The proposed work uses fixed lag smoothing on the interactive multiple model-integrated probabili... more The proposed work uses fixed lag smoothing on the interactive multiple model-integrated probabilistic data association algorithm (IMM-IPDA) to enhance its performance. This approach makes use of the advantages of the fixed lag smoothing algorithm to track the motion of a maneuvering target while it is surrounded by clutter. The suggested method provides a new mathematical foundation in terms of smoothing for mode probabilities in addition to the target trajectory state and target existence state by including the smoothing advantages. The suggested fixed lag smoothing IMM-IPDA (FLs IMM-IPDA) method’s root mean square error (RMSE), true track rate (TTR), and mode probabilities are compared to those of other recent algorithms in the literature in this study. The results clearly show that the proposed algorithm outperformed the already-known methods in the literature in terms of these above parameters of interest.
Background & Objective: Radiology has played a significant role in the diagnosis and quantifying ... more Background & Objective: Radiology has played a significant role in the diagnosis and quantifying the severity of COVID 19 pulmonary disease. This study was conducted to assess patterns and severity of COVID-19 pulmonary disease based on radiological imaging. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in a large tertiary care public sector teaching hospital of Karachi, Pakistan from June 2020 till August 2020. All confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients referred for chest X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans were evaluated along with RT-PCR results. Suspected patients were followed for RT-PCR. Radiological features and severity of imaging studies were determined. Results: Of 533 patients in whom X-rays were performed, majority had severe/critical findings, i.e., 304 (57.03%). Of 97 patients in whom CT scan was performed, mild/moderate findings were observed in 63 (64.94%) patients. Of 472 patients with abnormal X-rays, majority presented with alveolar pattern 459...
This communication models the flow of viscous nanofluid between two heated parallel plates with r... more This communication models the flow of viscous nanofluid between two heated parallel plates with radiation and uniform suction at one boundary. Two types of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) namely the single (SWCNT) and multiple (MWCNT) walls are accounted. Heat generation, radiation, and dissipation in heat expression are utilized. Entropy generation and Bejan number are examined. Formulation and analysis in rotating frame are considered. Convergent solutions for velocity and temperature are constructed and interpreted. Coefficient of skin-friction and Nusselt number are tabulated and analyzed for comparative study of SWCNT and MWCNT. Correlation for skin-friction and Nusselt number are also evaluated. An enhancement in velocity profile is seen through suction variable. A reduction occurs in axial velocity for higher Reynolds number. An opposite trend is hold for thermal field through Eckert and Prandtl numbers. An intensification in temperature is noted for radiation. An amplification in en...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2019
Neuroendocrine tumours are a rare tumour type involving neuroectodermal cells. They are also term... more Neuroendocrine tumours are a rare tumour type involving neuroectodermal cells. They are also termed carcinoids. Gastroenteropancreatic system is most commonly involved. They are classified as low, intermediate or high grade depending upon mitotic index and Ki-67 index. Their diagnosis involves measurement of chromogranin A levels. Ultrasound is the initial imaging modality for their evaluation. Endoscopic ultrasound allows close evaluation of the tumour. Staging is commonly undertaken by computed tomography scan. These tumours typically show hyper-enhancement on arterial phase. Their metastasis to the liver also shows arterial enhancement. Small bowel carcinoids tend to have hepatic and mesenteric spread. Mesenteric spread of disease gives a characteristic spoke wheel appearance. On magnetic resonance imaging, these tumours typically appear as hypointense on T1 weighted image, hyperintense on T2 weighted image and show avid enhancement on postcontrast scan. Surgical resection is app...
Background: Acute scrotum is sudden onset of swelling and pain in the scrotum or its contents, ac... more Background: Acute scrotum is sudden onset of swelling and pain in the scrotum or its contents, accompanied by local signs or general symptoms and is commonly due to testicular torsion, epididymitis, orchitis or epididymo-orchitis. The difficulty arises due to the similarities between the presentations. It is important to recognize sonograpic patterns of acute scrotum to reduce the need of exploratory surgery. Objective: To determine the frequency of different ultrasonographic patterns in patients presenting with acute scrotum. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Dow Institute of Radiology, Dow University of Health Sciences from 20 th April 2016 till 20 th October 2016. Male patients aged 16-45 years presenting with acute scrotum within 24 hours underwent scrotal ultrasound with color doppler imaging. Comparative axial and sagittal views of each scrotum were obtained. Images were interpreted by two radiologists in terms of echotexture, echogenicity, size of testes, hydr...
The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of rubella virus infection among pregn... more The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of rubella virus infection among pregnant women of IDPs (internal displaced persons) of NWA agency in Baka Khil camp KPK, Pakistan from February 2015 to July 2015.Two hundred fifty (250) blood samples were randomly collected from IDPs pregnant women. Sera were separated and screening was with Enzyme linked immunosurbant assay (ELISA). At overall 19.6% (49/250) and 3.6% (9/50) were positive against rubella specific IgG and IgM antibodies respectively. A higher prevalence was found in women of 32-39 years age group. 3 trimester and house wife showed a high positivity rate (IgG=22.10%, IgM=5.26%) and (IgG=22.14%, IgM=5%) respectively. Also illiterate and women of low income status were at high risk of infection. The high prevalence of rubella infection during pregnancy can lead fetus at high risk of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). So it is advisable to health planners to avoid further incidence of rubella infection by the im...
In Pakistan one of the main causes of the low production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) i... more In Pakistan one of the main causes of the low production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is lack of proper fertilizer management especially of mineral nutrients which plays crucial role in growth and yield of bean. Foliar feeding of mineral nutrients may be used as a supplement for obtaining higher yield. Experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different nutrients application on common bean at experimental field, Department of Botany, Hazara University, Mansehra during 2012-13 in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates and four treatments i.e. control (H2O spray alone), poultry manure, DAP (Di-ammonium Phosphate) and foliar spray of (NPK 20:20:20). The results showed that foliar spray of NPK significantly increased number of pods plant -1 , number of seeds pod -1 , number of seeds plant -1 , biomass and grain yield. It may be concluded that foliar spray of NPK is the suitable application for the maximum yield of common bean.
The lack of irrigation facilities and poor irrigation system and due to the deficiency of agricul... more The lack of irrigation facilities and poor irrigation system and due to the deficiency of agricultural knowledge, farmers introduce new brands of pesticides for their better production. Unaware of all the facts and health hazards, aim of farmers is only better productivity. Many pesticides are used in the homes, industries, hospitals, for killing pests like mosquitoes, mites, cockroaches, ants, aphids, worms, snails, etc. which are the source of spreading various diseases like mosquito causing malaria, yellow fever and west Neil virus and bees, wasps and ants spreading allergy. The data in part however, has been based on the side effects of pesticides used and one question that should come to our mind is "how much do we really know about pesticides? Keeping these facts in view, the literatures on the excess used of pesticides are reviewed in this paper.
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2021
Face forgery by deepfake is widely spread over the internet and this raises severe societal conce... more Face forgery by deepfake is widely spread over the internet and this raises severe societal concerns. In this paper, we propose a novel video transformer with incremental learning for detecting deepfake videos. To better align the input face images, we use a 3D face reconstruction method to generate UV texture from a single input face image. The aligned face image can also provide pose, eyes blink and mouth movement information that cannot be perceived in the UV texture image, so we use both face images and their UV texture maps to extract the image features. We present an incremental learning strategy to ne-tune the proposed model on a smaller amount of data and achieve better deepfake detection performance. The comprehensive experiments on various public deepfake datasets demonstrate that the proposed video transformer model with incremental learning achieves state-of-the-art performance in the deepfake video detection task with enhanced feature learning from the sequenced data. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy ! Social aspects of security and privacy.
Entropy optimization in convective viscous fluids flow due to a rotating cone is explored. Heat e... more Entropy optimization in convective viscous fluids flow due to a rotating cone is explored. Heat expression with heat source/sink and dissipation is considered. Irreversibility with binary chemical reaction is also deliberated. Nonlinear system is reduced to ODEs by suitable variables. Newton built in shooting procedure is adopted for numerical solution. Salient features velocity filed, Bejan number, entropy rate, concentration and temperature are deliberated. Numerical outcomes for velocity gradient and mass and heat transfer rates are displayed through tables. Assessments between the current and previous published outcomes are in an excellent agreement. It is noted that velocity and temperature show contrasting behavior for larger variable viscosity parameter. Entropy rate and Bejan number have reverse effect against viscosity variable. For rising values of thermal conductivity variable both Bejan number and entropy optimization have similar effect.
Chest computed tomography (CT), including high-resolution CT (HRCT), has become an integral part ... more Chest computed tomography (CT), including high-resolution CT (HRCT), has become an integral part of modern healthcare. It enables the physician to arrive at a diagnosis using a noninvasive approach. Our practice has shown that various chest CT scans without intravenous (IV) contrast, including HRCT, have no proper clinical indication. For the same reason, we have assessed the appropriateness of chest CT without IV contrast based on the evidence-based American College of Radiology (ACR) appropriateness criteria. Chest CT scans without IV contrast were reviewed to evaluate if the examination was based upon the evidence-based ACR appropriateness criteria. All clinical indications, positive physical examination findings, laboratory test findings, and radiological records submitted at the time of chest CT were reviewed. Of 1205 CT scans, 538 (44.6%) were considered "inappropriate," 367 (30.4%) were considered "appropriate," and 300 (24.8%) were considered "may be...
A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 836 cattle {Bos (B.) indicus and B. taurus x B. indicus... more A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 836 cattle {Bos (B.) indicus and B. taurus x B. indicus} and 700 buffaloes (B. bubalis bubulus) (n=1536) of district Khanewal, Punjab, Pakistan, in order to determine the epizootiology of anaplasmosis through conventional optical microscopy of Giemsa's stained blood films. With an overall prevalence of 4.17% (64/1536); the distribution of anaplasmosis was higher in buffaloes than cattle, calves than adults, females than males. Anaplasmosis in selected animal population was found statistically associated with the breed, season, animal keeping, housing system and hygienic management. The collected information provides the first report of anaplasmosis in the study population of the region. The data will not only be helpful for the dairy farmers to modulate farming practices but also for the policy and decision makers to control the nuisance in the livestock population of the district. However, use of modern molecular tools is suggested for differential diagnosis of Anaplasma from other haemoprotozoa like Babesia and Theileria on a wider geographical spectrum.
ARP cache poisoning and putting host Network Interface Card (NIC) in promiscuous mode are ways of... more ARP cache poisoning and putting host Network Interface Card (NIC) in promiscuous mode are ways of sniffer attacks. ARP cache poisoning attack is effective in an environment which is not broadcast in nature (like switch LAN environment) and other attack is effective in an environment which is broadcast in nature (like hub, bus, access point LAN environments). Sniffing is malicious activity performed by network user and because of this network security is at risk so detection of sniffer is essential task to maintain network security. Sniffer detection techniques can be divided into two main categories. First category's techniques are used to detect a sniffer host that runs it's NIC into promiscuous mode and second category's techniques are used to detect a sniffer host that uses ARP cache poisoning for sniffing. The network configuration is hidden form users. Network users do not have any information about nature of network. Therefore, users of network may invoke such sniffer detection technique that is not effective in that environment. This may result in sharing of his private and confidential information with malicious users. In this paper, we designed an intelligent invocation module that checks the nature of environment automatically and invokes appropriate, sniffer detection technique for that environment. With the help of this invocation module it is possible to detect passive as well as active sniffer hosts in both environments.
A study was conducted to compare probiotic with antibiotic, using drinking water supplemented wit... more A study was conducted to compare probiotic with antibiotic, using drinking water supplemented with Biovet and TNF-60. The 8-days old Desi chicks were randomly divided into 9 separate floor pens each comprising 75 birds and three pens (replicates) per treatment group following completely randomized design. At the end of 6 weeks trial, body weight (BW) and feed to gain ratio (FCR) were determined. At the end of experiment, serum cholesterol was determined. The BW of birds given antibiotic and probiotic was significantly greater than control. Similarly, better FCR was observed in birds those given drinking water with antibiotic and probiotic. There was less mortality recorded with probiotic treatment. Cholesterol contents were reduced significantly in probiotic supplemented group as compared to antibiotic and control groups. It may be concluded that performance in Desi birds could be maintained when supplementing probiotic incorporated in broiler's drinking water. The supplementation of probiotic may lead to the development of low-cholesterol chicken meat as demanded by health-conscious consumers. Probiotic may be replaced with the antibiotic to avoid its residual effects on birds as well as human health.
Background: Patients with urgency represent a group of incontinence sufferers whose diagnosis rem... more Background: Patients with urgency represent a group of incontinence sufferers whose diagnosis remains difficult to establish. Urodynamic testing demonstrating involuntary bladder contraction provides objective confirmation but represents an invasive approach. We have previously demonstrated that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) can provide a reporter function in solid organ disease toward biomarker discovery. Here we investigated the utility of using PBMC as marker for patients with confirmed involuntary bladder contraction. Methods: Fifteen female patients were evaluated for involuntary bladder contractions and stress urinary incontinence as demonstrated by urodynamics and also assessed for pelvic prolapse, stress incontinence by history, bladder neck dysfunction, and bladder capacity. PBMC were obtained from patients' whole blood, and RNA was subjected to microarray gene chip analysis. Results: Microarray analysis revealed that eleven genes were differentially regulated (five upregulated and six downregulated). Of these, PGRMC1 (progesterone receptor membrane component 1), EIF2S3 (eukaryotic initiation factor), C3AR1 (complement receptor), and three unknown genes were downregulated. Upregulated genes included MYOM2 (myomesin M-protein), a cytoskeletal protein; KTN1 (kinectin); and AAK 1 (AP2 associated kinase). Conclusions: Microarray analysis revealed many genes that were differentially regulated in PBMC from patients with involuntary detrusor contractions. These genes may be important in regulating structural integrity of bladder and supporting tissues. These data suggest that PBMC can provide a reporter function for patients with involuntary bladder contractions and may serve toward biomarker discovery for novel diagnostic markers and/or the ability to monitor response to therapy.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Distributed computing systems are designed to solve computationally intensive problems with the h... more Distributed computing systems are designed to solve computationally intensive problems with the help of convergence of computing resources scattered across the network. Distributed computing object middleware technologies have bring revolutionary concepts in the world of distributed computing and also made the building of distributed computing applications more efficient and nearer to real world. But the selection of most efficient distributed computing object middleware technology on the basis of different performance metrics is an important research issue. In this paper we are presenting the performance evaluation and comparison of distributed computing object middleware technologies which include Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Internet Communication Engine (ICE), HORB, and TCP based Dot NET Remoting. Because these distributed computing object middleware technologies have not been evaluated and compared collectively on the basis of performance metrics which include overhead generation and round trip latency. The results that we have gathered showed that ICE is showing better performance in terms of overhead generation. And HORB has showed reduced round trip latency as compared to other middleware's.
Generalized band structure equation for photonic crystals which containing dielectric rods in met... more Generalized band structure equation for photonic crystals which containing dielectric rods in metals medium was derived by using the plane wave expansion method. From the band structure, we can study band gap of photonic crystals in both E and H polarizations. Since metals are frequency-dependant materials, modification needs to be done on the plane wave expansion equation to calculate the metallic photonic crystals containing dielectric constant rods. To ease the calculation, simple Drude model for metals are used. In this model, the equation is without damping constant. We have plotted the band structure for photonic crystals in metals medium. Then, we studied the effective plasma frequency of the structure from the band graph in E polarization mode (TM). We found that effective plasma frequency can be tailored as we want. Detailed results are presented with different sizes of radius. Comparison is made for different background materials.
By using plane wave expansion method, we calculated the photonic band structure of metal cylinder... more By using plane wave expansion method, we calculated the photonic band structure of metal cylinders in a dielectric medium. The photonic crystal is an identical, symmetrical structure with an infinite array of metallic rods. Arrangement of the metallic rods used is square lattice. The dielectric function of the metal from which the cylinders are formed has a simple, free electron form ε(ω)=1-(ω p 2 /ω 2) where ω p is the plasma frequency of the conducting electron. We manage to show the band structure of the square lattice. We found the relation between the band gap size and the filling fraction for some widely used material. For an example, FR-4, silicon, resin, teflon etc. The relation between the band gap size and the dielectric constant of the medium was studied.
Lipid movement between organelles is a critical component of eukaryotic membrane homeostasis. Nie... more Lipid movement between organelles is a critical component of eukaryotic membrane homeostasis. Niemann Pick type C (NP-C) disease is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder typified by lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol and sphingolipids. Expression of yeast NP-C–related gene 1 (NCR1), the orthologue of the human NP-C gene 1 (NPC1) defective in the disease, in Chinese hamster ovary NPC1 mutant cells suppressed lipid accumulation. Deletion of NCR1, encoding a transmembrane glycoprotein predominantly residing in the vacuole of normal yeast, gave no phenotype. However, a dominant mutation in the putative sterol-sensing domain of Ncr1p conferred temperature and polyene antibiotic sensitivity without changes in sterol metabolism. Instead, the mutant cells were resistant to inhibitors of sphingolipid biosynthesis and super sensitive to sphingosine and C2-ceramide. Moreover, plasma membrane sphingolipids accumulated and redistributed to the vacuole and other subcellular membranes of the mutan...
Methylation of CpG islands associated with genes can affect the expression of the proximal gene, ... more Methylation of CpG islands associated with genes can affect the expression of the proximal gene, and methylation of non-associated CpG islands correlates to genomic instability. This epigenetic modification has been shown to be important in many pathologies, from development and disease to cancer. We report the development of a novel high-resolution microarray that detects the methylation status of over 25 000 CpG islands in the human genome. Experiments were performed to demonstrate low system noise in the methodology and that the array probes have a high signal to noise ratio. Methylation measurements between different cell lines were validated demonstrating the accuracy of measurement. We then identified alterations in CpG islands, both those associated with gene promoters, as well as non-promoter-associated islands in a set of breast and ovarian tumors. We demonstrate that this methodology accurately identifies methylation profiles in cancer and in principle it can differentiate any CpG methylation alterations and can be adapted to analyze other species.
The proposed work uses fixed lag smoothing on the interactive multiple model-integrated probabili... more The proposed work uses fixed lag smoothing on the interactive multiple model-integrated probabilistic data association algorithm (IMM-IPDA) to enhance its performance. This approach makes use of the advantages of the fixed lag smoothing algorithm to track the motion of a maneuvering target while it is surrounded by clutter. The suggested method provides a new mathematical foundation in terms of smoothing for mode probabilities in addition to the target trajectory state and target existence state by including the smoothing advantages. The suggested fixed lag smoothing IMM-IPDA (FLs IMM-IPDA) method’s root mean square error (RMSE), true track rate (TTR), and mode probabilities are compared to those of other recent algorithms in the literature in this study. The results clearly show that the proposed algorithm outperformed the already-known methods in the literature in terms of these above parameters of interest.
Background & Objective: Radiology has played a significant role in the diagnosis and quantifying ... more Background & Objective: Radiology has played a significant role in the diagnosis and quantifying the severity of COVID 19 pulmonary disease. This study was conducted to assess patterns and severity of COVID-19 pulmonary disease based on radiological imaging. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in a large tertiary care public sector teaching hospital of Karachi, Pakistan from June 2020 till August 2020. All confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients referred for chest X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans were evaluated along with RT-PCR results. Suspected patients were followed for RT-PCR. Radiological features and severity of imaging studies were determined. Results: Of 533 patients in whom X-rays were performed, majority had severe/critical findings, i.e., 304 (57.03%). Of 97 patients in whom CT scan was performed, mild/moderate findings were observed in 63 (64.94%) patients. Of 472 patients with abnormal X-rays, majority presented with alveolar pattern 459...
This communication models the flow of viscous nanofluid between two heated parallel plates with r... more This communication models the flow of viscous nanofluid between two heated parallel plates with radiation and uniform suction at one boundary. Two types of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) namely the single (SWCNT) and multiple (MWCNT) walls are accounted. Heat generation, radiation, and dissipation in heat expression are utilized. Entropy generation and Bejan number are examined. Formulation and analysis in rotating frame are considered. Convergent solutions for velocity and temperature are constructed and interpreted. Coefficient of skin-friction and Nusselt number are tabulated and analyzed for comparative study of SWCNT and MWCNT. Correlation for skin-friction and Nusselt number are also evaluated. An enhancement in velocity profile is seen through suction variable. A reduction occurs in axial velocity for higher Reynolds number. An opposite trend is hold for thermal field through Eckert and Prandtl numbers. An intensification in temperature is noted for radiation. An amplification in en...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2019
Neuroendocrine tumours are a rare tumour type involving neuroectodermal cells. They are also term... more Neuroendocrine tumours are a rare tumour type involving neuroectodermal cells. They are also termed carcinoids. Gastroenteropancreatic system is most commonly involved. They are classified as low, intermediate or high grade depending upon mitotic index and Ki-67 index. Their diagnosis involves measurement of chromogranin A levels. Ultrasound is the initial imaging modality for their evaluation. Endoscopic ultrasound allows close evaluation of the tumour. Staging is commonly undertaken by computed tomography scan. These tumours typically show hyper-enhancement on arterial phase. Their metastasis to the liver also shows arterial enhancement. Small bowel carcinoids tend to have hepatic and mesenteric spread. Mesenteric spread of disease gives a characteristic spoke wheel appearance. On magnetic resonance imaging, these tumours typically appear as hypointense on T1 weighted image, hyperintense on T2 weighted image and show avid enhancement on postcontrast scan. Surgical resection is app...
Background: Acute scrotum is sudden onset of swelling and pain in the scrotum or its contents, ac... more Background: Acute scrotum is sudden onset of swelling and pain in the scrotum or its contents, accompanied by local signs or general symptoms and is commonly due to testicular torsion, epididymitis, orchitis or epididymo-orchitis. The difficulty arises due to the similarities between the presentations. It is important to recognize sonograpic patterns of acute scrotum to reduce the need of exploratory surgery. Objective: To determine the frequency of different ultrasonographic patterns in patients presenting with acute scrotum. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Dow Institute of Radiology, Dow University of Health Sciences from 20 th April 2016 till 20 th October 2016. Male patients aged 16-45 years presenting with acute scrotum within 24 hours underwent scrotal ultrasound with color doppler imaging. Comparative axial and sagittal views of each scrotum were obtained. Images were interpreted by two radiologists in terms of echotexture, echogenicity, size of testes, hydr...
The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of rubella virus infection among pregn... more The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of rubella virus infection among pregnant women of IDPs (internal displaced persons) of NWA agency in Baka Khil camp KPK, Pakistan from February 2015 to July 2015.Two hundred fifty (250) blood samples were randomly collected from IDPs pregnant women. Sera were separated and screening was with Enzyme linked immunosurbant assay (ELISA). At overall 19.6% (49/250) and 3.6% (9/50) were positive against rubella specific IgG and IgM antibodies respectively. A higher prevalence was found in women of 32-39 years age group. 3 trimester and house wife showed a high positivity rate (IgG=22.10%, IgM=5.26%) and (IgG=22.14%, IgM=5%) respectively. Also illiterate and women of low income status were at high risk of infection. The high prevalence of rubella infection during pregnancy can lead fetus at high risk of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). So it is advisable to health planners to avoid further incidence of rubella infection by the im...
In Pakistan one of the main causes of the low production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) i... more In Pakistan one of the main causes of the low production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is lack of proper fertilizer management especially of mineral nutrients which plays crucial role in growth and yield of bean. Foliar feeding of mineral nutrients may be used as a supplement for obtaining higher yield. Experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different nutrients application on common bean at experimental field, Department of Botany, Hazara University, Mansehra during 2012-13 in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates and four treatments i.e. control (H2O spray alone), poultry manure, DAP (Di-ammonium Phosphate) and foliar spray of (NPK 20:20:20). The results showed that foliar spray of NPK significantly increased number of pods plant -1 , number of seeds pod -1 , number of seeds plant -1 , biomass and grain yield. It may be concluded that foliar spray of NPK is the suitable application for the maximum yield of common bean.
The lack of irrigation facilities and poor irrigation system and due to the deficiency of agricul... more The lack of irrigation facilities and poor irrigation system and due to the deficiency of agricultural knowledge, farmers introduce new brands of pesticides for their better production. Unaware of all the facts and health hazards, aim of farmers is only better productivity. Many pesticides are used in the homes, industries, hospitals, for killing pests like mosquitoes, mites, cockroaches, ants, aphids, worms, snails, etc. which are the source of spreading various diseases like mosquito causing malaria, yellow fever and west Neil virus and bees, wasps and ants spreading allergy. The data in part however, has been based on the side effects of pesticides used and one question that should come to our mind is "how much do we really know about pesticides? Keeping these facts in view, the literatures on the excess used of pesticides are reviewed in this paper.
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2021
Face forgery by deepfake is widely spread over the internet and this raises severe societal conce... more Face forgery by deepfake is widely spread over the internet and this raises severe societal concerns. In this paper, we propose a novel video transformer with incremental learning for detecting deepfake videos. To better align the input face images, we use a 3D face reconstruction method to generate UV texture from a single input face image. The aligned face image can also provide pose, eyes blink and mouth movement information that cannot be perceived in the UV texture image, so we use both face images and their UV texture maps to extract the image features. We present an incremental learning strategy to ne-tune the proposed model on a smaller amount of data and achieve better deepfake detection performance. The comprehensive experiments on various public deepfake datasets demonstrate that the proposed video transformer model with incremental learning achieves state-of-the-art performance in the deepfake video detection task with enhanced feature learning from the sequenced data. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy ! Social aspects of security and privacy.
Entropy optimization in convective viscous fluids flow due to a rotating cone is explored. Heat e... more Entropy optimization in convective viscous fluids flow due to a rotating cone is explored. Heat expression with heat source/sink and dissipation is considered. Irreversibility with binary chemical reaction is also deliberated. Nonlinear system is reduced to ODEs by suitable variables. Newton built in shooting procedure is adopted for numerical solution. Salient features velocity filed, Bejan number, entropy rate, concentration and temperature are deliberated. Numerical outcomes for velocity gradient and mass and heat transfer rates are displayed through tables. Assessments between the current and previous published outcomes are in an excellent agreement. It is noted that velocity and temperature show contrasting behavior for larger variable viscosity parameter. Entropy rate and Bejan number have reverse effect against viscosity variable. For rising values of thermal conductivity variable both Bejan number and entropy optimization have similar effect.
Chest computed tomography (CT), including high-resolution CT (HRCT), has become an integral part ... more Chest computed tomography (CT), including high-resolution CT (HRCT), has become an integral part of modern healthcare. It enables the physician to arrive at a diagnosis using a noninvasive approach. Our practice has shown that various chest CT scans without intravenous (IV) contrast, including HRCT, have no proper clinical indication. For the same reason, we have assessed the appropriateness of chest CT without IV contrast based on the evidence-based American College of Radiology (ACR) appropriateness criteria. Chest CT scans without IV contrast were reviewed to evaluate if the examination was based upon the evidence-based ACR appropriateness criteria. All clinical indications, positive physical examination findings, laboratory test findings, and radiological records submitted at the time of chest CT were reviewed. Of 1205 CT scans, 538 (44.6%) were considered "inappropriate," 367 (30.4%) were considered "appropriate," and 300 (24.8%) were considered "may be...
A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 836 cattle {Bos (B.) indicus and B. taurus x B. indicus... more A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 836 cattle {Bos (B.) indicus and B. taurus x B. indicus} and 700 buffaloes (B. bubalis bubulus) (n=1536) of district Khanewal, Punjab, Pakistan, in order to determine the epizootiology of anaplasmosis through conventional optical microscopy of Giemsa's stained blood films. With an overall prevalence of 4.17% (64/1536); the distribution of anaplasmosis was higher in buffaloes than cattle, calves than adults, females than males. Anaplasmosis in selected animal population was found statistically associated with the breed, season, animal keeping, housing system and hygienic management. The collected information provides the first report of anaplasmosis in the study population of the region. The data will not only be helpful for the dairy farmers to modulate farming practices but also for the policy and decision makers to control the nuisance in the livestock population of the district. However, use of modern molecular tools is suggested for differential diagnosis of Anaplasma from other haemoprotozoa like Babesia and Theileria on a wider geographical spectrum.
ARP cache poisoning and putting host Network Interface Card (NIC) in promiscuous mode are ways of... more ARP cache poisoning and putting host Network Interface Card (NIC) in promiscuous mode are ways of sniffer attacks. ARP cache poisoning attack is effective in an environment which is not broadcast in nature (like switch LAN environment) and other attack is effective in an environment which is broadcast in nature (like hub, bus, access point LAN environments). Sniffing is malicious activity performed by network user and because of this network security is at risk so detection of sniffer is essential task to maintain network security. Sniffer detection techniques can be divided into two main categories. First category's techniques are used to detect a sniffer host that runs it's NIC into promiscuous mode and second category's techniques are used to detect a sniffer host that uses ARP cache poisoning for sniffing. The network configuration is hidden form users. Network users do not have any information about nature of network. Therefore, users of network may invoke such sniffer detection technique that is not effective in that environment. This may result in sharing of his private and confidential information with malicious users. In this paper, we designed an intelligent invocation module that checks the nature of environment automatically and invokes appropriate, sniffer detection technique for that environment. With the help of this invocation module it is possible to detect passive as well as active sniffer hosts in both environments.
A study was conducted to compare probiotic with antibiotic, using drinking water supplemented wit... more A study was conducted to compare probiotic with antibiotic, using drinking water supplemented with Biovet and TNF-60. The 8-days old Desi chicks were randomly divided into 9 separate floor pens each comprising 75 birds and three pens (replicates) per treatment group following completely randomized design. At the end of 6 weeks trial, body weight (BW) and feed to gain ratio (FCR) were determined. At the end of experiment, serum cholesterol was determined. The BW of birds given antibiotic and probiotic was significantly greater than control. Similarly, better FCR was observed in birds those given drinking water with antibiotic and probiotic. There was less mortality recorded with probiotic treatment. Cholesterol contents were reduced significantly in probiotic supplemented group as compared to antibiotic and control groups. It may be concluded that performance in Desi birds could be maintained when supplementing probiotic incorporated in broiler's drinking water. The supplementation of probiotic may lead to the development of low-cholesterol chicken meat as demanded by health-conscious consumers. Probiotic may be replaced with the antibiotic to avoid its residual effects on birds as well as human health.
Background: Patients with urgency represent a group of incontinence sufferers whose diagnosis rem... more Background: Patients with urgency represent a group of incontinence sufferers whose diagnosis remains difficult to establish. Urodynamic testing demonstrating involuntary bladder contraction provides objective confirmation but represents an invasive approach. We have previously demonstrated that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) can provide a reporter function in solid organ disease toward biomarker discovery. Here we investigated the utility of using PBMC as marker for patients with confirmed involuntary bladder contraction. Methods: Fifteen female patients were evaluated for involuntary bladder contractions and stress urinary incontinence as demonstrated by urodynamics and also assessed for pelvic prolapse, stress incontinence by history, bladder neck dysfunction, and bladder capacity. PBMC were obtained from patients' whole blood, and RNA was subjected to microarray gene chip analysis. Results: Microarray analysis revealed that eleven genes were differentially regulated (five upregulated and six downregulated). Of these, PGRMC1 (progesterone receptor membrane component 1), EIF2S3 (eukaryotic initiation factor), C3AR1 (complement receptor), and three unknown genes were downregulated. Upregulated genes included MYOM2 (myomesin M-protein), a cytoskeletal protein; KTN1 (kinectin); and AAK 1 (AP2 associated kinase). Conclusions: Microarray analysis revealed many genes that were differentially regulated in PBMC from patients with involuntary detrusor contractions. These genes may be important in regulating structural integrity of bladder and supporting tissues. These data suggest that PBMC can provide a reporter function for patients with involuntary bladder contractions and may serve toward biomarker discovery for novel diagnostic markers and/or the ability to monitor response to therapy.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Distributed computing systems are designed to solve computationally intensive problems with the h... more Distributed computing systems are designed to solve computationally intensive problems with the help of convergence of computing resources scattered across the network. Distributed computing object middleware technologies have bring revolutionary concepts in the world of distributed computing and also made the building of distributed computing applications more efficient and nearer to real world. But the selection of most efficient distributed computing object middleware technology on the basis of different performance metrics is an important research issue. In this paper we are presenting the performance evaluation and comparison of distributed computing object middleware technologies which include Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Internet Communication Engine (ICE), HORB, and TCP based Dot NET Remoting. Because these distributed computing object middleware technologies have not been evaluated and compared collectively on the basis of performance metrics which include overhead generation and round trip latency. The results that we have gathered showed that ICE is showing better performance in terms of overhead generation. And HORB has showed reduced round trip latency as compared to other middleware's.
Generalized band structure equation for photonic crystals which containing dielectric rods in met... more Generalized band structure equation for photonic crystals which containing dielectric rods in metals medium was derived by using the plane wave expansion method. From the band structure, we can study band gap of photonic crystals in both E and H polarizations. Since metals are frequency-dependant materials, modification needs to be done on the plane wave expansion equation to calculate the metallic photonic crystals containing dielectric constant rods. To ease the calculation, simple Drude model for metals are used. In this model, the equation is without damping constant. We have plotted the band structure for photonic crystals in metals medium. Then, we studied the effective plasma frequency of the structure from the band graph in E polarization mode (TM). We found that effective plasma frequency can be tailored as we want. Detailed results are presented with different sizes of radius. Comparison is made for different background materials.
By using plane wave expansion method, we calculated the photonic band structure of metal cylinder... more By using plane wave expansion method, we calculated the photonic band structure of metal cylinders in a dielectric medium. The photonic crystal is an identical, symmetrical structure with an infinite array of metallic rods. Arrangement of the metallic rods used is square lattice. The dielectric function of the metal from which the cylinders are formed has a simple, free electron form ε(ω)=1-(ω p 2 /ω 2) where ω p is the plasma frequency of the conducting electron. We manage to show the band structure of the square lattice. We found the relation between the band gap size and the filling fraction for some widely used material. For an example, FR-4, silicon, resin, teflon etc. The relation between the band gap size and the dielectric constant of the medium was studied.
Lipid movement between organelles is a critical component of eukaryotic membrane homeostasis. Nie... more Lipid movement between organelles is a critical component of eukaryotic membrane homeostasis. Niemann Pick type C (NP-C) disease is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder typified by lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol and sphingolipids. Expression of yeast NP-C–related gene 1 (NCR1), the orthologue of the human NP-C gene 1 (NPC1) defective in the disease, in Chinese hamster ovary NPC1 mutant cells suppressed lipid accumulation. Deletion of NCR1, encoding a transmembrane glycoprotein predominantly residing in the vacuole of normal yeast, gave no phenotype. However, a dominant mutation in the putative sterol-sensing domain of Ncr1p conferred temperature and polyene antibiotic sensitivity without changes in sterol metabolism. Instead, the mutant cells were resistant to inhibitors of sphingolipid biosynthesis and super sensitive to sphingosine and C2-ceramide. Moreover, plasma membrane sphingolipids accumulated and redistributed to the vacuole and other subcellular membranes of the mutan...
Methylation of CpG islands associated with genes can affect the expression of the proximal gene, ... more Methylation of CpG islands associated with genes can affect the expression of the proximal gene, and methylation of non-associated CpG islands correlates to genomic instability. This epigenetic modification has been shown to be important in many pathologies, from development and disease to cancer. We report the development of a novel high-resolution microarray that detects the methylation status of over 25 000 CpG islands in the human genome. Experiments were performed to demonstrate low system noise in the methodology and that the array probes have a high signal to noise ratio. Methylation measurements between different cell lines were validated demonstrating the accuracy of measurement. We then identified alterations in CpG islands, both those associated with gene promoters, as well as non-promoter-associated islands in a set of breast and ovarian tumors. We demonstrate that this methodology accurately identifies methylation profiles in cancer and in principle it can differentiate any CpG methylation alterations and can be adapted to analyze other species.
Papers by Sohail khan