Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues
The study aims to investigate current and recent rampant weak internal controls and their impact ... more The study aims to investigate current and recent rampant weak internal controls and their impact on the financial performance of the mobile payment companies in Ghana. The study used Secondary data to perform multiple linear regression analysis for the past ten years of the mobile payment companies’ operations around the globe. Methodically, partial and cross-correlation tests, regression analysis, ranking, and ANOVA analysis were exploited in the analysis to estimate and predict the relationship between internal controls and their impact on financial performance indicators. The tests predicted either positive or negative bi-directional relationships of the variables of the mobile companies used in the study. Among the four competing firms, MTN portrayed the strongest cashflow position whereas the Airtel depicted the weakest in the current and acid test ratios. The study outcome is expected to enforce the stakeholders and government to establish specific policies that will regulate ...
The paper concerned with the assessment of resistance, justification and the credibility of this ... more The paper concerned with the assessment of resistance, justification and the credibility of this justification in financial sector liberalization in Ethiopia. Financial liberalization is an integral part of the overall economic liberalization. It is a set of operational reforms and policy measures designed to deregulate and transform the financial system and its structure with the view to achieving a liberalized market-oriented system within an appropriate regulatory framework. The full financial liberalization involve six main dimension: the elimination of credit controls, the deregulation of interest rates, free entry into the banking sector, bank autonomy, private ownership of banks, and the liberalization of international capital flows. Most of these dimensions are lacking in Ethiopia because they lack political supports and the politician resists the proposal and advice from international financial institution. The paper attempted to address the details of the political resistance and justification of the politicians for resisting financial sector liberalization. The credibility and soundness of the justification was also assessed. For this purpose data were collected from different secondary data such as journals, article and books. Manuals and reports were also used to substantiate secondary data. Qualitative research approach was used in analysis of the data. It is found that financial sector liberalization in Ethiopia is very low in comparison with some neighboring countries and the sector remains poor and under developed. The majority of populations are out of reach of Journal for Studies in Management and Planning P a g e | 232 financial service in the country. Because of the unbalanced concentration of the sectors in the urban areas, majority portion of rural population suffers from acute shortage of financial infrastructure and serves. Based on the above point, it is also found that the justification for not to liberalize is not sound and credible.
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2015
Team work has become an essential tool emphasized by most of the companies today as one of the ke... more Team work has become an essential tool emphasized by most of the companies today as one of the key ingredient leading to increasing corporate performance reflecting in high margin over competitors. The term has been incessantly mentioned theoretically by many social psychologists in the 1940s including the British interdisciplinarian Eric Trist, deputy chairman of the Tavistock Institute in London as one of the most important ways in which work can being reorganized . This new breed of work team is a whole different animal and call for further research because Organizations are now using teams to perform task that formerly belong to supervisors and middle level managers. This research took a theoretical approach and critically analyzed the very key important influencing factors in team environments. It discussed team work from many practical institutions that displayed “tremendous sense of fun, and that have realized distinct successes from Team strategies. It’s revealed that factor...
The microfinance industry in Ghana started to grow but over the last few years it has declined sh... more The microfinance industry in Ghana started to grow but over the last few years it has declined sharply which has affected severely the lives of beneficiaries even though a study by Afrane (2002) had shown the economic, social and spiritual lives of the beneficiaries of microfinance in Ghana and South Africa . Access to financial services is very important for poor people because the poor is always living in the society . This research assesses the opinion of thirty –two microfinance professionals who served the poor with Microfinance products through questionnaire. In addition, the research uses secondary data through archival sources from Ghana Microfinance Network(GHAMFIN). The results indicate that all microfinance firms experienced high degree of risks before collapsing. This caused high level of absurd poverty of over 40% in Ghana. The promise of reaching the poor was the main reason some of the microfinance firms survived because the existing models show significance weakn...
Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, r... more Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, rather than separate concepts. Commercial banking in Ghana requires a lot of improvement as customers continuously err complaints about mediocre services received from different banking locations in the country. Most of the complaints are prevalent pertaining to the high cost of doing business with the financial institutions. Interest charges are very fundamental to any financial institutions and even from biblical perspectives in Matthew 25:14-27. This research measured the performance of three hundred and ninety (390) respondents who were asked to respond to questionnaire on provision of commercial banking services in Ghana and its associated profitability and risks. The respondents had diverse background comprising of sixty-eight (68) financial managers and Three-hundred and twenty-two(322) key customers who are patronizing different services from the commercial banks in Ghana. The fin...
Cooperative learning is an instructional method by which small groups of individuals learn materi... more Cooperative learning is an instructional method by which small groups of individuals learn material and then make presentations to other groups. Cooperative learning from the biblical perspective, “in Matthew 18:19, Jesus said, again, I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”. The resultant effect of this is the strong cooperation and alliance among the learners goup.The history of strategic alliance is dated the past several decades as popular problem solving tool. This paper presents issues on strategic alliance as comparative study based on results obtained through questionnaire from two hundred and seventy four (274) Ghanaian respondents in the Ashanti region on cooperative learning and their comparison with other similar international type of research that used larger sampling size through a structured collection of data. The findings from the responses obtained we...
The main purpose of this study is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measuremen... more The main purpose of this study is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measurement in relation to the impact of strategic philanthropy on firm’s profitability. This research uses Primary Data Collection Method through Questionnaire to collect professional responses from top level personnel and executives working in various industries. Questionnaires were carefully designed and sent to forty managers to seek their candid and professional opinions to the research topic. Thirty managers responded within the timeline given (response rate of 75%). The remaining 25% who failed to answer were validated with net income data from ten giants corporations who saw significant positive increase of their net income by participating in some form of strategic philanthropy within the four-year period from 2008-2011. The responses were categorized and analyses were performed on the responses and the information that were collected to determine data reliability and usefulness. The rese...
Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, r... more Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, rather than separate concepts. Commercial banking in Ghana requires a lot of improvement as customers continuously err complaints about mediocre services received from different banking locations in the country. Most of the complaints are prevalent pertaining to the high cost of doing business with the financial institutions. Interest charges are very fundamental to any financial institutions and even from biblical perspectives in Matthew 25:14-27. This research measured the performance of three hundred and ninety (390) respondents who were asked to respond to questionnaire on provision of commercial banking services in Ghana and its associated profitability and risks. The respondents had diverse background comprising of sixty-eight (68) financial managers and Three-hundred and twenty-two(322) key customers who are patronizing different services from the commercial banks in Ghana. The fin...
The purpose of this research is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measurement ... more The purpose of this research is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measurement in relation to the three governance theories of Transaction cost by Andreasen (1999), Agency theory by Ullmann (1985) and Institutional theory by Dominic (2010). Primarily, the study tried to measure the refined and ranked opinions of key contributors to strategic philanthropy. The Delphi process was used to collect quality opinion from experts who represent their respective panels but having ultimate responsibility of implementing the strategic philanthropy as new wave of management strategy for their corporations in the social media. The ranked Contributions of the experts are embodied in the findings. The consensus findings from these experts revealed that strategic philanthropy have negative but positive correlation on the three governance concepts of Agency, Transaction and institutional theories. Based on the research findings, managerial implications and directions for future rese...
Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 2017
The evidence for both the local and international investors actions are believed to be linked to ... more The evidence for both the local and international investors actions are believed to be linked to their preference for matters of international concern and the particular focus group of investors in question. These potential investors can be very diverse. This research study aims at depicting the responses of seventy-Two finance professionals who have worked for different international and local companies in Ghana. It is a quantitative analysis which was done by the use of questionnaire to assess professionals mind on important areas of international finance specifically on exchange rate changes and its effect on multinational restructuring. The population for the study was the finance professionals working in the study area of Santasi where the study was conducted in Kumasi, and a simple random sampling method was adopted .A sample size of seventy-two Finance professionals were selected and asked to respond to the questionnaire independently. The responses received were analyzed ...
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2016
The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in t... more The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in the US industry in the post-recession period between 2008-2011 specific to the selected information technology firms with regards to the notion that share earnings does not have any relationship with strategic philanthropy. The study measured the impact of strategic philanthropy behavior on profitability measures: Earnings per share (EPS) and price earnings ratio (P/E). This study also aims to measure Net income as a model of strategic philanthropy in the selected firms. The research uses 471 subsidiaries companies that were operating in the four years under study to obtain the secondary data. IBM SPSS version 21 is used to analyze the data obtained from the secondary source through Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis and ANOVA tests to determine the relationship among these variables on strategic philanthropy as discretionary management tool. . The research reveal that strategic phil...
Mobile payment is a strongly emerging payment method in Ghana, notwithstanding that, it has broug... more Mobile payment is a strongly emerging payment method in Ghana, notwithstanding that, it has brought an interoperability issues among the competing firms which has drawn the attention of present government and various stakeholders of Ghana. This study seeks to identify the recent major methodological changes that have taken place in line with the current ongoing debate on mobile payment interoperability. Methodologically, this study employs secondary data from the internet for the analysis. The first steps seek to explain interoperability as a new concept in the mobile payment companies. The second involves explaining the theoretical premises of the interoperability phases and the third involves the practical and policy implications upon which they are made and the future security issues. The study uses secondary data from daily graphic, internet and archival sources. The study follows mixed method, both quantitative and qualitative approach. Statistical tools such as tables and ch...
This article delineates homosexual-partnerships and the socioeconomic implications on the Kingdom... more This article delineates homosexual-partnerships and the socioeconomic implications on the Kingdom of God. The alarming lust in activists and advocates of homosexual partnerships has myriads of destructive effects on themselves as well as the entire human race. Through homosexual partnerships, people contract sexually transmitted diseases like deadly HIV/AIDS and other terminal conditions that are the root causes of premature death, deficiency in procreation, bouts of hyper depression, and drug addiction among other hazardous socioeconomic issues. The Creator of humanity and initiator of marriage sticks to His divine counsel and pattern of marital partnerships as consisting of relationships between a man and a woman (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:24, Matt. 19:5). Regrettably, divine procreation through heterosexual monogamous partnership (husband-man) and (wife-woman) is philosophized by practitioners and advocates of homosexual partnerships as inhumane infringement on their human rights. Obsessed with excruciating lust and vainglory, homosexual activists and their campaigners are a menace to the society and aggressive assailants of the Kingdom of God.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2015
The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in t... more The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in the US industry in the post recession period between 2008-2011 specific to the selected information technology firms with regards to school of thought that returns has positive effect on strategic philanthropy. Specifically this study focus on Measurement of the impact of strategic philanthropy behavior on profitability measures: Return on Assets (ROA), and Return on Equity (ROE). This study also aims to measure Gross margin and Turnover as a model of strategic philanthropy in the selected firms. This research jumpstart with audited consolidated financial statement of 59 listed companies comprising of 471 subsidiaries that were operating in the four years under study to obtain the secondary data. Initial approach of Statistical analysis method using IBM SPSS version 21 is used to analyze the data obtained from the secondary source. Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis; Multiple Discrim...
Finance is the bedrock of real estate development. Its availability and accessibility are importa... more Finance is the bedrock of real estate development. Its availability and accessibility are important for a successful investment. In most cases, investors don’t have substantial finance to execute a project; instead, they resort to an external source through mortgage financing. However, there are difficulties in accessing mortgage finance particularly due to borrower’s default, thereby hindering finance accessibility. This study investigates factors determining mortgage finance accessibility for providing real estate projects in Lagos State, Nigeria. The target populations are the Primary Mortgage Institutions and Real Estate Developers in Lagos State. The collected data were analysed using factor analysis and Mann-Whitney U test. The study revealed that income, nature of the occupation, type of collateral, years of the banking relationship, loan duration and loan sector are the major determinants of access to mortgage finance. These factors must be succinctly considered to ensure ea...
International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences, 2018
Pragmatically, there has been hot debate on the way Cocoa industry is managed in Ghana. These pro... more Pragmatically, there has been hot debate on the way Cocoa industry is managed in Ghana. These problems, mostly ethical in nature relate to Cocoa Purchasing and Transportation. Social Consumers have argued these out from Christian and Biblical perspectives such as proverbs 11:1. Christian critics in the industry argue that their career in the industry raises a lot of ethical and moral questions .These include not only the integrity and objectivity of the measuring instrument used in measuring the commodity from the producers level, but also the monopolization of cocoa exports and lack of new value creation activities in the industry as well as streamlining the activities of handling losses through the transportation of the raw materials to their points of conveyance. One will however, envisage that Christian organizations have not wholly been involved in the establishment of firms in Cocoa industry as commonly observed in financial and educational sectors in Ghana where, many of ...
Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 2019
The current problem in the power industry in Ghana is worrying to every citizen of Ghana and brin... more The current problem in the power industry in Ghana is worrying to every citizen of Ghana and brings into mind whether there is no effective control system to properly manage the services. The main motive for this research was to examine the impact of internal controls on revenue mobilisation at the power industry of Ghana. The selection of power industry is due to the fact that even though it is the sole and main power distributing company in Ghana, it has encountered a lot of financial problems in the recent times leading to poor provision of services, especially what is called ‘Dumsor’ in Ghanaian Language or unannounced power outage. The population for the study is the whole workers in the power industry in Ghana. The study used a purposive sampling technique to select the Kumasi main office which has 50 key employees as the sample for the study. A well-tailored questionnaire was used to gather primary data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics, reliability statistics and ...
International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2019
Microfinance has become a popular and fashionable word in financial and development circles. In p... more Microfinance has become a popular and fashionable word in financial and development circles. In practice, the term was often used more narrowly to refer to loans and other services from providers that identify themselves as microfinance institution. Indeed, the concept of microfinance was not new in Ghana. Microfinance plays a very crucial role in the area of addressing the market failures with regard to the provision of financial services to the low-income customers who until recently were receiving little or no help from the conventional financial service providers. This study examines the impact of microfinance on the operations of small- and medium-scale industries in Ghana – focusing on Tafo area of Ashanti region. The study uses sampling size of 91 clients. Data were collected through questionnaire. The findings reveal that most of the microfinance clients take loans to expand their personal businesses. The study recommends an effective monitoring system to be put in place to ...
Every government urges its citizenry to pay tax, but its payment places some sort of burden on th... more Every government urges its citizenry to pay tax, but its payment places some sort of burden on the taxpayer. In order to lessen the burden of the taxpayer, some reliefs are granted by the government. The study sought to ascertain how tax reliefs influence the payment of tax. The needed data was obtained through the use of questionnaires and interviews. A total of 150 questionnaires were administered to the staff workers in Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, and some of the student workers in Christ Apostolic University College. Out of this, one hundred and forty-two responded indicating response rate of 95%. Hypotheses were set to test each of the research objectives. All the hypotheses were supported even though the main challenge faced by tax filers is the long delay in the payment of returns. Based on the findings, it is recommended that computerized tax filing system should be implemented so that every Ghanaian can file the returns online to reduce the delays caused by paper filing.
Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues
The study aims to investigate current and recent rampant weak internal controls and their impact ... more The study aims to investigate current and recent rampant weak internal controls and their impact on the financial performance of the mobile payment companies in Ghana. The study used Secondary data to perform multiple linear regression analysis for the past ten years of the mobile payment companies’ operations around the globe. Methodically, partial and cross-correlation tests, regression analysis, ranking, and ANOVA analysis were exploited in the analysis to estimate and predict the relationship between internal controls and their impact on financial performance indicators. The tests predicted either positive or negative bi-directional relationships of the variables of the mobile companies used in the study. Among the four competing firms, MTN portrayed the strongest cashflow position whereas the Airtel depicted the weakest in the current and acid test ratios. The study outcome is expected to enforce the stakeholders and government to establish specific policies that will regulate ...
The paper concerned with the assessment of resistance, justification and the credibility of this ... more The paper concerned with the assessment of resistance, justification and the credibility of this justification in financial sector liberalization in Ethiopia. Financial liberalization is an integral part of the overall economic liberalization. It is a set of operational reforms and policy measures designed to deregulate and transform the financial system and its structure with the view to achieving a liberalized market-oriented system within an appropriate regulatory framework. The full financial liberalization involve six main dimension: the elimination of credit controls, the deregulation of interest rates, free entry into the banking sector, bank autonomy, private ownership of banks, and the liberalization of international capital flows. Most of these dimensions are lacking in Ethiopia because they lack political supports and the politician resists the proposal and advice from international financial institution. The paper attempted to address the details of the political resistance and justification of the politicians for resisting financial sector liberalization. The credibility and soundness of the justification was also assessed. For this purpose data were collected from different secondary data such as journals, article and books. Manuals and reports were also used to substantiate secondary data. Qualitative research approach was used in analysis of the data. It is found that financial sector liberalization in Ethiopia is very low in comparison with some neighboring countries and the sector remains poor and under developed. The majority of populations are out of reach of Journal for Studies in Management and Planning P a g e | 232 financial service in the country. Because of the unbalanced concentration of the sectors in the urban areas, majority portion of rural population suffers from acute shortage of financial infrastructure and serves. Based on the above point, it is also found that the justification for not to liberalize is not sound and credible.
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2015
Team work has become an essential tool emphasized by most of the companies today as one of the ke... more Team work has become an essential tool emphasized by most of the companies today as one of the key ingredient leading to increasing corporate performance reflecting in high margin over competitors. The term has been incessantly mentioned theoretically by many social psychologists in the 1940s including the British interdisciplinarian Eric Trist, deputy chairman of the Tavistock Institute in London as one of the most important ways in which work can being reorganized . This new breed of work team is a whole different animal and call for further research because Organizations are now using teams to perform task that formerly belong to supervisors and middle level managers. This research took a theoretical approach and critically analyzed the very key important influencing factors in team environments. It discussed team work from many practical institutions that displayed “tremendous sense of fun, and that have realized distinct successes from Team strategies. It’s revealed that factor...
The microfinance industry in Ghana started to grow but over the last few years it has declined sh... more The microfinance industry in Ghana started to grow but over the last few years it has declined sharply which has affected severely the lives of beneficiaries even though a study by Afrane (2002) had shown the economic, social and spiritual lives of the beneficiaries of microfinance in Ghana and South Africa . Access to financial services is very important for poor people because the poor is always living in the society . This research assesses the opinion of thirty –two microfinance professionals who served the poor with Microfinance products through questionnaire. In addition, the research uses secondary data through archival sources from Ghana Microfinance Network(GHAMFIN). The results indicate that all microfinance firms experienced high degree of risks before collapsing. This caused high level of absurd poverty of over 40% in Ghana. The promise of reaching the poor was the main reason some of the microfinance firms survived because the existing models show significance weakn...
Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, r... more Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, rather than separate concepts. Commercial banking in Ghana requires a lot of improvement as customers continuously err complaints about mediocre services received from different banking locations in the country. Most of the complaints are prevalent pertaining to the high cost of doing business with the financial institutions. Interest charges are very fundamental to any financial institutions and even from biblical perspectives in Matthew 25:14-27. This research measured the performance of three hundred and ninety (390) respondents who were asked to respond to questionnaire on provision of commercial banking services in Ghana and its associated profitability and risks. The respondents had diverse background comprising of sixty-eight (68) financial managers and Three-hundred and twenty-two(322) key customers who are patronizing different services from the commercial banks in Ghana. The fin...
Cooperative learning is an instructional method by which small groups of individuals learn materi... more Cooperative learning is an instructional method by which small groups of individuals learn material and then make presentations to other groups. Cooperative learning from the biblical perspective, “in Matthew 18:19, Jesus said, again, I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”. The resultant effect of this is the strong cooperation and alliance among the learners goup.The history of strategic alliance is dated the past several decades as popular problem solving tool. This paper presents issues on strategic alliance as comparative study based on results obtained through questionnaire from two hundred and seventy four (274) Ghanaian respondents in the Ashanti region on cooperative learning and their comparison with other similar international type of research that used larger sampling size through a structured collection of data. The findings from the responses obtained we...
The main purpose of this study is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measuremen... more The main purpose of this study is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measurement in relation to the impact of strategic philanthropy on firm’s profitability. This research uses Primary Data Collection Method through Questionnaire to collect professional responses from top level personnel and executives working in various industries. Questionnaires were carefully designed and sent to forty managers to seek their candid and professional opinions to the research topic. Thirty managers responded within the timeline given (response rate of 75%). The remaining 25% who failed to answer were validated with net income data from ten giants corporations who saw significant positive increase of their net income by participating in some form of strategic philanthropy within the four-year period from 2008-2011. The responses were categorized and analyses were performed on the responses and the information that were collected to determine data reliability and usefulness. The rese...
Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, r... more Provision of financial services and level of customer satisfaction are intricately intertwined, rather than separate concepts. Commercial banking in Ghana requires a lot of improvement as customers continuously err complaints about mediocre services received from different banking locations in the country. Most of the complaints are prevalent pertaining to the high cost of doing business with the financial institutions. Interest charges are very fundamental to any financial institutions and even from biblical perspectives in Matthew 25:14-27. This research measured the performance of three hundred and ninety (390) respondents who were asked to respond to questionnaire on provision of commercial banking services in Ghana and its associated profitability and risks. The respondents had diverse background comprising of sixty-eight (68) financial managers and Three-hundred and twenty-two(322) key customers who are patronizing different services from the commercial banks in Ghana. The fin...
The purpose of this research is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measurement ... more The purpose of this research is to measure the correlation by the use of qualitative measurement in relation to the three governance theories of Transaction cost by Andreasen (1999), Agency theory by Ullmann (1985) and Institutional theory by Dominic (2010). Primarily, the study tried to measure the refined and ranked opinions of key contributors to strategic philanthropy. The Delphi process was used to collect quality opinion from experts who represent their respective panels but having ultimate responsibility of implementing the strategic philanthropy as new wave of management strategy for their corporations in the social media. The ranked Contributions of the experts are embodied in the findings. The consensus findings from these experts revealed that strategic philanthropy have negative but positive correlation on the three governance concepts of Agency, Transaction and institutional theories. Based on the research findings, managerial implications and directions for future rese...
Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 2017
The evidence for both the local and international investors actions are believed to be linked to ... more The evidence for both the local and international investors actions are believed to be linked to their preference for matters of international concern and the particular focus group of investors in question. These potential investors can be very diverse. This research study aims at depicting the responses of seventy-Two finance professionals who have worked for different international and local companies in Ghana. It is a quantitative analysis which was done by the use of questionnaire to assess professionals mind on important areas of international finance specifically on exchange rate changes and its effect on multinational restructuring. The population for the study was the finance professionals working in the study area of Santasi where the study was conducted in Kumasi, and a simple random sampling method was adopted .A sample size of seventy-two Finance professionals were selected and asked to respond to the questionnaire independently. The responses received were analyzed ...
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2016
The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in t... more The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in the US industry in the post-recession period between 2008-2011 specific to the selected information technology firms with regards to the notion that share earnings does not have any relationship with strategic philanthropy. The study measured the impact of strategic philanthropy behavior on profitability measures: Earnings per share (EPS) and price earnings ratio (P/E). This study also aims to measure Net income as a model of strategic philanthropy in the selected firms. The research uses 471 subsidiaries companies that were operating in the four years under study to obtain the secondary data. IBM SPSS version 21 is used to analyze the data obtained from the secondary source through Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis and ANOVA tests to determine the relationship among these variables on strategic philanthropy as discretionary management tool. . The research reveal that strategic phil...
Mobile payment is a strongly emerging payment method in Ghana, notwithstanding that, it has broug... more Mobile payment is a strongly emerging payment method in Ghana, notwithstanding that, it has brought an interoperability issues among the competing firms which has drawn the attention of present government and various stakeholders of Ghana. This study seeks to identify the recent major methodological changes that have taken place in line with the current ongoing debate on mobile payment interoperability. Methodologically, this study employs secondary data from the internet for the analysis. The first steps seek to explain interoperability as a new concept in the mobile payment companies. The second involves explaining the theoretical premises of the interoperability phases and the third involves the practical and policy implications upon which they are made and the future security issues. The study uses secondary data from daily graphic, internet and archival sources. The study follows mixed method, both quantitative and qualitative approach. Statistical tools such as tables and ch...
This article delineates homosexual-partnerships and the socioeconomic implications on the Kingdom... more This article delineates homosexual-partnerships and the socioeconomic implications on the Kingdom of God. The alarming lust in activists and advocates of homosexual partnerships has myriads of destructive effects on themselves as well as the entire human race. Through homosexual partnerships, people contract sexually transmitted diseases like deadly HIV/AIDS and other terminal conditions that are the root causes of premature death, deficiency in procreation, bouts of hyper depression, and drug addiction among other hazardous socioeconomic issues. The Creator of humanity and initiator of marriage sticks to His divine counsel and pattern of marital partnerships as consisting of relationships between a man and a woman (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:24, Matt. 19:5). Regrettably, divine procreation through heterosexual monogamous partnership (husband-man) and (wife-woman) is philosophized by practitioners and advocates of homosexual partnerships as inhumane infringement on their human rights. Obsessed with excruciating lust and vainglory, homosexual activists and their campaigners are a menace to the society and aggressive assailants of the Kingdom of God.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2015
The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in t... more The purpose of this study examines the critical changes of strategic philanthropy prevailing in the US industry in the post recession period between 2008-2011 specific to the selected information technology firms with regards to school of thought that returns has positive effect on strategic philanthropy. Specifically this study focus on Measurement of the impact of strategic philanthropy behavior on profitability measures: Return on Assets (ROA), and Return on Equity (ROE). This study also aims to measure Gross margin and Turnover as a model of strategic philanthropy in the selected firms. This research jumpstart with audited consolidated financial statement of 59 listed companies comprising of 471 subsidiaries that were operating in the four years under study to obtain the secondary data. Initial approach of Statistical analysis method using IBM SPSS version 21 is used to analyze the data obtained from the secondary source. Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis; Multiple Discrim...
Finance is the bedrock of real estate development. Its availability and accessibility are importa... more Finance is the bedrock of real estate development. Its availability and accessibility are important for a successful investment. In most cases, investors don’t have substantial finance to execute a project; instead, they resort to an external source through mortgage financing. However, there are difficulties in accessing mortgage finance particularly due to borrower’s default, thereby hindering finance accessibility. This study investigates factors determining mortgage finance accessibility for providing real estate projects in Lagos State, Nigeria. The target populations are the Primary Mortgage Institutions and Real Estate Developers in Lagos State. The collected data were analysed using factor analysis and Mann-Whitney U test. The study revealed that income, nature of the occupation, type of collateral, years of the banking relationship, loan duration and loan sector are the major determinants of access to mortgage finance. These factors must be succinctly considered to ensure ea...
International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences, 2018
Pragmatically, there has been hot debate on the way Cocoa industry is managed in Ghana. These pro... more Pragmatically, there has been hot debate on the way Cocoa industry is managed in Ghana. These problems, mostly ethical in nature relate to Cocoa Purchasing and Transportation. Social Consumers have argued these out from Christian and Biblical perspectives such as proverbs 11:1. Christian critics in the industry argue that their career in the industry raises a lot of ethical and moral questions .These include not only the integrity and objectivity of the measuring instrument used in measuring the commodity from the producers level, but also the monopolization of cocoa exports and lack of new value creation activities in the industry as well as streamlining the activities of handling losses through the transportation of the raw materials to their points of conveyance. One will however, envisage that Christian organizations have not wholly been involved in the establishment of firms in Cocoa industry as commonly observed in financial and educational sectors in Ghana where, many of ...
Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 2019
The current problem in the power industry in Ghana is worrying to every citizen of Ghana and brin... more The current problem in the power industry in Ghana is worrying to every citizen of Ghana and brings into mind whether there is no effective control system to properly manage the services. The main motive for this research was to examine the impact of internal controls on revenue mobilisation at the power industry of Ghana. The selection of power industry is due to the fact that even though it is the sole and main power distributing company in Ghana, it has encountered a lot of financial problems in the recent times leading to poor provision of services, especially what is called ‘Dumsor’ in Ghanaian Language or unannounced power outage. The population for the study is the whole workers in the power industry in Ghana. The study used a purposive sampling technique to select the Kumasi main office which has 50 key employees as the sample for the study. A well-tailored questionnaire was used to gather primary data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics, reliability statistics and ...
International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2019
Microfinance has become a popular and fashionable word in financial and development circles. In p... more Microfinance has become a popular and fashionable word in financial and development circles. In practice, the term was often used more narrowly to refer to loans and other services from providers that identify themselves as microfinance institution. Indeed, the concept of microfinance was not new in Ghana. Microfinance plays a very crucial role in the area of addressing the market failures with regard to the provision of financial services to the low-income customers who until recently were receiving little or no help from the conventional financial service providers. This study examines the impact of microfinance on the operations of small- and medium-scale industries in Ghana – focusing on Tafo area of Ashanti region. The study uses sampling size of 91 clients. Data were collected through questionnaire. The findings reveal that most of the microfinance clients take loans to expand their personal businesses. The study recommends an effective monitoring system to be put in place to ...
Every government urges its citizenry to pay tax, but its payment places some sort of burden on th... more Every government urges its citizenry to pay tax, but its payment places some sort of burden on the taxpayer. In order to lessen the burden of the taxpayer, some reliefs are granted by the government. The study sought to ascertain how tax reliefs influence the payment of tax. The needed data was obtained through the use of questionnaires and interviews. A total of 150 questionnaires were administered to the staff workers in Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, and some of the student workers in Christ Apostolic University College. Out of this, one hundred and forty-two responded indicating response rate of 95%. Hypotheses were set to test each of the research objectives. All the hypotheses were supported even though the main challenge faced by tax filers is the long delay in the payment of returns. Based on the findings, it is recommended that computerized tax filing system should be implemented so that every Ghanaian can file the returns online to reduce the delays caused by paper filing.
Papers by Solomon Arhin