Books by Silvia Cipriano
VIII volume della pubblicazione integrale dei reperti del santuario atestino della dea Reitia, fr... more VIII volume della pubblicazione integrale dei reperti del santuario atestino della dea Reitia, frequentato in epoca preromana e romana. La pubblicazione integrale degli oltre 14.000 reperti vede in questo volume tutti i Varia metallici, i piccoli reperti che, non potendosi iscrivere in una categoria precisa di oggetti o risultando ripetitivi sono stati riuniti sulla base delle caratteristiche di produzione. Il volume prevede un catalogo sistematico introdotto da commenti critici volti alla definizione della datazione, e della funzione dei manufatti in relazione al culto

Il volume raccoglie i risultati della prima campagna della ricognizione archeologica effettuata d... more Il volume raccoglie i risultati della prima campagna della ricognizione archeologica effettuata dall’Università Ca’ Foscari nel sito di Altino, in località Ghiacciaia, un’ampia area di proprietà demaniale che corrisponde alla parte nord-orientale dell’abitato della città antica. Si tratta quindi di uno dei pochi interventi sistematici sull’area urbana, rimasta sino ad ora ai margini delle ricerche sulla città veneta. I docenti, i dottorandi e gli studenti coinvolti affrontano sia temi generali – dalla storia degli studi sull’area alle tecniche di ricognizione –ma soprattutto l'edizione sistematica dei materiali raccolti nel corso della ricognizione, fornendone un basilare inquadramento tipologico e cronologico. L’indagine archeologica e la ricerca scientifica che in questi ultimi decenni hanno interessato l’area altinate mettono sempre più in luce la rilevanza del sito, che si impone come uno dei luoghi nodali nel panorama veneto dalla prima età del Ferro fino all’età tardoantica, indissolubilmente legato alla nascita di Torcello e quindi all’origine di Venezia.
The Sanctuary of Reitia was discovered in 1880 in Este
in the property of Domenico Baratella and... more The Sanctuary of Reitia was discovered in 1880 in Este
in the property of Domenico Baratella and between
1880 and 1890 the Sanctuary was excavated by the landowners; then, from 1987 to 1991, it was systematically investigated by the Institut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte of the University of Cologne, under the direction of Professor Dr. Heinz-Werner Dämmer, who is overseeing the publication of any materials found and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The Sanctuary’s ritual attendance lasted from the end of
the 7th century BC to the 2nd century AD almost, showing a slow assimilation of the Reitia Venetian cult into the Minerva/Bona Dea Roman one.
In this volume are published the clay, bond and glass small finds of the sanctuary
Roman Amphorae by Silvia Cipriano
Metalli, creta, una piuma d’uccello... Studi di Archeologia per Angela Ruta Serafini, a cura di M. Gamba, G. Gambacurta, F. Gonzato, E. Pettenò, F. Veronese, Mantova, 2021
Il rivenimento ad Este di un'anfora Dressel 6A con un marchio mai attestato finora, P^HA^RA^L.EBI... more Il rivenimento ad Este di un'anfora Dressel 6A con un marchio mai attestato finora, P^HA^RA^L.EBI^DI^E, permette di acquisire nuove informazioni sulla produzione della gens Ebidiena.
Instrumenta 65, José Remesal Rodríguez, Víctor Revilla Calvo, Daniel J. Martín-Arroyo Sánchez, Antoni Martín i Oliveras (eds.) Paisajes Productivos y Redes de Comerciales en el Imperio Romano/ Productive Landscapes and Trade Networks in The Roman Empire, 2019
INSTRUMENTA 65 Universidad de Barcelona. Datos catalográficos Paisajes productivos y redes comerc... more INSTRUMENTA 65 Universidad de Barcelona. Datos catalográficos Paisajes productivos y redes comerciales en el Imperio Romano = Productive landscapes and trade networks in the Roman Empire. -(Col·lecció Instrumenta ; 65) Inclou referències bibliogràfiques ISBN 978-84-9168-263-9

Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta, 2018
Le anfore vinarie Dressel 6A sono frequentemente contraddistinte da marchi, che, attraverso l'ana... more Le anfore vinarie Dressel 6A sono frequentemente contraddistinte da marchi, che, attraverso l'analisi onomastica e proso-pografica coniugata alla disanima delle caratteristiche morfologiche, hanno permesso di riconoscere numerosi personaggi coinvolti nella produzione del vino e di collegarli a precise aree di provenienza, ipotesi confermate anche dalle indagini archeometriche degli impasti. A tali aree corrispondono anche le diverse qualità di vino contenute nelle Dressel 6A e commercializzate in Cisalpina, a Roma, nella Raetia e nel Noricum, in Oriente e in Grecia. L'analisi delle anfore ritrovate numerose in contesti datati in alcune città della Venetia permette di creare una sequenza cronologica delle presenze delle Dressel 6A, evidenziandone le caratteristiche morfologiche, epigrafiche e degli impasti, a partire dall'età augustea e con-sentono di formulare nuove ipotesi sulla provenienza e sulla cronologia finale, prolungando la loro diffusione almeno fino agli anni immediatamente successivi al 78/80 d.C.

‘Voce concordi’ Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria a cura di Fulvia Mainardis, Antichità Altoadriatiche, 85, pp. 217-246
The aim of the research is to analyse the stamps with nomen Iulius, on some Adriatic amphorae. Th... more The aim of the research is to analyse the stamps with nomen Iulius, on some Adriatic amphorae. The stamps of C. Iuli Brundis(ini), C. Iuli Marcelli, Barbul(---)//C. Iuli Poly(---), C. Iuli Zoeli, Sex. Iulii/Aequani/Lauti,
Bar//Sex. Iuli Orp(---), Sex. Iuli Severi, Iuli Paulini occur on amphorae of brindisine type, Lamboglia 2, Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, “collo ad imbuto” type and flat bottom, used for wine and oil transport and spreaded in Cisalpina, Cispadana, at Rome, in Noricum, in Greece and in north Africa between the Augustan period and the end of I cent. AD. Often the same stamp is on different types of amphorae, not always associated with the same foodstuff. The amphorae production area is in the medio Adriatic region, proved by morphological and archaeometrical analysis, onomastic and epigraphic analysis, archaeological excavation of villae and workshops. Is manifest a complex and articulated economic situation in which members of the senatorial order are involved in the cultivation of fundi, in the production of the amphorae and in the commercialization of mid-Adriatic wine and oil with the members of gens Iulia, usually liberti.
The members of gens Iulia manage relevant economic profits to the advantage of imperial family, probably
in locatio/conductio relationship.
in Le iscrizioni con funzione didascalico-esplicativa. Committente, destinatario, contenuto e descrizione dell'oggetto nell'instrumentum inscriptum, Atti del VI Incontro Instrumenta inscripta, (Aquileia marzo 2015), a cura di M. Buora e S. Magnani, Trieste 2016, pp. 145-158.
Archaeological excavations carried out from 1982 to 1999 in the square in front of the Cathedral ... more Archaeological excavations carried out from 1982 to 1999 in the square in front of the Cathedral of Santo Stefano in Concordia Sagittaria allowed to discover a warehouse complex of the Roman period near a waterway and the via Annia.
The Roman amphorae class is the most represented. Among the more than 50 stamps were already published 21 related to Istrian Dressel 6B production and here there are the stamps of amphorae Lamboglia 2 and Dressel 6A, as well as two Dressel 6B.
Silvia Cipriano
u n i v e r s i t à d e g l i s t u d i d i pa d o va d i pa rt i m e n t o d i a r c h e o l o g... more u n i v e r s i t à d e g l i s t u d i d i pa d o va d i pa rt i m e n t o d i a r c h e o l o g i a antenor quaderni 15 olio e pesce in epoca romana produzione e commercio nelle regioni dell'alto adriatico atti del convegno (padova, 16 febbraio 2007) a cura di stefania pesavento mattioli e marie-brigitte carre estratto 2 0 0 9 e d i z i o n i q u a s a r Olio e pesce in epoca romana: produzione e commercio nelle regioni dell'alto Adriatico

ADRIAMPHORAE Amphorae as a resource for the reconstruction of economic development in the Adriatic region in Antiquity: local production , 2017
Since 2016 it has been carried the "Adriatic amphorae production" project,
supported by the Depar... more Since 2016 it has been carried the "Adriatic amphorae production" project,
supported by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua, in
collaboration with dr. Lara Maritan of the Department of Geoscience for
Archaeometrical studies. The main purposes of the project are the following ones:
the study of the western Adriatic coast amphorae productions and the analysis of
recent investigations led in Northern Italy, the collection of new data on kilns,
ceramic waste, pottery workshops and, finally, the analysis of the relationship
between amphorae's typologies and production's areas.
Thus, the aims of the study is to integrate the Adriatic amphorae productions
research, especially those on Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, Dressel 2-4, collo ad imbuto,
Adriatic fish-sauce amphorae, flat bottom amphorae. Additionally, it will be run a
sampling and archaeometrical analysis, in order to allow a comparative analysis
database and, eventually, a scientific publication of the results.
The present work is going to present the research status about the amphorae
workshops recognized along the western Adriatic coast and Northern Italy.
Est enim ille flos Italiae… Vita economica e sociale nella Cisalpina romana, Atti delle Giornate di Studio in onore di Ezio Buchi (Verona, 30 novembre- 1 dicembre 2006) a cura di P. Basso, A. Buonopane, A. Cavarzere, S. Pesavento Mattioli,, 2008
Gli scavi archeologici effettuati dal 1982 al 1999 nel piazzale antistante la Cattedrale di Santo... more Gli scavi archeologici effettuati dal 1982 al 1999 nel piazzale antistante la Cattedrale di Santo Stefano di Concordia Sagittaria hanno permesso di mettere in luce una sequenza stratigrafica che dalla fine del I sec. a.C. giunge fino al Rinascimento 1 . In età romana quest'area si trovava appena fuori dalle mura di Iulia Concordia ed era caratterizzata dalla presenza di un complesso di magazzini 2 che si sviluppavano in prossimità di un canale navigabile e di una strada in uscita dalla città verso Aquileia.
Publications De L Ecole Francaise De Rome, 1994
Books by Silvia Cipriano
in the property of Domenico Baratella and between
1880 and 1890 the Sanctuary was excavated by the landowners; then, from 1987 to 1991, it was systematically investigated by the Institut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte of the University of Cologne, under the direction of Professor Dr. Heinz-Werner Dämmer, who is overseeing the publication of any materials found and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The Sanctuary’s ritual attendance lasted from the end of
the 7th century BC to the 2nd century AD almost, showing a slow assimilation of the Reitia Venetian cult into the Minerva/Bona Dea Roman one.
In this volume are published the clay, bond and glass small finds of the sanctuary
Roman Amphorae by Silvia Cipriano
Bar//Sex. Iuli Orp(---), Sex. Iuli Severi, Iuli Paulini occur on amphorae of brindisine type, Lamboglia 2, Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, “collo ad imbuto” type and flat bottom, used for wine and oil transport and spreaded in Cisalpina, Cispadana, at Rome, in Noricum, in Greece and in north Africa between the Augustan period and the end of I cent. AD. Often the same stamp is on different types of amphorae, not always associated with the same foodstuff. The amphorae production area is in the medio Adriatic region, proved by morphological and archaeometrical analysis, onomastic and epigraphic analysis, archaeological excavation of villae and workshops. Is manifest a complex and articulated economic situation in which members of the senatorial order are involved in the cultivation of fundi, in the production of the amphorae and in the commercialization of mid-Adriatic wine and oil with the members of gens Iulia, usually liberti.
The members of gens Iulia manage relevant economic profits to the advantage of imperial family, probably
in locatio/conductio relationship.
The Roman amphorae class is the most represented. Among the more than 50 stamps were already published 21 related to Istrian Dressel 6B production and here there are the stamps of amphorae Lamboglia 2 and Dressel 6A, as well as two Dressel 6B.
supported by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua, in
collaboration with dr. Lara Maritan of the Department of Geoscience for
Archaeometrical studies. The main purposes of the project are the following ones:
the study of the western Adriatic coast amphorae productions and the analysis of
recent investigations led in Northern Italy, the collection of new data on kilns,
ceramic waste, pottery workshops and, finally, the analysis of the relationship
between amphorae's typologies and production's areas.
Thus, the aims of the study is to integrate the Adriatic amphorae productions
research, especially those on Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, Dressel 2-4, collo ad imbuto,
Adriatic fish-sauce amphorae, flat bottom amphorae. Additionally, it will be run a
sampling and archaeometrical analysis, in order to allow a comparative analysis
database and, eventually, a scientific publication of the results.
The present work is going to present the research status about the amphorae
workshops recognized along the western Adriatic coast and Northern Italy.
in the property of Domenico Baratella and between
1880 and 1890 the Sanctuary was excavated by the landowners; then, from 1987 to 1991, it was systematically investigated by the Institut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte of the University of Cologne, under the direction of Professor Dr. Heinz-Werner Dämmer, who is overseeing the publication of any materials found and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The Sanctuary’s ritual attendance lasted from the end of
the 7th century BC to the 2nd century AD almost, showing a slow assimilation of the Reitia Venetian cult into the Minerva/Bona Dea Roman one.
In this volume are published the clay, bond and glass small finds of the sanctuary
Bar//Sex. Iuli Orp(---), Sex. Iuli Severi, Iuli Paulini occur on amphorae of brindisine type, Lamboglia 2, Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, “collo ad imbuto” type and flat bottom, used for wine and oil transport and spreaded in Cisalpina, Cispadana, at Rome, in Noricum, in Greece and in north Africa between the Augustan period and the end of I cent. AD. Often the same stamp is on different types of amphorae, not always associated with the same foodstuff. The amphorae production area is in the medio Adriatic region, proved by morphological and archaeometrical analysis, onomastic and epigraphic analysis, archaeological excavation of villae and workshops. Is manifest a complex and articulated economic situation in which members of the senatorial order are involved in the cultivation of fundi, in the production of the amphorae and in the commercialization of mid-Adriatic wine and oil with the members of gens Iulia, usually liberti.
The members of gens Iulia manage relevant economic profits to the advantage of imperial family, probably
in locatio/conductio relationship.
The Roman amphorae class is the most represented. Among the more than 50 stamps were already published 21 related to Istrian Dressel 6B production and here there are the stamps of amphorae Lamboglia 2 and Dressel 6A, as well as two Dressel 6B.
supported by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua, in
collaboration with dr. Lara Maritan of the Department of Geoscience for
Archaeometrical studies. The main purposes of the project are the following ones:
the study of the western Adriatic coast amphorae productions and the analysis of
recent investigations led in Northern Italy, the collection of new data on kilns,
ceramic waste, pottery workshops and, finally, the analysis of the relationship
between amphorae's typologies and production's areas.
Thus, the aims of the study is to integrate the Adriatic amphorae productions
research, especially those on Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, Dressel 2-4, collo ad imbuto,
Adriatic fish-sauce amphorae, flat bottom amphorae. Additionally, it will be run a
sampling and archaeometrical analysis, in order to allow a comparative analysis
database and, eventually, a scientific publication of the results.
The present work is going to present the research status about the amphorae
workshops recognized along the western Adriatic coast and Northern Italy.
sua attività nel corso dell’età tardorepubblicana e sembra concluderla in corrispondenza con la deposizione di questa e almeno altre due tombe a incinerazione e dell’inumazione di un cavallo, anch’essa visibile al Museo. I materiali del corredo, databili ad età augusteo-tiberiana, sono riconducibili al mundus muliebre e rimandano anche all’età infantile, permettendo di attribuire la tomba ad una bambina di età inferiore all’anno.
rescue excavations carried out in 2014/15 in Padua, one in the
northern, the other in the southern suburb of the ancient city. In
both cases funerary contexts were found, confirming arrangements
already suggested by previous discoveries. In the northern site some
cremation and inhumation graves were found, together with three recovery structures with amphoras and a particular dump, full of
animal bones; all the elements date back to the late republican era.
In the southern site other cremations were discovered, in connection
with a monument base, some relics of possible funerary enclosures
and a recovery structure with amphoras; this second evidence dates
back to the early imperial age.
cultural operators and changing the fruition of the cultural heritage. The period of the forced closure of our
museums leaves us with the awarness of the importance of some themes, which we must cure and develop
wisely in the future. Between those issues, the digital, the relationship school-museum and the accessibility
of the collections to all audiences (above all to the most vulnerable) stand out, but also, we see sticking out
the relationship between the museum and the local people.
which in Roman times was part of Aquae Patavinae, was
found a well.
The basal level contained several metal objects,
including two iron hoes with remnants of wooden
handle, as well as a knife, a key, a small pail, a simpulum,
some handles and other iron and bronze objects. There
have been found also a wooden pail.
The chronology of the context is between the end of the
Ist and the IInd sec. AD.
area of Roman Padua of quarries for the extraction of sand and clay sediments, related to the ceramic production
and the building. It was identified a relationship between quarrying and the use of the pits for the waste, including
often amphorae.
When: 22nd - 26th October 2018
Number of places available: max 20 Students
Application fee: 100 € (incl. teaching materials, bibliography, books, coffee breaks, guided tours. Students of the University of Verona are exempt from the application fee.
How to apply: Send a CV to [email protected] no
later than 30th September 2018
Credits and information: 3 ECTS; [email protected]
General information
Periods in the Summer School’s focus: Late Republican to Late Roman (2nd BC - 6th
century AD)
Major workshop activities: The main goal of the course is to provide theoretical and
practical training experience on Roman pottery. The students will evaluate and appreciate similarities and differences in typological problems, approaches, methods, technique, design and material choice applied on different pottery classes. The participants will work with authentic pottery from the ancient city of Aquileia. Practical excercises in dfferent techniques of pottery production will also be performed by the partecipants through the use of potter’s wheel and kiln especially arranged for the Summer School.
Scientific coordination: Diana DOBREVA (Dipartimento di Culture e Civiltà, Università di Verona), Martin AUER (Institut für Archäologien, Universität Innsbruck), Florian SCHIMMER (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz).
Main organising institutions: Università di Verona (Italy), Polo Museale del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia (Italy), Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Fondazione Aquileia (Italy), Universität Innsbruck (Austria), Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (Germany).
increasing number of scholars. In 2016 the Department of Humanities of Ca’ Foscari University started a
campaign of archaeological excavations, intended to investigate the urban area of this Roman site. We were
able to identify this area through a comparative study between recent and historical cartography: ancient
planimetries, cadastral maps, interpretation of old and recent aerial photographs combined with the study of
archaeological documents and – in some cases unpublished – manuscripts represent the core of this project.
Integrating different types of data is crucial for the aims of our research, and it made possible to identify
traces of the archaeological record still hidden under the ground, that have been inserted in a GIS system. We
created an archaeological digital map inclusive of data from old and new field works, photo-interpretations,
archives, and surveys (such as those conducted by Ca’ Foscari University in 2012 and 2014); this resulted in
a simple and interactive tool on cartographic base, collecting all we know about Altinum.
The principal objective of this session is to explore how quantitative methods and semantic-based data management techniques can improve our ability to define, validate or refute economic theories about the organisation of large-scale production and long-distance exchange of foodstuffs. We wish, in particular, to facilitate interdisciplinary discussion about how we can evaluate the role of the state versus the free market in food supply and to assess how the multiple production strategies of a mixed agricultural economy (fruits, vegetables, wheat, olive oil, wine, salted fish, garum, etc.) were integrated within specific territories and largely peasant-based economies. We are also interested in the interactions between economy and environmental variables, the theoretical limits imposed on production and productivity by arable and pastoral regimes, labour and production costs, etc. and on the relationship between production and consumption in the context of growing population.
The session will use the presentation of case studies to demonstrate various multidisciplinary methods and techniques for the analysis of complex economic systems, integrating conventional archaeological methods and landscape archaeology with econometrics and computational modelling.
We would like to invite papers that develop case studies addressing some of following:
Datasets: the representation of archaeological data; database management; ontology and semantic markers
Quantitative methods: GIS and spatial analysis of settlement patterns, production strategies, microeconomic studies, demand and supply, trade routes, markets, and consumption trends
Model building and computer simulation: the use of Agent Based Models, Complex Networks Analysis, Predictive Modelling, Spatial Econometrics and Regression Analysis
the Decima Regio, the modern regions of Veneto and Lombardia.
Even though it was not possible to directly examine some published vessels in order to verify their Lusitanian provenance, they are
presented anyway, although with some doubts.
The collected evidence was all mapped, providing a basis for reconstructing the trade networks connecting the most western regions,
the northern Adriatic area and the Po Valley.
The scarce number of Lusitanian amphorae in northwestern Italy may have been affected by the incorrect identification of Lusitanian
products, and secondly, by the absence of late Roman drains in the western Decima Regio and shortage of published late Roman
contexts, which may turn out to produce this kind of amphorae.