Books by Sheena Mae T . Comighud, EdD

This study aimed to determine the motivational factors that influence teachers’ job pe... more This study aimed to determine the motivational factors that influence teachers’ job performance. The data pertain to the motivational factors that influence teachers’ motivation which in turn affects their performance. These factors are categorized as existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs. The respondents of the study are the teachers of Bacong District, Division of Negros Oriental during the school year 2016 – 2017.
The study utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research in the sense that it attempted to determine the motivational factors and their relationship to teachers’ job performance.
The study made use of a researcher-made questionnaire that determined the extent to which the motivational factors influence teachers’ performance. The statistical tools used for the treatment of data are Frequency Distribution and Percentage, weighted mean and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.
The following are the salient finding of the study.
Majority of the teachers in Bacong District are female, on their prime of life, have advanced professionally, occupy Teacher 2 plantilla position, and with considerable years of teaching experience.
Teachers’ performance based on the RPMS is “Very Satisfactory”.
Teachers are “Very Highly Motivated” by the motivational factors relative to existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs
The extent to which teachers are motivated by the motivational factors is significantly related to their job performance.
Teachers’ profile in terms of sex, educational qualification and teaching experience is significantly related to their job performance based on the RPMS, however, in relation to the extent to which teachers are motivated by the motivational factors, teachers’ profile was found to be insignificant.
In general, it was concluded that the higher is teachers’ motivation, the better is their job performance.

This study sought to identify the competency level of secondary School Administrators and their a... more This study sought to identify the competency level of secondary School Administrators and their administrative performance which a basis for a training program in school management. There were 10 districts included in this study under the Division of Bayawan City. The total number of respondents were 26 school administrators and 260 teachers. The study was a combination of descriptive and correlational research. The statistical tools used were percentage, mean μ, weighted mean μ and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study revealed that majority of the school heads’ performance evaluation coming from their Key Result areas (KRA) were very satisfactory. The study also found out that there is a significant relationship between the school administrators’ competency level (in all areas) and their performance based on RPMS. The data also reflect that all the values of r are classified to be in the moderate category.

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Social Interactive – Constructivist Approach i... more This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Social Interactive – Constructivist Approach in teaching Mathematics for Grade 10 learners in Dawis National High School (DNHS), Bayawan City for the School Year 2017 – 2018.The study made use of an experimental design particularly the Pre-Test and Post-Test Control Group Design wherein there were two groups of learners involved —the control group and the experimental group. The study disclosed that both control and experimental groups got a failing rating in their pretest performance. After utilizing the conventional approach for the control group and social interactive –constructivist approach for the experimental group, the former group generally obtained a “fairly satisfactory” rating while the latter group, a “satisfactory” rating. Lastly, the use of the social interactive – constructivist approach is better than the conventional approach.

The study sought to determine as to which among the three proposed apparatuses namely: localized ... more The study sought to determine as to which among the three proposed apparatuses namely: localized aqueous solution lamp, localized aqueous solution mini fan and localized aqueous solution Ferris wheel best demonstrated electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions and its effectiveness. It also sought to find out the perception of students when these localized apparatuses have been utilized in the activity. The respondents of this study were the 123 Grade 7 students of Pantao National High School, school year 2018-2019. The researcher utilized the descriptive method. The researcher also used validated questionnaires that measured the performance and perception of the students. The statistical tool used in the study includes, mean, t-test for independent data, weighted mean, Spearman rank correlation coefficient and ANOVA. The result of the study indicated that the posttest performance of the students did not meet expectations whereas, their pretest performance was generally in satisfactory level. The marked improvement of their performance was attributed from the utilization of locally made apparatuses. Moreover, the study revealed that the three apparatuses had different effects among the students where, localized aqueous solution lamp had better effect on students, while localized aqueous solution mini fan was as good as miniature Ferris wheel. Further, the extent of perception among students on the utilization of localized apparatuses in terms of motivation, cognition and interaction was high.

This study aimed to determine the extent of knowledge and the level of attitude of the internal s... more This study aimed to determine the extent of knowledge and the level of attitude of the internal stakeholders towards inclusive education. The respondents of this study consisted of 5 school heads, 130 teachers, and 150randomly selected students in the secondary schools in the district of Hinoba-an, Division of Negros Occidental . The researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research. She also used a validated researcher-made questionnaire for measuring knowledge and attitude of the internal stakeholders. The statistical tools used in this study were weighted mean and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient. The study revealed that the internal stakeholders have very high extent of knowledge towards inclusive education. The school heads and teachers have positive level of attitude while the students have a very positive level of attitude towards inclusive education in terms of their beliefs and feelings. In terms of actions, the level of attitude of the school heads and students is very positive while the teachers have a positive level of attitude. In addition, there is a strong relationship between the internal stakeholders’ extent of knowledge and their level of attitude towards inclusive education. Likewise, there is a strong relationship between the school heads’ educational attainment and their (a) extent of knowledge and (b) level of attitude towards inclusive education.

This research sought to determine the effectiveness of the following proposed literacy interventi... more This research sought to determine the effectiveness of the following proposed literacy intervention strategies: perfect match, fluency letter wheel, letter flash, familiar word readings, word relay, and fast match in increasing letter sound fluency and word recognition among kinder pupils enrolled in Manggolod Elementary School of Sta. Catalina District III. Forty-two (42) respondents were equally distributed among three groups based on their level of intelligence per academic grades from first to second quarter. The study utilized the standardized Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) as the tool in determining the pre-test and post-test performance of the kinder pupils. The researcher prepared 3 different intervention strategies for letter sound fluency and 3 different intervention strategies for word recognition and administered them to the pupils. To check on the effectiveness of the strategies, a post-test was conducted using EGRA. Results were statistically treated using percentage, weighted mean, t-test for independent data and t-test for dependent data. It was found out that pre-test and post-test performance of the kinder pupils in letter sound fluency and word recognition was generally within satisfactory level. Post-test performance in letter sound fluency and word recognition was also remarkable. There was a significant difference between their pre-test and post-test performance in letter sound fluency word recognition intervention activities. Hence, it is recommended that other schools would use the strategies proposed in this study so to compare the findings of this study.

This study aimed to determine the extent of use of CRA model in Mathematics. The schools covered ... more This study aimed to determine the extent of use of CRA model in Mathematics. The schools covered by this study were the 5 secondary schools in the Division of Negros Occidental of School Year 2015 – 2016. There were 267 Grade 8 students who were taken as respondents of the study. The study was descriptive and correlational in nature. The research utilized mean, weighted mean and Pearson Product- Moment Coefficient of Correlation. The study revealed that the extent of teachers’ use of CRA model in addition and subtraction of integers, multiplication and division of integers, polynomials, linear equations in one unknown, factoring, addition of rational numbers, algebraic word problem and angles as perceived by the students was “high”. Likewise, the study further revealed that the academic performance of more or less one-fourth of the students in Mathematics was in the “developing” level.

This study aimed to identify the factors that influences indigenous learners academic performance... more This study aimed to identify the factors that influences indigenous learners academic performance. A population of 139 indigenous learners from grades 4-6 were the research respondents in the public schools in the Division of Bayawan City. This research utilized the Descriptive-Correlational method and statistical tools were used to answer the specific problems. Results revealed that indigenous learners showed a high extent on their individual, instructional, and socio-cultural perceived factors. Moreover, the data indicated that the academic performance of the respondents on the core subjects such as English, Science, and Mathematics is “Fairly Satisfactory” on the first quarter and satisfactory level during the second quarter. Lastly, there is strong relationship between the individual factors like study habits, academic self-concept, and confidence in academic life on their academic performance. While they are on moderate relationship in their interest. A very weak relationship on instructional factors, and moderate extent on parental support.
Keywords: Indigenous learners, individual factors, instructional factors, socio-cultural factors, academic performance
This study aimed to develop and use teacher made instructional materials otherwise known as Strat... more This study aimed to develop and use teacher made instructional materials otherwise known as Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs), and investigated the impact of these intervention materials in teaching the identified least learned concepts in Science VI namely; Circulatory System, Nervous System and Respiratory System. The study was a mixed method research which utilized an explanatory sequential design where quantitative data collection and analysis occurs first, followed by a qualitative data collection and analysis. It was revealed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test performance of the students. The utilization of the SIMs is an effective intervention that made students obtained better scores in the posttest.

This study determined the extent of influence of motivating factors towards
learning Mathematics... more This study determined the extent of influence of motivating factors towards
learning Mathematics on pupils’ academic performance. The pupils studied were from Cantil-e Elementary School in the Division of Dumaguete City for School Year 2016-2017. Some 73 Grade Five Pupils were taken in as respondents. The study was descriptive in nature. It utilized the percentage, mean, and the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient for the statistical analysis. The study revealed that the following motivational factors are moderately related with the pupils’ academic performance: performance goal, achievement goal, and learning environment stimulation. On the other hand, the pupils’ academic performance was found to have a “Weak” degree of relationship with self-efficacy, active learning strategies and Mathematics learning value. Findings of this study also revealed that the pupils’ profile has a “Weak” degree of relationship to the overall motivating factors. Also, the study found a “Moderate” degree of relationship between the extent of influence of motivating factors towards learning Mathematics and the pupils’ academic performance.
This study aimed to identify the extent of classroom management of the teachers in relation to pu... more This study aimed to identify the extent of classroom management of the teachers in relation to pupils’ performance. The schools covered by this study were the 3 private schools and 3 public schools in the Division of Dumaguete City. There were 114 respondents in the public schools and 146 respondents in the private schools. The survey was descriptive and correlational in nature. It percentage, mean μ, weighted mean μ and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.
It was found out that the teachers’ classroom management both in the public and in terms of behavioral and time managements shows no difference since they fall on the same description which is “high”. However, it was also revealed that in terms of physical environment management, the public school teachers got a “high” rating compare to that “moderate” rating of the private schools.

The use of the scoring rubrics is considered an effective method to measure the effectiveness of ... more The use of the scoring rubrics is considered an effective method to measure the effectiveness of instruction and appraisal of the learning outcomes in Mathematics. The researcher used the descriptive research using the survey type in the gathering of data. There were 26 secondary school Mathematics Teachers in the entire Tanjay City Schools Division. The main findings of the study revealed that projects and group activities were most utilized for scoring rubrics. The same findings of the study revealed that projects, outputs, group activities, problem solving and portfolio were “always” used. School administrators “always” extended assistance to the secondary school teachers except on the checking of lesson plan on a daily basis and in providing budget under MOOE for instructional purpose which they have “never done”. They “sometimes” provided suggestions on Form 178 with regard to the use of instructional materials in Mathematics. With regard to problems that confronted the teachers in teaching Mathematics, over-size class ranked 1, while teaching overload was ranked 6. They proposed measures to improve the students’ learning in Mathematics. Of the 6 measures, drill is ranked 1, while oral presentation ranked 5.

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of computer-based interactive simulations in lear... more This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of computer-based interactive simulations in learning of the basic concepts of electricity. It also intended to measure the students' attitudes toward Physics lessons and experiments before and after being exposed in activities involving computer-based technology. The respondents of this study are the Grade 8 students of Nagbinlod High School during the school year 2018-2019. The researcher utilized descriptive-correlational method of research and employed validated questionnaires that identified performance of students and measured their attitudes toward Physics lessons and experiments. The statistical tools used in this study included mean, t-test for dependent data, weighted mean and Mann-Whitney U Test. The study revealed that there was an increase of performance after students are being involved in activities using computer-based simulations. It was also found out that the attitudes of students toward Physics lessons and experiments increased after being exposed to interactive simulation activities. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between the post-test results of students and their attitudes toward Physics lessons in the topic "resistance in a wire".
Concluding/Learning from the experience

The study sought to determine the performance of students when the two localized apparatus, linea... more The study sought to determine the performance of students when the two localized apparatus, linear motion track and projectile launcher, were utilized. It also sought to determine the level of interest of students when the apparatuses were used. The respondents were the 105 students of Bugay National High School, School Year 2019–2020. The researcher utilized the descriptive method. The researcher also used validated questionnaires that measured the level of interest of students. The statistical tools applied in the study were percent error, mean, weighted mean, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, and standard deviation. The result of the study showed that the pre-test performance of the students did not exceed the passing standard of the Department of Education, and their post-test performances were all in satisfactory levels. The marked improvement of their performance was attributed from the utilization of locally made apparatuses. Moreover, the level of interest among students on the utilization of localized linear motion track and projectile motion were very high.

This study aimed to determine the performance of the students about the basic concepts of geometr... more This study aimed to determine the performance of the students about the basic concepts of geometrical optics before and after participating in the localized apparatus demonstrations and experiments. The respondents that demonstrate the set-up and who will answer the pretest and posttest are the grade 11 students from the Senior High School class of Sampiniton Provincial Community High School. The
researcher utilized the quasi-experimental design, pretest–posttest design, in the study. Wherein, learners were randomly assigned to either (1) experimental or (2) control group. Both groups were pretested for the independent variable. The experimental group received the treatment where they performed the activity using the localized apparatus in teaching geometrical optics. Both groups were post tested
to examine the effects of manipulating the independent variable on the dependent variable. The study revealed that localized apparatus used in the experiment is both accurate and consistent in demonstrating the concepts on geometrical optics. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest performances of the students in all the topics on the concepts of geometrical optics.
The study revealed that the localized apparatus is effective in improving the performance of the students on the concepts of geometrical optics.

The aim of the study is to find out whether multimodal instruction is an effective strategy to de... more The aim of the study is to find out whether multimodal instruction is an effective strategy to develop the students’ retention skills on the important concepts of Science. The multimodal instructional materials used in the study were slide presentations, videos, and interactive games. The respondents of this study were the 113 Grade 7 students of Pinalubngan National High School, Pinalubngan, Tayasan, Negros Oriental. This study made use of descriptive and experimental methods with a validated instrument. The study revealed the following findings: (1) the pretest results of the three groups did not meet the expectation of having developed the required knowledge and skills to aid understanding of the science concepts taught; (2) the post test results of the same groups revealed that there was an increase of students’ performance; (3) a significant difference occurred between the pretest and post test results of the students , however a big difference of the ratings can be observed on the groups using slide presentation and the other group using videos. The data revealed that presentations and videos are more effective compared to the interactive games specified in this study.

The aim of this thesis is to identify the perceptions of the newly hired public school teachers t... more The aim of this thesis is to identify the perceptions of the newly hired public school teachers towards the implementation of the Teacher Induction Program (TIP) in the public secondary and elementary schools in the City Division of Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. These teachers have been in the service for the past five years. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher utilized the descriptive survey method using a self-made questionnaire to answer following problems: 1) What is the extent of the implementation of the Teacher Induction Program (TIP) in the area of management; content/topics; and relevance of topics?; 2) What is the extent of the implementation of the content/topics as perceived by the facilitators?; and 3) What are the problems encountered in the implementation of the Teacher Induction Program? There were 112 respondents of this study which included 70 new teachers from the public secondary schools, 34 new teachers from public elementary schools and 8 facilitators from the city division. On the basis of the research findings, it is therefore concluded that the Teacher Induction Program in the Division of Dumaguete City was well implemented with minimal recommendations. Nevertheless, since the training was done on a limited period, a school-based training is hereby recommended as a follow-up of what the teacher inductees learned at TIP for a start.

The study aimed to identify the extent of use of the MTB-MLE in teaching Grade III Mathematics an... more The study aimed to identify the extent of use of the MTB-MLE in teaching Grade III Mathematics and its perceived effect on the performance of the pupils. The school covered in this study was Ayungon District's Public Elementary Schools. Respondents were the 38 teachers handling Grade 3 classes. The following statistical tools were used in the analysis of data: frequency, percentage, weighted mean, Cronbach's α (alpha) and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient. Findings revealed that majority of the teachers handling mathematics were non-master's degree holder and most of them have been teaching for 6-10 years and all of them have attended relevant trainings in K to 12 instruction. Moreover, most of the pupils obtained a "Fairly Satisfactory" grade in Math in the second grading period. It was also found that a "very weak" relationship exists between the extent of use of MTB-MLE practices in teaching Mathematics in the following areas: teacher practices in using the language, instructional materials, strategies in teaching mathematics, assessment and evaluation and parents' involvement in relevant activities with their academic performance. Furthermore, it was found that there is a weak relationship between the teachers' profile and the extent of use of MTB-MLE in teaching Mathematics. In general, a relationship was found "very weak" between the use of MTB-MLE in teaching Mathematics and its perceived effect on pupils' academic performance.
Books by Sheena Mae T . Comighud, EdD
The study utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research in the sense that it attempted to determine the motivational factors and their relationship to teachers’ job performance.
The study made use of a researcher-made questionnaire that determined the extent to which the motivational factors influence teachers’ performance. The statistical tools used for the treatment of data are Frequency Distribution and Percentage, weighted mean and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.
The following are the salient finding of the study.
Majority of the teachers in Bacong District are female, on their prime of life, have advanced professionally, occupy Teacher 2 plantilla position, and with considerable years of teaching experience.
Teachers’ performance based on the RPMS is “Very Satisfactory”.
Teachers are “Very Highly Motivated” by the motivational factors relative to existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs
The extent to which teachers are motivated by the motivational factors is significantly related to their job performance.
Teachers’ profile in terms of sex, educational qualification and teaching experience is significantly related to their job performance based on the RPMS, however, in relation to the extent to which teachers are motivated by the motivational factors, teachers’ profile was found to be insignificant.
In general, it was concluded that the higher is teachers’ motivation, the better is their job performance.
Keywords: Indigenous learners, individual factors, instructional factors, socio-cultural factors, academic performance
learning Mathematics on pupils’ academic performance. The pupils studied were from Cantil-e Elementary School in the Division of Dumaguete City for School Year 2016-2017. Some 73 Grade Five Pupils were taken in as respondents. The study was descriptive in nature. It utilized the percentage, mean, and the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient for the statistical analysis. The study revealed that the following motivational factors are moderately related with the pupils’ academic performance: performance goal, achievement goal, and learning environment stimulation. On the other hand, the pupils’ academic performance was found to have a “Weak” degree of relationship with self-efficacy, active learning strategies and Mathematics learning value. Findings of this study also revealed that the pupils’ profile has a “Weak” degree of relationship to the overall motivating factors. Also, the study found a “Moderate” degree of relationship between the extent of influence of motivating factors towards learning Mathematics and the pupils’ academic performance.
It was found out that the teachers’ classroom management both in the public and in terms of behavioral and time managements shows no difference since they fall on the same description which is “high”. However, it was also revealed that in terms of physical environment management, the public school teachers got a “high” rating compare to that “moderate” rating of the private schools.
researcher utilized the quasi-experimental design, pretest–posttest design, in the study. Wherein, learners were randomly assigned to either (1) experimental or (2) control group. Both groups were pretested for the independent variable. The experimental group received the treatment where they performed the activity using the localized apparatus in teaching geometrical optics. Both groups were post tested
to examine the effects of manipulating the independent variable on the dependent variable. The study revealed that localized apparatus used in the experiment is both accurate and consistent in demonstrating the concepts on geometrical optics. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest performances of the students in all the topics on the concepts of geometrical optics.
The study revealed that the localized apparatus is effective in improving the performance of the students on the concepts of geometrical optics.
The study utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research in the sense that it attempted to determine the motivational factors and their relationship to teachers’ job performance.
The study made use of a researcher-made questionnaire that determined the extent to which the motivational factors influence teachers’ performance. The statistical tools used for the treatment of data are Frequency Distribution and Percentage, weighted mean and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.
The following are the salient finding of the study.
Majority of the teachers in Bacong District are female, on their prime of life, have advanced professionally, occupy Teacher 2 plantilla position, and with considerable years of teaching experience.
Teachers’ performance based on the RPMS is “Very Satisfactory”.
Teachers are “Very Highly Motivated” by the motivational factors relative to existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs
The extent to which teachers are motivated by the motivational factors is significantly related to their job performance.
Teachers’ profile in terms of sex, educational qualification and teaching experience is significantly related to their job performance based on the RPMS, however, in relation to the extent to which teachers are motivated by the motivational factors, teachers’ profile was found to be insignificant.
In general, it was concluded that the higher is teachers’ motivation, the better is their job performance.
Keywords: Indigenous learners, individual factors, instructional factors, socio-cultural factors, academic performance
learning Mathematics on pupils’ academic performance. The pupils studied were from Cantil-e Elementary School in the Division of Dumaguete City for School Year 2016-2017. Some 73 Grade Five Pupils were taken in as respondents. The study was descriptive in nature. It utilized the percentage, mean, and the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient for the statistical analysis. The study revealed that the following motivational factors are moderately related with the pupils’ academic performance: performance goal, achievement goal, and learning environment stimulation. On the other hand, the pupils’ academic performance was found to have a “Weak” degree of relationship with self-efficacy, active learning strategies and Mathematics learning value. Findings of this study also revealed that the pupils’ profile has a “Weak” degree of relationship to the overall motivating factors. Also, the study found a “Moderate” degree of relationship between the extent of influence of motivating factors towards learning Mathematics and the pupils’ academic performance.
It was found out that the teachers’ classroom management both in the public and in terms of behavioral and time managements shows no difference since they fall on the same description which is “high”. However, it was also revealed that in terms of physical environment management, the public school teachers got a “high” rating compare to that “moderate” rating of the private schools.
researcher utilized the quasi-experimental design, pretest–posttest design, in the study. Wherein, learners were randomly assigned to either (1) experimental or (2) control group. Both groups were pretested for the independent variable. The experimental group received the treatment where they performed the activity using the localized apparatus in teaching geometrical optics. Both groups were post tested
to examine the effects of manipulating the independent variable on the dependent variable. The study revealed that localized apparatus used in the experiment is both accurate and consistent in demonstrating the concepts on geometrical optics. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest performances of the students in all the topics on the concepts of geometrical optics.
The study revealed that the localized apparatus is effective in improving the performance of the students on the concepts of geometrical optics.
The study revealed that majority of the pupils are female. The pupils’ first grading period performance in English is in the “developing” level and in the “approaching proficiency” level for both Science and Mathematics. It further showed that the pupils’ DUTP performance in English and in Science is in the “developing” level and in “approaching proficiency” level in Mathematics.
Moreover, the following proportions of items in the DUTP examinations were found to be difficult: one-fourth of the items in English, more than half of the items in Mathematics, and almost half of the items in Science.
Furthermore, there was a “high” relationship between the first grading and DUTP performance of the pupils in English as well as in Science. A “marked” relationship was also noted in Mathematics.
Lastly, a substantial difference was revealed between the performance of the male and female pupils in the following areas: English and Science in the first grading period; and English in the DUTP examination in favor of the female pupils.
The study has the following recommendations:
1. Since the pupils were in the “developing” level in English (both in the first grading and DUTP performance), the teachers should consider the item analysis results. Items that were classified as difficult should be stressed more in classroom discussion.
2. Inasmuch as there were numerous difficult items in Mathematics and Science during the DUTP examination, a well-planned tutorial session should be organized by the teachers. This activity should be done a month before the said examination.
3. The male pupils should be encouraged to participate more in classroom discussion. During class activities, they should be paired with female pupils who excel in class.
4. The supervisors should ensure that the items included in the DUTP examination go through an item analysis.
Keywords: Division Unified Testing Program (DUTP), Core Subjects, Classroom Instruction