Izazov i osnovni cilj profilaktickih vakcina predvidenih za efikasnu prevenciju PPI predstavlja p... more Izazov i osnovni cilj profilaktickih vakcina predvidenih za efikasnu prevenciju PPI predstavlja postizanje dugotrajnog imuniteta u sluznici genitalnog trakta zena, tj. indukcija tzv. mukoznog imuniteta. Mukozni imunitet genitalnog trakta bazira se na prisustvu u genitalnoj sluznici specificnih zastitnih imunoglobulina klase A (IgA) i specificnih citotoksicnih T-limfocita (CTL) [16J. Iako se vee ina vakcina koje se primenjuju za prevenciju infektivnih bolesiti daje parenteralnim putern. njima se najcesee ne postize mukozni imunoloski cdgovor, tj. odgovor koji bi efikasno prevenirao infekciju na mestu inicijalnog kontakta (sluznica) izrnedu domacina i infektivnog uzrocnika [J 6]. Specificni (sekretorni ) IgA ima ulogu glavnog medijatora u procesu neutralizacije virusa na povrsini mukoze. Sintetisan u plazma celijama unutar lamine proprije mukoze. molekul IgA dospeva na bazalnu povrsinu epitelnih celija mukoze vezan za polimericni imunoglobulinski receptor (PIgR). Nakon endocitoze, IgA...
Битан предуслов успешности и ефикасности рада савремене библиотеке је добра техничка опремљеност ... more Битан предуслов успешности и ефикасности рада савремене библиотеке је добра техничка опремљеност и висока стручна оспособљеност библиотечких радника. У библиотеци данашњице не мења се само улога и положај библиотекара, већ су и корисници »принуђени« да стичу и усвајају нова знања како би њихово кретање кроз »информациону џунглу« било што ефикасније и сврсисходније. Због тога се едукацији корисника у Библиотеци Медицинског факултета у Новом Саду поклања велика пажња. У раду је приказано у којим се тематским доменима они најчешће образују, и кроз које видове и облике рада. Кориснике услуга Библиотеке Медицинског факултета чине студенти медицине, фармације, стоматологије и здравствене неге, који наставу слушају на српском и енглеском језику, затим наставни, здравствени и научни кадар и сви заинтересовани грађани. Њихова интересовања, степен информисаности о томе које им све услуге могу бити пружене у библиотеци, количина потребних научних информација и оспособљеност за самостално претраживање Интернета и база података, разликују се не само међу различитим категоријама корисника, већ и унутар самих група. Због тога је рад на едукацији корисника врло динамичан, захтеван и двосмеран процес, који често захтева тимски рад.
Сажетак МЕДЛАЈН-библиографска база података са апстрактима, коју креира Национална библиотека за ... more Сажетак МЕДЛАЈН-библиографска база података са апстрактима, коју креира Национална библиотека за медицину (National Library of Medicine-NLM) у Америци, представља један од најзначајнијих извора биомедицинских научних информација. Од 1991. године, у Библиотеци Медицинског факултета у Новом Саду, ова база се за потребе корисника свакодневно претражује. «Експлозија» биомедицинских информација и све веће потребе здравственог, научног и образовног кадра за најсавременијим информацијама и литературом из биомедицине условили су да се и сами корисници активно укључују у процес проналажења одређених информација. У раду је приказана улога библиотекара у том процесу, која обухвата едукацију корисника о МЕДЛАЈН бази и њеном значају, подучавање стратегијама њеног претраживања као и давање препорука за даље активности на проналажењу радова у целини, са циљем да се за што краће време пронађу прецизне и актуелне информације из области биомедицине.
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology
Plagiarism is the most common form of scientific fraud. It is agreed that the best preventive mea... more Plagiarism is the most common form of scientific fraud. It is agreed that the best preventive measure is education of young scientists on basic principles of responsible conduct of research and writing. The purpose of this article was to contribute to the students' knowledge and adoption of the rules of scientific writing. A 45 min lecture was delivered to 98 attendees during 3 courses on science ethics. Before and after the course the attendees fulfilled an especially designed questionnaire with 13 questions, specifically related to the definition and various types of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Although considering themselves as insufficiently educated in science ethics, the majority of the attendees responded correctly to almost all questions even before the course, with percentages of correct responses to the specific question varying from 45.9-85.7%. After completion of the course, these percentages were significantly (p<0.01) higher, ranging from 66.3-98.8%. The per...
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology
To assess the knowledge of basic principles of responsible conduct of research and attitude towar... more To assess the knowledge of basic principles of responsible conduct of research and attitude toward the violations of good scientific practice among graduate biomedical students. A total of 361 subjects entered the study. The study group consisted mainly of graduate students of Medicine (85%), and other biomedical sciences (15%). Most participants were on PhD training or on postdoctoral training. A specially designed anonymous voluntary multiple-choice questionnaire was distributed to them. The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions divided in 7 parts, each aimed to assess the participants' previous knowledge and attitudes toward ethical principles of science and the main types of scientific fraud, falsification, fabrication of data, plagiarism, and false authorship. Although they considered themselves as insufficiently educated on science ethics, almost all participants recognized all types of scientific fraud, qualified these issues as highly unethical, and expressed strong ne...
Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venerology, 2011
Despite, the fact that palmoplantar pustulosis is still widely known by this name, it is currentl... more Despite, the fact that palmoplantar pustulosis is still widely known by this name, it is currently regarded as a disease distinct from psoriasis. The real cause is still unknown. Septic foci have been blamed, but their removal may not cure eruptions. A case series of de novo occurrence of palmoplantar pustulosis induced by tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist therapy has been reported. It has been shown that stress may be related to exacerbation of palmoplantar pustulosis. Some authors suggest that palmoplantar pustulosis is an autoimmune disease. In sera of patients with palmoplantar pustulosis circulating autoantibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors were detected. The differences between palmoplantar pustulosis and pustular palmoplantar psoriasis are numerous. Genetic studies have failed to find any link between palmoplantar pustulosis and major genetic susceptibility locus for psoriasis vulgaris. Most patients with palmoplantar pustulosis have no evidence of psorias...
Scientific and professional papers represent the information basis for scientific research and pr... more Scientific and professional papers represent the information basis for scientific research and professional work. References important for the paper should be cited within the text, and listed at the end of the paper. This paper deals with different styles of reference citation. Special emphasis was placed on the Vancouver Style for reference citation in biomedical journals established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. It includes original samples for citing various types of articles, both printed and electronic, as well as recommendations related to reference citation in accordance with the methodology and ethics of scientific research and guidelines for preparing manuscripts for publication.
Introduction. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are major global public health problems. Pre... more Introduction. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are major global public health problems. Present strategies for prevention have limitations. Vaccines are an attractive addition to the current prevention armamentarium because they provide durable protection and do not require repetitive adherence to be effective. Challenges for vaccination include induction and long-term maintaince of mucosal immune responses in the female genital tract. Vaccines: a realistic goal?. For the time being, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended only hepatitis and HPV immunization to be routinely offered. Final, III stage trials are underway on other prophylactic vaccines for human papillomavirus and genital herpes. Though vaccines against Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are in early stages of development they do offer the hope of preventing pelvic inflammations. The high incidence of HIV-infection for which a vaccine would not be readily available, 'cries ...
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 2008
Background: Immunologic studies indicate that psoriasis may represent an organ-integrated respons... more Background: Immunologic studies indicate that psoriasis may represent an organ-integrated response. Objective: We assessed contact hypersensitivity in plaque-type psoriasis, its frequency, etiology and association with severity of psoriasis. Methods: Contact hypersensitivity was defined as a positive patch test (PT) to at least one of 44 ubiquitous contact allergens. Patients with exclusively plaque psoriasis and control groups (patients with allergic contact or extrinsic atopic dermatitis and healthy persons) were tested with the European standard series; plant-related standard allergens; Compositae allergens, and our own extracts from Compositae plants ubiquitous in Vojvodina. Sensitization rates to allergens were standardized for age and sex, and rates in women and in men were both standardized for age. Disease severity was evaluated using the Psoriasis Area Severity Index score. Results: 15,123 PTs were performed. Among psoriatic patients in Vojvodina, the overall rate of sensit...
Lobular panniculitis is a skin condition that may be the first sign of underlying pancreatic dise... more Lobular panniculitis is a skin condition that may be the first sign of underlying pancreatic disease. Though rare, the condition has been sufficiently well defined and pathognomonic, thus making differentiation from idiopathic lobular panniculitis quite possible. A 77-year-old woman was in apparently good general health condition when developed skin lesions in a form of erythematous painful fluctuant nodules localized predominantly on the breast, but also present on the arms, thighs, and trunk. Her serum and urinary amylase levels were respectively 3 and 8 fold higher than normal. On histology, skin biopsy showed acute lobular panniculitis with large foci of adipocyte necrosis. Examination of the breast excluded any specific process other than nodular subcutaneous inflammation, but revealed a tumor of the pancreatic head. The nodules spontaneously ulcerated exuding an oily thick brownish material. Her condition deteriorated, and she became progressively debilitated. The patient died...
Scientists frequently communicate the results of their work in research reports. When writing sci... more Scientists frequently communicate the results of their work in research reports. When writing scientific articles, authors must follow instructions and requirements of standard article format. A scientific paper should have in proper order, a Title, , Introduction, Material and Methods Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Literature. A title should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe the content of the paper. It should attract researchers' attention in order to be included in their investigation. An abstract is a short summary of the article. It concisely summarizes results and conclusion so that essential details of the paper can be understood in 100 - 250 words. The most commonly used are structured abstracts. Key words are provided below the abstract and describe the medical concepts characteristic for the whole article. Assign at least one and an average of 5 to 10 key words. Indexing in biomedicine means using the Thesaurus of the American National Library ...
Izazov i osnovni cilj profilaktickih vakcina predvidenih za efikasnu prevenciju PPI predstavlja p... more Izazov i osnovni cilj profilaktickih vakcina predvidenih za efikasnu prevenciju PPI predstavlja postizanje dugotrajnog imuniteta u sluznici genitalnog trakta zena, tj. indukcija tzv. mukoznog imuniteta. Mukozni imunitet genitalnog trakta bazira se na prisustvu u genitalnoj sluznici specificnih zastitnih imunoglobulina klase A (IgA) i specificnih citotoksicnih T-limfocita (CTL) [16J. Iako se vee ina vakcina koje se primenjuju za prevenciju infektivnih bolesiti daje parenteralnim putern. njima se najcesee ne postize mukozni imunoloski cdgovor, tj. odgovor koji bi efikasno prevenirao infekciju na mestu inicijalnog kontakta (sluznica) izrnedu domacina i infektivnog uzrocnika [J 6]. Specificni (sekretorni ) IgA ima ulogu glavnog medijatora u procesu neutralizacije virusa na povrsini mukoze. Sintetisan u plazma celijama unutar lamine proprije mukoze. molekul IgA dospeva na bazalnu povrsinu epitelnih celija mukoze vezan za polimericni imunoglobulinski receptor (PIgR). Nakon endocitoze, IgA...
Битан предуслов успешности и ефикасности рада савремене библиотеке је добра техничка опремљеност ... more Битан предуслов успешности и ефикасности рада савремене библиотеке је добра техничка опремљеност и висока стручна оспособљеност библиотечких радника. У библиотеци данашњице не мења се само улога и положај библиотекара, већ су и корисници »принуђени« да стичу и усвајају нова знања како би њихово кретање кроз »информациону џунглу« било што ефикасније и сврсисходније. Због тога се едукацији корисника у Библиотеци Медицинског факултета у Новом Саду поклања велика пажња. У раду је приказано у којим се тематским доменима они најчешће образују, и кроз које видове и облике рада. Кориснике услуга Библиотеке Медицинског факултета чине студенти медицине, фармације, стоматологије и здравствене неге, који наставу слушају на српском и енглеском језику, затим наставни, здравствени и научни кадар и сви заинтересовани грађани. Њихова интересовања, степен информисаности о томе које им све услуге могу бити пружене у библиотеци, количина потребних научних информација и оспособљеност за самостално претраживање Интернета и база података, разликују се не само међу различитим категоријама корисника, већ и унутар самих група. Због тога је рад на едукацији корисника врло динамичан, захтеван и двосмеран процес, који често захтева тимски рад.
Сажетак МЕДЛАЈН-библиографска база података са апстрактима, коју креира Национална библиотека за ... more Сажетак МЕДЛАЈН-библиографска база података са апстрактима, коју креира Национална библиотека за медицину (National Library of Medicine-NLM) у Америци, представља један од најзначајнијих извора биомедицинских научних информација. Од 1991. године, у Библиотеци Медицинског факултета у Новом Саду, ова база се за потребе корисника свакодневно претражује. «Експлозија» биомедицинских информација и све веће потребе здравственог, научног и образовног кадра за најсавременијим информацијама и литературом из биомедицине условили су да се и сами корисници активно укључују у процес проналажења одређених информација. У раду је приказана улога библиотекара у том процесу, која обухвата едукацију корисника о МЕДЛАЈН бази и њеном значају, подучавање стратегијама њеног претраживања као и давање препорука за даље активности на проналажењу радова у целини, са циљем да се за што краће време пронађу прецизне и актуелне информације из области биомедицине.
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology
Plagiarism is the most common form of scientific fraud. It is agreed that the best preventive mea... more Plagiarism is the most common form of scientific fraud. It is agreed that the best preventive measure is education of young scientists on basic principles of responsible conduct of research and writing. The purpose of this article was to contribute to the students' knowledge and adoption of the rules of scientific writing. A 45 min lecture was delivered to 98 attendees during 3 courses on science ethics. Before and after the course the attendees fulfilled an especially designed questionnaire with 13 questions, specifically related to the definition and various types of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Although considering themselves as insufficiently educated in science ethics, the majority of the attendees responded correctly to almost all questions even before the course, with percentages of correct responses to the specific question varying from 45.9-85.7%. After completion of the course, these percentages were significantly (p<0.01) higher, ranging from 66.3-98.8%. The per...
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology
To assess the knowledge of basic principles of responsible conduct of research and attitude towar... more To assess the knowledge of basic principles of responsible conduct of research and attitude toward the violations of good scientific practice among graduate biomedical students. A total of 361 subjects entered the study. The study group consisted mainly of graduate students of Medicine (85%), and other biomedical sciences (15%). Most participants were on PhD training or on postdoctoral training. A specially designed anonymous voluntary multiple-choice questionnaire was distributed to them. The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions divided in 7 parts, each aimed to assess the participants' previous knowledge and attitudes toward ethical principles of science and the main types of scientific fraud, falsification, fabrication of data, plagiarism, and false authorship. Although they considered themselves as insufficiently educated on science ethics, almost all participants recognized all types of scientific fraud, qualified these issues as highly unethical, and expressed strong ne...
Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venerology, 2011
Despite, the fact that palmoplantar pustulosis is still widely known by this name, it is currentl... more Despite, the fact that palmoplantar pustulosis is still widely known by this name, it is currently regarded as a disease distinct from psoriasis. The real cause is still unknown. Septic foci have been blamed, but their removal may not cure eruptions. A case series of de novo occurrence of palmoplantar pustulosis induced by tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist therapy has been reported. It has been shown that stress may be related to exacerbation of palmoplantar pustulosis. Some authors suggest that palmoplantar pustulosis is an autoimmune disease. In sera of patients with palmoplantar pustulosis circulating autoantibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors were detected. The differences between palmoplantar pustulosis and pustular palmoplantar psoriasis are numerous. Genetic studies have failed to find any link between palmoplantar pustulosis and major genetic susceptibility locus for psoriasis vulgaris. Most patients with palmoplantar pustulosis have no evidence of psorias...
Scientific and professional papers represent the information basis for scientific research and pr... more Scientific and professional papers represent the information basis for scientific research and professional work. References important for the paper should be cited within the text, and listed at the end of the paper. This paper deals with different styles of reference citation. Special emphasis was placed on the Vancouver Style for reference citation in biomedical journals established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. It includes original samples for citing various types of articles, both printed and electronic, as well as recommendations related to reference citation in accordance with the methodology and ethics of scientific research and guidelines for preparing manuscripts for publication.
Introduction. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are major global public health problems. Pre... more Introduction. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are major global public health problems. Present strategies for prevention have limitations. Vaccines are an attractive addition to the current prevention armamentarium because they provide durable protection and do not require repetitive adherence to be effective. Challenges for vaccination include induction and long-term maintaince of mucosal immune responses in the female genital tract. Vaccines: a realistic goal?. For the time being, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended only hepatitis and HPV immunization to be routinely offered. Final, III stage trials are underway on other prophylactic vaccines for human papillomavirus and genital herpes. Though vaccines against Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are in early stages of development they do offer the hope of preventing pelvic inflammations. The high incidence of HIV-infection for which a vaccine would not be readily available, 'cries ...
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 2008
Background: Immunologic studies indicate that psoriasis may represent an organ-integrated respons... more Background: Immunologic studies indicate that psoriasis may represent an organ-integrated response. Objective: We assessed contact hypersensitivity in plaque-type psoriasis, its frequency, etiology and association with severity of psoriasis. Methods: Contact hypersensitivity was defined as a positive patch test (PT) to at least one of 44 ubiquitous contact allergens. Patients with exclusively plaque psoriasis and control groups (patients with allergic contact or extrinsic atopic dermatitis and healthy persons) were tested with the European standard series; plant-related standard allergens; Compositae allergens, and our own extracts from Compositae plants ubiquitous in Vojvodina. Sensitization rates to allergens were standardized for age and sex, and rates in women and in men were both standardized for age. Disease severity was evaluated using the Psoriasis Area Severity Index score. Results: 15,123 PTs were performed. Among psoriatic patients in Vojvodina, the overall rate of sensit...
Lobular panniculitis is a skin condition that may be the first sign of underlying pancreatic dise... more Lobular panniculitis is a skin condition that may be the first sign of underlying pancreatic disease. Though rare, the condition has been sufficiently well defined and pathognomonic, thus making differentiation from idiopathic lobular panniculitis quite possible. A 77-year-old woman was in apparently good general health condition when developed skin lesions in a form of erythematous painful fluctuant nodules localized predominantly on the breast, but also present on the arms, thighs, and trunk. Her serum and urinary amylase levels were respectively 3 and 8 fold higher than normal. On histology, skin biopsy showed acute lobular panniculitis with large foci of adipocyte necrosis. Examination of the breast excluded any specific process other than nodular subcutaneous inflammation, but revealed a tumor of the pancreatic head. The nodules spontaneously ulcerated exuding an oily thick brownish material. Her condition deteriorated, and she became progressively debilitated. The patient died...
Scientists frequently communicate the results of their work in research reports. When writing sci... more Scientists frequently communicate the results of their work in research reports. When writing scientific articles, authors must follow instructions and requirements of standard article format. A scientific paper should have in proper order, a Title, , Introduction, Material and Methods Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Literature. A title should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe the content of the paper. It should attract researchers' attention in order to be included in their investigation. An abstract is a short summary of the article. It concisely summarizes results and conclusion so that essential details of the paper can be understood in 100 - 250 words. The most commonly used are structured abstracts. Key words are provided below the abstract and describe the medical concepts characteristic for the whole article. Assign at least one and an average of 5 to 10 key words. Indexing in biomedicine means using the Thesaurus of the American National Library ...
Papers by Silvija Brkic