Papers by Slamet Firdaus M.Pd.

Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2018
Seeing the business opportunities are getting better in the business of glutinous tape production... more Seeing the business opportunities are getting better in the business of glutinous tape production, no wonder if the people of Kuningan District special in Cibeureum Village many who wrestle the business. Of the many business actors emerged the competition, the result of the many competitions that occur arise unfair business competition model due to fraud. The method used in this research is qualitative by utilizing Islamic law approach. Techniques of data collection conducted, namely observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the competition of home industry sticky tape industry in Cibeureum Village is included in the model of unfair business competition, because there are dis honest businessman cheating in doing business or business. Fraud is caused by dishonest businessmen (cheaters) who do not want to include the composition of the use of synthetic dyes (additional) on sticky tape label label packaging. So that consumers do not know, because of the unspoiled measures that are not justified by Islamic Law in carrying out economic transactions.

Name of Ph.D. Candidate: Slamet Firdaus Number of Student : 09.04.300. Title of Disse... more Name of Ph.D. Candidate: Slamet Firdaus Number of Student : 09.04.300. Title of Dissertation : The Concept ofIdeal Human Being in the Qur'an (A Study of the Profile of Muḥsin in thePerspectives of the Interpretation of Qur'anic Verses onIḥsān) The Qur'an sees those who are called al-muḥsinun (sing. al-muḥsin) ("good people") as ideal human beings and considers them to reach the highest level of morality, because they are able to imitate the goodness (iḥsān) of Allah in their lives, both in terms of their harmoniuos relation to God and that to their environments. Through their iḥsān they can reach the deep understanding of the religion and its practice. They can also taste "seeing" God (mushāhadat al-Ḥaqq), in which they fear Him at the qualified level, even though they are not obliged to know Him. The increasing spiritual quality, or in Maslow's words "the growing tip", of the muḥsinmakes them exceed the quality of al-'ādil(the just), al-muslim (the adherer of Islam, Muslim), al-mu'min(the believer), al-ṣālih (the good person), dan al-muttaqi (the fearer towards God), that are mentioned in the Qur'an. All these even constitute the honorable characters of the muḥsin. Moreover, the muḥsin is higher than what Maslow calls the "selfactualizer" who gets the "peak experience" which is placed in the highest position of the hirarchy of (human) needs. Both (i.e. the muḥsinand the "self-actualizer") are, to some extent, similar to each other, however the similarities can only be found in the humanistic level. The integration between the 'ilm al-tafsir (Qur'anic exegesis) and the humanistic psychologyin this dissertation is similar to the attempts to build the Islamic psychology that are proposed by such Indonesian psycholigists as Jamaludin Ancok, Hanna Djumhana Bastaman and Fuad Anshari. Nevertheless, this research is focused more on the interpretation of Qur'anic verses that I didby using the humanistic psychology. In addition, it analyzes the psychology in the perspectives of Islam, especially the Islamic sufism. Indeed, this research is nearer to the attempt to make sense of the Qur'anic personality which is proposed by Rif'at Syauqi.However, it explores expicitly the concept of al-muḥsin as the ideal human being who reaches the highest level/charachter that is expected by the Qur'an. In this regard the author uses the Qur'an as the primary source that is understood through certain consultations with its "tradition/transmission-based" (bi al-ma'thūr), "rational" (bial-ra`y) and "simbolic" (ishāri) commentaries. Meanwhile, the paradigm that is used here to interpret the Qur'an is what can be called "the theo-humanistic one". The exegetical method which is relevent to this research is the thematic one (al-tafsir almawḍū'iy) with the "scintific" orientation ('ilmiy). The way the author analyzes the data is the contentanalysis in which he uses the exegetical rule (qā'idat al-tafsīr) that combines the two principles(al-muzdawijah bayn al-'ibratayn),'ibrah bi 'umūm al-lafẓ wa khuṣūṣ alsabab("the principle is to get the general meaning of a word and, at the same time, to consider the specificity of the occasion). It is presented througha descriptive analytical method.

Al-Amwal : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syari'ah
This article aims to analyze the literary sources of the term halal-thayyib and its use in the Qu... more This article aims to analyze the literary sources of the term halal-thayyib and its use in the Qur'an which has implications for the process of food products that are experiencing rapid development in the global halal industry. Thematic analysis is used as an approach in understanding and analyzing a text on the term halal-thayyib which is mentioned in several verses of the Qur'an. The use of terms and their forms will be collected, classified, validated, and interpreted in accordance with the applicable rules in the study of Arabic texts and the study of commentary. The text will be interpreted and analyzed to gain an understanding of halal food products. The results of the research confirm that the term halal-thayyib is used differently in context and spacetime of meaning, even though its use is the same to explain legal provisions regarding food. The scientific cues in the verses of the Qur'an have implications for the types and sources of food, production processes, and product innovations that require halal criteria for consumption from a health perspective, healthy and clean food features, legal criteria for halal food products, and are developed to create a halal product guarantee system. These criteria are requirements for halal certification for food products that require a halal ecosystem in order to have market competitiveness in the development of the global halal industry.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, Mar 31, 2016
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 1970
Kehidupan keluarga yang diagendakan dalam Al-Qur`an adalah keluarga sakÄ«nah yang dilukiskan oleh... more Kehidupan keluarga yang diagendakan dalam Al-Qur`an adalah keluarga sakÄ«nah yang dilukiskan oleh Nabi saw dengan “Rumahku surgakuâ€. Orientasi mengedepankan esensi keluarga sakÄ«nah menjadikan dihotomi poligami versus monogami tidak relevan lagi, keduanya merupakan media beramal yang memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk mewujudkan kesuksesan suatu keluarga. Kegagalan membangun keluarga sakÄ«nah bukan karena pilihan berpoligami sebagaimana keberhasilan mencapainya bukan disebabkan oleh pilihan bermonogami, tetapi ditentukan efektif atau tidaknya menumbuhkembangkan mawaddah dan rahmah. Penolakan atau penerimaan poligami diserahkan kepada komunitas muslim sehubungan keberadaannya telah menjadi masalah atau konsumsi sosial. Sikap saling menghormati antara yang pro dan kontra sangat dibutuhkan.
Pengembangan Materi Seni Rupa SD Kelas V
Lukisan Kaca Cirebon
Kurikulum 2013

Matematika merupakan ilmu universal yang mendasari perkembangan teknologi modern, mempunyai peran... more Matematika merupakan ilmu universal yang mendasari perkembangan teknologi modern, mempunyai peran penting dalam berbagai disiplin dan memajukan daya pikir manusia. Perkembangan pesat di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dewasa ini dilandasi oleh perkembangan matematika di bidang teori bilangan, aljabar, analisis, teori peluang dan matematika diskrit. Untuk menguasai dan mencipta teknologi di masa depan diperlukan penguasaan matematika yang kuat sejak dini. Mata pelajaran Matematika perlu diberikan kepada semua peserta didik mulai dari sekolah dasar untuk membekali peserta didik dengan kemampuan berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, dan kreatif, serta kemampuan bekerjasama. Kompetensi tersebut diperlukan agar peserta didik dapat memiliki kemampuan memperoleh, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan informasi untuk bertahan hidup pada keadaan yang selalu berubah, tidak pasti, dan kompetitif. Standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar matematika dalam dokumen ini disusun sebagai landasan pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan kemampuan tersebut di atas. Selain itu dimaksudkan pula untuk mengembangkan kemampuan menggunakan matematika dalam pemecahan masalah dan mengkomunikasikan ide atau gagasan dengan menggunakan simbol, tabel, diagram, dan media lain. Pendekatan pemecahan masalah merupakan fokus dalam pembelajaran matematika yang mencakup masalah tertutup dengan solusi tunggal, masalah terbuka dengan solusi tidak tunggal, dan masalah dengan berbagai cara penyelesaian. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah perlu dikembangkan keterampilan memahami masalah, membuat model matematika, menyelesaikan masalah, dan menafsirkan solusinya. Dalam setiap kesempatan, pembelajaran matematika hendaknya dimulai dengan pengenalan masalah yang sesuai dengan situasi (contextual problem). Dengan men-gajukan masalah kontekstual, peserta didik secara bertahap dibimbing untuk menguasai
Papers by Slamet Firdaus M.Pd.