Making fusion power viable both technologically and commercially has been a challenge for decades... more Making fusion power viable both technologically and commercially has been a challenge for decades due to the great complexity of the science and engineering challenges. In recent years, changes in both government policies and the emergence of private fusion companies have ushered a newfound push to accelerate fusion energy development. Kyoto Fusioneering (KF) is a privately funded fusion engineering start-up, founded to accelerate the development of high performance, commercially viable technologies that will be required for a fusion power plant, specifically those associated with heating and current drive systems, power generation, and the tritium fuel cycle. The company is focused on supporting the rapid expansion of the budding fusion industry. This paper provides a high-level description of some of the technical and industrial challenges it is tackling in developing a commercial fusion reactor, in particular in relation to: plasma heating with gyrotrons, tritium handling and bre...
For sustainametrics to gain a firm ground as an effective concept, the meaning of development sha... more For sustainametrics to gain a firm ground as an effective concept, the meaning of development shall be revisited first without depending on any statistical measurement. The word “development” originally meant the act of disclosure or opening a cover to disclose what is inside. Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) analyzed the significance of alētheuein, or “to bring the world out of its hidden and covered state and into ours,” and explicates that the alētheia under the condition of modern technology is dominated by a mode of revealing that is destructive to the earthly beings. Here, the danger inherent in the essence of technology, i.e., enframing [Ge-stell], renders human beings incapable of encountering the essence of beings as they are challenged and demanded to frame everything they encounter, including themselves, as mere variables. In contrast to Heidegger's thinking as releasement [Gelassenheit], Hannah Arendt's (1906–1975) conception of disclosure is closely tied to action. ...
During the past two decades, the world has seen exponential growth in the number of companies rep... more During the past two decades, the world has seen exponential growth in the number of companies reporting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data, and various ESG metrics have been proposed and are now in use. ESG metrics play a crucial role as an enabler of investment strategies that consider ESG factors, which are often referred to as “ESG investments”. The ESG metrics and investment market are evolving rapidly, as investors, corporations, and the public are giving more priority to the “S” in ESG, including social equity issues, such as diversity, income inequality, worker safety, systemic racism, and companies' broader role in society. In this critical, systematic review, utilizing in-depth assessments, we investigate and compare the approaches employed in major ESG metrics and studies, then, we shed light on the “S” aspect by reviewing existing approaches used to assess social equity to clarify commensurability with ESG. Through the systematic review, this paper confi...
Interest in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from conventional power generation has increase... more Interest in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from conventional power generation has increased the focus on the potential use of hydrogen to produce electricity. Numerous life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies of hydrogen-based power generation have been published. This study reviews the technological and methodological choices made in hydrogen-based power generation LCAs. A systematic review was chosen as the research method to achieve a comprehensive and minimally biased overview of hydrogen-based power generation LCAs. Relevant articles published between 2004 and 2021 were identified by searching the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Electrolysis from renewable energy resources was the most widely considered type of hydrogen production in the LCAs analyzed. Fuel cell technology was the most common conversion equipment used in hydrogen-based electricity LCAs. A significant number of scenarios examine the use of hydrogen for energy storage and co-generation purposes. Based on q...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected society in immeasurable ways, including investme... more The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected society in immeasurable ways, including investment. As the pandemic has impacted society's values, it has proven to be a major turning point for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment. This investment approach, which evaluates a company's ESG ratings alongside traditional financial metrics, was already “coming off a banner year,” and its reach continues to expand. Although numerous studies have investigated the impact of ESG scores on financial returns and the trend in ESG investment strategies, only a limited number of studies have attempted to capture the key players in ESG investment. Therefore, to determine the most influential investors in the ESG investment field, the cumulative impacts are calculated based on the ESG scores of invested companies, the total market price of invested companies, and the investor history portfolio report. We perform an iteration of calculation to convey the impacts that the i...
Progress in the development of fusion energy has gained momentum in recent years. However, questi... more Progress in the development of fusion energy has gained momentum in recent years. However, questions remain across key subject areas that will affect the path to commercial fusion energy. The purpose of this review is to expose socio-economic areas that need further research, and from this assist in making recommendations to the fusion community, (and policy makers and regulators) in order to redirect and orient fusion for commercialisation: When commercialised, what form does it take? Where does it fit into a future energy system? Compared to other technologies, how much will fusion cost? Why do it? When is it likely that fusion reaches commercialisation? Investigations that have sought to answer these questions carry looming uncertainty, mainly stemming from the techno-economics of emerging fusion technology in the private sector, and due to the potential for applications outside of electricity generation coming into consideration. Such topics covered include hydrogen, desalinatio...
The authors constructed a dynamic simulation model of a nuclear fusion power plant on Modelica la... more The authors constructed a dynamic simulation model of a nuclear fusion power plant on Modelica language to obtain fundamental knowledge on the plasma control requirements for the future commercial fusion power plants. The fusion power plant model was designed with a 1500-MW thermal output tokamak reactor with He-cooled Li2TiO3 solid breeder blanket (coolant outlet conditions: 8 MPa and 515.8°C). A superheated Rankine cycle was designed to achieve the electrical output of 485.38 MW with the operating pressure of 20.5 MPa. Two plasma output patterns, a step decrease of power and a single pulse decrease of power, were simulated to assess the response of the power plant. A sudden step decrease in fusion neutron led to an immediate decrease in the blanket temperature and the first coolant temperature. In order to avoid the sharp temperature drop, a need for a turbine bypass mechanism or a He coolant boiler bypass mechanism was indicated. On the other hand, because of the delay in the plant responses, the deviation of the electrical output from steady state could be minimized by recovering the plasma output in few tens of seconds. Based on the findings, a new diagram was presented that illustrates an important plasma control requirements for future commercial fusion power plants.
Organic aerosol (OA) is a major component of fine particulate matter (PM) affecting air quality, ... more Organic aerosol (OA) is a major component of fine particulate matter (PM) affecting air quality, human health, and the climate. The bsorptive and reflective behavior of OA components contributes to determining particle optical properties and thus their effects on the radiative budget of the troposphere. There is limited knowledge on the influence of the molecular composition of OA on particle optical properties in the polluted urban environment. In this study, we characterized the molecular composition of oxygenated OA collected on filter samples in autumn of 2018 in Beijing, China, with a filter inlet for gases and aerosols coupled to a high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer (FIGAERO-CIMS). Three haze episodes occurred during our sampling period with daily maximum concentrations of OA of 50, 30, and 55 µg m-3 , respectively. We found that the signal intensities of dicarboxylic acids and sulfur-containing compounds increased during the two more intense haze episodes, while the relative contributions of wood-burning markers and other aromatic compounds were enhanced during the cleaner periods. We further assessed the optical properties of oxygenated OA components by combining the detailed chemical composition measurements with collocated particle light absorption measurements. We show that light-absorption enhancement (Eabs) of black carbon (BC) was mostly related to more oxygenated OA (e.g. dicarboxylic acids), likely formed in aqueous-phase reactions during the intense haze periods with higher relative humidity, and speculate that they might contribute to lensing effects. Aromatics and nitro-aromatics (e.g. nitrocatechol and its derivatives) were mostly related to a high light absorption coefficient (babs) consistent with light-absorbing (brown) carbon (BrC). Our results provide information on oxygenated OA components at the molecular level associated with BrC and BC particle light-absorption and can serve as a basis for further studies on the effects of anthropogenic OA on radiative forcing in the urban environment. 1. Introduction Organic aerosol (OA) makes up a large fraction of submicron aerosol particles globally (Jimenez et al., 2009). As such, OA plays an essential role in numerous atmospheric processes such as photochemical oxidation, new particle formation and growth, and cloud formation, and influences atmospheric pollution and human health, as well as global radiative forcing
Making fusion power viable both technologically and commercially has been a challenge for decades... more Making fusion power viable both technologically and commercially has been a challenge for decades due to the great complexity of the science and engineering challenges. In recent years, changes in both government policies and the emergence of private fusion companies have ushered a newfound push to accelerate fusion energy development. Kyoto Fusioneering (KF) is a privately funded fusion engineering start-up, founded to accelerate the development of high performance, commercially viable technologies that will be required for a fusion power plant, specifically those associated with heating and current drive systems, power generation, and the tritium fuel cycle. The company is focused on supporting the rapid expansion of the budding fusion industry. This paper provides a high-level description of some of the technical and industrial challenges it is tackling in developing a commercial fusion reactor, in particular in relation to: plasma heating with gyrotrons, tritium handling and bre...
For sustainametrics to gain a firm ground as an effective concept, the meaning of development sha... more For sustainametrics to gain a firm ground as an effective concept, the meaning of development shall be revisited first without depending on any statistical measurement. The word “development” originally meant the act of disclosure or opening a cover to disclose what is inside. Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) analyzed the significance of alētheuein, or “to bring the world out of its hidden and covered state and into ours,” and explicates that the alētheia under the condition of modern technology is dominated by a mode of revealing that is destructive to the earthly beings. Here, the danger inherent in the essence of technology, i.e., enframing [Ge-stell], renders human beings incapable of encountering the essence of beings as they are challenged and demanded to frame everything they encounter, including themselves, as mere variables. In contrast to Heidegger's thinking as releasement [Gelassenheit], Hannah Arendt's (1906–1975) conception of disclosure is closely tied to action. ...
During the past two decades, the world has seen exponential growth in the number of companies rep... more During the past two decades, the world has seen exponential growth in the number of companies reporting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data, and various ESG metrics have been proposed and are now in use. ESG metrics play a crucial role as an enabler of investment strategies that consider ESG factors, which are often referred to as “ESG investments”. The ESG metrics and investment market are evolving rapidly, as investors, corporations, and the public are giving more priority to the “S” in ESG, including social equity issues, such as diversity, income inequality, worker safety, systemic racism, and companies' broader role in society. In this critical, systematic review, utilizing in-depth assessments, we investigate and compare the approaches employed in major ESG metrics and studies, then, we shed light on the “S” aspect by reviewing existing approaches used to assess social equity to clarify commensurability with ESG. Through the systematic review, this paper confi...
Interest in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from conventional power generation has increase... more Interest in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from conventional power generation has increased the focus on the potential use of hydrogen to produce electricity. Numerous life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies of hydrogen-based power generation have been published. This study reviews the technological and methodological choices made in hydrogen-based power generation LCAs. A systematic review was chosen as the research method to achieve a comprehensive and minimally biased overview of hydrogen-based power generation LCAs. Relevant articles published between 2004 and 2021 were identified by searching the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Electrolysis from renewable energy resources was the most widely considered type of hydrogen production in the LCAs analyzed. Fuel cell technology was the most common conversion equipment used in hydrogen-based electricity LCAs. A significant number of scenarios examine the use of hydrogen for energy storage and co-generation purposes. Based on q...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected society in immeasurable ways, including investme... more The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected society in immeasurable ways, including investment. As the pandemic has impacted society's values, it has proven to be a major turning point for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment. This investment approach, which evaluates a company's ESG ratings alongside traditional financial metrics, was already “coming off a banner year,” and its reach continues to expand. Although numerous studies have investigated the impact of ESG scores on financial returns and the trend in ESG investment strategies, only a limited number of studies have attempted to capture the key players in ESG investment. Therefore, to determine the most influential investors in the ESG investment field, the cumulative impacts are calculated based on the ESG scores of invested companies, the total market price of invested companies, and the investor history portfolio report. We perform an iteration of calculation to convey the impacts that the i...
Progress in the development of fusion energy has gained momentum in recent years. However, questi... more Progress in the development of fusion energy has gained momentum in recent years. However, questions remain across key subject areas that will affect the path to commercial fusion energy. The purpose of this review is to expose socio-economic areas that need further research, and from this assist in making recommendations to the fusion community, (and policy makers and regulators) in order to redirect and orient fusion for commercialisation: When commercialised, what form does it take? Where does it fit into a future energy system? Compared to other technologies, how much will fusion cost? Why do it? When is it likely that fusion reaches commercialisation? Investigations that have sought to answer these questions carry looming uncertainty, mainly stemming from the techno-economics of emerging fusion technology in the private sector, and due to the potential for applications outside of electricity generation coming into consideration. Such topics covered include hydrogen, desalinatio...
The authors constructed a dynamic simulation model of a nuclear fusion power plant on Modelica la... more The authors constructed a dynamic simulation model of a nuclear fusion power plant on Modelica language to obtain fundamental knowledge on the plasma control requirements for the future commercial fusion power plants. The fusion power plant model was designed with a 1500-MW thermal output tokamak reactor with He-cooled Li2TiO3 solid breeder blanket (coolant outlet conditions: 8 MPa and 515.8°C). A superheated Rankine cycle was designed to achieve the electrical output of 485.38 MW with the operating pressure of 20.5 MPa. Two plasma output patterns, a step decrease of power and a single pulse decrease of power, were simulated to assess the response of the power plant. A sudden step decrease in fusion neutron led to an immediate decrease in the blanket temperature and the first coolant temperature. In order to avoid the sharp temperature drop, a need for a turbine bypass mechanism or a He coolant boiler bypass mechanism was indicated. On the other hand, because of the delay in the plant responses, the deviation of the electrical output from steady state could be minimized by recovering the plasma output in few tens of seconds. Based on the findings, a new diagram was presented that illustrates an important plasma control requirements for future commercial fusion power plants.
Organic aerosol (OA) is a major component of fine particulate matter (PM) affecting air quality, ... more Organic aerosol (OA) is a major component of fine particulate matter (PM) affecting air quality, human health, and the climate. The bsorptive and reflective behavior of OA components contributes to determining particle optical properties and thus their effects on the radiative budget of the troposphere. There is limited knowledge on the influence of the molecular composition of OA on particle optical properties in the polluted urban environment. In this study, we characterized the molecular composition of oxygenated OA collected on filter samples in autumn of 2018 in Beijing, China, with a filter inlet for gases and aerosols coupled to a high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer (FIGAERO-CIMS). Three haze episodes occurred during our sampling period with daily maximum concentrations of OA of 50, 30, and 55 µg m-3 , respectively. We found that the signal intensities of dicarboxylic acids and sulfur-containing compounds increased during the two more intense haze episodes, while the relative contributions of wood-burning markers and other aromatic compounds were enhanced during the cleaner periods. We further assessed the optical properties of oxygenated OA components by combining the detailed chemical composition measurements with collocated particle light absorption measurements. We show that light-absorption enhancement (Eabs) of black carbon (BC) was mostly related to more oxygenated OA (e.g. dicarboxylic acids), likely formed in aqueous-phase reactions during the intense haze periods with higher relative humidity, and speculate that they might contribute to lensing effects. Aromatics and nitro-aromatics (e.g. nitrocatechol and its derivatives) were mostly related to a high light absorption coefficient (babs) consistent with light-absorbing (brown) carbon (BrC). Our results provide information on oxygenated OA components at the molecular level associated with BrC and BC particle light-absorption and can serve as a basis for further studies on the effects of anthropogenic OA on radiative forcing in the urban environment. 1. Introduction Organic aerosol (OA) makes up a large fraction of submicron aerosol particles globally (Jimenez et al., 2009). As such, OA plays an essential role in numerous atmospheric processes such as photochemical oxidation, new particle formation and growth, and cloud formation, and influences atmospheric pollution and human health, as well as global radiative forcing
Papers by Shutaro Takeda