Papers by Silvia Dapper

The discovery and learning of nature's strategies allow mankind to increase his invention capabil... more The discovery and learning of nature's strategies allow mankind to increase his invention capability, through absorbing information, catalyzing the knowledge of the biologic studies of natural elements and transforming it in products and solutions to the daily life. This capability is called bionics. Through the observation of nature, it was perceived that the lichens have an adherence function. This way, that element was used to design textures with the intention of improving the fixation of the mortar coating on concrete panels. Thus, 3D digitization technologies were used in the acquisition of topographic data of the lower cortex of lichens, with the intention of creating a model capable of increasing the mortar's adherence to the substratum. The data resulted in a texture for the application in molds capable of stamping the concrete. The equipment used for this were the three-dimensional laser scanner, the stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscope. For the imprinting of the texture in the mold was used a CNC milling machine. After the mold was done, it was possible to test the tensile bond strength, through the making of the textured concrete and mortar application. The Lichen's texture was tested in three different scale levels (100%, 87.5% and 62.5%) and compared to the texture of conventional Roughcast. The results obtained with the test show that utilizing lichens' textures meet the ABNT standards regarding the requirement of tensile bond strength of the mortar coating on concrete surfaces.

Concrete surfaces are one of the substrates on which the mortar coating, widely used in buildings... more Concrete surfaces are one of the substrates on which the mortar coating, widely used in buildings, can be applied. Frequently, when there are incompatibilities between the substrate and the mortar, the coating system's durability can be compromised, causing pathological manifestations such as detachments and displacements. To reach a better mortar coating adhesion and adherence, would be ideal that the substrate presents a hydrophilic surface, which allows a greater coating spreading. In this context, the present research aims to evaluate the superficial wettability of concretes with different compressive strength, in order to infer the performance from the point of view of adherence of a mortar coating layer on these substrates. Five concretes were dosed with different proportions and water/binder ratios, resulting in different values of compressive strength at 28 days. Concrete characterization in terms of compressive strength was done according to ABNT NBR 5739:2007, and wate...

Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, 2016
The theme involving the driving rain has been the subject of various studies that seek to contrib... more The theme involving the driving rain has been the subject of various studies that seek to contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon and its interaction with the buildings. In this sense, research discusses some aspects related to driving rain, such as the development and application of a methodology for quantifying wetting areas on models exposed to experimental driving rain, and the determination to the direction of the driving rain, in Porto Alegre city—Brazil, through the use of semi-empirical method, more specifically, a wind-driven rain relationship formula. The findings of this study demonstrate that the building facades oriented to the East/South quadrant have higher incidence level of driving rain, considering the Porto Alegre City-RS-Brazil. Furthermore, considering the application of the methodology, it was found, based on the images obtained in the experimental tests that both the building shape and the surroundings influence the degree of driving rain wetting on the models facades. In this way, the model with a square base and without surroundings showed the least amount of wet area when compared to the others.

The discovery and learning of nature's strategies allow mankind to increase his invention capabil... more The discovery and learning of nature's strategies allow mankind to increase his invention capability, through absorbing information, catalyzing the knowledge of the biologic studies of natural elements and transforming it in products and solutions to the daily life. This capability is called bionics. Through the observation of nature, it was perceived that the lichens have an adherence function. This way, that element was used to design textures with the intention of improving the fixation of the mortar coating on concrete panels. Thus, 3D digitization technologies were used in the acquisition of topographic data of the lower cortex of lichens, with the intention of creating a model capable of increasing the mortar's adherence to the substratum. The data resulted in a texture for the application in molds capable of stamping the concrete. The equipment used for this were the three-dimensional laser scanner, the stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscope. For the imprinting of the texture in the mold was used a CNC milling machine. After the mold was done, it was possible to test the tensile bond strength, through the making of the textured concrete and mortar application. The Lichen's texture was tested in three different scale levels (100%, 87.5% and 62.5%) and compared to the texture of conventional Roughcast. The results obtained with the test show that utilizing lichens' textures meet the ABNT standards regarding the requirement of tensile bond strength of the mortar coating on concrete surfaces.
Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade s... more Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.
7º Encontro Nacional de Aproveitamento de Resíduos na Construção

Blucher Design Proceedings, Mar 1, 2019
This work aims to expand the creative possibilities in Surface Design by creating Patterns for Su... more This work aims to expand the creative possibilities in Surface Design by creating Patterns for Surface Design, from drawings generated by sound, through the study of waves, the experience of the Chladni Plate and Cymatics, which analyzes the vibration on the particles. The action when applied in a prepared medium that is considered resonant results in the generation of drawings, these generated drawings are the shape of the sound and here they were used in the creation of applied patterns to the Textile Surface Design. The methodology used was that of Bruno Munari (2008), which is divided into 12 stages: problem, problem definition, problem components, data collection, data analysis, creativity, materials and technologies, experimentation, model, verification, construction design and solution, for the development of the work was followed each of the steps.

Design e Tecnologia, Jan 10, 2019
Mestre em Design; Universidade do Vale do Taquari-Univates Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo a... more Mestre em Design; Universidade do Vale do Taquari-Univates Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo ampliar as possibilidades criativas na área do Design de Superfícies criando padronagens para o Design de Superfície têxtil, a partir da análise de desenhos gerados pelo som, do estudo das ondas, da experiência do Prato de Chladni e da Cimática, que analisa a ação da vibração sobre as partículas. A ação quando aplicada em um meio preparado que é considerado ressonante, resulta na geração de desenhos que são a forma do som e, esses, foram usados na criação de padronagens aplicadas ao Design de Superfície Têxtil. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração do presente trabalho baseouse nas etapas propostas por Munari (2008). Também foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica buscando referência de conteúdo em livros, teses e artigos científicos para uma melhor compreensão do assunto estudado.

Matéria (Rio de Janeiro)
RESUMO Superfícies de concreto constituem um dos substratos nos quais o revestimento de argamassa... more RESUMO Superfícies de concreto constituem um dos substratos nos quais o revestimento de argamassa, amplamente utilizado nas edificações, pode ser aplicado. Frequentemente, por incompatibilidade entre os substratos e a argamassa, a durabilidade do sistema de revestimento pode ser comprometida, podendo ocorrer manifestações patológicas como descolamentos e desplacamentos. Para se alcançar uma melhor adesão e aderência das argamassas de revestimento, o ideal é que se obtenha um substrato com superfície hidrofílica, resultando em uma interface com maior área de contato entre as camadas. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a molhabilidade de superfícies de concreto com diferentes resistências à compressão, de forma a inferir o desempenho do ponto de vista da aderência de uma camada de revestimento de argamassa sobre estes substratos. Para isso, foram dosados cinco concretos com relações água/aglomerante variando de 0,16 à 0,57. A caracterização do concret...

The theme involving the driving rain has been the subject of various studies that seek to contrib... more The theme involving the driving rain has been the subject of various studies that seek to contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon and its interaction with the buildings. In this sense, research discusses some aspects related to driving rain, such as the development and application of a methodology for quantifying wetting areas on models exposed to experimental driving rain, and the determination to the direction of the driving rain, in Porto Alegre city—Brazil, through the use of semi-empirical method, more specifically, a wind-driven rain relationship formula. The findings of this study demonstrate that the building facades oriented to the East/South quadrant have higher incidence level of driving rain, considering the Porto Alegre City-RS-Brazil. Furthermore, considering the application of the methodology, it was found, based on the images obtained in the experimental tests that both the building shape and the surroundings influence the degree of driving rain wetting on the models facades. In this way, the model with a square base and without surroundings showed the least amount of wet area when compared to the others.

Resumo Esse artigo apresenta a proposta de uma escova dental baseada em conceitos de Design for D... more Resumo Esse artigo apresenta a proposta de uma escova dental baseada em conceitos de Design for Disassembly (DFD), reutilização e reciclagem. O trabalho visa demonstrar o design como um agente para implementação de projetos sustentáveis, aplicando princípios de Ecodesign para minimizar os impactos ambientais. Para atingir esse objetivo foram considerados para esse trabalho uma revisão bibliográfica com histórico de escovas dentais e princípios de ecodesign, análise de produtos similares e análise de caracterização de materiais. Resultando em considerações finais o redesign de um produto voltado ao design sustentável. Abstract This article presents the proposal of a new toothbrush based on concepts of Design for Disassembly (DFD), reuse and recycling. The research aims to demonstrate the design as an agent for sustainable projects' implementation, applying principles of Ecodesign to minimize environmental impacts. To achieve this objective it was considered to this research a bibliographic review with the historical of toothbrushes and principles of ecodesign, analysis of similar products and analysis of materials' characterization. Resulting in final considerations the redesign of a product geared to sustainable design. Anais do 8º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design 8 a 11 de outubro de 2008 São Paulo – SP Brasil ISBN 978-85-60186-03-7 ©2008 Associação de Ensino e Pesquisa de Nível Superior de Design do Brasil (AEND|Brasil) Reprodução permitida, para uso sem fins comerciais, desde que seja citada a fonte. Este documento foi publicado exatamente como fornecido pelo(s) autor(es), o(s) qual(is) se responsabiliza(m) pela totalidade de seu conteúdo.

A falta de aderência da argamassa de revestimento em superfícies de concreto nas edificações mani... more A falta de aderência da argamassa de revestimento em superfícies de concreto nas edificações manifesta-se pelo seu descolamento ou desplacamento. Visando aumentar a aderência do revestimento à estrutura de concreto, frequentemente se realiza o chapisco, cuja qualidade é dependente do traço e da experiência do operário. Quando o chapisco não é aplicado com eficiência, pode causar o aparecimento de patologia como a queda do revestimento. Assim posto, esse trabalho buscou criar textura para a superfície do concreto, visando eliminar a aplicação do chapisco, ampliando o controle técnico da rugosidade e aderência do revestimento. Para a criação da textura utilizou-se como inspiração o córtex inferior de líquen, devido a sua função de aderência sobre substratos. Foram utilizadas tecnologias de digitalização tridimensional para a aquisição da morfologia dos líquens e usinagem CNC de MDF para a confecção do molde do concreto. Foram confeccionadas placas de concreto texturizados a partir dos moldes usinados, e placas lisas que receberam chapisco convencional. Todas as placas foram revestidas com argamassa. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência de aderência à tração em conformidade com a NBR 13528, cujos resultados das amostras com a textura do líquen se mostraram significativamente superiores comparados com as amostras que receberam o chapisco.

Uma das características superficiais dos substratos que auxilia na adesão e aderência das argamas... more Uma das características superficiais dos substratos que auxilia na adesão e aderência das argamassas é a sua capacidade de molhamento da superfície. A molhabilidade dos substratos irá depender tanto da sua composição química quanto da sua rugosidade, a qual altera o ângulo de contato verificado para medir as tensões superficiais dos substratos. Para substratos que receberão argamassa como revestimento, as tensões superficiais devem ser as menores possíveis. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o ângulo de contato da gota de água com a superfície de concreto dosado para a resistência à compressão de 35 MPa, quando moldado sobre diferentes materiais de fôrmas, sendo estes: compensado, mdf, compensado naval, laminado melamínico, polipropileno e aço. Foi utilizado o goniômetro para a verificação do ângulo de contato, que se mostraram com diferenças significativas quanto ä capacidade de molhabilidade das superfícies. Sendo assim, esse trabalho demonstra que a correta escolha do material da fôrma pode influenciar na aderência das argamassas de revestimento.
Thesis Chapters by Silvia Dapper

The discovery and learning of nature's strategies allow mankind to increase his invention capabil... more The discovery and learning of nature's strategies allow mankind to increase his invention capability, through absorbing information, catalyzing the knowledge of the biologic studies of natural elements and transforming it in products and solutions to the daily life. This capability is called bionics. Through the observation of nature, it was perceived that the lichens have an adherence function. This way, that element was used to design textures with the intention of improving the fixation of the mortar coating on concrete panels. Thus, 3D digitization technologies were used in the acquisition of topographic data of the lower cortex of lichens, with the intention of creating a model capable of increasing the mortar's adherence to the substratum. The data resulted in a texture for the application in molds capable of stamping the concrete. The equipment used for this were the three-dimensional laser scanner, the stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscope. For the imprinting of the texture in the mold was used a CNC milling machine. After the mold was done, it was possible to test the tensile bond strength, through the making of the textured concrete and mortar application. The Lichen's texture was tested in three different scale levels (100%, 87.5% and 62.5%) and compared to the texture of conventional Roughcast. The results obtained with the test show that utilizing lichens' textures meet the ABNT standards regarding the requirement of tensile bond strength of the mortar coating on concrete surfaces.
Papers by Silvia Dapper
Thesis Chapters by Silvia Dapper