Papers by Silvana Rampini

Emerging Infectious Diseases
cause of spotted fever in Brazil in rural settings, and R. parkeri is an emerging cause of infect... more cause of spotted fever in Brazil in rural settings, and R. parkeri is an emerging cause of infection (8-10). Antibodies that are cross-reactive with R. rickettsii can be stimulated by R. parkeri, R. akari, and other SFGR. R. typhi has been rarely reported as a cause of AFI in urban settings. Other rickettsial species identified in Brazil are R. felis, R. rhipicephali, R. bellii, R. amblyommatis, R. andeanae, and R. monteiroi, although their pathogenicity is unclear . Although all causative rickettsial species, potential vectors, and reservoirs have yet to be identified, this study suggests that rickettsiae might be a cause of AFI in urban slum settings in Brazil. A limitation of this study is that it was performed in a single urban center; further studies will be needed to confirm the generalizability of these findings. However, these findings raise clinical awareness for rickettsiae as a potential cause of AFI in urban slum populations in the tropics and the possible need for empiric antimicrobial therapy in suspected cases, especially because diagnostic testing is often lacking in these urban environments.
![Research paper thumbnail of [CME-Answers: CME: Chronic Generalized Pruritus without Dermatological Cause]](
Praxis, 2020
CME-Answers: CME: Chronic Generalized Pruritus without Dermatological Cause Abstract. Chronic gen... more CME-Answers: CME: Chronic Generalized Pruritus without Dermatological Cause Abstract. Chronic generalized pruritus is a common symptom. Dermatological causes must be distinguished from non-dermatological causes. Non-dermatological chronic pruritus has many causes, such as systemic, infectious, neurological, psychogenic disorders, and drug-related side effects, some of which may be associated with significant morbidity. The possibility of systemic disease should be considered in patients with generalized pruritus and no signs of primary skin lesions. In addition to a careful history and physical examination, selected laboratory examinations can be helpful in making a diagnosis. Pruritus can be the first sign of malignant hematological disease. Pruritus associated with solid tumors is not that rare. This article offers an approach to chronic generalized pruritus of adults without concomitant skin changes with a possible clarification strategy and explanation of the most important diff...
Bulletin des Médecins Suisses, 2021

BackgroundInfection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes ... more BackgroundInfection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes an acute illness termed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Humoral immune responses likely play an important role in containing SARS-CoV-2, however, the determinants of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses are unclear.MethodsUsing immunoassays specific for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we determined SARS-CoV-2-specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) in sera and mucosal fluids of two cohorts, including patients with quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR)-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (n = 56; median age 61 years) with mild versus severe COVID-19, and SARS-CoV-2-exposed healthcare workers (n = 109; median age 36 years) with or without symptoms and tested negative or positive by RT-qPCR.FindingsOn average, SARS-CoV-2-specific serum IgA titers in mild COVID-19 cases became positive eight days after symptom onset and were often transient...
Thrombosis Research
The benefits of early thromboprophylaxis in symptomatic COVID-19 outpatients remain unclear. We p... more The benefits of early thromboprophylaxis in symptomatic COVID-19 outpatients remain unclear. We present the 90-day results from the randomised, open-label, parallel-group, investigator-initiated, multinational OVID phase III trial. Methods: Outpatients aged 50 years or older with acute symptomatic COVID-19 were randomised to receive enoxaparin 40 mg for 14 days once daily vs. standard of care (no thromboprophylaxis). The primary outcome was the composite of untoward hospitalisation and all-cause death within 30 days from randomisation. Secondary outcomes included arterial and venous major cardiovascular events, as well as the primary outcome within 90 days from randomisation. The study was prematurely terminated based on statistical criteria after the
Additional file 1. Phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic tree of the super-spreading event and all ... more Additional file 1. Phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic tree of the super-spreading event and all high-quality sequences from Switzerland with collection date on or before March 9, 2020 available on GISAID by August 5, 2020. Sequences from the super-spreading event described here are shown in bold.
Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 2021
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 2020
We investigated healthcare worker (HCW) behavior with regard to a voluntary methicillin-resistant... more We investigated healthcare worker (HCW) behavior with regard to a voluntary methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) staff screening during a MRSA outbreak in a neonatal ward. Avoiding MRSA transmission from HCWs to patients was the most important reason for participation. Inconvenient screening time was the most frequently cited reason for nonparticipation.

Praxis, 2020
Zusammenfassung. Chronisch generalisierter Pruritus ist ein häufiges Symptom. Dermatologische Urs... more Zusammenfassung. Chronisch generalisierter Pruritus ist ein häufiges Symptom. Dermatologische Ursachen müssen von nicht-dermatologischen Ursachen unterschieden werden. Nicht-dermatologisch bedingter Pruritus hat vielfältige Ursachen, wie systemische, infektiologische, neurologische, psychogene Erkrankungen und medikamentöse Nebenwirkungen, von denen einige mit einer signifikanten Morbidität verbunden sein können. Die Möglichkeit einer systemischen Erkrankung sollte bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit generalisiertem Pruritus und ohne Anzeichen für primäre Hautläsionen ausgeschlossen werden. Neben einer sorgfältigen Anamnese und körperlichen Untersuchung können ausgewählte Laboruntersuchungen hilfreich sein, um eine Diagnose zu stellen. Pruritus kann das erste Anzeichen einer malignen, im Besonderen hämatologischen, Erkrankung sein. Pruritus im Zusammenhang mit soliden Tumoren ist auch nicht so selten. Da chronischer Pruritus oft therapierefraktär ist, geht er mit einer deutlichen Ein...

BACKGROUND Health aspects, disease frequencies, and specific health interests of prisoners and re... more BACKGROUND Health aspects, disease frequencies, and specific health interests of prisoners and refugees are poorly understood. Importantly, access to the healthcare system is limited for this vulnerable population. OBJECTIVE Currently, there has been no systematic investigation to understand the health issues of inmates in Switzerland. Furthermore, little is known on how recent migration flows in Europe may have impacted the health conditions of inmates in recent years. We therefore planned a large-scale observational study to establish a public health registry in northern-central Switzerland. METHODS Demographic and health-related data, such as age, sex, country of origin, duration of imprisonment, medication (including the drug name, brand, dosage, and release), medical history (including the ICD codes for all diagnoses and external results that are part of the medical history in the prison) will be deposited in a central register over a span of five years (April 2015 to April 202...
Der Gastroenterologe, 2007
Papers by Silvana Rampini