Papers by Shimon Feinstein
13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, 2015
Describes the design, assembly and testing techniques of an incremental loading device which hydr... more Describes the design, assembly and testing techniques of an incremental loading device which hydraulically controls the axial stresses in triaxial compression ald extension. Several different types Of stress path may be used during shear testing without the problems associated with eonventior~1 stress-co~hrolled tests. It measures the post peak stress-strain beha~iour as in a strain-controlled tests.
Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, 2022

The attached data is the raw data used in the paper-"Sulfur isotopic composition of gas-phas... more The attached data is the raw data used in the paper-"Sulfur isotopic composition of gas-phase organic sulfur compounds provides insights into the thermal maturation of organic-rich rocks", accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. In this work, we study the formation pathways of Volatile Organic Sulfur Compounds (VOSC), their specific sulfur isotope (d34S) values, and interaction with organic-rich sedimentary rock (or 'source rock') from the Ghareb Formation, a Type II-S source rock deposited in an upwelling marine environment. The source rock was exposed to laboratory controlled thermal maturation. We used a semi-open, non-isothermal pyrolysis system between 200 and 440 °C, and analyzed the molecular composition and compound specific d34S value of the evolved gases. For independent comparison, Quantum chemistry calculations (ab-initio) for S isotope exchange between H2S and representative VOSC were also included. All experimental and ab-intio calculated data is supplied in the attached file. First, the reader can find the first three tables provided in the published paper (Table 1-3). Afterward, additional data is provided, which in the text is referred as supplementary. Tables S1-S5 are the optimized coordinates for molecular structures obtained by ab-initio quantum calculations as described in the paper. Table S6 shows the vibrational temperatures obtained from the Gaussian 09 program and used to calculate the equilibrium constants for the equilibrium isotopic effect between the different organic sulfur compounds used in the study and co-existing H2S and given in table S7. Table S8 contains the amount of the major gas composition in the rock used for the experiment.

Energy Sources, 1991
Five samples from Cretaceous and Jurassic organic-rich shale and coal layers in clastic intervals... more Five samples from Cretaceous and Jurassic organic-rich shale and coal layers in clastic intervals in the Agur 1 borehole (Negev, southern Israel) were analyzed in order to determine their genetic history, as well as their potential as a source for oil and gas. Analyses of the samples included elemental composition, various pyrolysis experiments and pyrolysis gas chromatography, organic solvent extraction, open-column liquid chromatographic fractionation, saturate fraction gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and detailed organic petrography using reflected white and fluorescent light microscopy. The results obtained suggest that the Cretaceous sample has a “normal” coaly composition and low maturation in the lignite range whereas the Jurassic samples have unique maceral and geochemical characteristics that reveal evolution through two major stages. In the first stage, terrestrially derived organic material was accumulated under partially oxidizing conditions forming coaly ...

Journal of Petroleum Geology, Apr 1, 1992
The possibility that coal rank can remain "frozen" or static over a long period of time has impor... more The possibility that coal rank can remain "frozen" or static over a long period of time has important implications for time-temperature coalifcation modelling. In the study area in southern Israel, the relationship between the 0.5-0.8% Ro vitrinite i s o-reflectance contours and the strata (concordant in the Permian-Jurassic sequence, discordant to the disconformably overlying Cretaceous) indicates that coalification within the Permo-Triassic succession predated the development of the basal-Cretaceous unconformity. The fact that coalification has remained static since at least Late Jurassic time, i.e. for more than 140 million yrs, suggests that the given coal rank was stable under the temperatures that subsequently prevailed. Examples of preserved predeformation coalification are widespread elsewhere. Preservation of coal rank, static over long intervals due either to prolonged heating at constant temperature or to cooling, requires the existence of a state of coalification-temperature pseudoequilibrium. Among the major implications is that the minimum temperature at which a certain coal rank can be attained is the pseudo-equilibrium temperature for this rank. Coalification would not proceed beyond this rank, regardless of the duration of heating, unless the temperature exceeded its pseudo-equilibrium level. Hence, since coalifcation reactions are irreversible, a measured coal rank is actually a "minimum thermometer" for the maximum temperature experienced by the rock. This further implies that time-temperature coalification modelling should be designed to allow for a discontinuous process and for the slowing-down of coalification rate with time.

<p>The sulfur (S) cycle is directly linked to the global carbon and iron cycles. Su... more <p>The sulfur (S) cycle is directly linked to the global carbon and iron cycles. Sulfur plays an important role in the preservation of organic matter (OM) over geological time scales. Assimilatory and dissimilatory sulfate reductions (ASR and DSR, respectively) are the main processes shaping the sulfur cycle and carry different sulfur isotopic fractionation (-1 to -3 ‰, and -20 to -75 ‰, respectively). The reduced S species produced by DSR react during early diagenesis with OM (sulfurization) to form organic-S, and/or with iron (Fe) to form pyrite. Although in most cases organic- and pyritic-S have a common origin (i.e., DSR), organic-S in marine sediments is typically <sup>34</sup>S enriched relative to its co-existing pyrite by up to 40 ‰ (global average is ~10‰). This isotopic difference is assumed to depend on specific paleo-environmental conditions and different sulfurization pathways (open-closed system for sulfate, Fe availability, redox state, OM type, etc.). Different sulfurization pathways may affect the type and distribution of S-bonds in sedimentary OM and thus can strongly affect the structure and character of sedimentary OM.</p> <p>Recently, new instrumentations and methods were developed for the rapid determination of organic- and pyritic-S concentrations and δ<sup>34</sup>S values using a Rock-Eval analyzer (RE) coupled to a MC-ICPMS. A new parameter, Tmax-S (the temperature at maximum peak of organic-S generation), was suggested to represent the organic-S thermal stability in pyrolysis conditions. Applying this parameter to thirteen organically rich and thermally immature samples of various geological settings and paleo-environmental origins revealed several interesting empirical correlations. The Tmax-S value was found to differ among the rocks and to linearly correlate (R<sup>2</sup>=0.98) with the percentage of pyrolyzed organic-S out of the total organic-S in the rock. Moreover, Tmax-S was strongly correlated with the distribution of sulfidic and thiophene compounds in the rock (R<sup>2</sup>=0.87). This suggests that Tmax-S may be used as a tool to evaluate the distribution of different S-bonds in the organic molecule, and, as a proxy, their sulfurization and paleoenvironmental conditions.</p> <p>The rock samples' Tmax-S values also correlate with their isotopic difference between organic- and pyritic-S (Δ<sup>34</sup>S<sub>organic-pyrite</sub>; R<sup>2</sup>=0.76). The Δ<sup>34</sup>S<sub>organic-pyrite</sub> values of the rocks extended between 1 to 40‰ where marine samples characterized by low Tmax-S values (~400-450 °C) and large Δ<sup>34</sup>S<sub>organic-pyrite </sub>values (~20-40‰) and lacustrine samples by high Tmax-S values (~450-480 °C) and small Δ<sup>34</sup>S<sub>organic-pyrite </sub>values (~1-5‰). This correlation further supports the link between paleo-environmental conditions, specific sulfurization pathways, and the organic-S structures (represented by Tmax-S). It may shed light on some fundamental questions regarding the role of S isotopic distribution between pyrite and OM during deposition and diagenesis.</p>
80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018, 2018
29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, 2019
64th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 2002
P278 DETAILED MAGNETIC PROSPECTING AT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES OF ISRAEL - COMPLICATIONS AND PHYSICAL... more P278 DETAILED MAGNETIC PROSPECTING AT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES OF ISRAEL - COMPLICATIONS AND PHYSICAL- ARCHAEOLOGICAL MODELS S. ITKIS B. KHESIN and S. FEINSHTEIN The great increase in sensitivity of magnetometers in recent years permits a wide application of magnetic method for the study of archaeological sites (Clark 1990; Hansen 2001; Steeples 2001). Magnetic prospecting is a fast cost-effective and noninvasive method. It can reveal major targets prior to excavation. Magnetic anomalies produced by near-surface archaeological targets often do not exceed a few nanoTesla and may be obscured by natural and artificial noise (such as time variations of the Earth’s magnetic field

Organic Geochemistry, 2017
Semi-open pyrolysis experiments were conducted on a thermally immature, organic and sulfur-rich s... more Semi-open pyrolysis experiments were conducted on a thermally immature, organic and sulfur-rich source rock (Ghareb Formation, Israel). Structural and sulfur isotope ratio (34 S/ 32 S) changes in specific organic sulfur compounds were studied along with bulk sulfur phases (H 2 S, kerogen, oil) during thermal maturation and oil formation. Oil, gas and rock samples were collected sequentially at several points along the maturation path and were analyzed. In addition, four natural crude oils from Israel were analyzed and the results were compared to the pyrolytic oils. The results showed relatively large δ 34 S variability (~10‰) of the organic sulfur compounds (OSCs) in the bitumen of the unheated rock and first pyrolytic oil. This variability was probably a remnant of the original sulfur isotopic signature acquired during the sulfurization of the organic matter in the early diagenetic process. At later stages of thermal maturation, the variability of the sulfur isotopic values in the kerogen gradually decreased to ~2‰. Three mechanisms were suggested to explain the structural changes and isotopic fractionations of OSCs in the kerogen and generated oils: (A) Cleavage of weak S-S and C-S bonds leading to the release of large amounts of H 2 S and to cyclization of the precursors in the kerogen with small fractionations. Thus, the OSCs released by this mechanism preserved their distinct δ 34 S values. (B) Re-reaction of the released S species with hydrocarbons and generation of new OSCs within the kerogen (or bitumen) matrix. (C) Cleavage of stronger CC bonds and transformation of OSCs to create more stable compounds (e.g. dibenzothiophenes) from multiple sulfur sources. Mechanisms (B) and (C) homogenized the δ 34 S values of the different OSCs which reflected that of the bulk kerogen. The bulk organic sulfur phases (bitumen, oil, kerogen) were 34 S enriched by <1‰ despite large amounts of 34 S-depleted H 2 S (53% of total S) that was released continuously ("open system"). Therefore, the preferential loss of H 2 S during thermal maturation may not be responsible to the 34 S enrichment of oils as reported in some petroleum basins. The overall outcome of the maturation process yields OSCs with δ 34 S values that closely reflect the kerogen and can be used as a fingerprint for oil-oil and oil-source rock correlation over wide ranges of thermal maturity. The applicability of such correlation is demonstrated by the very good correlation of δ 34 S values of specific OSCs between artificial and natural oil samples. Highlights • Organic sulfur compounds (OSC) were evaluated in source rock artificial maturation • δ 34 S of OSC in the oil phase provide insight to the chemical structure of kerogen • Diagenesis and catagenesis tends to lower the variability in the δ 34 S of the OSC • Depletion in the δ 34 S of the H 2 S is small and not concurrent with δ 34 S of OSC • The δ 34 S of the OSC is used for oil-source rock correlation on crude oil samples

Near Surface 2008 - 14th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2008
Magnetic prospecting is a rapid, economic and noninvasive method for studying buried near-surface... more Magnetic prospecting is a rapid, economic and noninvasive method for studying buried near-surface structures of archaeological sites. A new generation of magnetic equipment for field data acquisition and advanced methodology for their data analysis allows to reveal a broad range of buried archaeological targets: walls, columns, foundations, caves, tunnels, tombs, water pipes, kilns, furnaces, ovens, and other objects. However, magnetic survey at archaeological sites is commonly affected by a number of natural and artificial “noise” factors. Such complex conditions require an optimization of current methodology of magnetic survey. The implication of magnetic prospecting for the study of archaeological sites is based on the difference (magnetic contrast) in magnetic properties of archaeological targets and surrounding medium. Two archaeomagnetic provinces were defined according to the magnetic characteristics of archaeological elements, background soils and rocks, and pattern of magnetic anomalies. This allowed us to develop an optimized methodology for high-resolution and reliable archaeomagnetic prospecting in each archaeomagnetic province.

Journal of Structural Geology, 2015
We resolve the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) axes along fault planes, cores and dam... more We resolve the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) axes along fault planes, cores and damage zones in rocks that crop out next to the Dead Sea Transform (DST) plate boundary. We measured 261 samples of mainly diamagnetic dolostones that were collected from 15 stations. To test the possible effect of the iron content on the AMS we analyzed the Fe concentrations of the samples in different rock phases. Dolostones with mean magnetic susceptibility value lower than À4 Â 10 À6 SI and iron content less than~1000 ppm are suitable for diamagnetic AMS-based strain analysis. The dolostones along fault planes display AMS fabrics that significantly deviate from the primary "sedimentary fabric". The characteristics of these fabrics include well-grouped, sub-horizontal, minimum principal AMS axes (k 3) and sub-vertical magnetic foliations commonly defined by maximum and intermediate principal AMS axes (k 1 and k 2 axes, respectively). These fabrics are distinctive along fault planes located tens of kilometers apart, with strikes ranging between NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW and different senses of motion. The obtained magnetic foliations (k 1 ek 2) are sub-parallel (within~20) to the fault planes. Based on rock magnetic and geochemical analyses, we interpret the AMS fabrics as the product of both shape and crystallographic anisotropy of the dolostones. Preferred shape alignment evolves due to mechanical rotation of subordinate particles and rock fragments at the fault core. Preferred crystallographic orientation results from elevated frictional heating (>300 C) during faulting, which enhances c-axes alignment in the cement-supported dolomite breccia due to crystal-plastic processes. The penetrative deformation within fault zones resulted from the local, fault-related strain field and does not reflect the regional strain field. The analyzed AMS fabrics together with fault-plane kinematics provide valuable information on faulting characteristics in the uppermost crust.
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, 1982
Describes the design, assembly and testing techniques of an incremental loading device which hydr... more Describes the design, assembly and testing techniques of an incremental loading device which hydraulically controls the axial stresses in triaxial compression ald extension. Several different types Of stress path may be used during shear testing without the problems associated with eonventior~1 stress-co~hrolled tests. It measures the post peak stress-strain beha~iour as in a strain-controlled tests.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018
Organic-rich carbonate sediments are deposited in a range of environments today and in the geolog... more Organic-rich carbonate sediments are deposited in a range of environments today and in the geologic past. A significant part of organic matter (OM) degradation in such sediments often occurs by microbial reduction of seawater sulfate, and the sulfide product may be preserved in pyrite and in organic sulfur (S) compounds. The isotopic composition (δ 34 S) of these phases can provide valuable information about S cycling in the ocean and in sediment porewaters, but only insofar as the processes governing these δ 34 S values are understood. To this end, we investigated the pathways, timing and interactions between pyrite and organic S formation during the deposition of organic-rich chalks. As a test case, we studied cores representing the thickest (~350 m) and most complete Late Cretaceous organic-rich sequence along the southern Paleotethyan margin. The organic S and OM contents show an inverse relation with the pyritic S content, which together with the uniform Fe Py /Fe HR ratio (~40%), suggest competition between organic S and pyrite formation. Both kerogen and pyritic S are 34 S-depleted relative to Late Cretaceous marine sulfate ( 34 S~17-20‰), but the kerogen S is 2 consistently and unusually 34 S-enriched relative to coexisting pyrite by up to ~38‰. Large S isotope fractionation (~60‰) during microbial sulfate reduction is necessary to reproduce the lowest pyrite 34 S values in the core, and relatively invariant 34 S values in organic S suggests that this large fractionation was approximately constant during deposition of the chalks in the core. Higher pyrite 34 S values observed in the most organic-rich parts of the core may be explained by Fe-limited pyrite formation, perhaps due to the reaction of Fe (e.g., complexation, sorption) with organic compounds. Lesser Fe availability, relative to the OM available for sulfate reduction, limits the ultimate abundance of pyrite, but importantly, it delays the formation of pyrite to deeper below the sediment-water interface, from 34 Senriched sulfide produced by Rayleigh distillation of a dwindling sulfate reservoir. Thus, it appears that competing Fe-OM, S-OM and Fe-S reactions can significantly affect the 34 S values recorded in pyrite in organic-rich carbonate sediments despite large and relatively constant microbial S isotope fractionation.

Apatite fission-track (FT) data from the Lewis thrust sheet and environs exhibit systematic varia... more Apatite fission-track (FT) data from the Lewis thrust sheet and environs exhibit systematic variations with elevation. Current elevation serves as a proxy for deformed structural position. Apatite FT ages decrease from ~70 Ma, at the highest elevations in the Lewis thrust sheet east of the Flathead Fault (> +2000 m), to ∼30 Ma below the Lewis Thrust (~ -1000 m). In this profile mean horizontal confined fission-track lengths (HCTL) exhibit a "dog-leg," or piece-wise linear variation with elevation. Mean HCTL is >13 microns at the highest elevations and decreases to -12 microns at ~ +1400 m. At about +800 m mean HCTL is again about 13 microns, indicating the top of the second segment of the profile. At lower elevations mean HCTL decreases progressively to ∼11.5 microns at 7 km thick, deposited during the mid-Campanian to Maastrichtian, which is no longer preserved. The Lewis thrust sheet geothermal gradient at the time of peak temperature was significantly lower than t...
Global and Planetary Change, 2021
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 1990
Akm'act-Apatite and zircon fission track ages (FTA), vitrinite reflectance (VR) data and burial h... more Akm'act-Apatite and zircon fission track ages (FTA), vitrinite reflectance (VR) data and burial history curves were integrated for reconstruction of Early Cretaceous to present maximum thermal gradients in four deep boreholes in the central Negev, Israel. The most complete data set is available from the Ramon 1 borehole. Supplementary data were obtained from Hameishar 1, Makhtesh Qatan 2, and Kurnub 1 boreholes. Between ca. 122-90 Ma the constraints on thermal gradient obtained from apatite FTA overlap with those derived from zircon FT and VR data, restricting them to < 45-50°C km-'. Apatite FTA between 90 and 80 Ma in Ramon I and Hameishar 1 suggest rapid cooling at the time recorded or earlier. Constraints on thermal gradient history derived from these ages are considerably strengthened over a short time span. From 80 Ma to the present, FTA data indicate that gradients had probably decayed to present-day regional levels (ca. 20°C km-I) by Early Tertiary time. Thermal constraints derived from apatite FTA and VR data in Makhtesh Qatan 2 and Kurnub 1 boreholes are consistent with those obtained post-56 Ma for Ramon 1. For pre-56 Ma, only VR data are available and these indicate considerably lower maximum gradients than those obtained for the same time period from Ramon I. This dichotomy reflects different Early Cretaceous-Early Tertiary thermal regimes between the northern and southern parts of the study area.
Papers by Shimon Feinstein