Wheat is an important food grain crop of north India of winter season and provides staple food to... more Wheat is an important food grain crop of north India of winter season and provides staple food to its population. With respect to area and total production, Uttar Pradesh occupies the first position in both area and production of wheat in nation. In Uttar Pradesh, Etah is one of prominent wheat producing district in Uttar Pradesh and is situated in the northeast of the Agra and bounded by Aligarh and Mainpuri districts. A two stage stratified random sampling was used in the study for the selection of villages and wheat farmers. Cobb-Douglas production function model has been fitted to work out the efficiency of various factors employed in the production process. It was found that in all farm categories, the regression coefficient for human labour was observed highest followed by that of seed, irrigation and manures and fertilisers and that indicated the highest response for per unit increase in Human labour on output and lesser for other variables. The sum of the regression coefficients (Σbi) was more than one showing an increasing return to scale on all categories of farm .
Wheat is an important food grain crop of north India of winter season and provides staple food to... more Wheat is an important food grain crop of north India of winter season and provides staple food to its population. With respect to area and total production, Uttar Pradesh occupies the first position in both area and production of wheat in nation. In Uttar Pradesh, Etah is one of prominent wheat producing district in Uttar Pradesh and is situated in the northeast of the Agra and bounded by Aligarh and Mainpuri districts. A two stage stratified random sampling was used in the study for the selection of villages and wheat farmers. Cobb-Douglas production function model has been fitted to work out the efficiency of various factors employed in the production process. It was found that in all farm categories, the regression coefficient for human labour was observed highest followed by that of seed, irrigation and manures and fertilisers and that indicated the highest response for per unit increase in Human labour on output and lesser for other variables. The sum of the regression coefficients (Σbi) was more than one showing an increasing return to scale on all categories of farm .
Papers by Shubham Verma