Papers by Martina Siposova

Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2022: „Omnes, omnia, omnio“ pro 21. století
Presvedčenie učiteľa (cudzích jazykov) ako jeden z aspektov pedagogického myslenia učiteľa (jazyk... more Presvedčenie učiteľa (cudzích jazykov) ako jeden z aspektov pedagogického myslenia učiteľa (jazykov) je filtrom, cez ktorý učiteľ prehodnocuje svoje akceptovanie alebo odmietanie nových informácií a chápanie javov, ktoré sa odohrávajú vo výučbe. Má výraznejší vplyv ako učiteľovo poznanie o odporúčaných metódach vzhľadom na plánovanie hodiny, výber učebných úloh a celkové rozhodovanie sa učiteľa vo výučbe. Cieľom výskumu bolo na základe výpovedí subjektov identifikovať, čo utvára presvedčenia študentov učiteľstva angličtiny, charakterizovať aktuálny predobraz ich pedagogického myslenia a kontinuálne zisťovať, či a ako dochádza k modifikáciám ich východiskového presvedčenia o vyučovaní a učení sa anglickej gramatiky pod vplyvom didaktických kurzov a krátkodobej pedagogickej praxe. Autori predstavujú výsledky zistení dvojročného longitudinálneho výskumu realizovaného využitím princípov a metód kvalitatívnej metodológie v skupine 35 študentov učiteľstva angličtiny (v období 3. roč. bakalárskeho štúdia až 1. roč. magisterského štúdia) uplatnením fókusových skupín, fókusového interview, otvoreného kódovania a stratégie uplatňovania metódy konštantnej komparácie. Výskumne bolo zistené, že presvedčenie študentov učiteľstva angličtiny o výučbe anglickej gramatiky predstavuje v čase ich pregraduálnej prípravy dynamicky sa vyvíjajúci konštrukt, ktorý významne ovplyvňujú najmä roly, ktoré študenti zastávajú v procese vzdelávania sa. Kľúčové slová: presvedčenie učiteľa, študenti učiteľstva, vzdelávanie učiteľov cudzích jazykov, kvalitatívna metodológia, fókusové skupiny, fókusové interview, metóda konštantnej komparácie
V suvislosti s multidimenzionalnosťou pripravy buduceho kvalifikovaneho uciteľa anglickeho jazyka... more V suvislosti s multidimenzionalnosťou pripravy buduceho kvalifikovaneho uciteľa anglickeho jazyka je namieste otazka, nakoľko je potrebne teoreticky objasňovať a prakticky rozvijať komunikacnu kompetenciu absolventa filologickeho typu studia v odbore uciteľstvo vseobecnovzdelavacich predmetov - anglický jazyk. Vychadzame z premisy, že komunikacia je nevyhnutnou podmienkou vyucovania a jej dominantnosť je nespochybniteľna prave vo vyucovani cudzieho jazyka. Kvalifikovaný a kvalitný uciteľ anglickeho jazyka si musi byť vedomý svojej ulohy facilitatora a s tým suvisiacej doležitosti sposobu jeho komunikacie na hodine, na ktorej facilituje proces ucenia sa, motivuje žiakov, udržiava v triede pracovnu atmosferu a kooperaciu žiakov.

Autorka sa vo svojom prispevku zamýsľa nad podstatou dialogickej komunikacie vo vyucovani anglick... more Autorka sa vo svojom prispevku zamýsľa nad podstatou dialogickej komunikacie vo vyucovani anglickeho jazyka v slovenských stredných skolach, pricom podava komplexný pohľad na otazky uciteľa v cudzojazycnej triede prostrednictvom viacerých taxonomii. Autorka sa snaži zdorazniť fakt, že uciteľove otazky su jednými zo zakladných prostriedkov aktivizovania žiakov vo vyucovani anglickeho jazyka, ktore by malo žiakovi poskytnuť maximalny priestor a cas na utvaranie a precvicovanie zrucnosti kvalitne a ucelne komunikovať v tomto jazyku.The paper focuses on the essence of English dialogic communication in Slovak secondary schools. The author presents different taxonomies of questions in the verbal discourse of a foreign language classroom. She emphasizes the fact that teacher's questions are essential tools in activating students' responses so that each student can be given maximum time and space for developing his/her communicative competence.
Dissertation deals with teacher’s questions in the EFL classrooms in the third grades of Žilina g... more Dissertation deals with teacher’s questions in the EFL classrooms in the third grades of Žilina grammar schools. The author introduces various taxonomies of questions and question functions in the context of EFL teaching-learning whose substantial goal is the development of students’ communicative competence as well as all four language skills. Speaking skill is a typical productive skills, which is best developed in classroom communication. In the research part of the dissertation the author interprets students’ perception and responses to the teacher’s referential and display questions exploiting the data and research findings found on the basis of mixed qualitative-quantitative research methodology.

Journal of Language and Education
Research background: Teachers’ beliefs play an important role in the way they teach and meet thei... more Research background: Teachers’ beliefs play an important role in the way they teach and meet their students’ needs. Researching pre-established pre-service teachers’ beliefs gives evidence that they might impede pre-service teachers’ compliance with pre-service education. Gap in knowledge and Purpose of the study: Many studies have produced contradictory findings in terms of prospective change in pre-established pre-service teachers’ beliefs caused by the impact of pre-service education study programmes. Therefore, this study addresses the gap by enriching this field with research findings reinforcing the potential impact of the study programme on changes in pre-service teachers’ beliefs on effective English language teaching and learning expressed across different years of the study programme. Methods: The study uses the results of questionnaires completed by 99 randomly selected pre-service teachers enrolled in an English language teaching study programme provided by the Faculty o...

Research on the beliefs and cognitions of pre-service language teachers regarding the teaching of... more Research on the beliefs and cognitions of pre-service language teachers regarding the teaching of English grammar has brought a substantial number of findings. This research study presents the results of qualitative research (Focus Group, Open Coding and Constant Comparative Method) involving a sample of 35 undergraduate students (aged 21– 22) enrolled in an English language teaching study programme provided by the Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. The aim of the study was to enrich the empirical evidence in the field of teacher education programmes by exploring the beliefs and developing cognitions of Slovak pre-service English teachers regarding the teaching of grammar. In an emerging theory based on the qualitative methodology of research, a clear declaration and subjective interpretation of the issue of English grammar teaching in Slovakia has been identified. The research subjects experienced and recognized their former grammar education reflect...

The study of teachers’ beliefs is one of the challenges faced by many scholars since the mid-1970... more The study of teachers’ beliefs is one of the challenges faced by many scholars since the mid-1970s. The research on pre-service language teachers’ beliefs indicates there are no unifying research findings confirming the impact of language teacher education on the change in their pre-established beliefs concerning language teaching and learning. We consider essential to enrich the field of language teacher education with research findings reinforcing the importance of this phenomenon. The questionnaire based on the 5-item Likert type scale was administered to 99 pre-service teachers enrolled on English language teaching study programme provided by the Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava aiming to examine differences among different years of pre-service teachers’ study. The results of the survey show there are differences among different years of preservice teachers’ study programme. Based on the findings, teacher educators and policy makers should be aware of the ...
This research study features interpretative research carried out among five EFL teachers in the c... more This research study features interpretative research carried out among five EFL teachers in the context of grammar teaching in Slovak lower secondary education. The study is based on qualitative methodology (Grounded theory), utilising in-depth interviews and unstructured observation as the main research tools in accordance with the methodological triangulation. The findings revealed that teachers’ classroom practices are significantly influenced by teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about grammar teaching. These practices are congruent with teachers’ cognitions (mainly beliefs and attitudes). The research subjects perceive grammar as an important part of foreign language proficiency. However, they realize it cannot take the crucial role in developing overall communicative competence.
Augmented Reality in Educational Settings, 2019
XLinguae, 2020
The role of applied linguistics and its significance as social science is justified and legitimat... more The role of applied linguistics and its significance as social science is justified and legitimate at present. It surveys the increasing dialogue between linguistics and social theory. It is characterized by various literary sources as a discipline which exploits the results of linguistics and other scientific disciplines in practice. The article deals with the questions of linguistics, applied linguistics, and the role of some sub-disciplines in the system of applied linguistics. The authors analyse the term application and consider diverse interpretations of the term applied linguistics in the broad and narrow sense of the word.

CBU International Conference Proceedings, 2019
The complexity of English grammar, which represents one of the most intricate language issues pra... more The complexity of English grammar, which represents one of the most intricate language issues practised in the EFL classroom (not only) in Slovak educational context, has been intensively researched for decades. Teaching and testing grammar as two sides of the same coin represent a complex of aspects which EFL teachers still cast doubt on. This article deals with the concept of teaching and testing upper-secondary students’ knowledge of grammar which is put in the framework of methodology of grammar teaching and testing. The author sheds light on upper-secondary students’ knowledge of grammar measured through selected types of grammar tasks administered in to a group of 770 Slovak grammar school students. The research results are based on a quantitative research paradigm, and the samples were statistically tested by the non-parametric Friedman test with post-hoc pairwise comparisons, and supplemented by the repeated-measures ANOVA test. Since grammar school Slovak teenage learners o...
Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina
Papers by Martina Siposova