Papers by Fandri Siburian
Jurnal Agroteknosains, Apr 26, 2022

The aim of study is to analyze the factors that affect the production of organic rice farm and no... more The aim of study is to analyze the factors that affect the production of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses, comparison of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses and analyze appropriateness of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses in researh area. The method of study that used was multiple linear regression analysis, method of cultivation analysis and feasibility analysis. The data used is primary and secondary. The result of study concluded on the independent variabel analysis of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses, the most dominant in influencing the output on organic rice which are pesticides and fertilizer. Meanwhile, the rice farm is non organic, the most dominant in influencing the output on non organic rice which are seeds and breadth of land. Organic rice farm incomes in Lubuk Bayas village Perbaungan sub district Serdang Bedagai regency is Rp 25.753.659,/ha and the income of non organic farm business i...
Analyze Productivity and farming watery rose apple (Syzygiumaqueum L.) in Namorambe district. The... more Analyze Productivity and farming watery rose apple (Syzygiumaqueum L.) in Namorambe district. The result of this research is to find out what the cost or coinage is used in the growing of watery rose apple, the large profit it gets, the attitude toward its farming and the analysis of factors that affect the profits of watery rose apple cultivation in Batu Penejemuran village. The plan used is using qualitative analyse by calculating and analyzing the y-ing data comes from the way interviews are told to honey watery rose apple farmer that total ten people who plant jambu air madu in Namo Rambe Deli Serdang regency. This reasearch has shown that thunder can be obtained at the larger scale of trafic, the lower production cost, total productivity and high market cost in the field when harvesting. The second year started to see a productivity of the can.

The aim of study is to 1) determine the productivity of oil palm in the study area, 2) determine ... more The aim of study is to 1) determine the productivity of oil palm in the study area, 2) determine the income of oil palm farming in the study area and 3) determine the relationship of the cost of oil palm production with the income of oil palm farmers in the study area. This research was conducted in Pulo Bayu village, Hutabayu Raja district, Simalungun regency. The population in this study were farmers who worked on oil palm plants in Pulo Bayu village with a field area ranging from 0.5-10 Ha and the age of the plants between 3.5-18 years. The number of samples in this study were 30 oil palm farmers. Data analysis was performed descriptively and using simple linear regression analysis. The result showed that the productivity of oil palm plants in the study area was classified as low. The production of oil palm farming in the study area is 82,342.80 kg/year or 1,744.76 kg/ ha (1.75 tons/ha/month). This is lower than the average CPO productivity of smallholder estates 2.5 tons/ ha/mon...

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2018
That is a post-harvest problem of timun suri, abundant of produce but less optimal in utilization... more That is a post-harvest problem of timun suri, abundant of produce but less optimal in utilization. In this research we studied the effect of reduction of cucumber water and adding of tapioca (filler) to chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics of fruit Cucumis melo L. Factorial Random Complete Design was used, i.e. two factors, concentration of reduction of cotton pulp water (30%, 40%, and 50%) and the concentration of tapioca addition (filler) (control, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1%) with three replicates for each treatment. The parameters used are texture, color, and hedonic test. The results showed reduction of cucumber pulp water significantly affected the texture, color (lightness, chroma, and hue) fruit leather. The concentration of tapioca addition (filler) has a significant effect on texture, color of fruit leather while the interactions of cucumber pulp water reduction and the addition of real filler to the texture. The results of the hedonic test show that the mean scores for texture, color, flavor, and taste are 3.08, 2.40, 2.60 and 2.40, respectively. Fruit leather A1B3 (30% reduction of cucumber porridge water, 0.75% sizing agent) is the best treatment based on hedonic test with 1022,27 gf texture, color for (lightness 55,77%, chroma 12,51%, and hue 86, 00º).

Andung sari 1 coffee seeds made in Suka Mbayak Village have a large fruit production, but not too... more Andung sari 1 coffee seeds made in Suka Mbayak Village have a large fruit production, but not too high, do not have many wild shoots, are resistant to pests and stems so that farmers are more interested in planting Arabica coffee seeds (Coffea arabica) Andung sari varieties 1. The research method in the research area was determined purposively or deliberately based on the primary data of 20 families of Andung sari 1 arabica coffee farmers, with the characteristics of the respondents described by gender, education, age and occupation. Based on the results of respondents in the field according to gender, the male andung sari coffee farmers were the most respondents (90.1%). Based on the latest education, the most respondents were junior high school and high school students (38.8%). According to respondents, the most age groups were respondents aged 31 - 40 years (65.6%) and while based on job respondents the most respondents were coffee farmers (60.5%). Based on the results of the abo...

Berkembangnya industri pariwisata sebagai sektor andalan untuk memperbesar devisa, memperluas dan... more Berkembangnya industri pariwisata sebagai sektor andalan untuk memperbesar devisa, memperluas dan memeratakan kesempatan berusaha, lapangan kerja serta untuk mendorong pembangunan daerah, ternyata telah mengundang berbagai perhatian dan kritik proporsional terutama ditunjukkan pada berbagai dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh pariwisata “Mass Tourism” (Astuti, 2013) Kegiatan pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang berperan dalam proses pembangunan dan pengembangan wilayah yaitu dalam memberikan kontribusi bagi pendapatan suatu daerah maupun bagi masyarakat . Tapanuli Utara merupakan salah satu unggulan Pariwisata Tobasa, dengan potensi keindahan alam dan letaknya sangat strategis. Kawasan Tapanuli Utara yang dikenal sebagai Tambang “emas” hijau dalam pertanian (Simamora dan sinaga, 2016) Tapanuli Utara merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil nanas terbesar. Hasilnya, puluhan ton nanas Sipahutar selalu didulang per harinya. Lini pertanian ini pun semakin menguatkan rantai jalur ...

Analysis of Marketing of Rawitic Chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) in Barusjahe District, Karo Regen... more Analysis of Marketing of Rawitic Chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) in Barusjahe District, Karo Regency. The method of determining farmer samples was carried out in Simple Random Sampling where the number of chili farmers in the village was 80 kk (head of household), and 20 kk was taken for samples. Data collected in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through direct interviews with farmers and traders using questionnaires that have been prepared previously. Secondary data was obtained from the Karo District Agricultural Service, Channels of cayenne marketing in Sikab Village were divided into two, namely cayenne which was sold to the market (first channel non Ped. Regency collector with a capacity of 74.8 tons) and cayenne sold to the market (second channel through Ped. Collector District with a capacity of 22.6 tons. The results showed that the marketing of cayenne in Karo District has Components of Cost, Price Spread and Share of Cayenne ...

The limitation of mineral land as a productive land makes some people expand oil palm cultivation... more The limitation of mineral land as a productive land makes some people expand oil palm cultivation to peat land in marginal class conditions (Class S3). The expansion of oil palm plantations into peatlands is accompanied by Government Regulation No. 57 of 2016 concerning Protection and Management of Peat Ecosystems. The regulation has a positive effect to protect and restore the hydrological function of peat, but also affects the management of oil palm cultivation. The limitation of peatlands also makes some people switch to using the highlands as a form of agricultural and plantation extensification. Planting oil palms in the highlands is a form of expansion of oil palm cultivation that is limited due to lack of sufficient land availability. It is necessary to carry out technical culture and cost requirements that are "more" in order to obtain the same production resembling the treatment of oil palm technical culture in very suitable class land conditions (Class S1). Some ...
Papers by Fandri Siburian