Papers by Silvia Helena Cavalcante de Sousa

Introdução: A Residência Médica, dentro de um contexto Amazônico, mais precisamente em termos do ... more Introdução: A Residência Médica, dentro de um contexto Amazônico, mais precisamente em termos do estado do Pará não está muito distante da realidade observada nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil. O contexto geográfico e as políticas de saúde e de educação são responsáveis por todo um histórico de alijamento e desprezo desta região em termos de saúde e educação, em particular a Residência Médica. Objetivo: O objetivo desse estudo é apresentar o processo de discussão da Residência Médica no estado do Pará e um pouco no estado do Amazonas, percorrendo todo seu histórico, perfazendo uma viagem da realidade atual da Residência Médica, evidenciando as dificuldades e desafios existentes, desde os cenários de prática até a formação e valorização dos preceptores. Desenvolvimento: Um conjunto de preceptores participantes do Curso de Desenvolvimento de Competência Pedagógica para a Prática da Preceptoria da Residência Médica no estado do Pará - em parceria com a Universidade Federal do Pará...
Reproductive Toxicology, 2012

Clinical Dysmorphology, 2013
Thalidomide is the best-known teratogen worldwide. It was first marketed as a sedative in the lat... more Thalidomide is the best-known teratogen worldwide. It was first marketed as a sedative in the late 1950s, but the birth of ~10 000 children with birth defects resulted in the withdrawal of thalidomide from the market in 1962. Thalidomide embryopathy affects almost all organs but the main defects are concentrated in the limbs, eyes, ears, and heart. Shortly after the withdrawal of thalidomide from the market, its effectiveness in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum, an inflammatory condition resulting from leprosy, was reported and since the mid-1990s, the drug has been used widely in the treatment of cancers and autoimmune diseases, among other conditions. 40 000 new cases of leprosy are diagnosed every year in Brazil. Although there is a strict legislation for the prescription and use of thalidomide in Brazil, cases of thalidomide embryopathy have continued to be reported. Here, we present two new cases of thalidomide embryopathy identified in 2011 and review the major clinical findings in the literature that can aid the identification of the embryopathy.

The histopathological characteristics of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) have been used to pr... more The histopathological characteristics of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) have been used to predict the clinical behavior of this neoplasia. Purpose: The aim of this study was describe the characteristics of an OSCC sample and verify the relation between histological grading and characteristics of the subjects and the tumor, identifying associations with the aggressive behavior of this lesion. Method: The protocol of this study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (COEP-UFMG). OSCC cases selected were diagnosed in Oral Diagnosis Service at the Dentistry School of UFMG and in Odilon Behrens Hospital. ). The sample consisted of 72 patients with OSCC, been 56 men and 16 women. The patients were submitted to a questionnaire about tobacco and alcohol habits, evolution time and symptomatology. Clinical examinations were performed and tumor fragments were reviewed and graded in accordance to the criteria proposed by Bryne et al. (1989)....
The mass media texts are presented through the association of many languages. This fact occurs by... more The mass media texts are presented through the association of many languages. This fact occurs by their complex technologies. But, all the texts build a unit effect in the manifestation plain, forming the syncretic texts. It’s necessary think about two axles to study these objects: one, what are the construction mechanisms of these syncretism and other, what are the meanings that they produce. This research is under the influence of semiotic by Paris school and intends to observe the enunciative strategies that are used in the construction of television texts, choosing by object the “Silvio Santos Program”. Keywords: Semiotic. Syncretism. Enunciative Strategies. Television.
CASA: Cadernos de Semiótica Aplicada, 2014
O artigo é resultado da análise semiótica da telenovela Vidas em Jogo, da TV Record, entendida co... more O artigo é resultado da análise semiótica da telenovela Vidas em Jogo, da TV Record, entendida como um texto, isto é, um todo organizado de sentido, devido à filiação teórica adotada graças à qual se considera texto todo e qualquer objeto dotado de significação. Dentre as ferramentas teóricas fornecidas pela semiótica discursiva, este trabalho concentra-se nos níveis narrativo e discursivo. Por meio da análise, descrevemos o esquema narrativo concretizado discursivamente nos temas e figuras utilizados, a fim de observar em que medida o discurso da telenovela reforça os valores eleitos e disseminados pela emissora.

This thesis is about shrinking cities and planning. Urban growth has been a synonym of success th... more This thesis is about shrinking cities and planning. Urban growth has been a synonym of success throughout the world; and even considered the true and sole reason for planning. Even though shrinkage is as old as growth, it has become more visible since unquestionable facts started to challenge conservative and established planning paradigms. Consequently, the theory of shrinkage is still under development, gradually building up. Portugal is not an exception to this rule. This presents an opportunity to contribute to the theory of shrinkage, to find original evidence about shrinkage in Portugal and investigate how planning is dealing with this issue. The first part of the dissertation corresponds to a literature review to assemble a theoretical framework for shrinkage and its relation with urban and regional planning. The second part of the research focuses on the Portuguese case, first on a macro scale and then materializing the city scale of shrinkage. In the third part, cluster analysis is used to classify the Portuguese shrinking cities. Finally, plan content analysis is applied to national, regional and local spatial planning instruments to determine responsiveness to shrinkage. The study is completed by revisiting the most important questions both in the theoretical discussion and the empirical research. Together with the theoretical analysis, the results comprise, firstly a broad picture of shrinkage; secondly, a typology of shrinking cities; and thirdly, an account of the awareness and approach to shrinkage in Portugal. The research concludes that despite the embryonic character of shrinkage in Portugal there is evidence of its existence, although planning's response does not match evidence found.

RAHIS, 2014
A busca por soluções e padrões de eficiência no uso de documentos administrativos é pouco explora... more A busca por soluções e padrões de eficiência no uso de documentos administrativos é pouco explorada na literatura, mas o conceito de memória organizacional e aprendizagem organizacional já podem ser encontrados na literatura dos estudos organizacionais e administrativos (SANTOS, 2012, p. 43 e SENGE 1990, apud CASTILHO; SILVA; TURRIONI, 2004, p.2). Pedrosa e Couto (2007, p.1) referem que as “organizações não suportarão mais custos relacionados com a má qualidade, tais como custos de retrabalho, custos com processos ineficientes, custos de eventuais processos nos organismos de defesa do consumidor ou outros fóruns legais,” entre outros. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, de forma sintética, a contribuição da avaliação externa para o fomento do tema gestão de documentos nos hospitais, bem como apresentar a homogeneidade e heterogeneidade das categorias de documentos requerida por esses. Trata-se de um estudo documental que visa identificar a ocorrência da citação de termos relacionad...
Avaliacao Psicologica, Dec 1, 2007
The design, a result of increased artistic creation and will continuously research, was born with... more The design, a result of increased artistic creation and will continuously research, was born with the purpose of creating for the consumer, and to adapt it to meet their needs, was born to combine originality will feature and therefore results from a project that aims to meet consumer and surprise him with the use of new techniques and new materials.

BMJ Open, 2013
Objectives: To compare the immunohistochemistry (IHC) expression of epidermal growth factor recep... more Objectives: To compare the immunohistochemistry (IHC) expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) with the gene amplification evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) and their association with clinicopathological parameters. Additionally, we tested the sensibility and specificity of CISH in comparison with FISH. Design: Case series study Setting: Oral surgery and pathology department in a school of dentistry. Participants: 52 patients with histopathological diagnosis of OSCC. Methods: Tumour tissue samples from 52 patients with OSCC were evaluated by IHC, FISH and CISH using tissue microarray technology. Clinicopathological data from all patients were collected. Results: EGFR+ rates were 53.8% (28/52) by IHC, 5.8% (3/52) by CISH and 15.4% (8/52) by FISH. Amplification detected by CISH and FISH with IHC negative occurred in 3.8% (2/52), and one case (1.9%) showed amplification detected by CISH and FISH and protein overexpression concomitantly. There were 9.6% FISH+ cases with IHC and CISH negative rates and 6/8 (75%) FISH+ and also EGFR+ cases; however, an association between protein expression and gene amplification was not found for both techniques. IHC and FISH rates were not associated with clinicopathological features. CISH+ rates were associated with T3-T4 status. Compared with FISH assay, CISH reached a sensitivity of 37.5% and specificity of 100%. Conclusions: There is no association between EGFR expression and gene amplification in OSCC when the IHC is driven to external epitopes of the protein. Although CISH demonstrates specificity, technical problems may influence sensibility when compared with FISH.

Objectives. The objective of this study was to comparatively evaluate the density of lymphatic ve... more Objectives. The objective of this study was to comparatively evaluate the density of lymphatic vessels (LVD) and neoformed microvessels (NMVD) in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (OCSCC) and lip (LSCC). Association between LVD/NMVD and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A/-C was also assessed. Study Design. OCSCC and LSCC were compared with regard to immunoexpression of LVD, NMVD, and vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF)-A/-C. Association between VEGF-A/-C with vascularity was also assessed. Statistical analyses were performed using t test, Pearson 2 , and Mann-Whitney tests. Statistical significance was accepted at P less than .05. Results. The NMVD and VEGF-C expressions were significantly higher in OCSCC compared with LSCC. NMVD was associated with VEGF-C in OCSCC, but not in LSCC. Conclusions. Differences in NMVD and VEGF-C were found between OCSCC and LSCC. Positive association between VEGF-C and NMVD was observed in OCSCC, but not in LSCC, which may be one of the contributing factors that account for the distinctive clinical-biological behavior of these lesions.

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2009
CLINICAL PRESENTATION A 28-year-old Caucasian man presented to Odilon Behrens Hospital with an 18... more CLINICAL PRESENTATION A 28-year-old Caucasian man presented to Odilon Behrens Hospital with an 18-month history of a single pink, nonulcerated, painless mass located within the submucosa of the right upper lip. The lesion, measuring approximately 35 mm in diameter, was well circumscribed and freely movable, possessing a solid consistency when palpated (Fig. 1). The evident superficial vascular blood supply appeared to represent the vascular supply to the overlying mucosa. A review of the patient's medical history failed to reveal any relevant findings. No regional lymphadenopathy was observed. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS The submucosal presentation, slow growth pattern, and the clearly defined limits of the tumor suggested a benign process. Therefore, our diagnostic hypothesis included mainly benign salivary gland and mesenchymal tumors. Although minor salivary gland tumors represent only 10%-15% of all salivary gland neoplasms, the lips are the second most commonly affected site, accounting for 15% of cases. 1,2 Considering that pleomorphic and canalicular adenomas are the most common benign salivary gland tumors which arise in the upper lip, they represented our major diagnostic hypothesis. 2,3 Pleomorphic and canalicular adenomas are benign lesions which usually present as submucosal, slow-growing, firm, movable, painless, isolated masses. 3,6 Although pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland neoplasm, often occurring between the ages of 30 and 60 years, only 10% of the cases involve minor salivary glands. 3,6 On the other hand, 90% of canalicular adenomas arise in the upper lip. They are uncommon before the age of 50 years, with a peak incidence in the seventh decade of life. 3 The upper lip is an uncommon site for malignant salivary gland tumors. 3-5 Besides salivary gland tumors, mesenchymal tumors of neural, muscular, or vascular origin can also be seen in the upper lip. Neurofibroma, neurilemmoma, leiomyoma, and hemangioma represented diagnostic possibilities. Although lipoma could be an obvious reasonable diagnostic hypothesis, the solid consistency rendered this possibility less likely. Neurofibroma is the most common peripheral nerve sheath tumor, consisting of a mixture of Schwann cells, perineurial cells and endoneurial fibroblasts. 7 It ac

Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2009
OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas, radiológicas e endoscópicas da aspiração de corp... more OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas, radiológicas e endoscópicas da aspiração de corpo estranho por menores de 15 anos em um centro de referência em São Luís, MA. MÉTODOS:Estudo descritivo realizado a partir de dados de prontuários dos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário Materno Infantil devido à aspiração de corpo estranho entre 1995 e 2005. Avaliamos 72 casos confirmados de aspiração de corpo estranho em relação à procedência, variáveis biológicas, clínico-radiológicas e endoscópicas. Para verificar se as frequências observadas das variáveis em estudo foram estatisticamente significantes, utilizamos o teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: A maioria do pacientes era procedente das cidades do interior (55,6%). As maiores frequências das diferentes variáveis estudadas foram as seguintes: faixa etária de 0-3 anos (81,9%); sexo masculino (63,9%); tempo de evolução > 24 h (66,7%); hipotransparência na radiografia de tórax (57,7%); localização do corpo estranho no p...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2010
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2010

Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2012
BACKGROUND: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands. This ... more BACKGROUND: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands. This tumor is characterized by a great variability in clinical behavior, and little is known about the pathological mechanisms involved in its variance. Angiogenesis is an important step in tumor progression and is believed to be an essential event for metastatic dissemination. METHODS: We aimed to investigate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in mucoepidermoid carcinoma measuring the density of neoformed and lymphatic vessels using CD105 and D2-40 antibodies, respectively, and by immunohistochemical evaluation of VEGF-A and VEGF-C proteins. It was also investigated the expression of D2-40 in neoplastic cells. RESULTS: We studied 26 cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, which showed great angiogenic activity measured by neoformed vessel density. However, a low density of lymphatics was observed. VEGF-A, VEGF-C, and D2-40 were commonly detected in mucoepidermoid carcinoma, but only VEGF-A expression correlated with neoformed vessel density. Recurrence and nodal metastasis were associated with low VEGF-A expression and low neoformed vessel density, indicating that impaired angiogenesis could lead to an aggressive phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: Angiogenesis seems important in the modulation of mucoepidermoid carcinoma pathogenesis; however, none of the parameters analyzed could predict tumor behavior.
Papers by Silvia Helena Cavalcante de Sousa