Papers by Pardomuan Sitompul

Jurnal Cendekia : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Disposisi matematis merupakan sikap atau kemampuan afektif sesorang dalam memandang matematika se... more Disposisi matematis merupakan sikap atau kemampuan afektif sesorang dalam memandang matematika sebagai sesuatu yang dapat menumbuhkan karakter baik seperti percaya diri, minat belajar tinggi, gigih, bersungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaiakan masalah, berfikir fleksibel, melakukan refleksi setelah mempelajari matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan disposisi matematis pada pembelajaran matematika siswa SMKN 2 langsa. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen non tes berupa angket dan wawancara disposisi matematik. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni dilakukan dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan disposisi matematis siswa SMKN 2 Langsa masuk dalam kategori Rendah yaitu 54,00%. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil angket dimana kemampuan disposisi matematik dari 30 orang sampel siswa, yang masuk dalam kategori sangat rend...

Separation and Purification Technology, 2020
Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) di Kecamatan Alak dibangun pada tahun 1997 dan mulai beroperasi sej... more Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) di Kecamatan Alak dibangun pada tahun 1997 dan mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 1998 merupakan fasilitas persampahan utama di Kota Kupang. TPA Alak memiliki luas 9,14 Ha. Jarak tempuh ke TPA Alak dari pusat kota ± 16 Km. Dengan produksi sampah di tahun 2018 mencapai 100 ton/hari dan meningkat menjadi 200 ton/ hari di musim penghujan. Dalam perjalanannya, aktifitas pengolahan sampah di lokasi TPA Alak pasti menimbulkan dampak terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan dikemudian hari akibat keberadaan TPA, maka kawasan sekitar TPA perlu dirancang dengan konsep dasar yang didasarkan pada kondisi dampak TPA. Berdasarkan hasil kajian terhadap potensi dan permasalahan di TPA Alak dan sekitarnya, diidentifikasi dampak difokuskan pada tahap operasional TPA pada aspek mobilisasi tenaga kerja, pengoperasian dan pengolahan sampah, mobilisasi kendaraan pengangkut dan pengoperasian bangunan pengolahan leachate (BPL). Dampak dominan berkaitan dengan dampak lindi, debu dan ceceran sampah plastik dan pemukiman kumuh akibat aktifitas pemulung. Berdasarkan identifikasi dimaksud dirumuskan strategi penanganan dampak TPA terhadap kawasan sekitar dengan menggunakan metode SWOT, dengan tetap fokus pada penanganan pada dampak lindi, debu dan ceceran sampah plastik dan pencegahan pemukiman kumuh. Hasil analisis ini akan menghasilkan identifikasi dampak, strategi serta prinsip perencanaan komponen untuk penataan kawasan sekitar TPA Alak.

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas perilaku sistem persamaan Lotka-Volterra dengan waktu tunda. Pemb... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas perilaku sistem persamaan Lotka-Volterra dengan waktu tunda. Pembahasan dilakukan terhadap hasil simulasi Matlab dengan menggunakan metode Forward Euler. Dari hasil pengamatan yang telah dilakukan pada simulasi untuk beberapa nilai parameter dapat dilihat adanya hubungan antara waktu tunda dengan perilaku solusi sistem. Adanya pengaruh waktu tunda pada sistem Lotka-Volterra akan menghilangkan sifat periodik solusi. Pengaruh waktu tunda mengakibatkan siklus populasi semakin mengembang, namun kedua populasi tidak akan mengalami kepunahan. Kemudian panjang interval tunda berpengaruh terhadap laju perkembangan siklus populasi. Makin panjang interval tunda makin cepat laju perkembangan siklus populasi. Kata kunci : Lotka-Volterra, waktu tunda, keseimbangan, kestabilan . ABSTRACT This study discusses the behavior of Lotka-Volterra equations system with time delay. The discussion conducted on Matlab simulation results using Forward Euler. From the observatio...

ABSTRAK Penyusunan Jadwal perkuliahan adalah kegiatan rutin yang yang dikerjakan Universitas Nege... more ABSTRAK Penyusunan Jadwal perkuliahan adalah kegiatan rutin yang yang dikerjakan Universitas Negeri Medan dalam tiap semester untuk menunjang proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan cara atau solusi penyusunan jadwal yang efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun aplikasi penjadwalan mata kuliah di Jurusan Matematika Universitas Negeri Medan menggunakan AlgoritmaWelch Powell yang berfungsi untuk mengoptimasi penyusunan jadwal mata kuliah dengan metode pewarnaan graf, dimana simpul yang bertetangga diberi warna berbeda satu sama lain, sehingga menghasilkan bilangan kromatik (jumlah warna). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Setelah data diperoleh dari literatur utama maupun literatur pendukung, selanjutnya dianalisis untuk mengetahui aplikasi pewarnaan graf pada penjadwalan perkuliahan di Jurusan Matematika Universitas Negeri Medan. Kata K unci : Penjadwalan Perkuliahan, Pewarnaan graf, Algoritma Welch Powell ...

Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana, 2021
Background: The complexity of treatment in allergic rhinitis remains to be a global challenge. Th... more Background: The complexity of treatment in allergic rhinitis remains to be a global challenge. The medical treatment option for moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis is the combination of intranasal corticosteroid (INCS) and oral antihistamine or leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA). The combination INCS with LTRA is selected based on the presence of asthma. Purpose: To determine the effect of fluticasone furoate plus cetirizine administration comparing fluticasone furoate plus montelukast on nasal eosinophils count and clinical improvement in patients with moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis. Method: This study was purely experimental research with the study design randomized clinical trial, double-blind, pre and post test control. Patient were divided into two group. Group-1 received intranasal fluticasone furoate 110 μg once daily and oral cetirizine 10mg and Group-2 received intranasal fluticasone furoate 110 μg once daily and Montelukast 10mg. The treatment ef...

Open ended approach is a learning approach that presents a problem that has more than one answer ... more Open ended approach is a learning approach that presents a problem that has more than one answer or settlement method. Open ended approach encourages students to develop creative ideas and mathematical mindset by remembering previous mathematical concepts, so that with the open-ended approach, students are expected to have a much better mathematical creative thinking ability. The purpose of this research is to analyze the improvement of students creative thinking ability by using learning materials developed through autograph assisted open-ended approach. This research is a development research using Thiagarajan 4D model with define stage, design, develop, an dessiminate. The subject of this research is Junior High School Swasta Imelda Medan. The teaching materials that will be developed in this study are learning tools that include Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), teacher book (BPG), Student book (BS) and, student worksheet (LAS) and creative thinking ability test. From results ...

Journal of Education and Practice, 2017
This study aims to determine: 1) The effectiveness of the learning process by using learning tool... more This study aims to determine: 1) The effectiveness of the learning process by using learning tools of PBM model; 2) improvement of problem solving ability of students by using learning tool of PBM model. This research is a development research with Dick and Carey model. Trial I conducted on the students of class VIII-2 and trial II in class VIII-3 SMP Negeri 5 Stabat. The instrument of this research is observation sheet of student activity, teacher ability to manage learning, student response questionnaire and problem solving test. The problem solving test is valid with the reliability coefficient = 0.829. From the research result, it is found that: 1) the developed device has fulfilled the effectiveness of the learning process; 2) there was an average increase in problem solving ability of students in post test I that is 68.15 increased to 85.19 in trial II. Keywords: Learning Device Development, Learning Approach Model PBM, Problem Solving Ability
Mathematical literacy is students' ability to analyze, reason, and convey ideas effectively, ... more Mathematical literacy is students' ability to analyze, reason, and convey ideas effectively, formulate, solve, and interpret mathematical problems in various forms and situations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the improvement of students' mathematical literacy skills after getting learning using realistic approach-based learning tools and to find effective learning tools based on realistic approaches. This research was conducted on seventh grade junior high school students. The development model used is the 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) model of Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel. The results of this study are improving students' mathematical literacy skills and finding effective learning tools. Keywords—component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)

This purpose of this research to know differences: (1) improvement of creative thinking ability b... more This purpose of this research to know differences: (1) improvement of creative thinking ability between students who are given problem based learning with students who are given direct learning. (2) improvement of problem solving abilities of mathematics students who are given problem-based learning with students who are given direct learning. This research is quantitative, with a kind of quasi experimental study. The sample in this study were 30 students in the class VII-1 and 30 students in the class VII-2. Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance (ANAKOVA). Conclusion of study is; (1) there is a difference in the improvement of the creative thinking ability of students who are given problem-based learning by direct learning. (2) there is a difference of improvement of problem solving ability of mathematics between students who are given problem based learning with direct learning.

Abstrak Sejak pandemic covi 19 masuk ke Indonesia Maret 2020 proses belajar mengajar dilakukan da... more Abstrak Sejak pandemic covi 19 masuk ke Indonesia Maret 2020 proses belajar mengajar dilakukan dalam jaringan (daring). Awal pandemic proses belajar mengajar dilakukan dengan menggunakan whatsapp, seiring berjalannya waktu dinas meminta agar sekolah memiliki Learning Managemen (LMS) yang dapat diakses oleh dinas untuk melihat aktivitas guru. Tak ayal banyak guru yang kebingungan dalam membuat LMS. Google classroom merupakan salah satu LMS yang sederhana, Tim pengebadian dari Univeristas negeri medan mencoba untuk memberikan solusi kepada pihak sekolah. Malalui pelatihan pengembangan google classroom. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di SMP Satu Atap. Peserta yang memgikuti kegatan ini adlaah guru-guru smsp dari satu rayon SMP Satu Atap. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan modul google classroom untuk digunakan guru saat pelatihan. Kegiatan ini berkontribusi untuk sekolah dan guru, untuk sekolah diharapkan sekolah memmiliki LMS sederhana yang dapat menjadi sarana belajar mengajar ...

Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2019
This study research was aimed at finding the validity, practicality and effectiveness of Problem ... more This study research was aimed at finding the validity, practicality and effectiveness of Problem based learning model assisted by Geogebra and describing the improvement of students' mathematical critical thinking skills. The learning devices developed are the Lesson Implementation Plan, teacher's book, student's book, Student Worksheet and student's mathematical critical thinking ability test instrument. This research is a Research and Development, using the Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel development models, the 4-D model. Learning devices had fulfilled the valid criteria's according to experts, and tested in class XI at MAN Labuhanbatu. The results of research had shown that the learning device of problem based learning model assisted by Geogebra had fulfilled the practical criteria's and effective and could improve students' mathematical critical thinking skills.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019
Controllable porous Co-Mn nanosheet composites are prepared via a solvothermal method. The effect... more Controllable porous Co-Mn nanosheet composites are prepared via a solvothermal method. The effect of Co/Mn ratio on the crystal structure, morphology and electrochemical performances is investigated. Optimal porous Co-Mn nanosheet composite exhibits highest reversible capacity of 1248 mAh g À1 for the 100th cycle at 400 mA g À1 and 1371 mAh g À1 for the 400th cycle at 500 mA g À1. Even at a high rate of 10 A g À1 , its specific capacity still keeps as high as 650 mAh g À1. The facile synthesis, high specific capacity and excellent rate performance of porous Co-Mn nanosheet composites enable them promising for next generation high-performance lithium ion batteries.
International Journal of Differential Equations, 2019
Modified-Logistic-Diffusion Equation ut=Duxx+u|1-u| with Neumann boundary condition has a global ... more Modified-Logistic-Diffusion Equation ut=Duxx+u|1-u| with Neumann boundary condition has a global solution, if the given initial condition ψ satisfies ψ(x)≤1, for all x∈[0,1]. Other initial conditions can lead to another type of solutions; i.e., an initial condition that satifies ∫01ψ(x)dx>1 will cause the solution to blow up in a finite time. Another initial condition will result in another kind of solution, which depends on the diffusion coefficient D. In this paper, we obtained the lower bound of D, so that the solution of Modified-Logistic-Diffusion Equation with a given initial condition will have a global solution.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that is very dangerous and can cause death and Tubercu... more Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that is very dangerous and can cause death and Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that causes the most deaths or is called the world’s biggest killer among infectious diseases, claiming more than 4000 lives every day. The unprecedented Corona Virus pandemic has a serious impact on people with pre-existing health conditions such as Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is not caused by heredity and Tuberculosis is curable. Treatment of TB disease is time-consuming and costly. Therefore the term prevention is better than cure very precisely for Tuberculosis. One of the efforts made by the government is to provide vaccines. This study uses the SIR (susceptible, infected, and recovered) model by considering the effect of vaccines. Also, this study adopts the application of the Optimum Control theory which aims to provide control over the parameters that affect the spread of Tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is not only to show the dynamics o...
Papers by Pardomuan Sitompul