Papers by Sithulisiwe Bhebhe

Open Education Studies, 2024
The integration of digital technology into the practices of teacher education is expected to beco... more The integration of digital technology into the practices of teacher education is expected to become the norm in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. This study sought to determine how lecturers integrate technology into teacher education in two Southern African universities (one in South Africa and one in the Kingdom of Eswatini). In this study, a multiple case study design was utilised, employing a qualitative research approach within an interpretive research paradigm. The study occurred at the two universities as mentioned earlier, conveniently chosen as they were the workplaces of the researchers. Data collection involved an open-ended questionnaire completed by lecturers, and a focus group discussion consisted of purposively selected lecturers from both institutions. Thematic analysis was applied to examine the data gathered from study participants. The findings indicated that initially, lecturers from both universities had limited digital literacy as they were in the process of transitioning from traditional face-to-face teaching methods and required guidance on integrating technology into their instructional practices. The study concludes that the availability of digital tools, software, and the Internet will not automatically equip student teachers with the required competencies to include technology into their instructional methods.

International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review, 2022
This study sought to explore how science teachers use manipulative teaching material in the class... more This study sought to explore how science teachers use manipulative teaching material in the classroom. The study was based on the following objectives: establish the benefits of using manipulative teaching materials, determine the challenges faced by science teachers towards using manipulative teaching materials and suggest how science teachers may overcome the challenges faced in using manipulative teaching materials. Underpinned by the constructivism learning theory, a qualitative research approach was adopted where a case study research design was employed with a purposely selected sample of twelve (12) primary school science teachers who were randomly selected from four schools. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings of the study revealed that there are benefits of using manipulative teaching materials. These were that, learners make sense of the theory and have a clear understanding of the concepts taught, learners also acquired scientific skills and manipulative teaching materials motivate learners to participate in the lesson, therefore this makes it hard for learners to lose attention. The study also revealed the challenges faced by teachers in using manipulative teaching materials were lack of resources needed in the science lessons, failure to meet the demands of the subject, and the number of learners in the classroom. The study further revealed that all these challenges could be minimized by the government building science laboratories in the schools and that teachers should improvise the manipulative teaching materials. Based on the findings, the study concludes that manipulative teaching materials play an important role in the teaching and learning of science.

Mediterranean journal of social sciences, May 1, 2014
The reasons why people choose different professions are varied, multifaceted and often controvers... more The reasons why people choose different professions are varied, multifaceted and often controversial. The present study sought to establish trainee teachers' motivating reasons to train as teachers. A mixed method research paradigm was employed and a case study design was utilised. A convenient sample of seventy trainee teachers in one teacher training college in Zimbabwe participated in the study. Data were collected through a semi structured questionnaire. Quantitative data were analysed statistically with aid of SPSS version 21 statistical software. Qualitative data were analysed through thematic content analysis. Among the major findings were that trainee teachers chose to train as teachers owing to perceived personal attributes consistent with the teaching job, had influence from some close friends and relatives and also had some anticipated positive results associated with being a qualified teacher. The study concludes that there were multiple and multi-faceted factors that influenced trainee teachers to train as teachers and these are personal and environmental factors. Recommendations were made.

Journal of Human Ecology, 2014
The world has become a global village and values such as the upholding of human rights are shared... more The world has become a global village and values such as the upholding of human rights are shared globally. Human rights education promotes values, beliefs and attitudes that encourage all individuals to uphold their own rights and those of others. It develops an understanding of everyone's common responsibility to make human rights a reality in each community. One way of ensuring awareness of human rights is the introduction of hu man rights education in schools. In this paper the researchers explore the issu e of human rights a nd its importance in modern society. The significance of human rights education is explored. The researchers discuss the ways in which human rights could be incorporated in the school curriculum. Reasons why governments in developing countries in Africa do not seem to embrace the introduction of human rights education are discussed. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
This study sought to determine the support provided to lecturers from selected universities in So... more This study sought to determine the support provided to lecturers from selected universities in Southern Africa in sustaining the integration of technology pedagogies to train in-service teachers after the COVID-19 pandemic era. The study used a multiple case study design and a qualitative research approach as part of an interpretive research paradigm. The study was carried out at two Southern African universities that were conveniently chosen by the researchers as their places of work. A purposive sample of lecturers in the faculties of education that train in-service teachers was selected. Data were gathered through the analysis of documents considered relevant to the study from the studied universities. A focus group discussion was held with 12 lecturers, an open-ended questionnaire was completed by 9 lecturers and open-ended interviews with 6 HODs in the faculties of education were conducted. Data obtained from the participants and the documents examined were analysed using thema...

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, May 30, 2022
Mentoring pre-service teachers on teaching practice is an important part of the teacher developme... more Mentoring pre-service teachers on teaching practice is an important part of the teacher development process. Preservice teachers initially did teaching practice in schools where they could put what they had learned in their teacher education institute into practice. Teaching practice is now possible in virtual classrooms. This connects mentorship to the situated learning theory, which holds that effective education necessitates learning rooted in authentic contexts of practice, where pre-service teachers will participate in activities within social communities. Two teaching practice coordinators, eleven lecturers, seventeen pre-service teachers, and ten mentor teachers who were purposefully selected to participate in the study were interviewed using qualitative research approaches. Face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were used to gather information. In this paper, I discuss the aspects that contribute to effective TP mentoring implementation as well as the contextual learning theory. Collaboration, introspection, coaching, multiple practice, acquisition of new abilities, and authentic situations are among the factors shown in the study. The mentor teacher serves as a knowledge provider, facilitator, and mediator. In the college under study there is great emphasis on that pre-service teachers get attached to mentor teachers in their practicing schools.

International journal of scientific research and management, May 11, 2022
The purpose of the study was to establish how educators integrate instructional technologies duri... more The purpose of the study was to establish how educators integrate instructional technologies during teaching in Malkerns primary schools, located in the Manzini region of the Kingdom of Eswatini. The main focus of this study was on the training and support that educators receive towards the integration of instructional technologies in teaching as well as strategies to be put in place in order to curb the challenges faced. The study employed a qualitative approach and a descriptive research design in which face-to-face interviews and focus group discussion were used to collect data. Purposive sampling was used to select the five head teachers, ten educators as change leaders and two computer educators from five selected schools in the Malkerns cluster. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. The main conclusions of the study were that the availability of instructional technologies in schools does not mean that they are integrated during the teaching process. The study also concluded that educators have inadequate technological training and inadequate support which hinder effective instructional technologies integration in teaching. It is recommended that appropriate training programmes for educators, establishment of fully-fledged computer laboratories and an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy to support instructional technologies should be put in place to ensure successful integration of instructional technologies in teaching.

This paper reviewed Achebe’s Arrow of God using a critical methodology known as Redaction. Accord... more This paper reviewed Achebe’s Arrow of God using a critical methodology known as Redaction. According to Caner & Caner (2002), Redaction is “the process of re-defining an established set of terms to fit one’s own ideas” (105). Redaction is applied in this study thus leading to a re-examination of the roles of the central character, Ezeulu in the novel. Through this process, the paper re-affirmed that change is the central theme of the novel and that Ezeulu and Umuaro are at the heart of this sweeping change. While Umuaro is reluctant to accept change initially, Ezeulu embraces it earnestly but foundered when it matters most thus leading to both his ruin and the ruin of his deity. After a careful re-examination of the circumstances under which Ezeulu rejects the requests of both the colonial administrator and his clan, this paper concludes that far from being as progressive as his words and actions initially portray him to be, Ezeulu is an anti-progressive traditionalist whose conserv...

International Journal of Research, 2020
This paper sought to establish teachers’ perceptions on the use of the mother tongue as a medium ... more This paper sought to establish teachers’ perceptions on the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in the lower grade levels of primary school, grade 1-4. The paper adopted a qualitative approach where a case study research design was utilized. Data were collected from eight (8) grade 1-4 teachers in one primary school in the Manzini region of the Kingdom of Eswatini. The school was randomly selected and purposive sampling was used to select the teachers who participated. One on one interviews and questionnaires containing open- ended questions were used to collect data from the sampled teachers. The paper was based on the following research questions: what are teachers’ perceptions of using the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in the lower grade levels of primary school? How is teaching and learning affected by the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in the lower grade levels of primary school? Data were analysed using thematic content analysis....

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022
Mentoring pre-service teachers on teaching practice is an important part of the teacher developme... more Mentoring pre-service teachers on teaching practice is an important part of the teacher development process. Pre-service teachers initially did teaching practice in schools where they could put what they had learned in their teacher education institute into practice. Teaching practice is now possible in virtual classrooms. This connects mentorship to the situated learning theory, which holds that effective education necessitates learning rooted in authentic contexts of practice, where pre-service teachers will participate in activities within social communities. Two teaching practice coordinators, eleven lecturers, seventeen pre-service teachers, and ten mentor teachers who were purposefully selected to participate in the study were interviewed using qualitative research approaches. Face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were used to gather information. In this paper, I discuss the aspects that contribute to effective TP mentoring implementation as well as the contextua...

Abstract: This study sought to establish head teachers’ and teachers’ perceptions on the role of ... more Abstract: This study sought to establish head teachers’ and teachers’ perceptions on the role of the organisational structure in high performing schools of Eswatini. The study was located in the interpretivist research paradigm and followed a qualitative research approach which applied a case study design. Face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions with a purposive sample of 2 head teachers and 10 teachers were used to collect data. Data were analysed for content and conclusions were drawn. The findings of the study reveal that there are benefits in high flexible structures which foster conditions that are more conducive to teaching and learning than “rigid” structures. Flexible structures enhance greater control, higher motivation and more collective learning opportunities for both teacher and learners; this exerts a definitive impact on students' progress in diverse aspects of their development. The study also found that high performing school structures promoted crea...

Instructional leaders have an obligation to ensure that learners attain high academic performance... more Instructional leaders have an obligation to ensure that learners attain high academic performance in schools. This study sought to establish the strategies instructional leaders employ to ensure that learners achieve high academic performance in Eswatini high schools. The study was located in the interpretivist research paradigm and followed a qualitative research approach which applied a case study design. Face-to-face interviews on 5 head teachers were used to collect data. Data were analyzed for content and conclusions were drawn. The findings of the study reveal that it is important to provide the essential resources needed for education in the 21st-century classrooms. It was also revealed that involving learners and teachers in decision making was very essential. The study also found that learner and teacher constant supervision yielded good results. It was revealed from the study that involving parents in school activities as well as decision making was essential for lear...

Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 2021
This reflective essay seeks to share the authors' thoughts and feelings on the impact of COVI... more This reflective essay seeks to share the authors' thoughts and feelings on the impact of COVID 19 on the general teaching and learning strategies, theories and practices in the small kingdom of Eswatini in Southern Africa. Coming from varying backgrounds in education allows the authors to tackle the overview of consequences from different points of view and angles. The common thread among the authors is an observation that the disruptive nature of the pandemic, with its sudden onslaught and the need to react fast, might lead to long-lasting transformations in the area of teaching and learning. Emphasis in this essay is on whether online teaching and learning happened previous to the start of the pandemic and to determine its effectiveness in terms of access and self-directedness of the learners. Given the devastating impacts of COVID 19 governments had to develop 'instant' provisions such as digital/e-learning platforms in the formal education sector in a bid to minimiz...

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
Teachers have different conceptions on the different conditions that should be found in and aroun... more Teachers have different conceptions on the different conditions that should be found in and around the schools in which they work, hence, preferences and choices made in selecting schools to work in. The study sought to examine factors influencing trainee teachers' choice of school on deployment after training. A mixed method research paradigm was employed and a case study design was utilised. A convenient sample of sixty-one trainee teachers in one teacher training college in Zimbabwe participated in the study. Data were collected through a semi structured questionnaire. Quantitative data were analysed statistically with aid of SPSS version 21 statistical software. Qualitative data were analysed through thematic content analysis. The study found that factors related to basic living conditions and teaching and learning constituted the most important factors influencing respondents' choice of schools. The study concludes that trainee teachers' views on factors influencing their choices of schools on deployment had serious implications on teacher deployment policies and practices. Recommendations were made.

International Journal of Research, 2020
This paper provides a critical appraisal of the improvements done on the education system of Eswa... more This paper provides a critical appraisal of the improvements done on the education system of Eswatini while at the same time laments the death of an inclusive and religious friendly type of education system. In any country, education is an important conduit or agent of change and development. There are many factors that can influence the education system of a country. They range from politics, economy, society, technology and religion itself. However, politics has proven to be the major driving force in Eswatini’s education system as through the Prime Minister’s Office, Christian Religious Education was announced to the country’s ever changing education system. This is also because education in the country is thought to be a government venture as opposed to being a privately owned enterprise. This paper focuses on how best the inadequacies of the Religious Education curriculum can be redressed.

This study sought to investigate causes of conflict in the urban and peri-urban secondary schools... more This study sought to investigate causes of conflict in the urban and peri-urban secondary schools in Gwanda District, Zimbabwe. The instruments used were survey questionnaire and interview with the selected respondents. The descriptive survey design was used to collect data through survey questionnaires and face-toface interviews. The data was presented using tables and percentages. The results show, that conflicts in Gwanda urban and peri-urban secondary schools occur among teachers in the same department; among teachers in different departments; between teachers and the school heads and among teachers, parents and students. The study established that conflict was influenced by both structural and personal factors among personnel in Gwanda urban and peri-urban secondary schools. The main structural causes of conflict were identified as sharing of resources, poor work conditions and administrative style used by leadership. The major personal factors that cause conflict in Gwanda urb...

The study sought to examine the extent to which Zimbabwe’s 2-5-2 teaching practice utilized colle... more The study sought to examine the extent to which Zimbabwe’s 2-5-2 teaching practice utilized collegial supervision in promoting continuous improvement of student teachers’ teaching skills and competencies. The mixed methods design was used to collect data through questionnaires, individual interviews and focus group discussions. The research revealed that collegial supervision was utilized and benefitted student teachers in Zimbabwe’s 2-5-2 teaching practice. The study also revealed that mentors were not mandated to monitor and enforce participation of student teachers in collegial supervision hence the inconsistence in participation was noted among student teachers on teaching practice. The study recommended that collegial supervision be formalized so as to mandate mentors to monitor and enforce student participation in collegial supervision activities such as demonstration lessons, peer study groups, inter-class visitations collaborative lesson planning. The study also recommended ...

Fashion and Fabrics is a discipline that is practically and theoretically oriented. Teacher compe... more Fashion and Fabrics is a discipline that is practically and theoretically oriented. Teacher competences in teaching Fashion and Fabrics practical component are of critical importance in imparting skills to the students. The purpose of this study was to ascertain teacher competences in teaching the Fashion and Fabrics practical component in Eswatini. The study was purely qualitative and descriptive in nature. Data were collected using face-to-face interviews and observation. The data were analysed using the thematic analysis. Findings of the study revealed that teachers had varying competencies in the sewing processes that they needed in order to impart skills to the students; teachers were competent in the construction and neatening of plain open and closed seams, preparing and attaching patch pocket, disposing of fullness in the construction of garments such as single pointed darts, pleats, gathers. Deficiencies were also noted in the application of openings and fasteners, that is,...

This study sought to establish the effects of corporal punishment on students‟ academic performan... more This study sought to establish the effects of corporal punishment on students‟ academic performance in finishing classes in Swaziland. Purposive sampling was used to select head teachers, teachers, students and parents. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Data collected were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings revealed that: improvement in academic performance, and students drop out of school and some become stubborn were effects of corporal punishment. Guidance and counselling, manual work and positive discipline were suggested as alternative strategies to corporal punishment. The researcher concludes that corporal punishment should not be banned completely but teachers should strike a balance between using corporal punishment and positive discipline. It was recommended that the Ministry of Education and Training should conduct awareness workshops and seminars on the effects of corporal punishment. Index...
Scholars in Open Distance Learning (ODL) often refer to distance education as ‘open’. The concept... more Scholars in Open Distance Learning (ODL) often refer to distance education as ‘open’. The concept 'openness' on open and distance learning is very fluid and often misunderstood. It is the purpose of this desktop survey to review relevant literature and make interrogation of the concept 'openness'. We advance questions such as; How open is open and distance learning. In what aspects is ODL open and to what extent is the openness. We discuss openness concerning targeted potential students and entry requirements in ODL institutions, the openness of teaching, and learning approaches as well as openness concerning communication, the flexibility of curricula, and assessment. We conclude by answering whether or not ODL institutions are open as well as suggesting measures and ways of enhancing openness in ODL institutions. Article visualizations:
Papers by Sithulisiwe Bhebhe