such as the keystone tree species cork oak (Quercus suber L.). Quantifying the importance of environmental variables in explaining the species distribution can help build resilient populations in restoration projects and design forest management strategies. Using landscape genomics, we investigated the population structure and ecological adaptation of this tree species across the Mediterranean Basin. We applied genotyping by sequencing and derived 2,583 single nucleotide polymorphism markers genotyped from 81 individuals across 17 sites in the studied region. We implemented an approach based on the nearest neighbour haplotype ‘coancestry’ and uncovered a weak population structure along an east–west climatic gradient across the Mediterranean region. We identified genomic regions potentially involved in local adaptation and predicted differences in the genetic composition across the landscape under current and future climates. Variants associated with temperature and precipitation variables were detected, and we applied a nonlinear multivariate association method, gradient forest, to project these gene–environment relationships across space. The model allowed the identification of geographic areas within the western Mediterranean region most sensitive to climate change: south‐western Iberia and northern Morocco. Our findings provide a preliminary assessment towards a potential management strategy for the conservation of cork oak in the Mediterranean Basin.
Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 1999
This work analyses the treatment that is given to friction phenomena in a sample of fifteen physi... more This work analyses the treatment that is given to friction phenomena in a sample of fifteen physics textbooks for undergraduate level.From this analysis it emerges that friction phenomena is treated fragmentarily. It is associated -almost exclusively- either with dissipating effects or to delaying forces, it is explained using different models for different scales, systems, materials and surfaces conditions, and clear domain limits for empirical laws are not always established, showing inconsistency in the treatment of the subject.The content analysis technique and linguistic analysis were used in this study. The results are interpreted in the frame of the Rosch prototype theory.
Na Escola Superior de Educacao e Comunicacao da Universidade do Algarve realizaram-se Feiras de a... more Na Escola Superior de Educacao e Comunicacao da Universidade do Algarve realizaram-se Feiras de atividades em ciencias para criancas que frequentavam jardins de infância da regiao, em 2006 e 2013, tendo participado nas atividades mais de 200 criancas. A realizacao destes eventos estava integrada em disciplinas dos cursos de formacao de educadores de infância que abordavam assuntos de educacao em ciencias, formacao musical e expressao dramatica. Foram desenvolvidas atividades sob a forma de jogos, modelos anatomicos, puzzles, problemas matematicos, experiencias e dramatizacoes, integradas em dominios das ciencias fisicas e naturais. Abordaram-se conceitos como a reproducao das plantas, hereditariedade, combinacoes matematicas, estados fisicos da agua, camuflagem, entre muitos outros (nao descritos neste documento). As atividades foram promovidas em cenarios criados para o efeito e foram desenvolvidas estrategias didaticas adequadas a dinamizacao dos conceitos. Estas experiencias de c...
Fungi are of excellent value nutritionally, and of great importance to vegetarians. Edible mushro... more Fungi are of excellent value nutritionally, and of great importance to vegetarians. Edible mushrooms are excellent sources of protein, have low-fat content, and are free of cholesterol. Most of these are hydrolytic in nature, being employed in different food processing industries as well as in refinement of fodder quality. Edible filamentous fungi producing enzymes present an added advantage for their use in food and feed. In fungi, laccase is present in ascomycetes, deuteromycetes, and basidiomycetes, and is particularly abundant in many white-rot fungi that degrade lignin. Laccases have been subject of intensive research in the last decades due to their broad substrate specificity. In the recent years, their uses span from the textile to the pulp and paper industries, and food applications to bioremediation processes.
The pathological interaction between oak trees and Phytophthora cinnamomi has implications in the... more The pathological interaction between oak trees and Phytophthora cinnamomi has implications in the cork oak decline observed over the last decades in the Iberian Peninsula. During host colonization, the phytopathogen secretes effector molecules like elicitins to increase disease effectiveness. The objective of this study was to unravel the proteome changes associated with the cork oak immune response triggered by P. cinnamomi inoculation in a long-term assay, through SWATH-MS quantitative proteomics performed in the oak leaves. Using the Arabidopis proteome database as a reference, 424 proteins were confidently quantified in cork oak leaves, of which 80 proteins showed a p-value below 0.05 or a fold-change greater than 2 or less than 0.5 in their levels between inoculated and control samples being considered as altered. The inoculation of cork oak roots with P. cinnamomi increased the levels of proteins associated with protein-DNA complex assembly, lipid oxidation, response to endopl...
The genetic variability of cork oak (Quercus suber, L.) in Portugal was evaluated by AFLP using f... more The genetic variability of cork oak (Quercus suber, L.) in Portugal was evaluated by AFLP using five primer combinations. Three hundred and thirteen trees from three geographically contrasting regions exhibited a high level of genetic variation. The genetic profile of each individual is composed of 291 loci, randomly positioned in the genome and consists of monomorphic and polymorphic fragments. Similarities and dissimilarities among the individuals were quantitatively evaluated by numerical taxonomy. The overall sample shows a proportion of AFLP polymorphic markers of 71%, denoting a high level of variability. Ninety percent of the polymorphic markers identified in cork oak genotypes are uniformly distributed throughout the cork oak populations of Algarve, Alentejo and Trás-os-Montes regions. The coefficients of genetic similarity vary from 0.61 to 0.88 implying that 60% of fragments found are common. A sample of 52 holm oak [Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia (Lam.)] trees from over...
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2018
Abstract Microalgae being consumed for a very long time by various people due to their high nutri... more Abstract Microalgae being consumed for a very long time by various people due to their high nutritional value. Several microalgae used in the commercial applications are either in the form of pastes (or dry algae powders depending up on their applications) or as extracts. Predominantly algae pastes are used as protein supplement in animal nutrition and aquaculture industry to feed larval fishes, shrimps, bivalves etc. But, the dry form which includes powders and flakes has various applications extending from food, nutraceutical to feed industry. Aquaculture feed such as Nannochloropsis and Tetraselmis are utilized in the form of freeze-dried cubes or as pastes. Spirulina and Chlorella are being used for a very long time and it has abundant proteins, β-carotene, chlorophyll, antioxidants, minerals and other essential nutrients which are also processed into tablets. Similarly, Haematococcus and Dunaliella powder are used to extract bioactive components for pharmaceutical usage and cosmetic industry. Text mining tools were applied on microalgae articles published between 2006 and 2016 to review the usage of microalgal pastes and powders being used in food science area. This article is aimed to understand the lacunae of research and commercialized technologies in between microalgal paste and powder.
Recentemente, a investigação tem vindo a salientar a importância da promoção da aprendizagem auto... more Recentemente, a investigação tem vindo a salientar a importância da promoção da aprendizagem auto-regulada nas crianças mais pequenas (Dignath, Buettner & Langfeldt, 2008).
The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive plant pathogen, detrimental to many ecosyste... more The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive plant pathogen, detrimental to many ecosystems including cork oak (Quercus suber) stands, and can inflict great losses in one of the greatest 'hotspots' for biodiversity in the world. Here, we applied Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to disclose the metabolic patterns of cork oak roots and P. cinnamomi mycelium during the early hours of the interaction. As early as 2 h post-inoculation (hpi), cork oak roots showed altered metabolic patterns with significant variations for regions associated with carbohydrate, glycoconjugate and lipid groups when compared to mockinoculated plants. These variations were further extended at 8 hpi. Surprisingly, at 16 hpi, the metabolic changes in inoculated and mock-inoculated plants were similar, and at 24 hpi, the metabolic patterns of the regions mentioned above were inverted when compared to samples collected at 8 hpi. Principal component analysis of the FT-IR spectra confirmed that the metabolic patterns of inoculated cork oak roots could be readily distinguished from those of mock-inoculated plants at 2, 8 and 24 hpi, but not at 16 hpi. FT-IR spectral analysis from mycelium of P. cinnamomi exposed to cork oak root exudates revealed contrasting variations for regions associated with protein groups at 16 and 24 h post-exposure (hpe), whereas carbohydrate and glycoconjugate groups varied mainly at 24 hpe. Our results revealed early alterations in the metabolic patterns of the host plant when interacting with the biotrophic pathogen. In addition, the FT-IR technique can be successfully applied to discriminate infected cork oak plants from mock-inoculated plants, although these differences were dynamic with time. To a lesser extent, the metabolic patterns of P. cinnamomi were also altered when exposed to cork oak root exudates.
Este trabalho contou com a ajuda e participação de muitas pessoas e sem elas eu nunca o teria con... more Este trabalho contou com a ajuda e participação de muitas pessoas e sem elas eu nunca o teria concluído. Aqui expresso o meu profundo agradecimento a todos que de alguma forma participaram desta pesquisa. Em especial agradeço à Profa. Sonia Beatriz Meyer, por aceitar o desafio deste trabalho e por me dar liberdade em sua execução ao mesmo tempo me me apontava os melhores caminhos para sua condução e conclusão. Aprendi muito nesse processo e espero que este trabalho possa ser útil para os que desejam conhecer mais sobre a terapia via Internet e sobre a relação terapêutica. Espero neste trabalho retribuir à Sonia tudo que aprendi. Agradeço também aos clientes participantes da pesquisa, em especial aqueles que pude atender e a partir destes atendimentos pude ver o quão útil pode ser a terapia via Internet.
La tuberculosis aviaria es una enfermedad de carácter crónico mundialmente distribuida y causada ... more La tuberculosis aviaria es una enfermedad de carácter crónico mundialmente distribuida y causada frecuente por microorganismos pertenecientes al complejo Mycobacterium avium (CMA). El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la eficiencia en la detección de micobacteriosis a través de diferentes técnicas (tincion de Ziehl-Niesen (ZN), reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) 16s rDNA y PCR multiplex) en muestras de hígado. Ciento y veinte (120) canarios, 118 pertenecientes a la especie Serinus canarius (canario silvestre o canario salvaje) y 2 pertenecientes a la especie Emblema guttata (Diamante Punteado de Buteller o Diamante Moteado), con sospecha clínica de tuberculosis aviaria fueron analizados a través de un conjunto de 40 muestras de hígado clasificadas en positivas o negativas de acuerdo con los resultados de la coloración por ZN. Para comparar la eficacia de cada una de las técnicas se utilizo el coeficiente “kappa” (κ) de Choen que mide la concordancia proporcional no aleato...
Estudio de movimientos en tiempo real. Dificultades de aprendizaje en Resumen En los últimos años... more Estudio de movimientos en tiempo real. Dificultades de aprendizaje en Resumen En los últimos años se han ido configurando nuevos escenarios para la experimentación en la enseñanza de las ciencias en los cursos básicos universitarios de física, a partir de la incorporación de diferentes tecnologías digitales. La presente investigación estuvo orientada a detectar posibles correspondencias entre las dificultades que evidencian los estudiantes en el tratamiento de gráficas de variables cinemáticas, correspondientes a dos diseños didácticos que utilizan, uno de ellos, un sistema de adquisición de datos en tiempo real y el otro, una cámara digital. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que tales dificultades no dependerían del recurso informático utilizado sino que estarían asociadas con la brecha que existe entre las características concretas del fenómeno en estudio y las variables abstractas asociadas a la descripción física del movimiento y su modelado. Palabras clave: Tecnologías digitale...
Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 2000
This study presents a description of Physics university solved problems textbooks. The aim is to ... more This study presents a description of Physics university solved problems textbooks. The aim is to make a characterisation of authors’ treatment of the presentation and resolution of these problems and to investigate its congruity with an investigation model of problem solving.From the analysis of the results it comes out that a presentation of the problematic situation as a closed problem predominates in the sample. Also basic problem-solving processes are not explicit and analysis of results is limited. It is concluded that treatment of solved problems textbooks as examples presents weak coherence with a scientific conception of problem solving.
Climate change is impacting locally adapted species such as the keystone tree species cork oak (Q... more Climate change is impacting locally adapted species such as the keystone tree species cork oak (Quercus suber L.). Quantifying the importance of environmental variables in explaining the species distribution can help build resilient populations in restoration projects and design forest management strategies. Using landscape genomics, we investigated the population structure and ecological adaptation of this tree species across the Mediterranean Basin. We applied genotyping by sequencing and derived 2,583 single nucleotide polymorphism markers genotyped from 81 individuals across 17 sites in the studied region. We implemented an approach based on the nearest neighbour haplotype ‘coancestry’ and uncovered a weak population structure along an east–west climatic gradient across the Mediterranean region. We identified genomic regions potentially involved in local adaptation and predicted differences in the genetic composition across the landscape under current and future climates. Variants associated with temperature and precipitation variables were detected, and we applied a nonlinear multivariate association method, gradient forest, to project these gene–environment relationships across space. The model allowed the identification of geographic areas within the western Mediterranean region most sensitive to climate change: south‐western Iberia and northern Morocco. Our findings provide a preliminary assessment towards a potential management strategy for the conservation of cork oak in the Mediterranean Basin.
Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 1999
This work analyses the treatment that is given to friction phenomena in a sample of fifteen physi... more This work analyses the treatment that is given to friction phenomena in a sample of fifteen physics textbooks for undergraduate level.From this analysis it emerges that friction phenomena is treated fragmentarily. It is associated -almost exclusively- either with dissipating effects or to delaying forces, it is explained using different models for different scales, systems, materials and surfaces conditions, and clear domain limits for empirical laws are not always established, showing inconsistency in the treatment of the subject.The content analysis technique and linguistic analysis were used in this study. The results are interpreted in the frame of the Rosch prototype theory.
Na Escola Superior de Educacao e Comunicacao da Universidade do Algarve realizaram-se Feiras de a... more Na Escola Superior de Educacao e Comunicacao da Universidade do Algarve realizaram-se Feiras de atividades em ciencias para criancas que frequentavam jardins de infância da regiao, em 2006 e 2013, tendo participado nas atividades mais de 200 criancas. A realizacao destes eventos estava integrada em disciplinas dos cursos de formacao de educadores de infância que abordavam assuntos de educacao em ciencias, formacao musical e expressao dramatica. Foram desenvolvidas atividades sob a forma de jogos, modelos anatomicos, puzzles, problemas matematicos, experiencias e dramatizacoes, integradas em dominios das ciencias fisicas e naturais. Abordaram-se conceitos como a reproducao das plantas, hereditariedade, combinacoes matematicas, estados fisicos da agua, camuflagem, entre muitos outros (nao descritos neste documento). As atividades foram promovidas em cenarios criados para o efeito e foram desenvolvidas estrategias didaticas adequadas a dinamizacao dos conceitos. Estas experiencias de c...
Fungi are of excellent value nutritionally, and of great importance to vegetarians. Edible mushro... more Fungi are of excellent value nutritionally, and of great importance to vegetarians. Edible mushrooms are excellent sources of protein, have low-fat content, and are free of cholesterol. Most of these are hydrolytic in nature, being employed in different food processing industries as well as in refinement of fodder quality. Edible filamentous fungi producing enzymes present an added advantage for their use in food and feed. In fungi, laccase is present in ascomycetes, deuteromycetes, and basidiomycetes, and is particularly abundant in many white-rot fungi that degrade lignin. Laccases have been subject of intensive research in the last decades due to their broad substrate specificity. In the recent years, their uses span from the textile to the pulp and paper industries, and food applications to bioremediation processes.
The pathological interaction between oak trees and Phytophthora cinnamomi has implications in the... more The pathological interaction between oak trees and Phytophthora cinnamomi has implications in the cork oak decline observed over the last decades in the Iberian Peninsula. During host colonization, the phytopathogen secretes effector molecules like elicitins to increase disease effectiveness. The objective of this study was to unravel the proteome changes associated with the cork oak immune response triggered by P. cinnamomi inoculation in a long-term assay, through SWATH-MS quantitative proteomics performed in the oak leaves. Using the Arabidopis proteome database as a reference, 424 proteins were confidently quantified in cork oak leaves, of which 80 proteins showed a p-value below 0.05 or a fold-change greater than 2 or less than 0.5 in their levels between inoculated and control samples being considered as altered. The inoculation of cork oak roots with P. cinnamomi increased the levels of proteins associated with protein-DNA complex assembly, lipid oxidation, response to endopl...
The genetic variability of cork oak (Quercus suber, L.) in Portugal was evaluated by AFLP using f... more The genetic variability of cork oak (Quercus suber, L.) in Portugal was evaluated by AFLP using five primer combinations. Three hundred and thirteen trees from three geographically contrasting regions exhibited a high level of genetic variation. The genetic profile of each individual is composed of 291 loci, randomly positioned in the genome and consists of monomorphic and polymorphic fragments. Similarities and dissimilarities among the individuals were quantitatively evaluated by numerical taxonomy. The overall sample shows a proportion of AFLP polymorphic markers of 71%, denoting a high level of variability. Ninety percent of the polymorphic markers identified in cork oak genotypes are uniformly distributed throughout the cork oak populations of Algarve, Alentejo and Trás-os-Montes regions. The coefficients of genetic similarity vary from 0.61 to 0.88 implying that 60% of fragments found are common. A sample of 52 holm oak [Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia (Lam.)] trees from over...
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2018
Abstract Microalgae being consumed for a very long time by various people due to their high nutri... more Abstract Microalgae being consumed for a very long time by various people due to their high nutritional value. Several microalgae used in the commercial applications are either in the form of pastes (or dry algae powders depending up on their applications) or as extracts. Predominantly algae pastes are used as protein supplement in animal nutrition and aquaculture industry to feed larval fishes, shrimps, bivalves etc. But, the dry form which includes powders and flakes has various applications extending from food, nutraceutical to feed industry. Aquaculture feed such as Nannochloropsis and Tetraselmis are utilized in the form of freeze-dried cubes or as pastes. Spirulina and Chlorella are being used for a very long time and it has abundant proteins, β-carotene, chlorophyll, antioxidants, minerals and other essential nutrients which are also processed into tablets. Similarly, Haematococcus and Dunaliella powder are used to extract bioactive components for pharmaceutical usage and cosmetic industry. Text mining tools were applied on microalgae articles published between 2006 and 2016 to review the usage of microalgal pastes and powders being used in food science area. This article is aimed to understand the lacunae of research and commercialized technologies in between microalgal paste and powder.
Recentemente, a investigação tem vindo a salientar a importância da promoção da aprendizagem auto... more Recentemente, a investigação tem vindo a salientar a importância da promoção da aprendizagem auto-regulada nas crianças mais pequenas (Dignath, Buettner & Langfeldt, 2008).
The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive plant pathogen, detrimental to many ecosyste... more The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive plant pathogen, detrimental to many ecosystems including cork oak (Quercus suber) stands, and can inflict great losses in one of the greatest 'hotspots' for biodiversity in the world. Here, we applied Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to disclose the metabolic patterns of cork oak roots and P. cinnamomi mycelium during the early hours of the interaction. As early as 2 h post-inoculation (hpi), cork oak roots showed altered metabolic patterns with significant variations for regions associated with carbohydrate, glycoconjugate and lipid groups when compared to mockinoculated plants. These variations were further extended at 8 hpi. Surprisingly, at 16 hpi, the metabolic changes in inoculated and mock-inoculated plants were similar, and at 24 hpi, the metabolic patterns of the regions mentioned above were inverted when compared to samples collected at 8 hpi. Principal component analysis of the FT-IR spectra confirmed that the metabolic patterns of inoculated cork oak roots could be readily distinguished from those of mock-inoculated plants at 2, 8 and 24 hpi, but not at 16 hpi. FT-IR spectral analysis from mycelium of P. cinnamomi exposed to cork oak root exudates revealed contrasting variations for regions associated with protein groups at 16 and 24 h post-exposure (hpe), whereas carbohydrate and glycoconjugate groups varied mainly at 24 hpe. Our results revealed early alterations in the metabolic patterns of the host plant when interacting with the biotrophic pathogen. In addition, the FT-IR technique can be successfully applied to discriminate infected cork oak plants from mock-inoculated plants, although these differences were dynamic with time. To a lesser extent, the metabolic patterns of P. cinnamomi were also altered when exposed to cork oak root exudates.
Este trabalho contou com a ajuda e participação de muitas pessoas e sem elas eu nunca o teria con... more Este trabalho contou com a ajuda e participação de muitas pessoas e sem elas eu nunca o teria concluído. Aqui expresso o meu profundo agradecimento a todos que de alguma forma participaram desta pesquisa. Em especial agradeço à Profa. Sonia Beatriz Meyer, por aceitar o desafio deste trabalho e por me dar liberdade em sua execução ao mesmo tempo me me apontava os melhores caminhos para sua condução e conclusão. Aprendi muito nesse processo e espero que este trabalho possa ser útil para os que desejam conhecer mais sobre a terapia via Internet e sobre a relação terapêutica. Espero neste trabalho retribuir à Sonia tudo que aprendi. Agradeço também aos clientes participantes da pesquisa, em especial aqueles que pude atender e a partir destes atendimentos pude ver o quão útil pode ser a terapia via Internet.
La tuberculosis aviaria es una enfermedad de carácter crónico mundialmente distribuida y causada ... more La tuberculosis aviaria es una enfermedad de carácter crónico mundialmente distribuida y causada frecuente por microorganismos pertenecientes al complejo Mycobacterium avium (CMA). El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la eficiencia en la detección de micobacteriosis a través de diferentes técnicas (tincion de Ziehl-Niesen (ZN), reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) 16s rDNA y PCR multiplex) en muestras de hígado. Ciento y veinte (120) canarios, 118 pertenecientes a la especie Serinus canarius (canario silvestre o canario salvaje) y 2 pertenecientes a la especie Emblema guttata (Diamante Punteado de Buteller o Diamante Moteado), con sospecha clínica de tuberculosis aviaria fueron analizados a través de un conjunto de 40 muestras de hígado clasificadas en positivas o negativas de acuerdo con los resultados de la coloración por ZN. Para comparar la eficacia de cada una de las técnicas se utilizo el coeficiente “kappa” (κ) de Choen que mide la concordancia proporcional no aleato...
Estudio de movimientos en tiempo real. Dificultades de aprendizaje en Resumen En los últimos años... more Estudio de movimientos en tiempo real. Dificultades de aprendizaje en Resumen En los últimos años se han ido configurando nuevos escenarios para la experimentación en la enseñanza de las ciencias en los cursos básicos universitarios de física, a partir de la incorporación de diferentes tecnologías digitales. La presente investigación estuvo orientada a detectar posibles correspondencias entre las dificultades que evidencian los estudiantes en el tratamiento de gráficas de variables cinemáticas, correspondientes a dos diseños didácticos que utilizan, uno de ellos, un sistema de adquisición de datos en tiempo real y el otro, una cámara digital. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que tales dificultades no dependerían del recurso informático utilizado sino que estarían asociadas con la brecha que existe entre las características concretas del fenómeno en estudio y las variables abstractas asociadas a la descripción física del movimiento y su modelado. Palabras clave: Tecnologías digitale...
Papers by Sonia Beatriz