Pelanggaran pilkadabisa terjadi dari awal perencanaan, persiapan, serta tahapan hingga perhitunga... more Pelanggaran pilkadabisa terjadi dari awal perencanaan, persiapan, serta tahapan hingga perhitungan suara hasil pilkada. Pelanggaran pilkada adalah berupa pelanggaran administrasi dan pelanggaran pidana. Permasalahan tersebut berimplikasi pada daftar pemilih, hak memilih, dan perhitungan suara. Tidak terdaftarnya seseorang dalam daftar pemilih dapat berimplikasi terhadap hilangnya hak pilih sebagai masyarakat atau warganegara. Lalu daftar pemilih yang tidak terdaftar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan kecurangan yaitu penggelembungan suara untuk memenangkan paslon yang sudah terikat kerjasama. Melihat permasalahan diatas, dirumuskan suatu masalah yaitu bagaimana membangun citra masyarakat terhadap penyelesaian sengketa pilkada dalam upaya memperkuat legitimasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, digunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan kasus(CaseApproach). Sengketa Pemilu terbagi dua: sengketa dalam pro...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Economics and Health (ICLEH 2020), 2020
Nursing staff in North Lampung Regency are still far from enough, many have voluntary, honorary, ... more Nursing staff in North Lampung Regency are still far from enough, many have voluntary, honorary, and many do not have independent practice licenses, so access to health is vulnerable. Negligence cases that cause patients to die occur. Actions, mistakes, and accountability are discussed. With normative legal research methods and interpretative reflective approaches, will answer the problem of negligence that occurs. The findings and discussion show that the actions of the accused Jrn could not be proven scientifically (scientific evidence). The defendant made a mistake that caused people to die. The defendant Jrn is responsible for the health services carried out without a license based on an independent practice.
Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab dua masalah utama penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi yang dij... more Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab dua masalah utama penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi yang dijalankan oleh penyidik polisi, jaksa penuntut umum, dan hakim. Pertama, mengapa penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi tidak merefleksikan kultur hukum pencegahan tindak pidana suap ? Kedua, bagaimana konsep dan strategi pencegahan tindak pidana suap dalam konstruksi ilmu hukum dan moral. Latar belakang permasalahan munculnya fenomena paradoks penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi. Sebagian fungsi penegakan hukum tindap pidana korupsi telah digunakan aparat untuk mencari keuntungan materil dengan melakukan praktik suap. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di wilayah hukum Pengadilan Tipikor Tanjungkarang ini dalam proses penelitiannya dipandu oleh paradigma konstruktivisme, dengan tipe penelitian sosio legal dan metode hermeneutik untuk menemukan dan menjawab permasalahan. Hasil penelitian, di wilayah hukum Pengadilan Tipikor Tanjungkarang berkembang Subkultur prosedural dan subkultur suap yang d...
Epidemiologic and preclinical studies provide evidence that the essential nutrient selenium has c... more Epidemiologic and preclinical studies provide evidence that the essential nutrient selenium has chemopreventive potential. In particular, the results of a clinical intervention trial have shown strong protective effects of selenium-enriched yeast (200μg/day) for cancers of the lung, colon and prostate. While serum, plasma or toenail selenium concentrations are often utilized to predict exposure, it is not known if exfoliated cells would be a better sample for the accumulation and activity of selenium in target tissues. The cancer protective activities of selenium, like other biological effects of selenium, depend on the concentration as well as the chemical form provided. Genetic differences as well as interactions with other nutrients may also contribute to variation in the response to selenium. Selenium has been shown to modify a number of specific molecular targets involved with the cancer process. It appears to exert its chemopreventive effects via changes in selenoprotein production, immune function, carcinogen metabolism, DNA methylation, cell proliferation, apoptosis and/or angiogenesis. Which targets are modified will depend on the concentration and chemical species of selenium. Various clinical trials are currently being conducted in the United States to further investigate the effect of selenium on prostate, lung and colon cancer prevention. The SELECT or Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial is a randomized phase III trial to determine the effectiveness of selenium and vitamin E, either alone or together, in preventing prostate cancer. Four smaller prostate cancer prevention studies are also being conducted. Volunteers are also being recruited for a randomized phase III trial to determine the effectiveness of selenium in preventing the development of second primary lung tumors in patients who have undergone surgery to remove stage I non-small cell lung cancer. Finally, a phase II randomized study is being conducted on the effect of celecoxib, a COX-2 inhibitor, and selenium and/or their combination on colonic adenoma recurrence. All of the current studies are in the recruitment phase of the trials.
Landing gear/roda pesawat adalah penopang utama pesawat pada waktu parkir, lepas landas atau pada... more Landing gear/roda pesawat adalah penopang utama pesawat pada waktu parkir, lepas landas atau pada waktu mendarat. Untuk menjelaskan cara kerja sistem extension dan retraction landing gear harus melihat pesawat secara langsung dan memerlukan waktu yang lama karena harus melalui tahap aircraft jacking (pengangkatan pesawat), maka untuk memperjelas proses pengajaran diperlukan alat yang berfungsi memperagakan landing gear tersebut. Meresponi hal tersebut, maka dibuat rancang bangun yang bertujuan untuk membuat simulator nose landing gear pesawat dengan sistem pneumatic sehingga dosen / instruktur yang mengajarkan materi tentang Aircraft System terkhusus pada bagian sistem landing gear pesawat dapat lebih jelas dalam menerangkan materi tersebut, dan juga untuk mempercepat pemahaman mahasiswa tentang sistem landing gear pesawat. Simulasi ini menggunakan tenaga pneumatic karena bebannya kecil dan lebih murah dibandingkan menggunakan tenaga hydraulic dan juga dapat mengurangi resiko ketika...
The criminal justice system in Indonesia today illustrates a paradoxical situation in law enforce... more The criminal justice system in Indonesia today illustrates a paradoxical situation in law enforcement on corruption. On the one hand, the society have great expectation that the criminal justice system can eradicate corruption, on the other hand, law enforcement officers such as national police investigator, public prosecutor, and judge, in their own way continue to weaken law enforcement by committing judicial corruption. The basic problem is how the natures of characters of judicial corruption crime that lead to the paradox of law enforcement on corruption are. Judicial corruption in the criminal justice system can be interpreted as a crime committed by law enforcement officers, such as police investigator, public prosecutor, or judge, who is handling a corruption case, by plotting the case as if the suspect was innocent though he/she is guilty, it is then plotted as if it was a trifle. Therefore, the legal process is reduced as a means of gaining benefit and personal wealth. Some of them are just formal procedure for implementing the law. This is the paradox of the criminal justice system in law enforcement on corruption in Indonesia. Judicial corruption has mostly affected law enforcement officers' life by deviating from law enforcement. The results of the analysis, the natures of judicial corruption crime committed by law enforcement officers in the criminal justice system form mental constructions which tend to damage and weaken the law, namely: (1) disregard of the law, (2) cherry-picking, (3) limiting the legal's reach, (4) narrowing the meaning of the law, (5) exploiting the severity of the sentence.
Problem of Crime since long time until now represent problem which is aktual and become diskursus... more Problem of Crime since long time until now represent problem which is aktual and become diskursus which no desisting in crime hokum. Related of eradication of corruption doing an injustice of is problem of crime by judge become public focus, with many crime decision him which do not express sense of justice. Reconstruct crime to perpetrator of important corruption doing an injustice in order to harmonizing the target of crime and penjaatuhan of crime. First, placing judge moral as assessment corridor and base of determination of guilty law do not it him defendant pursuant to real correct consideration. Both, Formulating again the target of crime at prevention of corruption doing an injustice, Pemasyarakatan punished, solving of conflict generated by by doing an injustice, curing balance, and deliver to feel peace in society. Crime do not be meant to suffer and do not be allowed to condescend human being.
Abstract: Reinterpretation Bribery by Law Enforcement Officers in the Islamic Law Perspective. Fo... more Abstract: Reinterpretation Bribery by Law Enforcement Officers in the Islamic Law Perspective. For the corruptors, was found guilty of causing the state financial loss is a big problem. There is no way for him to avoid legal sanctions unless the bribes to law enforcement officers. In contrast for law enforcement officers, bribes have personal material benefit. such conditions it is understandable difficulty of bribery corruption can be revealed and brought to justice. Bribery corruption prevention efforts, requires critical reflection to understanding the law enforcement officers are bound corruption bribery. Efforts to re interpret the essence of bribery corruption as a tort is an issue of fundamental importance for the Islamic Law of view point. Legal action officials just oriented to material gain through bribery bribery, essentially as an act of inconsistency in the eradication of corruption. In religion contrary to the principles of Islamic morality. Therefore, consistency in t...
Expressing justice in law reality will never can penetrate sense of justice because life of const... more Expressing justice in law reality will never can penetrate sense of justice because life of construction have by modern life consequence which is materialistis and tend to do not want to strain after, paradigm of Positivism in the form of " modern law" legal of Menampakan character Positivistik. Moralitas to guide to action in role of judge, suggesting to human being to discontinue, to taking, revise and reorganize peran-2 which forming society in culture which is capitalist and materialistis and also not give assessment. Moral ideally earn critical merefleksi [of] problem punish which not be answered by modern law. To this is moral study become important discourse punish us is not platitude again. In Paradigm of Konstruktivisme which carrying Postmodernisme as resistance in philosophy of hermeneutika in the reality have trajectory with paradigm of Aristotellian about how its law [of] law, which both for giving justice.
Rule of law, the still existed doctrine or tenet in a modern legal system till now. Rule of law i... more Rule of law, the still existed doctrine or tenet in a modern legal system till now. Rule of law is understood as doctrine in the law (science) which teaches that state should be governed by law and not governed by the one's rule (rule by man). As the implication, the rule of law doctrine puts law (rule of law) as "supreme commander." All the governmental issues, cases and governance must be based on the rule of law. Rule of law as part of the modern legal system actually does not escapedfrom influence of capitalism which grow in Europe since the 19th century. The rule of law doctrine in Western Europe has given good results since the 19th century for countries which their conditions in accordance with the expected social order to exist in the concept of the rule of law.But it should not be forgotten that the growth of rule of law principle cannot be separated from the patterns of public relations and community movements that places individual liberty as the main basic of community organizing. Rule of law comes from the recognition that individual liberty could be achieved in a society which governed by laws to limit the power of the state and guarantees economic rights. Gerald Turkel (1995) stated that the principle of the rule of law is not really meant to be as means or as instruments to solve the society problems such as poverty. Rule of law intended to create a more stable order for individuals and businesses related to their economic activity. Therefore, the myths about the rule of law must be revealed for the purposes of law enforcement in Indonesia, unless in future Indonesia is projected towards a capitalistic society based on free market mechanisms.
In Indonesia, protection and guarantee for human rights are basically and procedurally connected ... more In Indonesia, protection and guarantee for human rights are basically and procedurally connected to the criminal justice process, it is obviously in UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana). Human rights protection its clearly found within Consideration, ...
Akar permasalahan sengketa pilkada Lampung Utara adalah dilaksanakannya perhitungan ulang surat s... more Akar permasalahan sengketa pilkada Lampung Utara adalah dilaksanakannya perhitungan ulang surat suara yang sudah disegel dan di simpan dalam kotak suara. Oleh KPUD dibuka kembali dengan dasar Pasal 103 ayat (1) huruf e. KPUD melaksanakan Perhitungan ulang pada tanggal 10 dan 11 September 2008. Oleh karena itu Eksistensi hukum pasal tersebut dipertanyakan, demikian juga bekerjanya hukum oleh Lembaga Peradilan terhadap Pasal 103nayat (1) huruf e tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum Normatif, Teori Hukum Murni Hans Kelsen sebagai konsep pendekatan dan menjawab masalah yang diteliti dengan mengurai dan mendiagnosis Pasal Pasal 103nayat (1) huruf e dengan pasal-pasal lainya yang berhubungan dengan perhitungan ulang surat suara tidak sah menjadi sah. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan , dapa disimpulkan bahwa KPUD telah melakukan penafsiran yang luas terhadap Pasal 103nayat (1) huruf e. Pasal tersebut tidak dapat dilaksanakan diluar waktu dan tempat peristiwa konkret yang terja...
Pelanggaran pilkadabisa terjadi dari awal perencanaan, persiapan, serta tahapan hingga perhitunga... more Pelanggaran pilkadabisa terjadi dari awal perencanaan, persiapan, serta tahapan hingga perhitungan suara hasil pilkada. Pelanggaran pilkada adalah berupa pelanggaran administrasi dan pelanggaran pidana. Permasalahan tersebut berimplikasi pada daftar pemilih, hak memilih, dan perhitungan suara. Tidak terdaftarnya seseorang dalam daftar pemilih dapat berimplikasi terhadap hilangnya hak pilih sebagai masyarakat atau warganegara. Lalu daftar pemilih yang tidak terdaftar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan kecurangan yaitu penggelembungan suara untuk memenangkan paslon yang sudah terikat kerjasama. Melihat permasalahan diatas, dirumuskan suatu masalah yaitu bagaimana membangun citra masyarakat terhadap penyelesaian sengketa pilkada dalam upaya memperkuat legitimasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, digunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan kasus(CaseApproach). Sengketa Pemilu terbagi dua: sengketa dalam pro...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Economics and Health (ICLEH 2020), 2020
Nursing staff in North Lampung Regency are still far from enough, many have voluntary, honorary, ... more Nursing staff in North Lampung Regency are still far from enough, many have voluntary, honorary, and many do not have independent practice licenses, so access to health is vulnerable. Negligence cases that cause patients to die occur. Actions, mistakes, and accountability are discussed. With normative legal research methods and interpretative reflective approaches, will answer the problem of negligence that occurs. The findings and discussion show that the actions of the accused Jrn could not be proven scientifically (scientific evidence). The defendant made a mistake that caused people to die. The defendant Jrn is responsible for the health services carried out without a license based on an independent practice.
Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab dua masalah utama penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi yang dij... more Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab dua masalah utama penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi yang dijalankan oleh penyidik polisi, jaksa penuntut umum, dan hakim. Pertama, mengapa penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi tidak merefleksikan kultur hukum pencegahan tindak pidana suap ? Kedua, bagaimana konsep dan strategi pencegahan tindak pidana suap dalam konstruksi ilmu hukum dan moral. Latar belakang permasalahan munculnya fenomena paradoks penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi. Sebagian fungsi penegakan hukum tindap pidana korupsi telah digunakan aparat untuk mencari keuntungan materil dengan melakukan praktik suap. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di wilayah hukum Pengadilan Tipikor Tanjungkarang ini dalam proses penelitiannya dipandu oleh paradigma konstruktivisme, dengan tipe penelitian sosio legal dan metode hermeneutik untuk menemukan dan menjawab permasalahan. Hasil penelitian, di wilayah hukum Pengadilan Tipikor Tanjungkarang berkembang Subkultur prosedural dan subkultur suap yang d...
Epidemiologic and preclinical studies provide evidence that the essential nutrient selenium has c... more Epidemiologic and preclinical studies provide evidence that the essential nutrient selenium has chemopreventive potential. In particular, the results of a clinical intervention trial have shown strong protective effects of selenium-enriched yeast (200μg/day) for cancers of the lung, colon and prostate. While serum, plasma or toenail selenium concentrations are often utilized to predict exposure, it is not known if exfoliated cells would be a better sample for the accumulation and activity of selenium in target tissues. The cancer protective activities of selenium, like other biological effects of selenium, depend on the concentration as well as the chemical form provided. Genetic differences as well as interactions with other nutrients may also contribute to variation in the response to selenium. Selenium has been shown to modify a number of specific molecular targets involved with the cancer process. It appears to exert its chemopreventive effects via changes in selenoprotein production, immune function, carcinogen metabolism, DNA methylation, cell proliferation, apoptosis and/or angiogenesis. Which targets are modified will depend on the concentration and chemical species of selenium. Various clinical trials are currently being conducted in the United States to further investigate the effect of selenium on prostate, lung and colon cancer prevention. The SELECT or Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial is a randomized phase III trial to determine the effectiveness of selenium and vitamin E, either alone or together, in preventing prostate cancer. Four smaller prostate cancer prevention studies are also being conducted. Volunteers are also being recruited for a randomized phase III trial to determine the effectiveness of selenium in preventing the development of second primary lung tumors in patients who have undergone surgery to remove stage I non-small cell lung cancer. Finally, a phase II randomized study is being conducted on the effect of celecoxib, a COX-2 inhibitor, and selenium and/or their combination on colonic adenoma recurrence. All of the current studies are in the recruitment phase of the trials.
Landing gear/roda pesawat adalah penopang utama pesawat pada waktu parkir, lepas landas atau pada... more Landing gear/roda pesawat adalah penopang utama pesawat pada waktu parkir, lepas landas atau pada waktu mendarat. Untuk menjelaskan cara kerja sistem extension dan retraction landing gear harus melihat pesawat secara langsung dan memerlukan waktu yang lama karena harus melalui tahap aircraft jacking (pengangkatan pesawat), maka untuk memperjelas proses pengajaran diperlukan alat yang berfungsi memperagakan landing gear tersebut. Meresponi hal tersebut, maka dibuat rancang bangun yang bertujuan untuk membuat simulator nose landing gear pesawat dengan sistem pneumatic sehingga dosen / instruktur yang mengajarkan materi tentang Aircraft System terkhusus pada bagian sistem landing gear pesawat dapat lebih jelas dalam menerangkan materi tersebut, dan juga untuk mempercepat pemahaman mahasiswa tentang sistem landing gear pesawat. Simulasi ini menggunakan tenaga pneumatic karena bebannya kecil dan lebih murah dibandingkan menggunakan tenaga hydraulic dan juga dapat mengurangi resiko ketika...
The criminal justice system in Indonesia today illustrates a paradoxical situation in law enforce... more The criminal justice system in Indonesia today illustrates a paradoxical situation in law enforcement on corruption. On the one hand, the society have great expectation that the criminal justice system can eradicate corruption, on the other hand, law enforcement officers such as national police investigator, public prosecutor, and judge, in their own way continue to weaken law enforcement by committing judicial corruption. The basic problem is how the natures of characters of judicial corruption crime that lead to the paradox of law enforcement on corruption are. Judicial corruption in the criminal justice system can be interpreted as a crime committed by law enforcement officers, such as police investigator, public prosecutor, or judge, who is handling a corruption case, by plotting the case as if the suspect was innocent though he/she is guilty, it is then plotted as if it was a trifle. Therefore, the legal process is reduced as a means of gaining benefit and personal wealth. Some of them are just formal procedure for implementing the law. This is the paradox of the criminal justice system in law enforcement on corruption in Indonesia. Judicial corruption has mostly affected law enforcement officers' life by deviating from law enforcement. The results of the analysis, the natures of judicial corruption crime committed by law enforcement officers in the criminal justice system form mental constructions which tend to damage and weaken the law, namely: (1) disregard of the law, (2) cherry-picking, (3) limiting the legal's reach, (4) narrowing the meaning of the law, (5) exploiting the severity of the sentence.
Problem of Crime since long time until now represent problem which is aktual and become diskursus... more Problem of Crime since long time until now represent problem which is aktual and become diskursus which no desisting in crime hokum. Related of eradication of corruption doing an injustice of is problem of crime by judge become public focus, with many crime decision him which do not express sense of justice. Reconstruct crime to perpetrator of important corruption doing an injustice in order to harmonizing the target of crime and penjaatuhan of crime. First, placing judge moral as assessment corridor and base of determination of guilty law do not it him defendant pursuant to real correct consideration. Both, Formulating again the target of crime at prevention of corruption doing an injustice, Pemasyarakatan punished, solving of conflict generated by by doing an injustice, curing balance, and deliver to feel peace in society. Crime do not be meant to suffer and do not be allowed to condescend human being.
Abstract: Reinterpretation Bribery by Law Enforcement Officers in the Islamic Law Perspective. Fo... more Abstract: Reinterpretation Bribery by Law Enforcement Officers in the Islamic Law Perspective. For the corruptors, was found guilty of causing the state financial loss is a big problem. There is no way for him to avoid legal sanctions unless the bribes to law enforcement officers. In contrast for law enforcement officers, bribes have personal material benefit. such conditions it is understandable difficulty of bribery corruption can be revealed and brought to justice. Bribery corruption prevention efforts, requires critical reflection to understanding the law enforcement officers are bound corruption bribery. Efforts to re interpret the essence of bribery corruption as a tort is an issue of fundamental importance for the Islamic Law of view point. Legal action officials just oriented to material gain through bribery bribery, essentially as an act of inconsistency in the eradication of corruption. In religion contrary to the principles of Islamic morality. Therefore, consistency in t...
Expressing justice in law reality will never can penetrate sense of justice because life of const... more Expressing justice in law reality will never can penetrate sense of justice because life of construction have by modern life consequence which is materialistis and tend to do not want to strain after, paradigm of Positivism in the form of " modern law" legal of Menampakan character Positivistik. Moralitas to guide to action in role of judge, suggesting to human being to discontinue, to taking, revise and reorganize peran-2 which forming society in culture which is capitalist and materialistis and also not give assessment. Moral ideally earn critical merefleksi [of] problem punish which not be answered by modern law. To this is moral study become important discourse punish us is not platitude again. In Paradigm of Konstruktivisme which carrying Postmodernisme as resistance in philosophy of hermeneutika in the reality have trajectory with paradigm of Aristotellian about how its law [of] law, which both for giving justice.
Rule of law, the still existed doctrine or tenet in a modern legal system till now. Rule of law i... more Rule of law, the still existed doctrine or tenet in a modern legal system till now. Rule of law is understood as doctrine in the law (science) which teaches that state should be governed by law and not governed by the one's rule (rule by man). As the implication, the rule of law doctrine puts law (rule of law) as "supreme commander." All the governmental issues, cases and governance must be based on the rule of law. Rule of law as part of the modern legal system actually does not escapedfrom influence of capitalism which grow in Europe since the 19th century. The rule of law doctrine in Western Europe has given good results since the 19th century for countries which their conditions in accordance with the expected social order to exist in the concept of the rule of law.But it should not be forgotten that the growth of rule of law principle cannot be separated from the patterns of public relations and community movements that places individual liberty as the main basic of community organizing. Rule of law comes from the recognition that individual liberty could be achieved in a society which governed by laws to limit the power of the state and guarantees economic rights. Gerald Turkel (1995) stated that the principle of the rule of law is not really meant to be as means or as instruments to solve the society problems such as poverty. Rule of law intended to create a more stable order for individuals and businesses related to their economic activity. Therefore, the myths about the rule of law must be revealed for the purposes of law enforcement in Indonesia, unless in future Indonesia is projected towards a capitalistic society based on free market mechanisms.
In Indonesia, protection and guarantee for human rights are basically and procedurally connected ... more In Indonesia, protection and guarantee for human rights are basically and procedurally connected to the criminal justice process, it is obviously in UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana). Human rights protection its clearly found within Consideration, ...
Akar permasalahan sengketa pilkada Lampung Utara adalah dilaksanakannya perhitungan ulang surat s... more Akar permasalahan sengketa pilkada Lampung Utara adalah dilaksanakannya perhitungan ulang surat suara yang sudah disegel dan di simpan dalam kotak suara. Oleh KPUD dibuka kembali dengan dasar Pasal 103 ayat (1) huruf e. KPUD melaksanakan Perhitungan ulang pada tanggal 10 dan 11 September 2008. Oleh karena itu Eksistensi hukum pasal tersebut dipertanyakan, demikian juga bekerjanya hukum oleh Lembaga Peradilan terhadap Pasal 103nayat (1) huruf e tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum Normatif, Teori Hukum Murni Hans Kelsen sebagai konsep pendekatan dan menjawab masalah yang diteliti dengan mengurai dan mendiagnosis Pasal Pasal 103nayat (1) huruf e dengan pasal-pasal lainya yang berhubungan dengan perhitungan ulang surat suara tidak sah menjadi sah. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan , dapa disimpulkan bahwa KPUD telah melakukan penafsiran yang luas terhadap Pasal 103nayat (1) huruf e. Pasal tersebut tidak dapat dilaksanakan diluar waktu dan tempat peristiwa konkret yang terja...
Papers by Slamet Haryadi