A distributed heterogeneous computing (HC) system consists of diversely capable machines harnesse... more A distributed heterogeneous computing (HC) system consists of diversely capable machines harnessed together to execute a set of tasks that vary in their computational requirements. Heuristics are needed to map (match and schedule) tasks onto machines in an HC system so as to optimize some figure of merit. An HC system model is needed to simulate different HC environments to allow the study of the relative performance of different mapping heuristics under different circumstances. This paper characterizes a simulated HC environment by using the expected execution times of the tasks that arrive in the system on the different machines present in the system. This information is arranged in an “expected time to compute” (ETC) matrix as a model of the given HC system, where the entry (i, j) is the expected execution time of task i on machine j. The ETC model is used to express the heterogeneity among the runtimes of the tasks to be executed, and among the machines in the HC system. An exis...
This research investigates the problem of allocating a set of heterogeneous applications to a set... more This research investigates the problem of allocating a set of heterogeneous applications to a set of heterogeneous machines connected together by a high-speed network. The proposed resource allocation heuristics were implemented on the High Performance Distributed Computing Program's (HiPer-D) Naval Surface Warfare Center testbed. The goal of this study is to design static resource allocation heuristics that balance the utilization of the computation and network resources while ensuring very low failure rates. A failure occurs if no allocation is found that allows the system to meet its resource and quality of service constraints. The broader goal is to determine an initial resource allocation that maximizes the time before run-time reallocation is required for managing an increased workload. This study proposes two heuristics that perform well with respect to the load-balancing and failure rates. These heuristics are, therefore, very desirable for HiPer-D like systems where low failure rates can be a critical requirement.
Review of Education, Administration & LAW, 2021
This study describes and expounds link between motivation-enhancing HR practices (M-HRM) and cust... more This study describes and expounds link between motivation-enhancing HR practices (M-HRM) and customer satisfaction (CS). Motivation-enhancing HR practices include compensation & incentive (CI) and performance management (PM).The mediation of emotional intelligence (EI) is verified between the M-HRM and CS. The research was directed on 126 bank branches operational in Punjab (Pakistan) with 467 banking employees and 934 customers. The process of statistical analysis was performed by Structural equation modeling (SEM). A substantial relationship amongst all the variables of study (i.e. M-HRM, EI and CS) was established. It was clinched resultantly, that M-HRM exert impact on CS, through EI in direct as well as indirect ways.
International Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research, Jul 31, 2011
Chronic myeloid leukemia is a multifactorial molecular anomaly that confounds the standardization... more Chronic myeloid leukemia is a multifactorial molecular anomaly that confounds the standardization of therapy to date. It is triggered by a broad spectrum of "fused oncoproteins" which are entailed in the disease refractoriness. In Pakistan the molecular diagnosis for leukemia is still in its infancy, as the diagnosis does not efficiently encompass a wide range of the fusion transcripts which are generated as a result of exclusive genomic rearrangements. Two point mutations C944T and T932C of ABL gene were detected which cause complete/partial imatinib resistance with limelight NUP98-LEDGF fusion transcript. It will be helpful in understanding primary resistance of molecularly targeted cancer therapies.
Competency has been defined as collective set of relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes that t... more Competency has been defined as collective set of relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes that trigger and promote performance of individual in effective way for successful performance (Cooper and Graham, 2001; Herringer, 2002; Langdon and Whiteside, 2004). Pakistan has an elaborate bureaucratic agricultural extension system with entire provincial set up having separate Directorate Generals for agricultural extension (Mellor, 1994). However, the recent fiscal deficit and budgetary crises adversely affected all spheres including agriculture sector. Country, like Pakistan facing problems in agricultural extension system due to top down planning, insufficient operational fund, rigid bureaucratic procedure of delicate management, ignored tailend users and lack of involvement of stakeholders in decision making process (Davidson et al., 2001). Due to these factors, the diffusion of innovation among small scale farmers is a very slow (Mahmood, 1987; Rashid, 1987; Tahseen, 1987; Rogers, 19...
1 Masters student in social work, college of law and political scieence Zhejiang normal universit... more 1 Masters student in social work, college of law and political scieence Zhejiang normal university, china (E-mail. [email protected]) 2 PhD Scholar, Department of sociology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan ( E-mail. [email protected] ) 3 Masters student in University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan ( Email. [email protected] ) 4 Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. Scholar in Department of Public Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur Sindh Pakistan. (E-mail. [email protected] )
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2019
Hydropower plants play a key role in power sector. Pakistan is facing an acute energy crisis due ... more Hydropower plants play a key role in power sector. Pakistan is facing an acute energy crisis due to dependence on fossil fuels having economical as well as environmental consequences. Now-a-days, small hydropower is important in Pakistan due to its simplicity, efficiency and availability of hydro potential in this region. The present work includes designing of cross flow turbine and evaluating its performance parameters like tip speed ratio λ, power coefficient C p and constraints affected by inlet guide vane angle. The prototype is tested for different guide vane angle; that is 20.5°,25.5°,30.5°,35.5°,40.5° to find maximum efficiency of cross-flow turbine. Power coefficients C p for cross-flow turbine are calculated for different inlet guide vane angle and tip-speed ratios (TSR . This cross flow turbine has been designed for low head of 6 meter which would have theoretically generated the electricity of 10 kW. The experimental setup is tested at the hilly waterfalls region and its ...
The study aimed to empirically investigate the impact of board diversity variables (age, gender, ... more The study aimed to empirically investigate the impact of board diversity variables (age, gender, nationality, education, tenure, and expertise) on the investment preferences of foreign institutional investors in an emerging market, China. For this, sample data consisted of 1374 nonfinancial Chinese firms from 2009 to 2018. The study used OLS regression as a baseline regression, a fixed effect model to control omitted variable bias, and the two-step systems GMM model to control the endogeneity problem. The study revealed that board diversity variables (gender, nationality, education, and financial expertise) are positively associated with foreign institutional ownership in Chinese nonfinancial firms, implying that foreign institutional investors own a high percentage of Chinese nonfinancial firms with diversity of gender, nationality, education, and financial expertise. Age and tenure of board diversity, on the other hand, have little correlation with foreign institutional ownership....
This research aims at exploring the language and rhetorical devices used by advertisers to make p... more This research aims at exploring the language and rhetorical devices used by advertisers to make people and customers buy their products. The ads that have been put to analysis are of fairness products which have been selected from internet. The study falls into the realm of qualitative method. This study basically focuses the use of language in fairness products from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. The findings indicate the vocabulary, language patterns, techniques and texts used by advertisers to manipulate the concept of beauty by forcing the point of view that only fair complexion in a symbol of beauty and the product is giving you the everlasting beauty. The study also explores that how these stereotypes and power over the audience in maintained by endorsing celebrities as an efficient tool for advertising.
ABSTRACT: Agriculture is considered as the main driving force in Pakistan’s economy employing 45%... more ABSTRACT: Agriculture is considered as the main driving force in Pakistan’s economy employing 45% of the country’s labor force and generating 20% of national GDP Agriculture sector of Pakistan is facing numerous challenges including non-adoption of agricultural technology at the farm level, due to farmers’ lack of access to the latest information. In this context, the current study focusses on the use of the mobile phone in accessing agricultural information among the farmers of the of district Muzaffargarh,Punjab, Pakistan. A multistage sampling technique was used to collect data from the two tehsils (cities/sub-districts) of Muzaffargarh formulating a total sample of 180 farmers. SPSS computer-based Software was used for analyzing the data. Results revealed that 91.2% of the farmers indicated mobile phone ownership. It was further reported that 87.20 % of the farmers used private sectors advisory staff to obtain agriculture information. Market information was ranked as the highest...
This study is affiliated with the ideology of integration of political participation and media, s... more This study is affiliated with the ideology of integration of political participation and media, so in this connection it is seen there is popularity gained by social networks sites in modern age, and users of these sites are increasing day by day, they are engaged in Youtube, Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook and other SNS. They always believe this is appropriate platform to proceed or local political activities of daily life. This research shows that youth are frequently sharing, posting, and interesting discussion on various political uses frequently. They preview it is a great platform to support and active their political leaders as well as political parties. It is also said in this research SNS is cheapest and Low-Paid platform to proceed information and youth are taking responsibility to gain proper advantage of these networks. In this research quantitative approach has been adopted and results are measured through SPSS-23 version. 39 items are used in questionnaire to accumulate or assemble the meaningful information of integration of media and Political Participation of youth in Khairpur district, Sindh Pakistan. It is shown different parliamentarian, Government officials and youth are using such networks they consider that are sources of their power to be influential in their consistency. Furthermore, it is seen in Khairpur. Facebook, and Youtube has a strong effect in political participation whereas, youth are not much awared how to use other social sites in this noble cause.
Although Oligoenoplus species аre known to be mostly confined to the Oriental Region, only two co... more Although Oligoenoplus species аre known to be mostly confined to the Oriental Region, only two congeners appear to currently occur in China. One of them, from Sichuan, is new: Oligoenoplus gonggashanus sp. n. It somewhat resembles the second Chinese congener, O. modicus Holzschuh, 2011, described recently from Henan, as well as O. rosti (Pic, 1911), widespread in Japan and the Kurile Islands, but differs securely from both latter taxa by a whole number of characters. The sole species until rather recently believed to represent Oligoenoplus in China (Catalogue …, 2010) actually belongs to a different genus, thus becoming Anaglyptus annulicornis (Pic, 1933), comb. n. Its type locality is precised. Some characters in Oligoenoplus species, including body size, are also discussed.
Wheat is a member of family Poaceae. It is the major staple food of Pakistan. The present study w... more Wheat is a member of family Poaceae. It is the major staple food of Pakistan. The present study was done to improve the regeneration of two commercially grown wheat varieties Kohsar and Khyber-87. Mature embryos were used as explants. Five different concentrations of 2,4-D; 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 mg/L were used for callus induction. For regeneration, initially different concentrations (0.1 to 0.2) of IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) were experimented. The best combination of these hormones that is, 0.1 mg/L IAA and 0.5 mg/L BAP were further subjected to experimentation along with different concentrations of kinetin; 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 1 mg/L. Maximum calli of Kohsar (83.3%) was obtained at 3 mg/L 2,4-D whereas for Khyber-87 maximum callus induction (71.70%) was obtained at 3.5 mg/l 2,4-D. The maximum regeneration of both Kohsar and Khyber-87 (80.5 and 62.2%, respectively) were obtained at the combinations of 0.1 mg/L IAA, 0.5 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L kinetin.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) belongs to the family leguminosae and is one of the world's larg... more Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) belongs to the family leguminosae and is one of the world's largest oilseed crops. This study is the first report on peanut regeneration from Pakistan using four commercially released peanut varieties, that is, Golden, BARI-2000, BARD-479 and BARD-92. Longitudinally, halved cotyledons with removed embryos were employed as explants. Among various tested combinations of BAP and NAA, the best combination was 4 and 0.1 mg/L respectively. BARI-2000 proved to be the best responsive variety for in vitro regeneration in terms of number of shoots/explant (133.3%) and number of rooted plants/explant (124.99%). The optimized protocol, which is the first one in the country, would be used to incorporate important traits in future breeding programmes of peanut in Pakistan.
Due to an aggressive use of pesticides on crops, the insect pests have developed resistance, posi... more Due to an aggressive use of pesticides on crops, the insect pests have developed resistance, posing a serious threat to the agriculture in Pakistan. This situation highlights the need to promote IPM among farming community. Private sector in Pakistan has been actively engaged in agricultural extension services since 1988. Currently, about 500 pesticide companies are working in private sector and providing plant protection advisory services to the farmers. This study investigated the role of private sector in promoting IPM practices among the farming community in Punjab, Pakistan. Sixty (60) extension personnel of a private extension agency and some 408 farmers were selected for interview by using simple random sampling technique through Fitzgibbon table. The data were collected through validated interview schedule and analyzed by using SPSS. The results of the study revealed that the mean value for the physical, cultural, and biological control methods, was below 2 indicating that p...
Livestock sector is not only most important source of rural livelihoods but also known as black g... more Livestock sector is not only most important source of rural livelihoods but also known as black gold of our country and usually this sector is under control of rural women at household level. But unfortunately they have least access to livestock extension services. There are many constraints which are being faced by farm women in attaining access to livestock extension services. To explore these obstacles and their extent of participation in different livestock management activities, the current research was planned in Tehsil Samundari of district Faisalabad. A multistage random sampling technique was employed to select the study respondents. Data were collected from randomly selected 80 farm women. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used and analysis was done by using computer software (SPSS). The results showed that the participation of farm women was maximum in poultry raising. Among different obstacles which hinder their access to extension service...
Globally, there is a trend towards privatization due to poor performance of public extension serv... more Globally, there is a trend towards privatization due to poor performance of public extension services. Private agricultural extension system is considered demand-driven, cost-effective with efficient and quality services. This study was conducted to assess the opportunities and threats for private extension system regarding farmers' willingness to pay (WTP) for advisory services. Respondents were asked about their WTP on four point scale. Data were collected from 408 farmers selected randomly through multistage sampling from the province Punjab. The data were summarized using frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation. Results of the analysis showed that farmers were willing to pay for the services of cotton and rice crops in cotton-zone and rice-zone respectively. Similarly in both zones, farmers were also willing to pay for wheat crop. But in central-mixed-zone, farmers were not willing to pay for the services. This study concludes that limited opportunities exist for...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2010
To determine the outcome of thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis and safety of median st... more To determine the outcome of thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis and safety of median sternotomy approach. An observational descriptive study was conducted in the department of thoracic surgery JPMC from February 2005 to January 2009. Twenty-two patients having persistent generalized or ocular myasthenia gravis referred to our department by neurologists and general physicians, partially or not responding to medical treatment with or without thymoma, were included in the study. Those who were not fit for anaesthesia were excluded. Preoperatively 2 to 3 sessions of plasmapheresis were done and each patient was given anti myasthenia gravis treatment. Clinical staging was done by Modified Osserman classification. Median sternotomy approach was used. Outcome was assessed on the basis of remission of disease in different Osserman groups. All patients were followed for a minimum of 6 months. Out of 22 patients, 16 (72.7%) were females and 6 (27.2%) males. Mean age at presentation ...
In many distributed computing environments, collections of applications need to be processed usin... more In many distributed computing environments, collections of applications need to be processed using a set of heterogeneous computing (HC) resources to maximize some performance goal. An important research problem in these environments is how to assign resources to applications (matching) and order the execution of the applications (scheduling) so as to maximize some performance criterion without violating any constraints. This process of matching and scheduling is called mapping. 1Howard Jay Siegel holds a joint appointment in the Computer Science Department as well. 2Albert I. Reuther is currently with
A distributed heterogeneous computing (HC) system consists of diversely capable machines harnesse... more A distributed heterogeneous computing (HC) system consists of diversely capable machines harnessed together to execute a set of tasks that vary in their computational requirements. Heuristics are needed to map (match and schedule) tasks onto machines in an HC system so as to optimize some figure of merit. An HC system model is needed to simulate different HC environments to allow the study of the relative performance of different mapping heuristics under different circumstances. This paper characterizes a simulated HC environment by using the expected execution times of the tasks that arrive in the system on the different machines present in the system. This information is arranged in an “expected time to compute” (ETC) matrix as a model of the given HC system, where the entry (i, j) is the expected execution time of task i on machine j. The ETC model is used to express the heterogeneity among the runtimes of the tasks to be executed, and among the machines in the HC system. An exis...
This research investigates the problem of allocating a set of heterogeneous applications to a set... more This research investigates the problem of allocating a set of heterogeneous applications to a set of heterogeneous machines connected together by a high-speed network. The proposed resource allocation heuristics were implemented on the High Performance Distributed Computing Program's (HiPer-D) Naval Surface Warfare Center testbed. The goal of this study is to design static resource allocation heuristics that balance the utilization of the computation and network resources while ensuring very low failure rates. A failure occurs if no allocation is found that allows the system to meet its resource and quality of service constraints. The broader goal is to determine an initial resource allocation that maximizes the time before run-time reallocation is required for managing an increased workload. This study proposes two heuristics that perform well with respect to the load-balancing and failure rates. These heuristics are, therefore, very desirable for HiPer-D like systems where low failure rates can be a critical requirement.
Review of Education, Administration & LAW, 2021
This study describes and expounds link between motivation-enhancing HR practices (M-HRM) and cust... more This study describes and expounds link between motivation-enhancing HR practices (M-HRM) and customer satisfaction (CS). Motivation-enhancing HR practices include compensation & incentive (CI) and performance management (PM).The mediation of emotional intelligence (EI) is verified between the M-HRM and CS. The research was directed on 126 bank branches operational in Punjab (Pakistan) with 467 banking employees and 934 customers. The process of statistical analysis was performed by Structural equation modeling (SEM). A substantial relationship amongst all the variables of study (i.e. M-HRM, EI and CS) was established. It was clinched resultantly, that M-HRM exert impact on CS, through EI in direct as well as indirect ways.
International Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research, Jul 31, 2011
Chronic myeloid leukemia is a multifactorial molecular anomaly that confounds the standardization... more Chronic myeloid leukemia is a multifactorial molecular anomaly that confounds the standardization of therapy to date. It is triggered by a broad spectrum of "fused oncoproteins" which are entailed in the disease refractoriness. In Pakistan the molecular diagnosis for leukemia is still in its infancy, as the diagnosis does not efficiently encompass a wide range of the fusion transcripts which are generated as a result of exclusive genomic rearrangements. Two point mutations C944T and T932C of ABL gene were detected which cause complete/partial imatinib resistance with limelight NUP98-LEDGF fusion transcript. It will be helpful in understanding primary resistance of molecularly targeted cancer therapies.
Competency has been defined as collective set of relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes that t... more Competency has been defined as collective set of relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes that trigger and promote performance of individual in effective way for successful performance (Cooper and Graham, 2001; Herringer, 2002; Langdon and Whiteside, 2004). Pakistan has an elaborate bureaucratic agricultural extension system with entire provincial set up having separate Directorate Generals for agricultural extension (Mellor, 1994). However, the recent fiscal deficit and budgetary crises adversely affected all spheres including agriculture sector. Country, like Pakistan facing problems in agricultural extension system due to top down planning, insufficient operational fund, rigid bureaucratic procedure of delicate management, ignored tailend users and lack of involvement of stakeholders in decision making process (Davidson et al., 2001). Due to these factors, the diffusion of innovation among small scale farmers is a very slow (Mahmood, 1987; Rashid, 1987; Tahseen, 1987; Rogers, 19...
1 Masters student in social work, college of law and political scieence Zhejiang normal universit... more 1 Masters student in social work, college of law and political scieence Zhejiang normal university, china (E-mail. [email protected]) 2 PhD Scholar, Department of sociology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan ( E-mail. [email protected] ) 3 Masters student in University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan ( Email. [email protected] ) 4 Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. Scholar in Department of Public Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur Sindh Pakistan. (E-mail. [email protected] )
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2019
Hydropower plants play a key role in power sector. Pakistan is facing an acute energy crisis due ... more Hydropower plants play a key role in power sector. Pakistan is facing an acute energy crisis due to dependence on fossil fuels having economical as well as environmental consequences. Now-a-days, small hydropower is important in Pakistan due to its simplicity, efficiency and availability of hydro potential in this region. The present work includes designing of cross flow turbine and evaluating its performance parameters like tip speed ratio λ, power coefficient C p and constraints affected by inlet guide vane angle. The prototype is tested for different guide vane angle; that is 20.5°,25.5°,30.5°,35.5°,40.5° to find maximum efficiency of cross-flow turbine. Power coefficients C p for cross-flow turbine are calculated for different inlet guide vane angle and tip-speed ratios (TSR . This cross flow turbine has been designed for low head of 6 meter which would have theoretically generated the electricity of 10 kW. The experimental setup is tested at the hilly waterfalls region and its ...
The study aimed to empirically investigate the impact of board diversity variables (age, gender, ... more The study aimed to empirically investigate the impact of board diversity variables (age, gender, nationality, education, tenure, and expertise) on the investment preferences of foreign institutional investors in an emerging market, China. For this, sample data consisted of 1374 nonfinancial Chinese firms from 2009 to 2018. The study used OLS regression as a baseline regression, a fixed effect model to control omitted variable bias, and the two-step systems GMM model to control the endogeneity problem. The study revealed that board diversity variables (gender, nationality, education, and financial expertise) are positively associated with foreign institutional ownership in Chinese nonfinancial firms, implying that foreign institutional investors own a high percentage of Chinese nonfinancial firms with diversity of gender, nationality, education, and financial expertise. Age and tenure of board diversity, on the other hand, have little correlation with foreign institutional ownership....
This research aims at exploring the language and rhetorical devices used by advertisers to make p... more This research aims at exploring the language and rhetorical devices used by advertisers to make people and customers buy their products. The ads that have been put to analysis are of fairness products which have been selected from internet. The study falls into the realm of qualitative method. This study basically focuses the use of language in fairness products from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. The findings indicate the vocabulary, language patterns, techniques and texts used by advertisers to manipulate the concept of beauty by forcing the point of view that only fair complexion in a symbol of beauty and the product is giving you the everlasting beauty. The study also explores that how these stereotypes and power over the audience in maintained by endorsing celebrities as an efficient tool for advertising.
ABSTRACT: Agriculture is considered as the main driving force in Pakistan’s economy employing 45%... more ABSTRACT: Agriculture is considered as the main driving force in Pakistan’s economy employing 45% of the country’s labor force and generating 20% of national GDP Agriculture sector of Pakistan is facing numerous challenges including non-adoption of agricultural technology at the farm level, due to farmers’ lack of access to the latest information. In this context, the current study focusses on the use of the mobile phone in accessing agricultural information among the farmers of the of district Muzaffargarh,Punjab, Pakistan. A multistage sampling technique was used to collect data from the two tehsils (cities/sub-districts) of Muzaffargarh formulating a total sample of 180 farmers. SPSS computer-based Software was used for analyzing the data. Results revealed that 91.2% of the farmers indicated mobile phone ownership. It was further reported that 87.20 % of the farmers used private sectors advisory staff to obtain agriculture information. Market information was ranked as the highest...
This study is affiliated with the ideology of integration of political participation and media, s... more This study is affiliated with the ideology of integration of political participation and media, so in this connection it is seen there is popularity gained by social networks sites in modern age, and users of these sites are increasing day by day, they are engaged in Youtube, Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook and other SNS. They always believe this is appropriate platform to proceed or local political activities of daily life. This research shows that youth are frequently sharing, posting, and interesting discussion on various political uses frequently. They preview it is a great platform to support and active their political leaders as well as political parties. It is also said in this research SNS is cheapest and Low-Paid platform to proceed information and youth are taking responsibility to gain proper advantage of these networks. In this research quantitative approach has been adopted and results are measured through SPSS-23 version. 39 items are used in questionnaire to accumulate or assemble the meaningful information of integration of media and Political Participation of youth in Khairpur district, Sindh Pakistan. It is shown different parliamentarian, Government officials and youth are using such networks they consider that are sources of their power to be influential in their consistency. Furthermore, it is seen in Khairpur. Facebook, and Youtube has a strong effect in political participation whereas, youth are not much awared how to use other social sites in this noble cause.
Although Oligoenoplus species аre known to be mostly confined to the Oriental Region, only two co... more Although Oligoenoplus species аre known to be mostly confined to the Oriental Region, only two congeners appear to currently occur in China. One of them, from Sichuan, is new: Oligoenoplus gonggashanus sp. n. It somewhat resembles the second Chinese congener, O. modicus Holzschuh, 2011, described recently from Henan, as well as O. rosti (Pic, 1911), widespread in Japan and the Kurile Islands, but differs securely from both latter taxa by a whole number of characters. The sole species until rather recently believed to represent Oligoenoplus in China (Catalogue …, 2010) actually belongs to a different genus, thus becoming Anaglyptus annulicornis (Pic, 1933), comb. n. Its type locality is precised. Some characters in Oligoenoplus species, including body size, are also discussed.
Wheat is a member of family Poaceae. It is the major staple food of Pakistan. The present study w... more Wheat is a member of family Poaceae. It is the major staple food of Pakistan. The present study was done to improve the regeneration of two commercially grown wheat varieties Kohsar and Khyber-87. Mature embryos were used as explants. Five different concentrations of 2,4-D; 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 mg/L were used for callus induction. For regeneration, initially different concentrations (0.1 to 0.2) of IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) were experimented. The best combination of these hormones that is, 0.1 mg/L IAA and 0.5 mg/L BAP were further subjected to experimentation along with different concentrations of kinetin; 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 1 mg/L. Maximum calli of Kohsar (83.3%) was obtained at 3 mg/L 2,4-D whereas for Khyber-87 maximum callus induction (71.70%) was obtained at 3.5 mg/l 2,4-D. The maximum regeneration of both Kohsar and Khyber-87 (80.5 and 62.2%, respectively) were obtained at the combinations of 0.1 mg/L IAA, 0.5 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L kinetin.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) belongs to the family leguminosae and is one of the world's larg... more Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) belongs to the family leguminosae and is one of the world's largest oilseed crops. This study is the first report on peanut regeneration from Pakistan using four commercially released peanut varieties, that is, Golden, BARI-2000, BARD-479 and BARD-92. Longitudinally, halved cotyledons with removed embryos were employed as explants. Among various tested combinations of BAP and NAA, the best combination was 4 and 0.1 mg/L respectively. BARI-2000 proved to be the best responsive variety for in vitro regeneration in terms of number of shoots/explant (133.3%) and number of rooted plants/explant (124.99%). The optimized protocol, which is the first one in the country, would be used to incorporate important traits in future breeding programmes of peanut in Pakistan.
Due to an aggressive use of pesticides on crops, the insect pests have developed resistance, posi... more Due to an aggressive use of pesticides on crops, the insect pests have developed resistance, posing a serious threat to the agriculture in Pakistan. This situation highlights the need to promote IPM among farming community. Private sector in Pakistan has been actively engaged in agricultural extension services since 1988. Currently, about 500 pesticide companies are working in private sector and providing plant protection advisory services to the farmers. This study investigated the role of private sector in promoting IPM practices among the farming community in Punjab, Pakistan. Sixty (60) extension personnel of a private extension agency and some 408 farmers were selected for interview by using simple random sampling technique through Fitzgibbon table. The data were collected through validated interview schedule and analyzed by using SPSS. The results of the study revealed that the mean value for the physical, cultural, and biological control methods, was below 2 indicating that p...
Livestock sector is not only most important source of rural livelihoods but also known as black g... more Livestock sector is not only most important source of rural livelihoods but also known as black gold of our country and usually this sector is under control of rural women at household level. But unfortunately they have least access to livestock extension services. There are many constraints which are being faced by farm women in attaining access to livestock extension services. To explore these obstacles and their extent of participation in different livestock management activities, the current research was planned in Tehsil Samundari of district Faisalabad. A multistage random sampling technique was employed to select the study respondents. Data were collected from randomly selected 80 farm women. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used and analysis was done by using computer software (SPSS). The results showed that the participation of farm women was maximum in poultry raising. Among different obstacles which hinder their access to extension service...
Globally, there is a trend towards privatization due to poor performance of public extension serv... more Globally, there is a trend towards privatization due to poor performance of public extension services. Private agricultural extension system is considered demand-driven, cost-effective with efficient and quality services. This study was conducted to assess the opportunities and threats for private extension system regarding farmers' willingness to pay (WTP) for advisory services. Respondents were asked about their WTP on four point scale. Data were collected from 408 farmers selected randomly through multistage sampling from the province Punjab. The data were summarized using frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation. Results of the analysis showed that farmers were willing to pay for the services of cotton and rice crops in cotton-zone and rice-zone respectively. Similarly in both zones, farmers were also willing to pay for wheat crop. But in central-mixed-zone, farmers were not willing to pay for the services. This study concludes that limited opportunities exist for...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2010
To determine the outcome of thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis and safety of median st... more To determine the outcome of thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis and safety of median sternotomy approach. An observational descriptive study was conducted in the department of thoracic surgery JPMC from February 2005 to January 2009. Twenty-two patients having persistent generalized or ocular myasthenia gravis referred to our department by neurologists and general physicians, partially or not responding to medical treatment with or without thymoma, were included in the study. Those who were not fit for anaesthesia were excluded. Preoperatively 2 to 3 sessions of plasmapheresis were done and each patient was given anti myasthenia gravis treatment. Clinical staging was done by Modified Osserman classification. Median sternotomy approach was used. Outcome was assessed on the basis of remission of disease in different Osserman groups. All patients were followed for a minimum of 6 months. Out of 22 patients, 16 (72.7%) were females and 6 (27.2%) males. Mean age at presentation ...
In many distributed computing environments, collections of applications need to be processed usin... more In many distributed computing environments, collections of applications need to be processed using a set of heterogeneous computing (HC) resources to maximize some performance goal. An important research problem in these environments is how to assign resources to applications (matching) and order the execution of the applications (scheduling) so as to maximize some performance criterion without violating any constraints. This process of matching and scheduling is called mapping. 1Howard Jay Siegel holds a joint appointment in the Computer Science Department as well. 2Albert I. Reuther is currently with
Papers by Shoukat Ali