Papers by Somdyuti Rakshit
Dyslexia is a language based learning disability. Dyslexia refers to cluster of symptoms, which r... more Dyslexia is a language based learning disability. Dyslexia refers to cluster of symptoms, which result in people having difficulties with specific language skills, mainly reading. Dyslectic students usually faced difficulties like spelling, writing and pronouncing words. If dyslectic students not identified and treated properly at proper time means early stage than this disease become more serious for those students, they lost their confidence day by day. So, it is very much essential to identified properly and treat them at very early stages of this disease. This paper try to find out the awareness level of primary school teachers of Bankura district on dyslexia, try to find out the dyslectic students (in primary schools) on Bankura district, and also try to find out the proper solution to overcome from this.

A Teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart. Teaching is the only profession where a... more A Teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart. Teaching is the only profession where all three 'H' (Hand, Head, Heart) important equally. Teachers truly shape the future of our children and therefore, the future of our nation. Teaching is the profession that teaches all of the other professions. It is because of the noblest role that the teacher in India was the most respected member of society. Recently Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the Government of India published final report National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020). NEP-2020 divided teacher education in two parts, first one school education and second one is under higher education. NEP-2020 planned something new for teachers which help improvement of teacher education programme in India. This paper discusses the planning of new NEP-2020 for teachers in school education and higher education programme and also the implementation process.

IJTSRD, 2022
Higher education plays an extremely important role in promoting human as well as societal well-be... more Higher education plays an extremely important role in promoting human as well as societal well-being and in developing India as envisioned in its Constitution-a democratic, just, socially-conscious, cultured, and humane nation upholding liberty, equality, fraternity, and justice for all. Higher education significantly contributes towards sustainable livelihoods and economic development of the nation. As India moves towards becoming a knowledge economy and society, more and younger Indians are likely to aspire for higher education. This paper discuss about current problems in higher education in India, visions of NEP 2020 to overcome from those problems. Different aspects like towards more holistic and multidisciplinary education, optimal learning environment and support for students, motivated, energized and capable faculty, equality and inclusion in higher education, teacher education, vocational education, research in education, regulatory system of higher education in India according to National Education Policy 2020. This paper also tries to discuss critically on this points on higher education of NEP 2020. This paper also tries to find out how it will be happens and how it will be implemented in India.

Modern Thamizh Research, 2021
Currently the whole human civilisation going through the threat of COVID-19. All are fighting aga... more Currently the whole human civilisation going through the threat of COVID-19. All are fighting against it. One small creature (Corona Virus) takes so many (35, 60,934) peoples life throughout the world till now (In India it takes 3, 29,100 peoples life) (updated on May 31, 2021). Undeniably COVID-19 is one of the most deadly diseases that humanity has ever seen. It affects the lives and livelihood of peoples across the world. For slowing the pandemic maximum country become going through lockdown period. Due to this lockdown millions of workers became unemployed, many private school teachers, private college professors lost their job, small industries became closed, and so many people became affected by so many ways. This virus changes the total environment (social, economical, mental, and physical) of the world. Everyone talks about negative aspects of COVID-19. But we know “positive minds bring positive vibes and positive vibes brings positive life.” This paper try to discuss about some important information about COVID-19, try to discuss the positive aspects of COVID-19 on environment, society, technology, education, physical health and mental health of the peoples.
Annals of Education, 2019
Teacher Education is very emerging issue in India. We are realising the importance of Teacher Edu... more Teacher Education is very emerging issue in India. We are realising the importance of Teacher Education institution day to day. Because now we shift a new concept of teachers are made, not born. Teachers are made on teacher education institution. NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) is the parent of Teacher Education institution. NCTE divided teacher education institutions of India into four regions (Eastern region, Western region, Northern region, Southern region). This paper study the duration of courses (B.Ed., M.Ed.), the number and percentage of teacher education institutions (B.Ed., M.Ed.) are present in eastern region state wise. B.Ed. and M.Ed. colleges present in West Bengal district wise, the details of colleges where M.Ed. courses occur in West Bengal.
ISSER, 2018
Today teacher education is very emerging issue in INDIA. Day to day we are realise importance of ... more Today teacher education is very emerging issue in INDIA. Day to day we are realise importance of teacher education institutions. Because we shift to new concept that teacher are made not born (old concept). We all know that teachers are made in teacher education institutions. So we have to know first that how many teacher education institutions are present in our country. NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) is the parent of teacher education institutions of the INDIA. NCTE divided teacher education institutions of INDIA into four regions (Eastern Region, Western Region, Northern Region and Southern Region). This paper study that duration of the courses (B.
JETIR, 2019
India is second populated country in all over the world (after China). In 2017 our population was... more India is second populated country in all over the world (after China). In 2017 our population was 133.92 crores (Sources: World Bank, United states census Bureau). Our population increasing rapidly day by day. But the problem is our resources are limited. So population explosion is main threats to sustainable development. If we will not take necessary step immediately against population explosion then our country (future generation) are in big danger. It is our responsibility to give a healthy and peaceful life to our future generation (main aim of sustainable development). This paper tries to discuss why population explosion occurs in India; its effects on environment, how we overcome from this problem, and how it is becomes main threat to sustainable development.

JETIR, 2018
According to Mahatma Gandhi "Without duty there were no rights." So, duty comes first, and then r... more According to Mahatma Gandhi "Without duty there were no rights." So, duty comes first, and then rights came. But we always think about our Fundamental Rights not our Fundamental Duties. If we all sensitive about our Fundamental Duties, then there were no need to sought about our Fundamental Rights. Our Constitution in Article 51(A) gives eleven Fundamental Duties for every citizen of India. But it was sorry to say that maximum of us are unknown to those eleven Fundamental Duties. So, our first duty is to aware of those eleven Fundamental Duties to the teacher educators, because we all known that teachers are the backbone of society, now teachers training is essential for entering the teaching profession. So, if we aware to teacher educators of those eleven Fundamental Duties then from them teachers are aware about those eleven Fundamental Duties then students are aware then from students their families and then all others were aware of those Fundamental Duties. This is like a chain reaction. This paper try to find out the actual awareness of eleven Fundamental Duties among prospective teacher educators, then take some valuable suggestion from them for increasing the awareness of those duties, and lastly it give some suggestion to our Government for increasing the awareness of those eleven Fundamental Duties.

JETIR, 2018
According to Nelson Mendella "Education is the most powerful weapon for change the world."So for ... more According to Nelson Mendella "Education is the most powerful weapon for change the world."So for changing the world we have to focus on education for all (EFA). We all know there are no proper starting point of education, education starts from the time of our birth (western concept). But there is a proper time for our formal education; it starts in the age of 5 years. Early childhood education means education of the child till the age of 6-8 years. Today all over there is a competitive mind, all of us starting our children's school from 2-3 years of age. It affects their development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. This paper discuss what is early childhood education, characteristics of early childhood, today's problem on early childhood education, effects of today's early childhood education and finally how we overcome from those affects of early childhood education for our children's better future.
Papers by Somdyuti Rakshit