Disasters have a profound impact on the mental health of children. Whether natural or man-made, d... more Disasters have a profound impact on the mental health of children. Whether natural or man-made, disasters disrupt regular functioning, causing physical, mental, and emotional challenges for individuals and communities. Children are especially susceptible and encounter heightened challenges in their physical and psychological well-being. This article presents a comprehensive examination of how disasters affect the mental health of children and also delves into various categories of disasters, encompassing both natural and anthropological factors, while also classifying hazards into technological, natural, and environmental degradation risks. Furthermore, it discusses the response strategies employed in the face of disasters and sheds light on the typical emotional, physical, and personal consequences endured by survivors. Disasters have profound and extensive effects on children, with implications that span a wide range of areas. The immediate consequence of disasters often involves population migration, which disrupts essential services like healthcare, education, and access to basic necessities. This displacement increases the prevalence of health risks such as waterborne diseases and malnutrition, leading to additional fatalities when sufficient relief efforts are lacking. Furthermore, the long-term effects of food scarcity and interrupted education impact children's development. Additionally, exposure to distressing scenes and the loss of loved ones can contribute to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health conditions. The mental well-being of children plays a vital role in their overall health and future achievements. Nurturing positive mental health during childhood empowers children to achieve significant milestones, cultivate healthy social skills, and acquire effective coping mechanisms to navigate challenges they may encounter. However, disasters pose significant obstacles to children's mental health, with intrusive thoughts, emotional detachment, avoidance behaviors, hyperarousal, anxiety, depression, and dissociation being common reactions. Due to their physical vulnerability, psychological susceptibility, and social dependence, children are disproportionately impacted by disasters. Their limited capacity to escape danger, inadequate coping mechanisms, and reliance on others for care and protection heighten their susceptibility to harm and adverse effects during such events. Moreover, the loss of support systems and exposure to traumatic experiences can have lasting impacts, leading to behavioral problems and disruptions in their development. Understanding the impact of disasters on the mental health of children is crucial for designing effective interventions and support systems. By prioritizing the well-being of children in disaster response efforts, we can mitigate the long-term consequences and help them recover and build resilience.
Disaster risk management is a vital process for understanding, evaluating, and mitigating the ris... more Disaster risk management is a vital process for understanding, evaluating, and mitigating the risks associated with disasters. This paper provides an overview of the basic concepts of disaster risk management and explores the interplay between hazards, vulnerability, and coping capacities. Disaster risk encompasses the amalgamation of hazard, vulnerability, and capacity, emphasizing the significance of evaluating and characterizing disaster risks in order to formulate efficient strategies for risk reduction. The fundamental elements of conducting a disaster risk assessment involve comprehending the attributes of hazards, appraising inherent weaknesses and susceptibility to risks, and evaluating the ability to cope with and address challenges. By combining these components, it becomes possible to obtain a holistic comprehension of disaster risks, which in turn facilitates the creation of efficient strategies to mitigate risks and implement initiatives that promote resilience. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is implemented as a methodical approach that seeks to lessen the negative consequences of hazards on communities and individuals who are susceptible to their effects. Considerable importance is placed on the significance of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in breaking the recurring pattern of disasters, emergency response, dependency, and repetition. This underscores the cost-effectiveness of DRR in conserving resources and fostering sustainable development. The concept of disaster risk management (DRM) is explored, focusing on its objective of avoiding, diminishing, or mitigating the detrimental consequences of hazards. Various types of DRM actions, such as anticipatory, corrective, compensatory, and community-based approaches, are being explored, along with the different phases of the disaster management cycle, which encompass preparedness, prevention, reconstruction, recovery, rehabilitation, and resilience. Each phase of the disaster management cycle is thoroughly explained, emphasizing the significance of taking proactive measures, reducing exposure to risks, and fostering sustainable reconstruction and recovery efforts. The significance lies in understanding and evaluating disaster risks, implementing efficient strategies to reduce these risks, and fostering resilience and sustainable development in response to disasters. By embracing these concepts and approaches, societies can break free from the destructive cycle of dependency on post-disaster response efforts and work towards a safer and more resilient future.
This study tried to find out the personality and success among post graduate of BharathiarUnivers... more This study tried to find out the personality and success among post graduate of BharathiarUniversity. Objectives of the study: 1. To examine the personality and success among the postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted surveymethod for the study. Sample: Four hundred and Fifty (450) post graduate students wereselected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made personality and success scaleswere used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the there is a significant predictionof Emotional Stability on success.
We are extremely glad to present the book “Reviews of veterinary research-what next?” to our prof... more We are extremely glad to present the book “Reviews of veterinary research-what next?” to our professional community of researchers across the world. It is our humble effort to throw some light on what happens in veterinary research. Research is a critical component in advancement of our scientific knowledge and it is never ending. Research always builds upon future needs and with the strong foundation from past achievements. Veterinary research, most of the time, doesn’t limit itself to veterinary medicine, care, treatment or conservation but transcends species boundaries. For example, study about wildlife diseases may be beneficial to conservation in the first hand, but will be helpful to figure out the genesis of zoonotic diseases and even pandemics that surfaces unexpectedly. In this context, at the end of the day, it even contributes the human wellbeing. We have to set priorities for research on a need based expansion of our knowledge to tackle issues in a scientific way. There are so many questions a researcher needs to answer before planning a research study. What was our past? Till where we reached? How far we have to go? What we have with us? What is the scope? And so on. To get a clear picture of this scenario, we have to review the past research. Such reviews will become the directions to future. In this book, we bring some meticulously done reviews about various emerging topics in veterinary field with universal relevance. The young researchers who contributed to this book keep these as base for their research and we can expect better outcome in the near future. This book intended not only to spread knowledge, but aims to develop a scientific temper, promote critical thinking and to help write in a scientific way. As editors, we were critical in our job, but the researchers’ good intention, freedom of collection of information and expression in their own writing style in these reviews remains untouched. We blindly believe the contributors for the originality of their effort with a friendly gesture and hence, we editors, wish to inform that, any opinions made in these chapters are the sole responsibility of the contributors. We express sincere gratitude to our contributors, their mentors, guides and advisors for allowing the publication of their hard work. We extend our gratitude to the respective departments, institutions and universities who provide the best platform for these future researchers.
Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2020
This study investigates the relationship between leadership style and institutional climate among... more This study investigates the relationship between leadership style and institutional climate among the school headmasters. Objectives of the study: 1. To find out the level of leadership style and institutional climate among school headmasters. 2. To find out the relationship between leadership style and institutional climate among school headmasters. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: One hundred and eighty two (182) school headmasters were selected as a sample for the study. Tool: Leadership style scale constructed and developed by the S.Sridevi (2020) and Institutional climate scale developed by Prof.Dr.S.Sathiyagirirajan were used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the level of Institutional Climate among school headmasters is favorable and the level of leadership style is average. It was found that there is a significant relationship between the leadership style and institutional climate among school headmasters.
This study tried to find out the utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate s... more This study tried to find out the utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. Objectives of the study are: to explore the level of Utilization of cloud computing applications among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University & to examine the utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. Survey method was adopted for the study. 147 PG students in Tamilnadu Agricultural University were selected as sample for the study by purposive sampling technique. Researcher’s self-made Utilization of cloud computing applications scale was used for the study. The results show that the level of utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate student is above average. It was found out from the study that there is a significant association between utilization of cloud computing application and selected independent variables among the postgraduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University.
This study tried to find out the research attitude among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agri... more This study tried to find out the research attitude among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. Objectives of the study were: 1) To explore the level of research attitude among the post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University, and 2) To examine the research attitude among the post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. The investigator adopted survey method for the study. 147 PG students were selected as sample for the study. Research Attitude Scale standardized by Dr. M. Suresh (2013) and was modified by A. Sivakumar and Dr. G. Singaravelu (2016). The results showed that the level of research attitude of post graduate student favorable. It was found that there is a significant association between research attitude and selected independent variables among the postgraduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University.
This paper discusses the role of communication tools in the field of education. Twenty first cent... more This paper discusses the role of communication tools in the field of education. Twenty first century is the age of communication tools (CT).CT is a part of all aspects of human life, and in teacher education. a broad range of CT such as Facebook, twitter, and several other interactive courseware are now increasingly being used by the teachers and teaching-learning groups so as to support teaching and learning in the classroom. Knowing the influence of new technologies, the teacher educational institutions are trying to restructure their educational programs facilities, in order to minimize the teaching and learning technology gap between the present and the future.
Learning plans and educator s roles change as per learning need of The environs and there is a vi... more Learning plans and educator s roles change as per learning need of The environs and there is a visible difference between traditional classroom setting and digital environs. The application of new technologies was heralded as a rebellion for open learning teaching. It generated new hopes among educators and learners. The computers and information and communication technologies were expected to create an exciting learning scenario to overcome some of the constrains of the conventional system, imposed by limitations of time, space, cost and skill. it was argued that appropriate learning software's could be another to stereotype and less satisfactory learning resources as these have the potential to opt greater learning opportunity.
The 21st century revolution in the ICT obliges the teachers and students to keep the... more The 21st century revolution in the ICT obliges the teachers and students to keep themselves abreast of the-state-of-the-art of technological development. The deployment of them in teaching-learning process is imperative, since the technology is embedded in almost all walks of our life. ICT encapsulates IT and other media such as audio, video, pictures, animation, graphics, internet and other software packages. The educational scenario of today witnessed unprecedented changes in availing technology for teaching and learning purpose, since it can possibly connect people and create interaction among them regardless of time, place and person. The recent trend in information and communication technology is to learn everything online which can provide the benefit of being constantly connected. The learners need not to be sedentary by sitting in a classroom and always depend on teachers to learn whatever they like to learn. These advantages of technology can enrich teaching-learning process in general and teaching in particular with multimedia such as audio, video, pictures, animation and graphics and web resources. This paper theoretically deals about the opportunities for technology enabled learning.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations, 2018
This study tried to find out the Learning environment and anxiety among IX standard ... more This study tried to find out the Learning environment and anxiety among IX standard students. The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Five handed and sixty eighty (568) IX standard students were selected as sample for the study. Researcher’s self-made learning environment and anxiety scale was used for the study. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between Learning environment and anxiety among IX standard students.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations , 2018
This study tried to find out the mental health and conflict among postgraduate stude... more This study tried to find out the mental health and conflict among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. To examine the mental health and conflict among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Five hundred and Twenty five (525) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Researcher’s self-made mental health and conflict scales were used for the study. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between mental health and conflict among the Postgraduate Students of Bharathiar University.
This study tried to find out the mental health and success among post graduate students of Bharat... more This study tried to find out the mental health and success among post graduate students of Bharathiar University. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the level of mental health and success among the post graduate students of Bharathiar University. 2. To examine the mental health and success among the post graduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Three hundred (300) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made mental health and success scales were used for the study. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant difference between male and female postgraduate students of Bharathiar University with respect to sense of humor factor in mental health and also a significant relationship between success and mental health factors of Personal Happiness, Emotional Balance, Perception of Life, Perception of Self and Perception of others.
This study tried to find out the preference on human values among postgraduate students of Bharat... more This study tried to find out the preference on human values among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Objectives of the study: 1. To examine the preference on human values among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Six hundred (600) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made preference on human value scale was used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the postgraduate students of Bharathiar University have an average level of preference on human values.
This study tried to find out the perception of teaching profession and success
among school teach... more This study tried to find out the perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the level of perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers in Coimbatore district. 2. To examine the perception of teaching profession and success among among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Two hundred and fifty two (252) school teachers were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Teacher professional perception and Success scales developed by Prof.Dr.S.Sathiyagirirajan was used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the level of Perception of Teaching Profession among school teachers is average and favorable in professional success. It was found that there is a very high positive significant relationship between the perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers.
This study tried to find out the relationship between adjustment and success among postgraduate s... more This study tried to find out the relationship between adjustment and success among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Objectives of the study: 1. To find out the relationship between factors of adjustment and success among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Three hundred (300) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made adjustment and success scales were used for the study. Findings: There is a significant difference between male and female Postgraduate Students of Bharathiar University with respect to the Home, Emotional and Education factors in adjustment and also a significant relationship between Success and Health & Social.
Disasters have a profound impact on the mental health of children. Whether natural or man-made, d... more Disasters have a profound impact on the mental health of children. Whether natural or man-made, disasters disrupt regular functioning, causing physical, mental, and emotional challenges for individuals and communities. Children are especially susceptible and encounter heightened challenges in their physical and psychological well-being. This article presents a comprehensive examination of how disasters affect the mental health of children and also delves into various categories of disasters, encompassing both natural and anthropological factors, while also classifying hazards into technological, natural, and environmental degradation risks. Furthermore, it discusses the response strategies employed in the face of disasters and sheds light on the typical emotional, physical, and personal consequences endured by survivors. Disasters have profound and extensive effects on children, with implications that span a wide range of areas. The immediate consequence of disasters often involves population migration, which disrupts essential services like healthcare, education, and access to basic necessities. This displacement increases the prevalence of health risks such as waterborne diseases and malnutrition, leading to additional fatalities when sufficient relief efforts are lacking. Furthermore, the long-term effects of food scarcity and interrupted education impact children's development. Additionally, exposure to distressing scenes and the loss of loved ones can contribute to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health conditions. The mental well-being of children plays a vital role in their overall health and future achievements. Nurturing positive mental health during childhood empowers children to achieve significant milestones, cultivate healthy social skills, and acquire effective coping mechanisms to navigate challenges they may encounter. However, disasters pose significant obstacles to children's mental health, with intrusive thoughts, emotional detachment, avoidance behaviors, hyperarousal, anxiety, depression, and dissociation being common reactions. Due to their physical vulnerability, psychological susceptibility, and social dependence, children are disproportionately impacted by disasters. Their limited capacity to escape danger, inadequate coping mechanisms, and reliance on others for care and protection heighten their susceptibility to harm and adverse effects during such events. Moreover, the loss of support systems and exposure to traumatic experiences can have lasting impacts, leading to behavioral problems and disruptions in their development. Understanding the impact of disasters on the mental health of children is crucial for designing effective interventions and support systems. By prioritizing the well-being of children in disaster response efforts, we can mitigate the long-term consequences and help them recover and build resilience.
Disaster risk management is a vital process for understanding, evaluating, and mitigating the ris... more Disaster risk management is a vital process for understanding, evaluating, and mitigating the risks associated with disasters. This paper provides an overview of the basic concepts of disaster risk management and explores the interplay between hazards, vulnerability, and coping capacities. Disaster risk encompasses the amalgamation of hazard, vulnerability, and capacity, emphasizing the significance of evaluating and characterizing disaster risks in order to formulate efficient strategies for risk reduction. The fundamental elements of conducting a disaster risk assessment involve comprehending the attributes of hazards, appraising inherent weaknesses and susceptibility to risks, and evaluating the ability to cope with and address challenges. By combining these components, it becomes possible to obtain a holistic comprehension of disaster risks, which in turn facilitates the creation of efficient strategies to mitigate risks and implement initiatives that promote resilience. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is implemented as a methodical approach that seeks to lessen the negative consequences of hazards on communities and individuals who are susceptible to their effects. Considerable importance is placed on the significance of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in breaking the recurring pattern of disasters, emergency response, dependency, and repetition. This underscores the cost-effectiveness of DRR in conserving resources and fostering sustainable development. The concept of disaster risk management (DRM) is explored, focusing on its objective of avoiding, diminishing, or mitigating the detrimental consequences of hazards. Various types of DRM actions, such as anticipatory, corrective, compensatory, and community-based approaches, are being explored, along with the different phases of the disaster management cycle, which encompass preparedness, prevention, reconstruction, recovery, rehabilitation, and resilience. Each phase of the disaster management cycle is thoroughly explained, emphasizing the significance of taking proactive measures, reducing exposure to risks, and fostering sustainable reconstruction and recovery efforts. The significance lies in understanding and evaluating disaster risks, implementing efficient strategies to reduce these risks, and fostering resilience and sustainable development in response to disasters. By embracing these concepts and approaches, societies can break free from the destructive cycle of dependency on post-disaster response efforts and work towards a safer and more resilient future.
This study tried to find out the personality and success among post graduate of BharathiarUnivers... more This study tried to find out the personality and success among post graduate of BharathiarUniversity. Objectives of the study: 1. To examine the personality and success among the postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted surveymethod for the study. Sample: Four hundred and Fifty (450) post graduate students wereselected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made personality and success scaleswere used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the there is a significant predictionof Emotional Stability on success.
We are extremely glad to present the book “Reviews of veterinary research-what next?” to our prof... more We are extremely glad to present the book “Reviews of veterinary research-what next?” to our professional community of researchers across the world. It is our humble effort to throw some light on what happens in veterinary research. Research is a critical component in advancement of our scientific knowledge and it is never ending. Research always builds upon future needs and with the strong foundation from past achievements. Veterinary research, most of the time, doesn’t limit itself to veterinary medicine, care, treatment or conservation but transcends species boundaries. For example, study about wildlife diseases may be beneficial to conservation in the first hand, but will be helpful to figure out the genesis of zoonotic diseases and even pandemics that surfaces unexpectedly. In this context, at the end of the day, it even contributes the human wellbeing. We have to set priorities for research on a need based expansion of our knowledge to tackle issues in a scientific way. There are so many questions a researcher needs to answer before planning a research study. What was our past? Till where we reached? How far we have to go? What we have with us? What is the scope? And so on. To get a clear picture of this scenario, we have to review the past research. Such reviews will become the directions to future. In this book, we bring some meticulously done reviews about various emerging topics in veterinary field with universal relevance. The young researchers who contributed to this book keep these as base for their research and we can expect better outcome in the near future. This book intended not only to spread knowledge, but aims to develop a scientific temper, promote critical thinking and to help write in a scientific way. As editors, we were critical in our job, but the researchers’ good intention, freedom of collection of information and expression in their own writing style in these reviews remains untouched. We blindly believe the contributors for the originality of their effort with a friendly gesture and hence, we editors, wish to inform that, any opinions made in these chapters are the sole responsibility of the contributors. We express sincere gratitude to our contributors, their mentors, guides and advisors for allowing the publication of their hard work. We extend our gratitude to the respective departments, institutions and universities who provide the best platform for these future researchers.
Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2020
This study investigates the relationship between leadership style and institutional climate among... more This study investigates the relationship between leadership style and institutional climate among the school headmasters. Objectives of the study: 1. To find out the level of leadership style and institutional climate among school headmasters. 2. To find out the relationship between leadership style and institutional climate among school headmasters. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: One hundred and eighty two (182) school headmasters were selected as a sample for the study. Tool: Leadership style scale constructed and developed by the S.Sridevi (2020) and Institutional climate scale developed by Prof.Dr.S.Sathiyagirirajan were used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the level of Institutional Climate among school headmasters is favorable and the level of leadership style is average. It was found that there is a significant relationship between the leadership style and institutional climate among school headmasters.
This study tried to find out the utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate s... more This study tried to find out the utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. Objectives of the study are: to explore the level of Utilization of cloud computing applications among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University & to examine the utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. Survey method was adopted for the study. 147 PG students in Tamilnadu Agricultural University were selected as sample for the study by purposive sampling technique. Researcher’s self-made Utilization of cloud computing applications scale was used for the study. The results show that the level of utilization of cloud computing application among post graduate student is above average. It was found out from the study that there is a significant association between utilization of cloud computing application and selected independent variables among the postgraduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University.
This study tried to find out the research attitude among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agri... more This study tried to find out the research attitude among post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. Objectives of the study were: 1) To explore the level of research attitude among the post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University, and 2) To examine the research attitude among the post graduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University. The investigator adopted survey method for the study. 147 PG students were selected as sample for the study. Research Attitude Scale standardized by Dr. M. Suresh (2013) and was modified by A. Sivakumar and Dr. G. Singaravelu (2016). The results showed that the level of research attitude of post graduate student favorable. It was found that there is a significant association between research attitude and selected independent variables among the postgraduate students of Tamilnadu Agricultural University.
This paper discusses the role of communication tools in the field of education. Twenty first cent... more This paper discusses the role of communication tools in the field of education. Twenty first century is the age of communication tools (CT).CT is a part of all aspects of human life, and in teacher education. a broad range of CT such as Facebook, twitter, and several other interactive courseware are now increasingly being used by the teachers and teaching-learning groups so as to support teaching and learning in the classroom. Knowing the influence of new technologies, the teacher educational institutions are trying to restructure their educational programs facilities, in order to minimize the teaching and learning technology gap between the present and the future.
Learning plans and educator s roles change as per learning need of The environs and there is a vi... more Learning plans and educator s roles change as per learning need of The environs and there is a visible difference between traditional classroom setting and digital environs. The application of new technologies was heralded as a rebellion for open learning teaching. It generated new hopes among educators and learners. The computers and information and communication technologies were expected to create an exciting learning scenario to overcome some of the constrains of the conventional system, imposed by limitations of time, space, cost and skill. it was argued that appropriate learning software's could be another to stereotype and less satisfactory learning resources as these have the potential to opt greater learning opportunity.
The 21st century revolution in the ICT obliges the teachers and students to keep the... more The 21st century revolution in the ICT obliges the teachers and students to keep themselves abreast of the-state-of-the-art of technological development. The deployment of them in teaching-learning process is imperative, since the technology is embedded in almost all walks of our life. ICT encapsulates IT and other media such as audio, video, pictures, animation, graphics, internet and other software packages. The educational scenario of today witnessed unprecedented changes in availing technology for teaching and learning purpose, since it can possibly connect people and create interaction among them regardless of time, place and person. The recent trend in information and communication technology is to learn everything online which can provide the benefit of being constantly connected. The learners need not to be sedentary by sitting in a classroom and always depend on teachers to learn whatever they like to learn. These advantages of technology can enrich teaching-learning process in general and teaching in particular with multimedia such as audio, video, pictures, animation and graphics and web resources. This paper theoretically deals about the opportunities for technology enabled learning.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations, 2018
This study tried to find out the Learning environment and anxiety among IX standard ... more This study tried to find out the Learning environment and anxiety among IX standard students. The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Five handed and sixty eighty (568) IX standard students were selected as sample for the study. Researcher’s self-made learning environment and anxiety scale was used for the study. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between Learning environment and anxiety among IX standard students.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations , 2018
This study tried to find out the mental health and conflict among postgraduate stude... more This study tried to find out the mental health and conflict among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. To examine the mental health and conflict among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Five hundred and Twenty five (525) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Researcher’s self-made mental health and conflict scales were used for the study. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between mental health and conflict among the Postgraduate Students of Bharathiar University.
This study tried to find out the mental health and success among post graduate students of Bharat... more This study tried to find out the mental health and success among post graduate students of Bharathiar University. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the level of mental health and success among the post graduate students of Bharathiar University. 2. To examine the mental health and success among the post graduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Three hundred (300) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made mental health and success scales were used for the study. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant difference between male and female postgraduate students of Bharathiar University with respect to sense of humor factor in mental health and also a significant relationship between success and mental health factors of Personal Happiness, Emotional Balance, Perception of Life, Perception of Self and Perception of others.
This study tried to find out the preference on human values among postgraduate students of Bharat... more This study tried to find out the preference on human values among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Objectives of the study: 1. To examine the preference on human values among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Six hundred (600) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made preference on human value scale was used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the postgraduate students of Bharathiar University have an average level of preference on human values.
This study tried to find out the perception of teaching profession and success
among school teach... more This study tried to find out the perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the level of perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers in Coimbatore district. 2. To examine the perception of teaching profession and success among among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Two hundred and fifty two (252) school teachers were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Teacher professional perception and Success scales developed by Prof.Dr.S.Sathiyagirirajan was used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the level of Perception of Teaching Profession among school teachers is average and favorable in professional success. It was found that there is a very high positive significant relationship between the perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers.
This study tried to find out the relationship between adjustment and success among postgraduate s... more This study tried to find out the relationship between adjustment and success among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Objectives of the study: 1. To find out the relationship between factors of adjustment and success among postgraduate students of Bharathiar University. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Three hundred (300) postgraduate students were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made adjustment and success scales were used for the study. Findings: There is a significant difference between male and female Postgraduate Students of Bharathiar University with respect to the Home, Emotional and Education factors in adjustment and also a significant relationship between Success and Health & Social.
Educational research endeavors to eliminate the problems of scholars, teachers, students, adminis... more Educational research endeavors to eliminate the problems of scholars, teachers, students, administrators and policy makers. A knowledge of research methodology and statistics are indispensable for all those who either taken an active role in the conduct of research or desire to keep themselves abreast of the new development in education. Enhancing the knowledge of research methodology is inevitable to scholars for prolonging and completing their studies. Learning statistics encourage the scholars in acquiring competency in analysis of data. In the present scenario, interdisciplinary research should be fostered for understanding different disciplines. Research can help scholars for learning, finding out facts, analyzing information, adapting their behavior according to information received, looking to improve and adapting modern demand. Researchers should acquire the knowledge on research problems, selection of research methodology, sampling techniques, selection of tools, preparation of tools, procedure of conducting research, collection of data, applying appropriate statistical techniques for analyzing the collected data , reaching the accurate result of the study and writing research proposal. Learning advanced statistics is needed in educational research for acquiring accuracy in the findings. Research in Educational technology is indispensable for eliminating the problems of the studentsin learning. Problems of the students in learning can be solved by using technology based classroom transactions. Innovative research and advanced statistics assure the quality education. This book is specially prepared for the student-teachers of Master of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education. It consists of five units which deal with Research methods, Sampling techniques and Report preparation. The present book is dedicated to our parents. We extend our thanks to all the members of faculty of Education, Educational Technology and Department of Education (SDE) ,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Educational research endeavors to eliminate the problems of scholars, teachers, students, admini... more Educational research endeavors to eliminate the problems of scholars, teachers, students, administrators and policy makers. A knowledge of research methodology and statistics are indispensable for all those who either taken an active role in the conduct of research or desire to keep themselves abreast of the new development in education. Enhancing the knowledge of research methodology is inevitable to scholars for prolonging and completing their studies. Learning statistics encourage the scholars in acquiring competency in analysis of data. In the present scenario, interdisciplinary research should be fostered for understanding different disciplines. Research can help scholars for learning, finding out facts, analyzing information, adapting their behavior according to information received, looking to improve and adapting modern demand. Researchers should acquire the knowledge on research problems, selection of research methodology, sampling techniques, selection of tools, preparation of tools, procedure of conducting research, collection of data, applying appropriate statistical techniques for analyzing the collected data , reaching the accurate result of the study and writing research proposal. Learning advanced statistics is needed in educational research for acquiring accuracy in the findings. Research in Educational technology is indispensable for eliminating the problems of the studentsin learning. Problems of the students in learning can be solved by using technology based classroom transactions. Innovative research and advanced statistics assure the quality education. This book is specially prepared for the student-teachers of Master of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education. It consists of five units which deal with Research methods, Sampling techniques and measurement, Introduction to Statistics, Computer Application and Report preparation. The present book is dedicated to our parents. We extend our thanks to all the members of faculty of Education, Educational Technology and Department of Education (SDE) ,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Higher Education plays a vital role in social change, Economic development, Cultural enhancement ... more Higher Education plays a vital role in social change, Economic development, Cultural enhancement and sustaining the democratic values. Students have to learn the problems in social change, hurdles in economic changes and how to use education to change the society. This book Perspectives in Higher Education disseminates the necessary content of the higher education. This book consists of five chapters and its deals with Trends in Higher Education, Management of Higher Education, Community and Higher Education, Research in Higher Education and Quality in Higher Education. In our current edition of “Perspectives in higher education,” we have highlighted several of the pressing challenges, as well as the connected opportunities, facing colleges and universities. From a financial perspective, institutions continue to debate the topics of education affordability, potential changes to the educational delivery model, funding the expansion and maintenance of facilities, and the risks and rewards associated with global strategies. From an operational perspective, other key issues have emerged that demand the attention of management and the board: protecting sensitive information, managing emergency communication plans, and developing and maintaining an effective and efficient institutional risk and compliance program. This book is dedicated to all students. Suggestions and comments to improve the contents of this book will be welcomed.
Since the current edition of Educational Psychology appeared, there have been many exhilarating d... more Since the current edition of Educational Psychology appeared, there have been many exhilarating developments in the field. The current edition perpetuates to accentuate the educational implicative insinuations and applications of research on child development, cognitive science, learning, motivation, edifying, and assessment. Theory and practice are not disunited in the text, but are considered together. The book is incited to show how information and conceptions drawn from research in scholastic psychology can be applied to solve the everyday quandaries of edifying. To avail you explore the connections between research and practice, you will find in these pages a wealth of examples, edification segments, case studies, guidelines, and even practical tips from experienced edifiers. As you read this book, we believe you will optically discern the immense value and usefulness of scholastic psychology. The field offers unique and crucial cognizance to any who dare to edify and to all who love to learn. This book Educational Psychology disseminates the necessary content of the educational practices. This book consists of five chapters and its deals with Psychology as a Scientific Study, Intelligence, Models of Teaching, Learning and Personality. This book is dedicated to all students. Suggestions and comments to improve the contents of this book will be welcomed.
Guidance and counseling are very consequential part of activity in scholastic institutions all ov... more Guidance and counseling are very consequential part of activity in scholastic institutions all over the world. But in Indian literature on this subject is very scanty and hence, there is a great desideratum for an ideal book on the subject in our land. In the present book guidance and counseling, an endeavor has been made to consummate this need in the wake of transmuting pattern of socio-economic, socio-scholastic and socio-cultural system which are composing involute shape owning to advancement in science and technology and transmuting nature of human comportment and a person’s adjustment with his family, community and society. After relegating the concept of guidance, the book studies its relationship with inculcate specialties, its areas, its types such as self-guidance and guidance to other individuals.it proceeds to discuss professional counseling and explicates counseling of individuals and in groups. It examines counseling for vocational development and leisure time guidance. This book Guidance and Counselling disseminates the necessary content of the educational practices.This book consists of five chapters and its deals with The Concept of Guidance, Areas and Techniques of Guidance, The Concept of Counselling, Counselling Tools, Techniques and Problems and Organization of Guidance and Counseling Services. This book is dedicated to all students. Suggestions and comments to improve the contents of this book will be welcomed.
Education, like almost every other areas of our society, has evolved in leaps and bounds in recen... more Education, like almost every other areas of our society, has evolved in leaps and bounds in recent years. Traditional teaching techniques, based mainly on a teacher explaining a topic and students taking notes, may still be useful on occasion, but education today revolves more around encouraging the student to awaken their curiosity and desire to learn. The term teaching techniques refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction. Teacher choice of teaching method depends on what fits teacher and teachers educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area(s) and school mission statement. Teaching theories can be organized into four categories based on two major parameters: a teacher-centered approach versus a student-centered approach, and high-tech material use versus low-tech material use. In Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning, Teachers are the main authority figure in this model. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” whose primary role is to passively receive information with an end goal of testing and assessment. It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information on to their students. In this model, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities. Student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments. In Student-Centered Approach to Learning, while teachers are the authority figure in this model, teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process. The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material. Student learning is measured through both formal and informal forms of assessment, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Teaching and assessments are connected; student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. This book is specially prepared for the student and teachers of Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education. It consists of four units which deal with Teaching, Instructional objectives, Methods and techniques of teaching and Planning for teaching and evaluation. This book is dedicated to all students. Suggestions and comments to improve the contents of this book will be welcomed.
Educational measurement and evaluation refers to the use of educational assessments and the analy... more Educational measurement and evaluation refers to the use of educational assessments and the analysis of data such as scores obtained from educational assessments to understand the abilities of the students. The approaches overlap with those in psychometric. Educational measurement and evaluation is the assigning of numerals to traits such as achievement, interest, attitudes, aptitudes, intelligence and performance. The purpose of principle and training in educational measurement and evaluation is typically to measure abilities and levels of attainment of the students in areas such as reading, writing, mathematics, science, humanities, social science and so forth. Traditionally, attention focuses on whether assessments are reliable and valid. Educational measurement and evaluation is largely concerned with the analysis of data from educational assessments or tests. Typically, this means using total scores on assessments, whether they are multiple choice or open-ended and marked using marking instructions or guides. In technical terms, the pattern of scores of students for individual items is used to infer so-called scale locations of students, the “measurements”. This process is one form of scaling. Essentially, higher total scores give higher scale locations, consistent with the traditional and everyday use of total scores. One of the aims of applying theory and techniques in educational measurement and evaluation is to try to place the results of different tests administered to different groups of students on a single or a common scale through processes known as test equating. The rationale is that different assessments usually have different difficulties, the total scores cannot be directly compared. The goal of trying to place the results on a common scale is to allow comparison of the scale locations inferred from the totals via scaling processes. This bookis specially prepared for the student and teachers of Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology & Education. It consists of five units which deal with Measurement and evaluation, Research instruments, Construction of test, Methods of reliability and validity and Tool construction procedure. This book is dedicated to all students. Suggestions and comments to improve the contents of this book will be welcomed.
Advanced educational technology promises to improve science teaching and learning. To achieve the... more Advanced educational technology promises to improve science teaching and learning. To achieve the posited outcomes, however, teachers must have access to, know how to, have the skills to and want to use the proposed advanced educational technologies in teaching. Educational technology is the use of both physical hardware and educational theoretics. It encompasses several domains inc luding learning theory, computer-based training, online learning, and where mobile technologies are also used, m-learning. Educational technology have brought in a convergence of the media along with the possibility of multi-centric participation in the content- generation and disseminative process. This has implications not only for the quality of the interchange but also for drastic upheavals of centre-dominated mindsets that have inhibited qualitative improvement. Modern educational technology has its potential in the educational institutions, in the teaching of subjects, in examinations, in research, in systemic reforms, and, above all, in teacher education, overcoming the conventional problems of scale and reach through online, anytime, anywhere. There exists today a well-established publishing industry, including desktop publishing, with know-how and capabilities in producing kits, teaching aids, etc. There also exist production capabilities for audio and video, multimedia, broadcast channels, Internet connectivity, trained manpower, and institutions with these mandates that can be leveraged to address the challenges of education. Alternative models of education such as distance and open-learning, on-demand education, and other such flexible models of learning, will have to be tried and tested. Flexible systems, futuristic curricula and a twenty-first-century career orientation have become a necessity for today’s young people. There is an urgent need role in engineering the teaching-learning situation and to make it a more meaningful experience for both teachers and their pupils. The Indian perspective on educational technology essentially requires looking at the scenario related to the evolution of educational technology in the country and the periodic changes carried out in policies and curricular concerns. This look at the development of educational technology in India. In the current scenario, which involves efforts from both the Government and Non-Government organizations, should provide several pointers towards how educational technology could be used fruitfully now, and in the future, to attain the desired educational goals and to enhance meaningful learning in the rapidly changing world of the 21st century. These issues and concerns are discussed in the succeeding pages. While looking at policy changes and research findings, the Focus Group found that the term educational technology is construed differently in different programmes and by different agencies. We have, therefore, decided to begin by clarifying both the term and all it implies. It consists of five units which deal with Communication technology in education- meaning, scope and choice, Technology in language teaching, Educational technology for formal, informal and nonformal systems in learning: concept and scope, Programmed learning; theoretical considerations and Computer in education. This book is dedicated to all students. Suggestions and comments to improve the contents of this book will be welcomed.
The increase in environmental awareness over the last few decades has underlined the need to enha... more The increase in environmental awareness over the last few decades has underlined the need to enhance our understanding of the ways in which human race and environment interact. This book focuses on new scientific and policy concerns at the intersection of resource management, development, and the environment. We are glad to publish the papers in this book that examine scientific, policy, and methodological challenges associated with the world's life support systems, how people use the environment and resources, and how resources and the environment are managed and governed. With these reviews, we hope to offer a detailed, critical, and fundamental understanding of the most pressing and integrative topics and controversies in the field of ecology, environment, and resource management to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers across a variety of disciplines. These Chapters/papers analyze and review the emerging literature and research challenges in rapidly changing fields. They are written by both leading and emerging scholars by providing updates on key areas of research and by highlighting new issues of interest and importance. The reviews focus on changes in the ecology and include articles on critical ecosystems in future commitments to climate change. We also include an article that reviews how and why freshwater ecosystems have become the most intensely altered of any ecosystem. Also examines the patterns, drivers, and consequences of human uses of natural resources and interactions with the environment. One takes into account the elements that lead to critical ecosystems, where nations begin to protect and replant forests, as well as the problems with ideas for lowering emissions from deforestation. These reviews cover the challenges and conflicts involved in addressing human needs while preserving the environment and resources that we and future generations must share. We expect that these reviews will improve communication between the various academic fields that conduct research on environmental and resource-related issues as well as the general public who must rely on such information to make decisions.
This book aims at helping educators for express their views on educational field for growth and d... more This book aims at helping educators for express their views on educational field for growth and development of sustainable future. Higher education system approximately the globe is experience vast transform bring about by the international insist for tertiary learning, which is at an all-time elevated. Education and educational resources offer a means by which culture can assist meet this mounting insist. Inside this background, this book examine and it explores via many insisted topics from different areas like psychology, education, sociology, economics, political science and linguistics, how higher education system are altering structurally as a consequence of the educational movement. The key principle of this book is to scrutinize the up-and-coming trends and common theme taking place in education in the order of the globe and to offer education professional and concerned readers with a worldwide impression of the education faction. Every chapter investigates a dissimilar feature of education within a different educational and institutional background. In this book, the chapter authors offer their own interpretations and distinctive perspectives of education providing a global perspective multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary and on the main movements and challenges in front of education nowadays. Though each country is divergent in terms of educational and chronological development the chapter authors focal point on the majority outstanding features of the unfasten education movement as a entire, such as right of entry, agency, contribution, excellence of education and accumulative learning. Through look at whether self-governing principles are sufficiently reflect in education this book also touches winning wider issues relating to higher education today, such as variety, inclusion, human rights, affordability and fairness.
At the present time technologies in the fields of education, science and technology play a signif... more At the present time technologies in the fields of education, science and technology play a significant role in our daily life. Appreciation to all the dedicated researchers, now we can live in suitable surroundings by using M-learning, cloud databases or even robots. Researchers from all over the world devoted to IT, consumer and control fields and these research results have immense hard work in many different fields. IT, engineering and control researches engage the use of electronic devices to control applications or tools in different fields such as industrialized, biomedical and supremacy applications. The information technology, consumer and control are like a human brain in the machine, it will give the correct direction for computer or biomedical applications or other devices. Many people are benefit from the development of technology, for example, doctors can use CT, MRI and 3D print to look at their patients; entrepreneurs can grasp video conferences with their workers. We consider that all the papers available in this unique issue will have immense persuade on the engineering, communication and technology fields in the education. Approximately 200 papers from all over the South India have been rigorously reviewed before being accepted for this special issue. According to their topic and their worth by professionals, twenty four of the best papers are incorporated in the issue.
Social research is a methodical responsibility which by means of logical methods, aspire to find ... more Social research is a methodical responsibility which by means of logical methods, aspire to find out new facts or old particulars and to examine their sequence, interrelationships, informal explanation and expected laws which preside over them. It applies scientific method to social inquiry on creatures and their life context. Society is an organized collection of people connected together with shared purpose, norms and principles are relevant to the civilization. People have social existence and social procedure. Research is methodical and prearranged effort to investigate an exact problem that desires a solution. It contributes to the universal body of acquaintance. It also corrects human knowledge. Social research now can be definite as the efficient and objective analysis and recording of forbidden comments that may direct to the expansion of overview, philosophy or theories resultant in forecast and perhaps final control of proceedings in society. It attempt to answer or solve communal problems. In this journals characterized by it is heading for towards the explanation of problems. The final goal is to find out cause-and-effect association between social troubles. It accents the growth of generalization, principles or theories that will be obliging in predicting future occurrence. It demands precise comments and portrayal. Researchers may decide from a diversity or non-qualitative account of their observations. It involve congregation new data from prime sources or using survival data for new principle In the present scenario, students use technology to attain a bracing collective intellect until they can achieve a combined digital literacy. The technology is utilized to assist us in influential, create, authoring and mounting ourselves as the formers of our own traditions. To this end, we must generate the circumstances for people to turn out to be wise in their own way. Digital literacy is one constituent of being a digital citizen - a person who is accountable for how they utilize knowledge to interrelate with the world approximately. Information Technology improves learning, make teaching more pleasant and satisfying. It can direct the whole prospectus or just consist of a few speckled hands-on activities. Digital Era through Information Technology also brings burly portability by replace books and notes with diminutive RAMs, filled with tailored learning contents. In totaling, this type of learning is attractive and entertaining. Consequently, it is effortless to develop Information Technology for a more effectual and amusing familiarity. Information technology facilitates populace to mingle and converse on a usual basis due to the hectic constraint of today's planet. Digital Literacy is imperative to analyze construe and trace data visibly. Subsequently observance all this in the foretaste, this book is shortened to offer a wide stands to the educational and erudition society to chronicle their opinion on this subject under a variety of sub theme.
National Conference on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, 2023
The individuals belonging to Generation Z and Generation Alpha are fortunate to exist in Society ... more The individuals belonging to Generation Z and Generation Alpha are fortunate to exist in Society 5.0, where they encounter a world seamlessly entwined with information and communication technology (ICT), shaping the digital realm. Despite contending with physical space constraints in an increasingly crowded environment, ICT effectively merges cyberspace with the tangible world. The Alpha generation faces the unavoidable task of navigating, learning, working, spending, and mobilizing in the cyber domain, underscoring its significance. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness about cybersecurity exposes the younger generation to potential cyber disasters. Following UNESCO's 2020 guidelines, there is a collective responsibility to safeguard children and adolescents in the digital landscape, emphasizing the author's intent to underscore the critical necessity and significance of cybersecurity awareness among the Gen-Alpha generation. This paper emphasizes the imperative for the Alpha generation to be cognizant of cybersecurity.
National Conference on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, 2023
The digital age has transformed the technological landscape for today's adolescents and young adu... more The digital age has transformed the technological landscape for today's adolescents and young adults. Growing up in developed countries, they have wholeheartedly embraced an array of digital devices to satisfy their need for connection and exploration. This generation has rapidly adapted to the digital era, integrating technology into their daily lives. While digitization empowers young people to expand their educational horizons, access information, express themselves, and maintain social connections, it also exposes them to hidden threats within the digital realm. Increased use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is associated with a heightened risk of encountering ICT mediated harassment, intrusion, and surveillance. As reliance on digital devices continues to grow, so does the accompanying risk to mental health. Cyber-harassment, characterized by repetitive unwanted ICT-mediated interpersonal aggression, and cyberbullying, involving hostile actions through various online channels, are linked to negative emotions, mental health challenges, and, in extreme cases, suicidal incidents. Research highlights the severe emotional and psychological repercussions of bullying, including depression, anxiety, and reduced selfesteem. Educational institutions have seamlessly integrated into the world of social media, using these platforms to attract students, build professional networks, and promote online learning. However, the benefits of engaging with social media platforms come at a cost. Excessive use is associated with sleep disturbances, social isolation, obesity, substance abuse, and challenges in adapting to both social and academic life. This chapter centers on addressing digital trauma among adolescents, its consequences, and the significance of cyber education in preventing these threats and ensuring online safety.
National Conference on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, 2023
In the modern era, millions of individuals seamlessly integrate internet usage into their lives, ... more In the modern era, millions of individuals seamlessly integrate internet usage into their lives, relying on digital technology for education and daily activities. The internet, communication, and smartphone technologies have become integral, with individuals of all ages engaging in online activities that generate digital data stored remotely, often in the cloud. The expansion of mobile technology and internet connectivity raises concerns about the online safety of adolescents. Adolescents are especially vulnerable to cyber threats and the adverse effects of information and communication technology (ICT) due to their unique developmental characteristics. Cyber safety encompasses the secure use of ICT and protection against unwanted marketing, and advertising. The importance of cybersecurity for children is growing as the internet becomes more accessible to them, exposing them to online risks. This chapter centers on raising awareness about cybersecurity for teens and young adults who heavily rely on digital devices in their daily lives. Safety and security are distinct but interconnected concepts, each requiring specific knowledge and skills. Education plays a pivotal role in promoting security awareness and capabilities, ensuring cybersecurity education reaches people of all ages and societal segments. Cybersecurity education involves two critical components: First, individuals need to understand the importance of taking preventive measures. Second, educators must equip them with the skills to effectively implement these precautions. In an era dominated by digital technology, fostering cybersecurity awareness and competence is essential to safeguard individuals and their digital lives.
Papers by Siva kumar
Research is a critical component in advancement of our scientific knowledge and it is never ending. Research always builds upon future needs and with the strong foundation from past achievements. Veterinary research, most of the time, doesn’t limit itself to veterinary medicine, care, treatment or conservation but transcends species boundaries. For example, study about wildlife diseases may be beneficial to conservation in the first hand, but will be helpful to figure out the genesis of zoonotic diseases and even pandemics that surfaces unexpectedly. In this context, at the end of the day, it even contributes the human wellbeing.
We have to set priorities for research on a need based expansion of our knowledge to tackle issues in a scientific way. There are so many questions a researcher needs to answer before planning a research study. What was our past? Till where we reached? How far we have to go? What we have with us? What is the scope? And so on. To get a clear picture of this scenario, we have to review the past research. Such reviews will become the directions to future.
In this book, we bring some meticulously done reviews about various emerging topics in veterinary field with universal relevance. The young researchers who contributed to this book keep these as base for their research and we can expect better outcome in the near future. This book intended not only to spread knowledge, but aims to develop a scientific temper, promote critical thinking and to help write in a scientific way. As editors, we were critical in our job, but the researchers’ good intention, freedom of collection of information and expression in their own writing style in these reviews remains untouched. We
blindly believe the contributors for the originality of their effort with a friendly gesture and hence, we editors, wish to inform that, any opinions made in these chapters are the sole responsibility of the contributors.
We express sincere gratitude to our contributors, their mentors, guides and advisors for allowing the publication of their hard work. We extend our gratitude to the respective departments, institutions and universities who provide the best platform for these future researchers.
among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the level of perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers in Coimbatore district. 2. To examine the perception of teaching profession and success among among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Two hundred and fifty two (252) school teachers were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Teacher professional perception and Success scales developed by Prof.Dr.S.Sathiyagirirajan was used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the level of Perception of Teaching Profession among school teachers is average and favorable in professional success. It was found that there is a very high positive significant relationship between the perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers.
Research is a critical component in advancement of our scientific knowledge and it is never ending. Research always builds upon future needs and with the strong foundation from past achievements. Veterinary research, most of the time, doesn’t limit itself to veterinary medicine, care, treatment or conservation but transcends species boundaries. For example, study about wildlife diseases may be beneficial to conservation in the first hand, but will be helpful to figure out the genesis of zoonotic diseases and even pandemics that surfaces unexpectedly. In this context, at the end of the day, it even contributes the human wellbeing.
We have to set priorities for research on a need based expansion of our knowledge to tackle issues in a scientific way. There are so many questions a researcher needs to answer before planning a research study. What was our past? Till where we reached? How far we have to go? What we have with us? What is the scope? And so on. To get a clear picture of this scenario, we have to review the past research. Such reviews will become the directions to future.
In this book, we bring some meticulously done reviews about various emerging topics in veterinary field with universal relevance. The young researchers who contributed to this book keep these as base for their research and we can expect better outcome in the near future. This book intended not only to spread knowledge, but aims to develop a scientific temper, promote critical thinking and to help write in a scientific way. As editors, we were critical in our job, but the researchers’ good intention, freedom of collection of information and expression in their own writing style in these reviews remains untouched. We
blindly believe the contributors for the originality of their effort with a friendly gesture and hence, we editors, wish to inform that, any opinions made in these chapters are the sole responsibility of the contributors.
We express sincere gratitude to our contributors, their mentors, guides and advisors for allowing the publication of their hard work. We extend our gratitude to the respective departments, institutions and universities who provide the best platform for these future researchers.
among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the level of perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers in Coimbatore district. 2. To examine the perception of teaching profession and success among among school teachers in Coimbatore district. Methodology: The investigator adopted survey method for the study. Sample: Two hundred and fifty two (252) school teachers were selected as sample for the study. Tool: Teacher professional perception and Success scales developed by Prof.Dr.S.Sathiyagirirajan was used for the study. Findings: The results showed that the level of Perception of Teaching Profession among school teachers is average and favorable in professional success. It was found that there is a very high positive significant relationship between the perception of teaching profession and success among school teachers.
These Chapters/papers analyze and review the emerging literature and research challenges in rapidly changing fields. They are written by both leading and emerging scholars by providing updates on key areas of research and by highlighting new issues of interest and importance.
The reviews focus on changes in the ecology and include articles on critical ecosystems in future commitments to climate change. We also include an article that reviews how and why freshwater ecosystems have become the most intensely altered of any ecosystem. Also examines the patterns, drivers, and consequences of human uses of natural resources and interactions with the environment. One takes into account the elements that lead to critical ecosystems, where nations begin to protect and replant forests, as well as the problems with ideas for lowering emissions from deforestation.
These reviews cover the challenges and conflicts involved in addressing human needs while preserving the environment and resources that we and future generations must share. We expect that these reviews will improve communication between the various academic fields that conduct research on environmental and resource-related issues as well as the general public who must rely on such information to make decisions.