Papers by Sharon Sandridge
■ ■ ABSTRACT Tinnitus is distressing and affects the quality of life for many patients. Because p... more ■ ■ ABSTRACT Tinnitus is distressing and affects the quality of life for many patients. Because primary care physicians may be the entry point for patients seeking help for tinnitus, we urge them to acknowledge this symptom and its poten- tial negative impact on the patient's health and quality of life. Physicians should actively listen to the patient and provide hope and encouragement, but also provide realistic expectations about the course of treatment. The patient must also understand that there may be no singu- lar "cure" for tinnitus and that management may involve multidisciplinary assessment and treatment. ■

Hearing research, 2018
The purpose of this study was to test whether a Kv3 potassium channel modulator, AUT00063, has th... more The purpose of this study was to test whether a Kv3 potassium channel modulator, AUT00063, has therapeutic potential for reversing noise-induced increases in spontaneous neural activity, a state that is widely believed to underlie noise-induced tinnitus. Recordings were conducted in noise exposed and control hamsters from dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) fusiform cells before and following intraperitoneal administration of AUT00063 (30 mg/kg). Fusiform cell spontaneous activity was increased in sound-exposed animals, approximating levels that were nearly 50% above those of controls. Administration of AUT00063 resulted in a powerful suppression of this hyperactivity. The first signs of this suppression began 13 min after AUT00063 administration, but activity continued to decline gradually until reaching a floor level which was approximately 60% of pre-drug baseline by 25 min after drug treatment. A similar suppressive effect of AUT00063 was observed in control animals, with onset of sup...
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups
Clinical decision-making strategies used to promote tinnitus relief vary widely depending upon th... more Clinical decision-making strategies used to promote tinnitus relief vary widely depending upon the burden tinnitus places on an individual. This paper will discuss a care path for managing patients with tinnitus using an interprofessional collaborate model.

The mismatch negativity (MMN) was recorded from 10 young adults with normal hearing using natural... more The mismatch negativity (MMN) was recorded from 10 young adults with normal hearing using naturally produced speech contrasts. Consonant-place and vowel-height contrasts were examined in consonant-vowel (CV) syllables by pairing either the consonant /t/ or /p/ with the vowel /I/ or /E/. Vowel-height was also examined as a pseudovowel; one cycle of the vowel segment of a CV was extracted and replicated over 200 msec. A total of five contrasts were examined: vowel-height following /p/, vowel-height following /t/, consonant-place preceding /E/, consonant-place preceding /I/, and pseudovowels. Significant MMN responses were elicited from all five contrasts, albeit with different amplitudes, latencies, and waveform morphology. The pseudovowel elicited the most well-defined MMN with the greatest amplitude and was found to be significantly different from the other four contrasts. Naturally produced speech stimuli appear to be viable stimuli for eliciting the MMN.

Ontology Neurotology, Feb 1, 2002
To determine the surgical efficacy of a simplified retrosigmoid approach for vestibular nerve sec... more To determine the surgical efficacy of a simplified retrosigmoid approach for vestibular nerve sectioning. A retrospective analysis. Tertiary academic referral center. Twenty-eight consecutive patients who underwent vestibular nerve sectioning for intractable peripheral vestibular disorders. All patients had a simplified retrosigmoid approach for vestibular nerve sectioning. Functional outcome after vestibular nerve sectioning was analyzed with respect to improvement in patient disability from vertigo and reduction in the frequency of definitive vertigo attacks. Resolution of lightheadedness provided an additional outcome measure. The incidence of surgical complications, including postoperative headache, was determined, and the operative time was reviewed. Twenty-six patients (92.9%) had an improved functional level postoperatively, 21 (75.0%) had excellent improvement, 4 (14.3%) had significant improvement, 1 (3.6%) had limited improvement, and 2 (7.1%) had no change. No patient was worse postoperatively. Eighteen of 23 Ménière's patients (78.3%) had complete control of definitive vertigo attacks after vestibular nerve sectioning. Improvement in lightheadedness was seen in 23 patients (82.1%), 11 (39.3%) of whom reported complete resolution. Postoperative headache developed in 1 (3.6%) patient. No patients experienced infection, facial weakness, or leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. Mild hearing deterioration was seen in 2 patients (7.1%). The mean operative time was 76.3 minutes. With excellent efficacy, short operative time, and a low incidence of postoperative hearing loss or headache, this simplified retrosigmoid technique should be considered for vestibular nerve sectioning in patients with intractable peripheral vestibular disorders.
The Hearing Review, Sep 1, 2013

PLoS ONE, 2014
There has been a recent surge of interest in the development of animal models of hyperacusis, a c... more There has been a recent surge of interest in the development of animal models of hyperacusis, a condition in which tolerance to sounds of moderate and high intensities is diminished. The reasons for this decreased tolerance are likely multifactorial, but some major factors that contribute to hyperacusis are increased loudness perception and heightened sensitivity and/or responsiveness to sound. Increased sound sensitivity is a symptom that sometimes develops in human subjects after acoustic insult and has recently been demonstrated in animals as evidenced by enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex following acoustic over-exposure. However, different laboratories have obtained conflicting results in this regard, with some studies reporting enhanced startle, others reporting weakened startle, and still others reporting little, if any, change in the amplitude of the acoustic startle reflex following noise exposure. In an effort to gain insight into these discrepancies, we conducted measures of acoustic startle responses (ASR) in animals exposed to different levels of sound, and repeated such measures on consecutive days using a range of different startle stimuli. Since many studies combine measures of acoustic startle with measures of gap detection, we also tested ASR in two different acoustic contexts, one in which the startle amplitudes were tested in isolation, the other in which startle amplitudes were measured in the context of the gap detection test. The results reveal that the emergence of chronic hyperacusis-like enhancements of startle following noise exposure is highly reproducible but is dependent on the post-exposure thresholds, the time when the measures are performed and the context in which the ASR measures are obtained. These findings could explain many of the discrepancies that exist across studies and suggest guidelines for inducing in animals enhancements of the startle reflex that may be related to hyperacusis.
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 2011
Tinnitus is distressing and affects the quality of life for many patients. Because primary care p... more Tinnitus is distressing and affects the quality of life for many patients. Because primary care physicians may be the entry point for patients seeking help for tinnitus, we urge them to acknowledge this symptom and its potential negative impact on the patient's health and quality of life. Physicians should actively listen to the patient and provide hope and encouragement, but also provide realistic expectations about the course of treatment. The patient must also understand that there may be no singular "cure" for tinnitus and that management may involve multidisciplinary assessment and treatment.

American Journal of Audiology, 2015
Purpose This study developed new test materials by applying various reverberation treatments to s... more Purpose This study developed new test materials by applying various reverberation treatments to sentences having high and low contextual redundancy. Method The Speech Perception in Noise–Revised (SPIN-R; Bilger, Nuetzel, Rabinowitz, & Rzeczkowski, 1984; Kalikow, Stevens, & Elliott, 1977) sentences were modified (SPIN-Reverb) with reverberation times (RT 60 ) from simulated environments: unprocessed, RevCond 1 (RT 60 = 600 ms), RevCond 2 (RT 60 = 1200 ms), and RevCond 3 (RT 60 = 3600 ms). Phase 1 investigated list equivalency among 75 listeners with normal hearing; Phase 2 examined the utility of SPIN-Reverb for 15 cochlear implant (CI) recipients. Results Equivalent lists within each reverberation condition (unprocessed, RevCond 1, 2, and 3) were identified using nonparametric bootstrapping. Analysis of variance (Phase 1) demonstrated significant differences across conditions for high predictability and total scores. Listening performance decreased for both high and low predictabili...

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 2014
Background: It has been estimated that as many as 50 million Americans do experience or have expe... more Background: It has been estimated that as many as 50 million Americans do experience or have experienced tinnitus. For approximately 12 million of these individuals, tinnitus makes it impossible for them to carry out normal everyday activities without limitation. These are the patients that present to audiology clinics for assessment and management. The tinnitus evaluation includes the measurement of acoustical characteristics of tinnitus and the impact that this impairment has on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Tinnitus is a disorder that often occurs as a result of auditory system impairment. The impairment for some can impart an activity limitation and a participation restriction (i.e., tinnitus-related disability or handicap, respectively). The goal of tinnitus management is to reduce, or eliminate, activity limitations and participation restrictions by reducing or eliminating a patient’s perception of tinnitus or their reaction to tinnitus. Implicit in this statement is...
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 2004
Screening for hearing loss should be part of the routine physical examination, but it is often no... more Screening for hearing loss should be part of the routine physical examination, but it is often not done because of time constraints. We present a quick and easy office screening test that measures the functional impact of hearing loss. We also review the steps of audiologic management that follow referral by the primary care physician.
The Hearing Journal, 2002
Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for Th... more Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for The Hearing Journal. Enter your Email address: Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is ...
American Journal of Audiology, 1997
Page 1. Newman Jacobson Weinstein Sandridge 17 Clinical Focus s Grand Rounds American Journ... more Page 1. Newman Jacobson Weinstein Sandridge 17 Clinical Focus s Grand Rounds American Journal of Audiology Vol. 6 1059-0889/97/0601-0017 © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Computer-Generated Hearing Disability/ Handicap Profiles ...
Seminars in Hearing, 2008
Semin Hear 2008; 29(3): 300-309 DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1082035. © Thieme Medical Publishers. Strateg... more Semin Hear 2008; 29(3): 300-309 DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1082035. © Thieme Medical Publishers. Strategies for Managing Patients with Tinnitus: A Clinical Pathway Model. Craig W. Newman 1 , Sharon A. Sandridge 1 , Scott S. Meit 2 , Neil Cherian 3. ...
Seminars in Hearing, 1997
Semin Hear 1997; 18(1): 67-71 DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1083012. Copyright © 1997 by Thieme Medical Pub... more Semin Hear 1997; 18(1): 67-71 DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1083012. Copyright © 1997 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. Consumer Satisfaction with Multifocus Hearing Aids. Sharon A. Sandridge. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation ...
The Hearing Journal, 2011
Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for Th... more Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for The Hearing Journal. Enter your Email address: Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is ...
The Hearing Journal, 2011
Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for Th... more Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for The Hearing Journal. Enter your Email address: Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is ...
The Hearing Journal, 2011
Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for Th... more Advertisement. Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for The Hearing Journal. Enter your Email address: Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is ...
Papers by Sharon Sandridge