Shatha Alharbi
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Papers by Shatha Alharbi
scalable, decentralized, and adaptive defense system. Although the area of development provides advanced security solutions using AI and Blockchain, there is no systematic and comprehensive study talking about the convergence between AI and Blockchain to secure IoT networks. In this paper, we focus on reviewing and comparing recent studies that have been proposed for detecting cybersecurity attacks in IoT environments. This paper address three research questions and highlights the research gaps and future directions. This paper aims to increase the knowledge base for enhancing IoT security, recommend future research, and suggest directions for future research
scalable, decentralized, and adaptive defense system. Although the area of development provides advanced security solutions using AI and Blockchain, there is no systematic and comprehensive study talking about the convergence between AI and Blockchain to secure IoT networks. In this paper, we focus on reviewing and comparing recent studies that have been proposed for detecting cybersecurity attacks in IoT environments. This paper address three research questions and highlights the research gaps and future directions. This paper aims to increase the knowledge base for enhancing IoT security, recommend future research, and suggest directions for future research