Papers by Siva Yegnanarayanan

Optics Express, 2012
We demonstrate a 10-GHz RF-amplifier-free slab-coupled optical waveguide coupled optoelectronic o... more We demonstrate a 10-GHz RF-amplifier-free slab-coupled optical waveguide coupled optoelectronic oscillator (SCOW-COEO) system operating with low phase-noise (<-115 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset) and large sidemode suppression (>70 dB measurement-limited). The optical pulses generated by the SCOW-COEO exhibit 26.8-ps pulse width (post compression) with a corresponding spectral bandwidth of 0.25 nm (1.8X transform-limited). We also investigate the mechanisms that limit the performance of the COEO. Our measurements indicate that degradation in the quality factor (Q) of the optical cavity significantly impacts COEO phase-noise through increases in the optical amplifier relative intensity noise (RIN).
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012, 2012
ABSTRACT We report the first demonstration of a RF-amplifier-free 10 GHz coupled optoelectronic o... more ABSTRACT We report the first demonstration of a RF-amplifier-free 10 GHz coupled optoelectronic oscillator (COEO) through use of high-power slab-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) amplifier and photodiode components. 2012 OSA.
IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, 2011
We demonstrate a slab-coupled optical waveguide external-cavity mode-locked laser having unique b... more We demonstrate a slab-coupled optical waveguide external-cavity mode-locked laser having unique bandedges for the amplifier, modulator and saturable absorber elements. An average output power of 50mW and timing jitter of 254fs is achieved at 1.5-GHz.
Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2009
Abstract A compact coupled-resonators flat-band filter with a large bandwidth (~ 3.3 nm), large f... more Abstract A compact coupled-resonators flat-band filter with a large bandwidth (~ 3.3 nm), large free-spectral range (~ 18 nm), low crosstalk (Lt-12 dB) and negligible insertion loss (Lt0. 3 dB) is demonstrated on a silicon-on-insulator platform with focused applications for ...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, 2009
Recently, microresonator-based filters have been actively pursued in silicon photonics platform f... more Recently, microresonator-based filters have been actively pursued in silicon photonics platform for a variety of applications and functionalities [1,2]. While in many recent publications achieving a flat-band filter with a desired bandwidth have been the major focus, the compactness ...
Frontiers in Optics 2010/Laser Science XXVI, 2010
Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) modes of plasmonic nanoparticles such as nanorods, nan... more Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) modes of plasmonic nanoparticles such as nanorods, nanodisks, and nanocubes have attracted significant recent research interest. Their large field enhancements and ultra-small mode volumes permit enhanced light-matter ...
MRS Proceedings, 2011
ABSTRACT Plasmonic nanoresonators can localize light beyond diffraction limit and can provide lar... more ABSTRACT Plasmonic nanoresonators can localize light beyond diffraction limit and can provide large field enhancements and thus can be used in sensing and spectroscopy applications. Here, we numerically show that efficient excitation of plasmonic resonances ...
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics and Photonics in Switching, 2010
... Zhixuan Xia, Ali Asghar Eftekhar, Mohammad Soltani, Qing Li, Maysam Chamanzar, Siva Yegnanara... more ... Zhixuan Xia, Ali Asghar Eftekhar, Mohammad Soltani, Qing Li, Maysam Chamanzar, Siva Yegnanarayanan, Babak Momeni, Ali Adibi School of ... and CMB Cordeiro, "Opening up optical fibres," Optics Express, 15, 11843 (2007) [3] Wenqing Cao, Yixiang Duan, "Optical fiber ...
IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, 2011
Abstract We compare the cascade, baseline, and lattice architectures for a four-pole, four-zero p... more Abstract We compare the cascade, baseline, and lattice architectures for a four-pole, four-zero photonic filter implemented using high-Q resonator-based components on SOI. These filters are fully reconfigurable and very compact (total area 0.15 mm 2).
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010, 2010
We demonstrate the fabrication of high Q microdisk resonators on an SOI platform using thermal na... more We demonstrate the fabrication of high Q microdisk resonators on an SOI platform using thermal nanoimprint lithography. The achieved Q factor is 60000 for 2µm radius disks. Arrays of 32 resonators show uniform spectral response.
2009 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, 2009
Abstract We report the experimental observation of long-sustained GHz electronic oscillations res... more Abstract We report the experimental observation of long-sustained GHz electronic oscillations resulting from coupled electron-photon dynamics in ultra-high-Q Si microdisk resonators with CW pumping. Theoretical analysis identifies conditions for steady-state ...
Advances in Optical Sciences Congress, 2009
Abstract Resonator-based filters using silicon microdisks scaled to ultimate miniaturization (rad... more Abstract Resonator-based filters using silicon microdisks scaled to ultimate miniaturization (radius~ 1.5-2 micron) close to radiation limit are demonstrated. High-Q (~ 150,000) and single-mode operation in each microdisk enables low insertion-loss and large free-...

Optics Express, 2007
We report the fabrication and experimental characterization of an ultra-high Q microdisk resonato... more We report the fabrication and experimental characterization of an ultra-high Q microdisk resonator in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. We examine the role of the substrate in the performance of such microdisk resonators. While substrate leakage loss has warranted the necessity of substrate undercut structures in the past, we show here that the substrate has a very useful role to play for both passive chip-scale device integration as well as active electronic device integration. Two device architectures for the disk-on-substrate are studied in order to assess the possibility of such an integration of high Q resonators and active components. Using an optimized process for fabrication of such a resonator device, we experimentally demonstrate a Q~3x10 6 , corresponding to a propagation loss ~0.16 dB/cm. This, to our knowledge, is the maximum Q observed for silicon microdisk cavities of this size for disk-on-substrate structures. Critical coupling for a resonance mode with an unloaded Q~0.7x10 6 is observed. We also report a detailed comparison of the obtained experimental resonance spectrum with the theoretical and simulation analysis. The issue of waveguide-cavity coupling is investigated in detail and the conditions necessary for the existence or lack of critical coupling is elaborated.
Frontiers in Optics 2009/Laser Science XXV/Fall 2009 OSA Optics & Photonics Technical Digest, 2009
Abstract Efficient coupling to plasmonic ring resonators through the whispering-gallery mode of a... more Abstract Efficient coupling to plasmonic ring resonators through the whispering-gallery mode of a SiN x micro-disk resonator is proposed. The structure has a relatively high-Q hybrid mode with the large sensitivity advantage of surface plasmon polaritons.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010, 2010
Abstract: 84-channel, high resolution (<0.6 nm) integrated near-infrared spectrometer is demon... more Abstract: 84-channel, high resolution (<0.6 nm) integrated near-infrared spectrometer is demonstrated using large-scale arrays of microdonut resonators. Miniaturized microresonators (radius < 2μm) with high intrinsic Q (> 25,000) enable on-chip spectroscopy with low insertion loss. ...
2009 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topicals Meeting Series, 2009
The combination of Si-based ultra-high Q micro-resonators and ultra-compact photonic crystal on-c... more The combination of Si-based ultra-high Q micro-resonators and ultra-compact photonic crystal on-chip spectrometers has enabled highly-sensitive lab-on-a-chip sensing structures with orders-of-magnitude smaller size compared to conventional bulk sensing systems. Details of the design along with their experimental demonstrations will be presented.

Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Technical Digest Postconference Edition. Trends in Optics and Photonics Vol.37 (IEEE Cat. No. 00CH37079), 2000
Optically transparent packet data transmission technologies that provide access to the entire tra... more Optically transparent packet data transmission technologies that provide access to the entire transport bandwidth, while reducing or eliminating the costly synchronization and time-division multiplexing hierarchy provided by traditional SONET/SDH layer, have attracted attention following the tremendous growth of the internet. In synchronous continuous time systems, alignment of the local clock phase with the incoming data has been performed typically using electronic phase-locked loop techniques. For packet networks, on the other hand, the time allocated for the clock phase and frequency recovery should be much smaller than the packet duration in order to reduce overhead and maximize transmission efficiency. Furthermore, as the operating bit rate increases in order to increase the overall capacity and completely utilize the available optical fiber bandwidth, all-optical asynchronous regeneration is essential in order to maintain the optical signal quality over a large backbone network [1] . A recent.proposa1 has been to
CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011
Ultrahigh field enhancements and very small mode volumes achieved in localized surface plasmon re... more Ultrahigh field enhancements and very small mode volumes achieved in localized surface plasmon resonances of plasmonic nanoparticles make them suitable for light-matter interactions in applications such as surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and nonlinear optics [1-3]. ...
Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures, 2011
ABSTRACT We demonstrate a hybrid integrated photonic-plasmonic platform in which photonic guided ... more ABSTRACT We demonstrate a hybrid integrated photonic-plasmonic platform in which photonic guided modes are used to efficiently excite localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) modes of plasmonic nanoresonators. Efficient coupling of light to the LSPR modes of plasmonic nanoresonators is demonstrated by tight integration of plasmonic nanoresonators on silicon nitride (SiN) microresonators. It is shown that by integrating gold nanoparticles with SiN microresonators, we can achieve high coupling efficiencies (35%), resulting in large field enhancements. We will discuss the design, fabrication, and characterization of the hybrid platform which consists of gold nanoparticles integrated with SiN microring resonators. 2011 SPIE.
Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 2008
The possibility of monolithic integration of linear and nonlinear photonics functionalities in a ... more The possibility of monolithic integration of linear and nonlinear photonics functionalities in a silicon platform for low-cost realization of chip-scale communications, signal processing and sensing applications has driven an extensive effort in this area. While different third-order ...
Papers by Siva Yegnanarayanan