The lipid profile of populations in Myanmar is scarcely studied. ► Response rates (86% in urban a... more The lipid profile of populations in Myanmar is scarcely studied. ► Response rates (86% in urban areas and 84% in rural areas) were high. ► We did not assess the fat composition of the diet of the participants. ► There was a lack of information about awareness, treatment and the control of high blood cholesterol.
The Sagaing Fault is amongst the longest and most active strike-slip faults in the world (e.g. Mo... more The Sagaing Fault is amongst the longest and most active strike-slip faults in the world (e.g. Molnar & Dayem 2010; Robinson et al. 2010; Searle & Morley 2011). It accommodates more than half of the right-lateral motion between Sundaland and India, within the diffuse plate boundary along the eastern margin of India, which occupies much of Myanmar (e.g. Vigny et al. 2003; Nielsen et al. 2004; Socquet et al. 2006) (Fig. 1). Acting as a ridge-subduction transform (Le Dain et al. 1984; Guzmán-Speziale & Ni 1996; Yeats et al. 1997), the 1500 km long Sagaing Fault links major thrust systems in the north, such as the Naga, Lohit and Main Central thrust zones near the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, to the Andaman Sea spreading centre in the south (e.g. Win Swe 1970; Le Dain et al. 1984; Guzmán-Speziale & Ni 1993; Curray 2005). Acting as a sliver-bounding lithospheric strike-slip partition inboard of a 3700 km long section of oblique subduction at the Sunda Trench, it links to the dextral West Andaman and Sumatran faults in the south (e.g. Curray et al. 1979; Nielsen et al. 2004; Curray 2005; Searle & Morley 2011). Topographic scarps, lineaments, earthquake clusters and gravity anomalies along the trace of the Sagaing Fault have long been recognised as indicating the presence of an important N-S trending structure west of the Shan Plateau (e.g. La Touché 1913; Coggin Brown & Leicester 1933; Chhibber 1934; Dey 1968; Aung Khin et al. 1970) (Fig. 2a). Large parts of the fault were first documented and pressure ridges, sag ponds and right-lateral offsets interpreted as signals of a major strike-slip fault by Win Swe (1970, 1972), who also introduced the name Sagaing Fault. Further research during the last two decades has begun to reveal the fault's profound role in the tectonic evolution of south and southeast Asia (e.g. Bertrand et al. 2001; Vigny et al. 2003), and the great hazard it poses to the millions who live along its trace (e.g. Hurukawa & Phyo Maung Maung 2011; Wang et al. 2011). SOE THURA TUN & WATKINSON Sagaing Fault Tectonic setting Myanmar straddles the complex oblique plate boundary between the India-Australia plate and Sundaland, the SE promontory of Eurasia (e.g. Hall & Morley 2004; Nielsen et al. 2004; Curray 2005; Kundu & Gahalaut 2012) (Fig. 1). The Sunda trench and arc, related to the down-going Indian plate, become progressively more parallel to Indian plate motion northwards past Sumatra and into the Indo-Myanmar ranges (e.g. Nielsen et al. 2004; Whittaker et al. 2007). In the south, simple strain partitioning between the Sumatra trench and the Sumatran Fault (e.g. McCaffrey 1996) gives way to a wide zone of distributed deformation in Myanmar between the Andaman Sea and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis in the north (e.g. Vigny et al. 2003; Nielsen et al. 2004; Sahu et al. 2006). Contraction is accommodated in the Indo-Myanmar ranges in the west, while 18-20 mm/yr of a total of 35 mm/yr right lateral motion between India and Sundaland is partitioned onto the Sagaing Fault, with the remainder distributed across dextral structures within the Indo-Myanmar ranges and far
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Oct 14, 2014
We use L-band Advanced Land Observation Satellite PALSAR data to infer the distribution of subsur... more We use L-band Advanced Land Observation Satellite PALSAR data to infer the distribution of subsurface fault slip during the Tarlay earthquake (M w 6.8) in eastern Myanmar. We find the total length of surface rupture is approximately 30 km, with nearly 2 m maximum surface offset along the westernmost section of the Nam Ma fault (the Tarlay segment). Finite-fault inversions constrained by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and pixel-tracking data suggest that fault slip is concentrated within the upper 10 km of the crust. Maximum slip exceeds 4 m at a depth between 3 and 5 km. Comparison between field measurements and near-fault deformation obtained from the InSAR range-offset result suggests about 10%-80% of displacement occurred within a 1 km wide zone off the main surface fault trace. This off-fault deformation may explain the shallow slip deficit that we observed during this earthquake. We estimate a recurrence interval for Tarlay-like events to be 1600-6500 yrs at this section of the Nam Ma fault. A detailed paleoseismological study is essential to clarify the slip behavior and the earthquake recurrence interval of the Nam Ma fault.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, Apr 10, 2020
Increasing in elderly population put extra pressure on healthcare systems globally in terms of op... more Increasing in elderly population put extra pressure on healthcare systems globally in terms of operational costs and resources. To minimize this pressure and provide efficient healthcare services, the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology could be promising. These technologies have the potential to improve the quality of life of the elderly population while reducing strain on healthcare systems and minimizing their operational cost. Although IoT and wearable applications for elderly healthcare purposes were reviewed previously, there is a further need to summarize their current applications in this fast-developing area. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of IoT and wearable technologies' applications including the types of data collected and the types of devices for elderly healthcare. This paper provides insights into existing areas of IoT/wearable applications while presenting new research opportunities in emerging areas of applications, such as robotic technology and integrated applications. The analysis in this paper could be useful to healthcare solution designers and developers in defining technology supported futuristic healthcare strategies to serve elderly people and increasing their quality of life.
Journal Of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Apr 1, 2014
This paper describes geomorphologic evidence for the principal neotectonic features of Myanmar an... more This paper describes geomorphologic evidence for the principal neotectonic features of Myanmar and its immediate surroundings. We combine this evidence with published structural, geodetic and seismic data to present an overview of the active tectonic architecture of the region and its seismic potential. Three tectonic systems accommodate oblique collision of the Indian plate with Southeast Asia and extrusion of Asian territory around the eastern syntaxis of the Himalayan mountain range. Subduction and collision associated with the Sunda megathrust beneath and within the Indoburman range and Naga Hills accommodates most of the shortening across the transpressional plate boundary. The Sagaing fault system is the predominant locus of dextral motion associated with the northward translation of India. Left-lateral faults of the northern Shan Plateau, northern Laos, Thailand and southern China facilitate extrusion of rocks around the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya. All of these systems have produced major earthquakes within recorded history and continue to present major seismic hazards in the region.
Background: Mesenteric lymph (ML) has been implicated in the development of multiple organ dysfun... more Background: Mesenteric lymph (ML) has been implicated in the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in critical illness. Extracellular RNAs play a role in cell-to-cell communication during physiological and disease processes but they are rarely studied in ML. We aimed at examining the RNA profiles of peripheral plasma, ML, and ML's extracellular vesicle (ML-EV) and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (ML-TRL) fractions, obtained from rodent models of critical illness. Methods and Results: We collected ML for 5 hours from rodent models of critical illness [Acute Pancreatitis, Cecal Ligation and Incision (CLI), Gut Ischemia-Reperfusion (IR)] and matching Sham control rats. ML-EV and ML-TRL fractions were also isolated. RNA sequencing was performed on the RNA extracted from ML, ML-EV, ML-TRL, and plasma by using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine platform. RNA sequences were searched using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool against rat genome and RefSeq, microRNA (miRNA), genomic tRNA, functional RNA, and Genbank nucleotide databases, and the read counts were analyzed. Each sample type had a distinct RNA profile. ML contained more RNA per volume and a larger proportion of tRNA fragments than plasma. ML-EVs were enriched with miRNA, whereas ML-TRLs contained low absolute amounts of RNA. The RNA size profiles for CLI and Gut IR were different from Sham. ML carried intestinal RNAs and in a CLI model it was significantly enriched with bacterial RNA sequences. Conclusions: We found the distinct but diverse RNA profiles of ML and its compartments, and their different profiles in critical illness. Intestinal-derived small RNAs in ML may have a direct role in critical illness and utility as potential biomarkers.
Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports, Apr 25, 2022
A 50-year-old gentle man, coming back from Delta region, presented with, septic shock, ARDS and a... more A 50-year-old gentle man, coming back from Delta region, presented with, septic shock, ARDS and acute kidney injury following 8 days history of high fever. Eschar was noted on right forearm. His temperature was 105°F; very ill and toxic with SaO2 90% on air. He was hypotensive (80/50 mmHg), tachycardic (128/ min), tachypneic (respiratory rate 32/min) with low SaO2 (90% on air); crackles were audible in both lungs. Chest radiograph showed patchy opacities in both lungs. He had low Platelet count (34 x 109/mm3), raised serum creatinine (160 μmol/L), raised liver enzymes (SGOT 121 U/L & SGPT 86 U/L) and low serum albumin (22 mg%). Rapid test for Scrub Typhus IgM was positive. The patient recovered with oxygen therapy, fluid replacement, inotropes, cefopyrazone/salbactam and doxycycline.
Upper-plate structures that splay out from the megathrusts are common features along major conver... more Upper-plate structures that splay out from the megathrusts are common features along major convergent plate boundaries. However, their earthquake and tsunami hazard potentials have not yet received significant attention. In this study, we identified at least one earthquake event that may have been produced by an upper-plate splay fault offshore western Myanmar, based on U-Th ages of uplifted coral microatolls. This event is likely an earthquake that was documented historically in C.E. 1848, with an estimated magnitude between 6.8 and 7.2 based on regional structural characteristics. Such magnitude is consistent with the observed co-seismic uplift amount of ∼0.5 m. Although these events are smaller in magnitude than events produced by megathrusts, they may produce higher earthquake and tsunami hazards for local coastal communities due to their proximity. Our results also indicate that earthquake events with co-seismic uplift along the coast may not necessarily produce a flight of marine terraces. Therefore, using only records of uplifted marine terraces as megathrust earthquake proxies may overlook the importance of upper-plate splay fault ruptures, and underestimate the overall earthquake frequency for future seismic and tsunami hazards along major subduction zones of the world.
Objectives: HIV testing is an effective intervention for reducing HIV risk and providing informat... more Objectives: HIV testing is an effective intervention for reducing HIV risk and providing information on HIV status. However, uptake of HIV testing is a major challenge within the drug-using population due to the stigma and discrimination associated with their illegal drug use behaviours. This study thus aimed to identify factors associated with HIV testing among injecting drug users (IDUs) and non-injecting drug users (NIDUs) in Lashio, Myanmar.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Oct 21, 2014
ABSTRACT Field observations indicate the Mw 6.8 Tarlay, Myanmar, earthquake of 24 March 2011 resu... more ABSTRACT Field observations indicate the Mw 6.8 Tarlay, Myanmar, earthquake of 24 March 2011 resulted from the rupture of a short section of the left‐lateral Nam Ma fault. We document coseismic left‐lateral offsets that range from approximately 10 cm to about 2 m along a 19 km long section of the fault, based upon both field investigations and the interpretation of high‐resolution satellite imagery. Comparison of these early field and later remote measurements suggests that most of the paddy‐field offsets became obscured within a year or two. Our measurements indicate the magnitude of sinistral offset decreases gradually eastward from the epicentral area to the rupture terminus within the Tarlay basin, along the southern edge of a 2–3 km wide transtensional stepover. Our measurements confirm that the earthquake resulted from rupture of a structurally distinct segment of the Nam Ma fault, bounded on the west by the fault’s terminus and on the east by the Tarlay basin stepover. If the 215 km Nam Ma fault were to rupture entirely in a single event, the magnitude of the resulting earthquake would likely be about Mw 7.7. Online Material: Field observations and photos after the 2011 Tarlay earthquake, table of offset, and maps with location and offset.
A new anthropoid from the latest middle Eocene of Pondaung, central Myanmar A new genus and speci... more A new anthropoid from the latest middle Eocene of Pondaung, central Myanmar A new genus and species of medium-sized fossil primate, Myanmarpithecus yarshensis, is described from the lastest middle Eocene sediments of Pondaung, central Myanmar (Burma). The specimens consist of right maxillary fragments with P 4-M 3 and a left mandibular corpus with C-P 3 and M 2-3. To date, three purported anthropoids have been discovered from the Pondaung Formation: Pondaungia and Amphipithecus (Amphipithecidae) and Bahinia (Eosimiidae). Myanmarpithecus differs from these other Pondaung primates in having cingular hypocones on upper molars and in lacking paraconids on M 2-3. Although Myanmarpithecus resembles some utahiin omomyines in superficial aspects of the morphology of M 2-3 (i.e., mesiodistally compressed molar trigonid and enamel crenulation), the morphological analysis of upper molars and lower premolars indicates that it is neither an omomyoid nor an adapoid but is more derived than fossil prosimians (such as adapoids, omomyoids, and tarsiers) and more anthropoid-like. On the other hand, it is more primitive (prosimian-like) than early anthropoids from the late Eocene/early Oligocene of the Fayum, Egypt. Myanmarpithecus is likely to be an early, primitive anthropoid (''protoanthropoid'').
The tsunami heights from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake were between 0.4 and 2.9 m along the... more The tsunami heights from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake were between 0.4 and 2.9 m along the Myanmar coast, according to our post tsunami survey at 22 sites in Ayeyarwaddy Delta and the Taninthayi coast. Interviews to coastal residents indicate that the tsunami heights were lower than high tide level in rainy season, probably by storm surge. They also testified that the arrival times were between 2 and 5.5 hours after the earthquake but the reliability may be low because nobody felt ground shaking. Much smaller tsunami than the neighboring Thai coast, where the tsunami heights were 5 to 20 m, explains relatively slighter tsunami damage in Myanmar; the casualties were reported as 71, compared to about 8300 in Thailand. The smaller tsunami was probably due to the fact that the main tsunami source did not extend to Andaman Islands. The tsunami travel times and maximum heights computed from a 700 km long source are basically consistent with the observations. For a nearby tsunami source, the tsunami hazard would be more significant in Myanmar, because coastal houses are unprotected for tsunamis and no infrastructure exists to disseminate tsunami warning information.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2007
Th e Pondaung fauna includes approximately 50 species of mammals, including fi ve species of creo... more Th e Pondaung fauna includes approximately 50 species of mammals, including fi ve species of creodonts, of which four have been described. Th e best known species, Kyawdawia lupina Egi et al., 2005, was recently described based on a fragmentary skull, heavily worn dentitions and postcranial material. On the basis of the Pondaung creodont taxa, previous phylogenetic analyses have suggested a paleobiogeographic Africa-Asia connection during the Eocene, hence a close phylogenetic relationship between Afro-Arabian and Southeast Asian taxa (so-called "Afro-Asian proviverrines" by previous authors). Here, we doubt the natural existence of such a clade on the basis of new hyaenodontid material discovered in the Pondaung Formation, including localities from which creodonts were previously unknown. Th e new material consists of well preserved, mostly unworn dental remains of two species: 1) Kyawdawia lupina documented here by teeth, or portions of teeth unavailable or poorly preserved in the hypodigm of this species; and 2) Hyaenodontidae sp. indet. Th anks to this material and to a direct study of a great number of hyaenodontids, we analysed the arguments supporting a relationship between Asian and African taxa. Th is relationship is not supported by our analysis due to: 1) previous character misinterpretations resulting partly from the poor preservation of the hypodigm; and 2) confi guration of the data matrix in the previous phylogenetic analysis with important characters and taxa missing. Consequently, the alleged paleobiogeographic connection between Asia and Africa in the Eocene appears to be much less supported than previously thought. RÉSUMÉ Nouvelles découvertes de hyaenodontidés (Creodonta, Mammalia) de la Formation Pondaung, Éocène moyen, Myanmar : implications paléobiogéographiques. La faune de Pondaung inclut environ 50 espèces de mammifères, comprenant cinq espèces de créodontes dont quatre ont été décrites. L'espèce la mieux connue, Kyawdawia lupina Egi et al., 2005, a été récemment décrite sur du matériel crânien fragmentaire, des dentures très usées et des éléments post-crâniens. En se basant sur ces créodontes de Pondaung, une récente analyse phylogénétique suggère une connexion paléobiogéographique entre l'Afrique et l'Asie au cours de l'Éocène, donc une relation de proche parenté phylogénétique entre les créodontes d'Afro-Arabie et ceux d'Asie du Sud-Est (d'où le nom « Afro-Asian proviverrines » donné à cet ensemble par de précédents auteurs). Dans cet article, nous remettons en question l'existence naturelle de ce clade sur la base d'un nouveau matériel de créodontes découvert dans la Formation Pondaung, notamment dans des localités qui n'en avaient pas encore livré jusqu'à présent. Ce nouveau matériel inclut les restes dentaires très bien préservés de deux espèces : 1) Kyawdawia lupina représenté par des dents complètes ou fragmentaires qui n'étaient pas ou mal documentées dans l'hypodigme de l'espèce ; et 2) Hyaenodontidae sp. indet. Grâce à ce matériel et à l'étude directe d'un grand nombre de Hyaenodontidae, nous avons analysé les arguments en faveur d'une relation de parenté proche entre les créodontes d'Afrique et ceux d'Asie. Cette relation n'est pas confi rmée en raison : 1) d'une mauvaise interprétation des caractères, résultant en partie de la mauvaise conservation du matériel hypodigme ; et 2) de l'absence de caractères et/ou de taxons clés dans la matrice de données de l'analyse phylogénétique discutée. En conséquence, la prétendue connexion paléobiogéographique entre l'Asie et l'Afrique à l'Éocène apparaît bien moins soutenue que précédemment supposé.
Background Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins are important in dietary lipid absorption and subsequen... more Background Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins are important in dietary lipid absorption and subsequent energy distribution in the body. Their importance in the gut-lymph may have been overlooked in sepsis, the most common cause of critical illness, and in gut ischemia-reperfusion injury, a common feature of many critical illnesses. Aims We aimed to undertake an exploratory study of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fractions in gut-lymph using untargeted metabolic profiling to identify altered metabolites in sepsis or gut ischemia-reperfusion. Methods The gut-lymph was collected from rodent sham, sepsis, and gut ischemia-reperfusion models. The triglyceriderich lipoprotein-enriched fractions isolated from the gut-lymph were subjected to a dual metabolomics analysis approach: non-polar metabolite analysis by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and polar metabolite analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results The metabolite analysis of gut-lymph triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fractions revealed a significant increase (FDRadjusted P value < 0.05) in myo-inositol in the sepsis group and monoacylglycerols [(18:1) and (18:2)] in gut ischemiareperfusion. There were no significantly increased specific metabolites in the lipoprotein-enriched fractions of both sepsis and gut ischemia-reperfusion. In contrast, there was a widespread decrease in multiple lipid species in sepsis (35 out of 190; adjusted P < 0.05), but not in the gut ischemia-reperfusion. Conclusions Increased levels of myo-inositol and monoacylglycerols, and decreased multiple lipid species in the gut-lymph triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fraction could be candidates for new biomarkers and/or involved in the progression of sepsis and gut ischemia-reperfusion pathobiology.
Article focus To identify factors associated with HIV testing among injecting (IDUs) and noninjec... more Article focus To identify factors associated with HIV testing among injecting (IDUs) and noninjecting drug users (NIDUs) in Lashio, Myanmar Key messages IDUs were more likely than NIDUs to have been tested for HIV. HIV testing rates were especially low among both IDUs and NIDUs engaging in risk behaviors. IDUs and NIDUs would benefit from integrating HIV testing services into drug treatment services. Strengths and limitation of this study The first look at HIV testing that covered both IDUs and NIDUs Respondent driven Sampling was used to recruit participants. HIV testing was self-reported by drug users. Results may not be generalized to drug users in other cities of Myanmar.
The lipid profile of populations in Myanmar is scarcely studied. ► Response rates (86% in urban a... more The lipid profile of populations in Myanmar is scarcely studied. ► Response rates (86% in urban areas and 84% in rural areas) were high. ► We did not assess the fat composition of the diet of the participants. ► There was a lack of information about awareness, treatment and the control of high blood cholesterol.
The Sagaing Fault is amongst the longest and most active strike-slip faults in the world (e.g. Mo... more The Sagaing Fault is amongst the longest and most active strike-slip faults in the world (e.g. Molnar & Dayem 2010; Robinson et al. 2010; Searle & Morley 2011). It accommodates more than half of the right-lateral motion between Sundaland and India, within the diffuse plate boundary along the eastern margin of India, which occupies much of Myanmar (e.g. Vigny et al. 2003; Nielsen et al. 2004; Socquet et al. 2006) (Fig. 1). Acting as a ridge-subduction transform (Le Dain et al. 1984; Guzmán-Speziale & Ni 1996; Yeats et al. 1997), the 1500 km long Sagaing Fault links major thrust systems in the north, such as the Naga, Lohit and Main Central thrust zones near the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, to the Andaman Sea spreading centre in the south (e.g. Win Swe 1970; Le Dain et al. 1984; Guzmán-Speziale & Ni 1993; Curray 2005). Acting as a sliver-bounding lithospheric strike-slip partition inboard of a 3700 km long section of oblique subduction at the Sunda Trench, it links to the dextral West Andaman and Sumatran faults in the south (e.g. Curray et al. 1979; Nielsen et al. 2004; Curray 2005; Searle & Morley 2011). Topographic scarps, lineaments, earthquake clusters and gravity anomalies along the trace of the Sagaing Fault have long been recognised as indicating the presence of an important N-S trending structure west of the Shan Plateau (e.g. La Touché 1913; Coggin Brown & Leicester 1933; Chhibber 1934; Dey 1968; Aung Khin et al. 1970) (Fig. 2a). Large parts of the fault were first documented and pressure ridges, sag ponds and right-lateral offsets interpreted as signals of a major strike-slip fault by Win Swe (1970, 1972), who also introduced the name Sagaing Fault. Further research during the last two decades has begun to reveal the fault's profound role in the tectonic evolution of south and southeast Asia (e.g. Bertrand et al. 2001; Vigny et al. 2003), and the great hazard it poses to the millions who live along its trace (e.g. Hurukawa & Phyo Maung Maung 2011; Wang et al. 2011). SOE THURA TUN & WATKINSON Sagaing Fault Tectonic setting Myanmar straddles the complex oblique plate boundary between the India-Australia plate and Sundaland, the SE promontory of Eurasia (e.g. Hall & Morley 2004; Nielsen et al. 2004; Curray 2005; Kundu & Gahalaut 2012) (Fig. 1). The Sunda trench and arc, related to the down-going Indian plate, become progressively more parallel to Indian plate motion northwards past Sumatra and into the Indo-Myanmar ranges (e.g. Nielsen et al. 2004; Whittaker et al. 2007). In the south, simple strain partitioning between the Sumatra trench and the Sumatran Fault (e.g. McCaffrey 1996) gives way to a wide zone of distributed deformation in Myanmar between the Andaman Sea and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis in the north (e.g. Vigny et al. 2003; Nielsen et al. 2004; Sahu et al. 2006). Contraction is accommodated in the Indo-Myanmar ranges in the west, while 18-20 mm/yr of a total of 35 mm/yr right lateral motion between India and Sundaland is partitioned onto the Sagaing Fault, with the remainder distributed across dextral structures within the Indo-Myanmar ranges and far
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Oct 14, 2014
We use L-band Advanced Land Observation Satellite PALSAR data to infer the distribution of subsur... more We use L-band Advanced Land Observation Satellite PALSAR data to infer the distribution of subsurface fault slip during the Tarlay earthquake (M w 6.8) in eastern Myanmar. We find the total length of surface rupture is approximately 30 km, with nearly 2 m maximum surface offset along the westernmost section of the Nam Ma fault (the Tarlay segment). Finite-fault inversions constrained by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and pixel-tracking data suggest that fault slip is concentrated within the upper 10 km of the crust. Maximum slip exceeds 4 m at a depth between 3 and 5 km. Comparison between field measurements and near-fault deformation obtained from the InSAR range-offset result suggests about 10%-80% of displacement occurred within a 1 km wide zone off the main surface fault trace. This off-fault deformation may explain the shallow slip deficit that we observed during this earthquake. We estimate a recurrence interval for Tarlay-like events to be 1600-6500 yrs at this section of the Nam Ma fault. A detailed paleoseismological study is essential to clarify the slip behavior and the earthquake recurrence interval of the Nam Ma fault.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, Apr 10, 2020
Increasing in elderly population put extra pressure on healthcare systems globally in terms of op... more Increasing in elderly population put extra pressure on healthcare systems globally in terms of operational costs and resources. To minimize this pressure and provide efficient healthcare services, the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology could be promising. These technologies have the potential to improve the quality of life of the elderly population while reducing strain on healthcare systems and minimizing their operational cost. Although IoT and wearable applications for elderly healthcare purposes were reviewed previously, there is a further need to summarize their current applications in this fast-developing area. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of IoT and wearable technologies' applications including the types of data collected and the types of devices for elderly healthcare. This paper provides insights into existing areas of IoT/wearable applications while presenting new research opportunities in emerging areas of applications, such as robotic technology and integrated applications. The analysis in this paper could be useful to healthcare solution designers and developers in defining technology supported futuristic healthcare strategies to serve elderly people and increasing their quality of life.
Journal Of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Apr 1, 2014
This paper describes geomorphologic evidence for the principal neotectonic features of Myanmar an... more This paper describes geomorphologic evidence for the principal neotectonic features of Myanmar and its immediate surroundings. We combine this evidence with published structural, geodetic and seismic data to present an overview of the active tectonic architecture of the region and its seismic potential. Three tectonic systems accommodate oblique collision of the Indian plate with Southeast Asia and extrusion of Asian territory around the eastern syntaxis of the Himalayan mountain range. Subduction and collision associated with the Sunda megathrust beneath and within the Indoburman range and Naga Hills accommodates most of the shortening across the transpressional plate boundary. The Sagaing fault system is the predominant locus of dextral motion associated with the northward translation of India. Left-lateral faults of the northern Shan Plateau, northern Laos, Thailand and southern China facilitate extrusion of rocks around the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya. All of these systems have produced major earthquakes within recorded history and continue to present major seismic hazards in the region.
Background: Mesenteric lymph (ML) has been implicated in the development of multiple organ dysfun... more Background: Mesenteric lymph (ML) has been implicated in the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in critical illness. Extracellular RNAs play a role in cell-to-cell communication during physiological and disease processes but they are rarely studied in ML. We aimed at examining the RNA profiles of peripheral plasma, ML, and ML's extracellular vesicle (ML-EV) and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (ML-TRL) fractions, obtained from rodent models of critical illness. Methods and Results: We collected ML for 5 hours from rodent models of critical illness [Acute Pancreatitis, Cecal Ligation and Incision (CLI), Gut Ischemia-Reperfusion (IR)] and matching Sham control rats. ML-EV and ML-TRL fractions were also isolated. RNA sequencing was performed on the RNA extracted from ML, ML-EV, ML-TRL, and plasma by using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine platform. RNA sequences were searched using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool against rat genome and RefSeq, microRNA (miRNA), genomic tRNA, functional RNA, and Genbank nucleotide databases, and the read counts were analyzed. Each sample type had a distinct RNA profile. ML contained more RNA per volume and a larger proportion of tRNA fragments than plasma. ML-EVs were enriched with miRNA, whereas ML-TRLs contained low absolute amounts of RNA. The RNA size profiles for CLI and Gut IR were different from Sham. ML carried intestinal RNAs and in a CLI model it was significantly enriched with bacterial RNA sequences. Conclusions: We found the distinct but diverse RNA profiles of ML and its compartments, and their different profiles in critical illness. Intestinal-derived small RNAs in ML may have a direct role in critical illness and utility as potential biomarkers.
Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports, Apr 25, 2022
A 50-year-old gentle man, coming back from Delta region, presented with, septic shock, ARDS and a... more A 50-year-old gentle man, coming back from Delta region, presented with, septic shock, ARDS and acute kidney injury following 8 days history of high fever. Eschar was noted on right forearm. His temperature was 105°F; very ill and toxic with SaO2 90% on air. He was hypotensive (80/50 mmHg), tachycardic (128/ min), tachypneic (respiratory rate 32/min) with low SaO2 (90% on air); crackles were audible in both lungs. Chest radiograph showed patchy opacities in both lungs. He had low Platelet count (34 x 109/mm3), raised serum creatinine (160 μmol/L), raised liver enzymes (SGOT 121 U/L &amp; SGPT 86 U/L) and low serum albumin (22 mg%). Rapid test for Scrub Typhus IgM was positive. The patient recovered with oxygen therapy, fluid replacement, inotropes, cefopyrazone/salbactam and doxycycline.
Upper-plate structures that splay out from the megathrusts are common features along major conver... more Upper-plate structures that splay out from the megathrusts are common features along major convergent plate boundaries. However, their earthquake and tsunami hazard potentials have not yet received significant attention. In this study, we identified at least one earthquake event that may have been produced by an upper-plate splay fault offshore western Myanmar, based on U-Th ages of uplifted coral microatolls. This event is likely an earthquake that was documented historically in C.E. 1848, with an estimated magnitude between 6.8 and 7.2 based on regional structural characteristics. Such magnitude is consistent with the observed co-seismic uplift amount of ∼0.5 m. Although these events are smaller in magnitude than events produced by megathrusts, they may produce higher earthquake and tsunami hazards for local coastal communities due to their proximity. Our results also indicate that earthquake events with co-seismic uplift along the coast may not necessarily produce a flight of marine terraces. Therefore, using only records of uplifted marine terraces as megathrust earthquake proxies may overlook the importance of upper-plate splay fault ruptures, and underestimate the overall earthquake frequency for future seismic and tsunami hazards along major subduction zones of the world.
Objectives: HIV testing is an effective intervention for reducing HIV risk and providing informat... more Objectives: HIV testing is an effective intervention for reducing HIV risk and providing information on HIV status. However, uptake of HIV testing is a major challenge within the drug-using population due to the stigma and discrimination associated with their illegal drug use behaviours. This study thus aimed to identify factors associated with HIV testing among injecting drug users (IDUs) and non-injecting drug users (NIDUs) in Lashio, Myanmar.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Oct 21, 2014
ABSTRACT Field observations indicate the Mw 6.8 Tarlay, Myanmar, earthquake of 24 March 2011 resu... more ABSTRACT Field observations indicate the Mw 6.8 Tarlay, Myanmar, earthquake of 24 March 2011 resulted from the rupture of a short section of the left‐lateral Nam Ma fault. We document coseismic left‐lateral offsets that range from approximately 10 cm to about 2 m along a 19 km long section of the fault, based upon both field investigations and the interpretation of high‐resolution satellite imagery. Comparison of these early field and later remote measurements suggests that most of the paddy‐field offsets became obscured within a year or two. Our measurements indicate the magnitude of sinistral offset decreases gradually eastward from the epicentral area to the rupture terminus within the Tarlay basin, along the southern edge of a 2–3 km wide transtensional stepover. Our measurements confirm that the earthquake resulted from rupture of a structurally distinct segment of the Nam Ma fault, bounded on the west by the fault’s terminus and on the east by the Tarlay basin stepover. If the 215 km Nam Ma fault were to rupture entirely in a single event, the magnitude of the resulting earthquake would likely be about Mw 7.7. Online Material: Field observations and photos after the 2011 Tarlay earthquake, table of offset, and maps with location and offset.
A new anthropoid from the latest middle Eocene of Pondaung, central Myanmar A new genus and speci... more A new anthropoid from the latest middle Eocene of Pondaung, central Myanmar A new genus and species of medium-sized fossil primate, Myanmarpithecus yarshensis, is described from the lastest middle Eocene sediments of Pondaung, central Myanmar (Burma). The specimens consist of right maxillary fragments with P 4-M 3 and a left mandibular corpus with C-P 3 and M 2-3. To date, three purported anthropoids have been discovered from the Pondaung Formation: Pondaungia and Amphipithecus (Amphipithecidae) and Bahinia (Eosimiidae). Myanmarpithecus differs from these other Pondaung primates in having cingular hypocones on upper molars and in lacking paraconids on M 2-3. Although Myanmarpithecus resembles some utahiin omomyines in superficial aspects of the morphology of M 2-3 (i.e., mesiodistally compressed molar trigonid and enamel crenulation), the morphological analysis of upper molars and lower premolars indicates that it is neither an omomyoid nor an adapoid but is more derived than fossil prosimians (such as adapoids, omomyoids, and tarsiers) and more anthropoid-like. On the other hand, it is more primitive (prosimian-like) than early anthropoids from the late Eocene/early Oligocene of the Fayum, Egypt. Myanmarpithecus is likely to be an early, primitive anthropoid (''protoanthropoid'').
The tsunami heights from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake were between 0.4 and 2.9 m along the... more The tsunami heights from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake were between 0.4 and 2.9 m along the Myanmar coast, according to our post tsunami survey at 22 sites in Ayeyarwaddy Delta and the Taninthayi coast. Interviews to coastal residents indicate that the tsunami heights were lower than high tide level in rainy season, probably by storm surge. They also testified that the arrival times were between 2 and 5.5 hours after the earthquake but the reliability may be low because nobody felt ground shaking. Much smaller tsunami than the neighboring Thai coast, where the tsunami heights were 5 to 20 m, explains relatively slighter tsunami damage in Myanmar; the casualties were reported as 71, compared to about 8300 in Thailand. The smaller tsunami was probably due to the fact that the main tsunami source did not extend to Andaman Islands. The tsunami travel times and maximum heights computed from a 700 km long source are basically consistent with the observations. For a nearby tsunami source, the tsunami hazard would be more significant in Myanmar, because coastal houses are unprotected for tsunamis and no infrastructure exists to disseminate tsunami warning information.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2007
Th e Pondaung fauna includes approximately 50 species of mammals, including fi ve species of creo... more Th e Pondaung fauna includes approximately 50 species of mammals, including fi ve species of creodonts, of which four have been described. Th e best known species, Kyawdawia lupina Egi et al., 2005, was recently described based on a fragmentary skull, heavily worn dentitions and postcranial material. On the basis of the Pondaung creodont taxa, previous phylogenetic analyses have suggested a paleobiogeographic Africa-Asia connection during the Eocene, hence a close phylogenetic relationship between Afro-Arabian and Southeast Asian taxa (so-called "Afro-Asian proviverrines" by previous authors). Here, we doubt the natural existence of such a clade on the basis of new hyaenodontid material discovered in the Pondaung Formation, including localities from which creodonts were previously unknown. Th e new material consists of well preserved, mostly unworn dental remains of two species: 1) Kyawdawia lupina documented here by teeth, or portions of teeth unavailable or poorly preserved in the hypodigm of this species; and 2) Hyaenodontidae sp. indet. Th anks to this material and to a direct study of a great number of hyaenodontids, we analysed the arguments supporting a relationship between Asian and African taxa. Th is relationship is not supported by our analysis due to: 1) previous character misinterpretations resulting partly from the poor preservation of the hypodigm; and 2) confi guration of the data matrix in the previous phylogenetic analysis with important characters and taxa missing. Consequently, the alleged paleobiogeographic connection between Asia and Africa in the Eocene appears to be much less supported than previously thought. RÉSUMÉ Nouvelles découvertes de hyaenodontidés (Creodonta, Mammalia) de la Formation Pondaung, Éocène moyen, Myanmar : implications paléobiogéographiques. La faune de Pondaung inclut environ 50 espèces de mammifères, comprenant cinq espèces de créodontes dont quatre ont été décrites. L'espèce la mieux connue, Kyawdawia lupina Egi et al., 2005, a été récemment décrite sur du matériel crânien fragmentaire, des dentures très usées et des éléments post-crâniens. En se basant sur ces créodontes de Pondaung, une récente analyse phylogénétique suggère une connexion paléobiogéographique entre l'Afrique et l'Asie au cours de l'Éocène, donc une relation de proche parenté phylogénétique entre les créodontes d'Afro-Arabie et ceux d'Asie du Sud-Est (d'où le nom « Afro-Asian proviverrines » donné à cet ensemble par de précédents auteurs). Dans cet article, nous remettons en question l'existence naturelle de ce clade sur la base d'un nouveau matériel de créodontes découvert dans la Formation Pondaung, notamment dans des localités qui n'en avaient pas encore livré jusqu'à présent. Ce nouveau matériel inclut les restes dentaires très bien préservés de deux espèces : 1) Kyawdawia lupina représenté par des dents complètes ou fragmentaires qui n'étaient pas ou mal documentées dans l'hypodigme de l'espèce ; et 2) Hyaenodontidae sp. indet. Grâce à ce matériel et à l'étude directe d'un grand nombre de Hyaenodontidae, nous avons analysé les arguments en faveur d'une relation de parenté proche entre les créodontes d'Afrique et ceux d'Asie. Cette relation n'est pas confi rmée en raison : 1) d'une mauvaise interprétation des caractères, résultant en partie de la mauvaise conservation du matériel hypodigme ; et 2) de l'absence de caractères et/ou de taxons clés dans la matrice de données de l'analyse phylogénétique discutée. En conséquence, la prétendue connexion paléobiogéographique entre l'Asie et l'Afrique à l'Éocène apparaît bien moins soutenue que précédemment supposé.
Background Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins are important in dietary lipid absorption and subsequen... more Background Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins are important in dietary lipid absorption and subsequent energy distribution in the body. Their importance in the gut-lymph may have been overlooked in sepsis, the most common cause of critical illness, and in gut ischemia-reperfusion injury, a common feature of many critical illnesses. Aims We aimed to undertake an exploratory study of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fractions in gut-lymph using untargeted metabolic profiling to identify altered metabolites in sepsis or gut ischemia-reperfusion. Methods The gut-lymph was collected from rodent sham, sepsis, and gut ischemia-reperfusion models. The triglyceriderich lipoprotein-enriched fractions isolated from the gut-lymph were subjected to a dual metabolomics analysis approach: non-polar metabolite analysis by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and polar metabolite analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results The metabolite analysis of gut-lymph triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fractions revealed a significant increase (FDRadjusted P value < 0.05) in myo-inositol in the sepsis group and monoacylglycerols [(18:1) and (18:2)] in gut ischemiareperfusion. There were no significantly increased specific metabolites in the lipoprotein-enriched fractions of both sepsis and gut ischemia-reperfusion. In contrast, there was a widespread decrease in multiple lipid species in sepsis (35 out of 190; adjusted P < 0.05), but not in the gut ischemia-reperfusion. Conclusions Increased levels of myo-inositol and monoacylglycerols, and decreased multiple lipid species in the gut-lymph triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fraction could be candidates for new biomarkers and/or involved in the progression of sepsis and gut ischemia-reperfusion pathobiology.
Article focus To identify factors associated with HIV testing among injecting (IDUs) and noninjec... more Article focus To identify factors associated with HIV testing among injecting (IDUs) and noninjecting drug users (NIDUs) in Lashio, Myanmar Key messages IDUs were more likely than NIDUs to have been tested for HIV. HIV testing rates were especially low among both IDUs and NIDUs engaging in risk behaviors. IDUs and NIDUs would benefit from integrating HIV testing services into drug treatment services. Strengths and limitation of this study The first look at HIV testing that covered both IDUs and NIDUs Respondent driven Sampling was used to recruit participants. HIV testing was self-reported by drug users. Results may not be generalized to drug users in other cities of Myanmar.
Papers by Soe Tun