Papers by Sirkka Komulainen

Pakenevatko suomalaisperheet maahanmuuttajavaltaisia kouluja ja asuinalueita? Monikulttuurisuus, ... more Pakenevatko suomalaisperheet maahanmuuttajavaltaisia kouluja ja asuinalueita? Monikulttuurisuus, koulujen eriarvoistuminen ja asuinalueiden eriytyminen kaupungeissa ovat herättäneet paljon keskustelua kansainvälisesti ja viime aikoina myös Suomessa. Tutkimuksessa ilmiötä tarkastellaan paikallisesti Turussa. Kouluikäisten lasten vanhemmat kertovat ajatuksistaan ja kokemuksistaan maahanmuuttoon ja erityisesti koulunkäyntiin liittyvistä teemoista. Ilmiön moniulotteisuutta eletyssä elämässä valotetaan perheiden arjen lähtökohdista. Itse monikulttuurisuuden ja kouluvalintojen ongelmanasetteluja lähestytään jälkimodernin sosiologian näkökulmasta. Tutkimus tuo yksiin kansiin monikulttuurisuuden, perusopetuksen ja kaupunkitutkimuksen kysymyksiä, sisältäen aineksia sosiologiasta, kaupunkimaantieteestä ja kasvatustieteestä. Teos sopii myös yleisemmin maahanmuuttoasioista ja perusopetuksesta kiinnostuneille, sekä alakouluikäisten vanhemmille.Esipuhe Tiivistelmä 1 Johdanto 2 Maahanmuuttajalaste...

Myönteinen näkökulma on harvinainen valopilkku suomalaisessa perin mustavalkoisessa kyläkoulu- ja... more Myönteinen näkökulma on harvinainen valopilkku suomalaisessa perin mustavalkoisessa kyläkoulu- ja kouluverkkokeskustelussa. Juuri tämä teki asiasta mielenkiintoisen ja tutkimisen arvoisen. Vastavirtaan ja valtavirtaan -julkaisu on Kyläkoulun muuttuva rooli muuttuvassa kuntakentässä -tutkimuksen loppuraportti. Tässä julkaisussa kyläkoulukeskustelun, monikulttuurisuuden, uuden kyläkoulurakennuksen, uuden palvelukonseptin ja kylä-käsitteen kautta avataan sitä, mitkä tekijät tänä päivänä voivat vaikuttaa kyläkoulun roolin muutokseen ja mitä muutos käytännössä voi tarkoittaa eri osapuolille. Kyläkoulua laajemmin kyse on siitä, miten kohdekoulujen näköinen todellisuus vastaa tavoitteita, joita kunnat ja valtakunnan tason maaseudun kehittäminen ovat itselleen asettaneet. Koulumaailmaa yhdistävien teemojen myötä kyläkoulukeskustelu valtavirtaistuu. Vastavirtaan keskustelu taas kulkee ennen kaikkea suhteessa itseensä: puheenaiheena kun voi olla muukin kuin lakkautus tai oman kyläkoulun puolu...

Globalization, Supranational Dynamics and Local Experiences, 2017
In social sciences, cosmopolitan theorizing as a paradigm has gained increasing currency as a the... more In social sciences, cosmopolitan theorizing as a paradigm has gained increasing currency as a theoretical movement since the rise of Global Studies in the 1990s and 2000s. In Europe, prominent sociological theorists such as Ulrich Beck then sought for new theoretical frameworks for understanding the increasingly 'borderless world' (Skey, 2012; Dallmayr, 2012; Robertson & Krossa, 2012; Beck 2006). Beck called for a major cosmopolitical paradigm shift toward what he envisaged as Cosmopolitan Sociology. Such sociology would not only cross more physical borders between countries. It would also make a stronger, epistemological move away from 'sociologically naïve philosophy' (first modernity) towards cultural and disciplinary relativity (second modernity; Beck, 2006; Ypi, 2010)and beyond. Over the years Beck's work has been critiqued on several grounds. For example, a debate between Beck and Bruno Latour (2004) regarding cosmo/political social research has caught subsequent attention. In its understanding of 'global consciousness', Beck's cosmopolitan thought has also been seen as too Kantian and Eurocentric (e.g. Harvey, 2009). Further, although thinkers like Beck have made efforts to overcome dualisms in social sciences, it has been argued that cosmopolitan thought cannot escape the dualism us/the Other (see e.g. Krossa, 2012). However, in recent years, the tensions between nationalist and cosmopolitan ideals have become increasingly political and urgent on a global scale (Cuomo, 2011; Castles, 2014) as migration and movement of people have taken new forms and routes. There are increasingly quests for humanist politics and global consciousness working for global justice whereby pragmatic approaches may be called for. This paper weighs up Beck's ideas and their criticisms, especially those by Latour in how they may could work in sociological and cross-disciplinary research on migration and mobility.
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies, 2016

This thesis is an ethnographic study of two specialist settings in England, where young children&... more This thesis is an ethnographic study of two specialist settings in England, where young children's communication and 'communication difficulties' were objects of expert intervention. It describes the intertwining of institutional discourses and practices, which both construct and sustain current, dominant understandings of good and normal communication. Instead of delineating 'communication difficulty' as a matter of disability or individual tragedy, this thesis focuses on the 'socialness' of face-to-face communication. It deconstructs the discourse of communication as a skill, right and need in disability childhood contexts, and the somewhat taken-for-granted importance of communication skills in today's everyday life. On the basis of my findings, this thesis promotes an understanding of communication as a complex, contextual phenomenon, and aspects of 'communication difficulties' as social constructions.
5 Gamification and games 8 On the potential benefit and harm of playing (video) games 8 Examples ... more 5 Gamification and games 8 On the potential benefit and harm of playing (video) games 8 Examples of serious video games in health promotion to prevent Type 2 diabetes 10 Serious games as pedagogical tools in nursing education: an example 10 Discussion and conclusions 11

Kasvatus & Aika, 2019
Artikkelissa luomme katsauksen vammaisten lasten tutkimuksessa tapahtuneisiin tutkimusparadigman ... more Artikkelissa luomme katsauksen vammaisten lasten tutkimuksessa tapahtuneisiin tutkimusparadigman muutoksiin. Pohdimme, millaiset vammaisuuteen liittyvät käsitykset ja määritelmät vaikuttavat siihen, miten tutkimme ”vammaista lasta”. Tarkastelemme muutoksia vammaisuuden määrittelyssä ja määrittelyjen vaikutuksia käytäntöihin erityisesti koulutuksellisen inkluusion kontekstissa. Määritelmät ja tutkimusorientaatiot ovat muuttuneet vammaisten yhteiskunnallisen aseman muutoksien myötä. 1980-luvulta lähtien haavoittuvuuden sijaan tutkimuksessa on kiinnitetty huomiota lasten oikeuksiin ja heidän toimijuutensa. Samalla yksilön oikeuksia korostavia, uusliberalistisia diskursseja on myös kritisoitu lapsen tarpeita, vamman vaikutuksia ja ympäristön vastuuta vähätteleviksi. Laajasti anglo-amerikkalaisen, niin sanotun ”vammaisuuden sosiaalisen mallin” mukaisen tutkimuksen pohjalta nostamme esiin myös viimeisimmän käänteen vammaisten lasten tutkimuksessa, joka peräänkuuluttaa arvoperustaista sii...

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2010
Aims Children account for 2.9 million emergency department (ED) attendances/year, and a quarter o... more Aims Children account for 2.9 million emergency department (ED) attendances/year, and a quarter of NHS Direct calls. The authors wished to explore use of urgent care services by parents of children less than fi ve years, from a parental and professional perspective, framed around the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence febrile illness guideline. Methods Parents using any urgent care service (general practitioner (GP)/walk in centre/out of hours GP/children's admissions unit/ED/other primary care services/ambulance/ NHS direct) within Leicestershire, Peterborough, North West London for a febrile child <5 years during January 2009 to June 2009 were approached. Data collected via a parent telephone questionnaire, and the clinical notes. Results Of 556 parents expressing an interest, 220 enrolled, making 570 contacts (median 3, range 1-13) across all services during this illness, despite the child's episode of illness lasting only 3 days on average. Parents understood local urgent care options, and their fi rst preference was to see a G) (67%; 93/138); and when they were unavailable, NHS Direct (46%; 38/82). Although there were 83 attendances at ED at any point, 49% were advised to do so by another service. 155 made more than one contact involving 505 contacts; 48% (242) of which were initiated by a service provider. Less than 17% of children were "high risk" during the illness, with no deaths. Children were appropriately triaged by the services in 60% of cases. Safety netting was given to 80%; those without this were more likely to represent than those who did (51% vs 30%, p<0.05) Parents identifi ed a need for precise, consistent, written advice regarding fever and antipyretics. Conclusion The parents were aware of urgent care service options available, and their fi rst choice was the GP. Multiple contacts are being made, for relatively well children, during self-limiting illnesses, often due to repeated referrals within the system, not initiated by parents. When safety net advice is given, it reduces re-attendances, but parents need more explicit and consistent advice for appropriate home management.

International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2016
This article deploys a critical examination of criminology-claims regarding connections between p... more This article deploys a critical examination of criminology-claims regarding connections between physical punishment (PP) and juvenile delinquency connection. With a particular focus on PP of children as a risk factor, this article explores the multifacetedness of 'what is true of all societies and what is true of one society at one point in time and space'. Drawing on sociocultural variations, Ghana and Finland, representing Sub-Saharan and Nordic regions respectively, will be presented as two different kinds of exemplary cultural contexts. A critical look is also taken on the UN Convention (United Nations, 1989) on children's rights regarding global-sociocultural diversity in child-rearing and parenting. It is maintained that mainstream criminological associations between PP and juvenile delinquency are not universalisable due to sociocultural variations across regions. Concomitantly, tensions remain in understanding the impacts of PP visa -vis mainstream child protection discourses/practices as well as making these discourses/practices a reality in non-Western regions such as Ghana.

Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 2012
White flight refers to a phenomenon whereby native middle class residents avoidor move away from ... more White flight refers to a phenomenon whereby native middle class residents avoidor move away from areas with immigrant concentrations thereby contributing toethnic and residential segregation. The recent increase in immigration into Finlandhas spurred public debates suggesting that white flight - in connection with schoolchoices - might also be happening in Finland. In this article, the phenomenon isscrutinized and unravelled conceptually. The discussion draws on a recent qualitativestudy undertaken in Turku. The study involved 31 in-depth interviews with nativeFinnish parents of primary- and preschool aged children. The results indicate thatneither the schools nor immigration determined families housing decisions that were,ultimately, multifaceted and situated within specific life courses and circumstances.Mainly thematic but also discourse and life course analysis methods were employedto tease out nuances around talk and action, also helping to further understand thedynamics of att...

John Welshman, Churchill's Children: The Evacuee Experience in Wartime Britain, Oxford: Oxfor... more John Welshman, Churchill's Children: The Evacuee Experience in Wartime Britain, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 288 pp., (ISBN13: 9780199574414), (paper). Birgit Jentsch and Myriam Simard (eds.), International Migration and Rural Areas: Cross-National Comparative Perspectives, Farnham: Ashgate, 2009, 218pp, (ISBN: 978-0-7546-7484-9), (cloth). Keith Jacobs, Experience and Representation, Contemporary Perspectives on Migration in Australia, Farnham: Ashgate, 2010, 176 pp, (ISBN: 978-0-7546-7610-2), (cloth). Raivo Vetik and Jelena Helemäe (eds.) The Russian Second Generation in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve: The TIES Study in Estonia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press - IMISCOE Reports, 2011, 242 pp, (ISBN: 978-90-8964-250-9), (cloth). Elisabeth Eide and Kaarina Nikunen, Media in Motion: Cultural Complexity and Migration in the Nordic Region. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011, 296 pp, (ISBN: 978-1409404460), (cloth).

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2011
To explore how parents navigate urgent and emergency care (U&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;... more To explore how parents navigate urgent and emergency care (U&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;EC) services when their child &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;5 years old has a feverish illness, their views of that experience and whether services are meeting their needs and triaging in line with national guidance. Parents of a febrile child &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;5 years old contacting any U&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;EC service in three localities during a 6-month period were invited to participate in a telephone questionnaire supplemented by case note review. A subset participated in an in-depth interview. Of 556 parents expressing an interest, 220 enrolled, making 570 contacts (median 3, range 1-13) with services during the child&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s illness which lasted 3 days on average. Parents&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; first preference for advice in hours was to see a general practitioner (GP) (67%; 93/138) and when unavailable, National Health Service Direct (46%; 38/82). 155 made more than one contact and 63% of the repeat contacts were initiated by a service provider. A range of factors influenced parents&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; use of services. Parents who reported receiving &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;safety netting&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; advice (81%) were less likely to re-present to U&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;EC services than those who did not recall receiving such advice (35% vs 52%, p=0.01). Parents identified a need for accurate, consistent, written advice regarding fever and antipyretics. Parents know the U&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;EC service options available, and their first choice is the GP. Multiple contacts are being made for relatively well children, often due to repeated referrals within the system. Safety netting advice reduces re-attendances but parents want explicit and consistent advice for appropriate home management.
Papers by Sirkka Komulainen
A critical look is also taken on the UN Convention (1989) on children’s rights regarding global-sociocultural diversity in child-rearing and parenting. It is maintained that mainstream criminological associations between PP and juvenile delinquency are not universalisable due to sociocultural variations across regions. Concomitantly, tensions remain in understanding the impacts of PP vis-a-vis mainstream child protection discourses/practices as well as making these discourses/practices a reality in non-Western regions such as Ghana.
Over the years Beck’s work has been critiqued on several grounds. For example, a debate between Beck and Bruno Latour (2004) regarding cosmo/political social research has caught subsequent attention. In its understanding of ‘global consciousness’, Beck’s cosmopolitan thought has also been seen as too Kantian and Eurocentric (e.g. Harvey, 2009). Further, although thinkers like Beck have made efforts to overcome dualisms in social sciences, it has been argued that cosmopolitan thought cannot escape the dualism us/the Other (see e.g. Krossa, 2012).
However, in recent years, the tensions between nationalist and cosmopolitan ideals have become increasingly political and urgent on a global scale (Cuomo, 2011; Castles, 2014) as migration and movement of people have taken new forms and routes. There are increasingly quests for humanist politics and global consciousness working for global justice whereby pragmatic approaches may be called for. This paper weighs up Beck’s ideas and their criticisms, especially those by Latour in how they may could work in sociological and cross-disciplinary research on migration and mobility.