Papers by Roshimah Shamsudin

Journal Of Hadith Studies, Nov 30, 2023
Parents have a significant responsibility to shape their children in accordance with Islamic teac... more Parents have a significant responsibility to shape their children in accordance with Islamic teachings. As is known, prior to the advent of Islam, the pre-Islamic Arab society mistreated women and daughters. However, with the arrival of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), their dignity was elevated to a higher level. Daughters symbolise the future generation because they will become mothers and contribute to the quality of the next generation. Therefore, if daughters do not receive the best education and upbringing, they may not be able to handle their responsibilities as mothers to their own children. Education grounded in positive values can shape outstanding individuals. Hence, this study aims to analyse the Quranic and Prophetic approaches to shaping a Madani family through ethical communication with daughters. This is a qualitative study that employs data collection methods, with data being analysed through inductive and deductive methods based on the content of Quranic verses and their interpretations, as well as the core Hadith texts like the Al-Kutub Al-Sittah. The study findings suggest that an approach characterised by love and attention to children, firmness with wise disciplinary measures, and consistent guidance on religious values should serve as a guide for parents in communicating with their daughters.

Journal Of Hadith Studies, Nov 30, 2023
Ibn Hazm al-Andalusiy was an eminent Muslim scholar. Nevertheless, he was not free of criticism. ... more Ibn Hazm al-Andalusiy was an eminent Muslim scholar. Nevertheless, he was not free of criticism. Among the criticisms levelled at him was that he had not determined the defects (ta'lil) for many conflicting hadis narrations like most other hadis scholars had. Thus, this paper aims to analyse his ta'lil methods (manhaj) for contradicting hadis narrations in his work, al-Muhalla. This qualitative research is carried out using the literature review method. The data obtained was then analysed based on inductive and deductive methods. The findings of the study show that some of Ibn Hazm's methods to determine the defects in conflicting hadis narrations are in line with most hadis scholars, such as rejecting the element of insertion (idraj) in the text of hadis and refraining (tawaqquf) from making decisions for narrations containing discrepancies (idtirab). On the other hand, some of his methods in this matter were found to be in contradiction with the views of the majority of hadis scholars, such as rejecting allegations that reliable (thiqah) narrators could make mistakes and accepting additions (ziyadah) from credible narrators. This shows that he had his own method for determining the defects in conflicting hadis narrations.

Journal Of Hadith Studies
The fame achieved by Sayyid Sabiq as a renowned Muslim scholar is undisputed. However, he is not ... more The fame achieved by Sayyid Sabiq as a renowned Muslim scholar is undisputed. However, he is not spared from criticism. In his work entitled Fiqh al-Sunnah, he is said to have no method in applying hadith to substantiate rules that it entails several contradictions against the aspects affecting the disciplines of hadith. This study therefore intends to investigate the method of hadith writing by Sayyid Sabiq in Fiqh al-Sunnah. To achieve the purpose, qualitative research is conducted through the content analysis method in examining textual contents in Fiqh al-Sunnah. The study finds that Sayyid Sabiq does have his own method in the writing of hadith. Among the approaches he employs is shortening the chain of transmitters, clarifying the status of some hadith and providing comments on the hadith transmitters. Further, this study discovers that the hadiths of which status he does not clarify come under criticism by the scholars who evaluate the same as weak hadith. The criticism howev...
2022 International Conference on Digital Transformation and Intelligence (ICDI)

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies
The individuals who narrated the hadith in the Six Books attracted the specific attention of hadi... more The individuals who narrated the hadith in the Six Books attracted the specific attention of hadith scholars. Their backgrounds and positions from the perspective of al-jarh and al-taʿdil were scrutinised. However, there were some errors in determining the narrator, especially when the name found on the chains of transmission is not the original name. This created difficulties for hadith researchers when directly referring to the book of rijal as the narrator’s biography traditionally used the narrator’s real name. Even the entry of a particular narrator’s name sometimes could not be found. Hence, this article aims to examine the error in the names of eight individuals who narrated the hadith in the Six Books. In this regard, the qualitative research was carried out using the content analysis tool on the texts of hadiths and works of rijal. The results showed that this error stemmed from excerpts from other books, identical names of narrators, differences between manuscripts, attrib...
Psychology and Education Journal, 2020
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 2020
Mihnah khalaq al-Qur’an merupakan peristiwa yang menjadi perdebatan dalam kalangan pihak penguasa... more Mihnah khalaq al-Qur’an merupakan peristiwa yang menjadi perdebatan dalam kalangan pihak penguasa kerajaan dengan sarjana Islam. Perdebatan tersebut adalah berkisarkan tentang sama ada al-Qur’an itu makhluk atau sebaliknya. Maka pemerintah ketika itu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap tercetusnya peristiwa hitam itu. Justeru, penulisan ini dihasilkan untuk melihat bagaimana pemerintah ketika itu memainkan peranan terhadap peristiwa ini. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kajian kualitatif dengan menganalisis dokumen yang berkaitan dengan penulisan ini. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa peristiwa ini telah dinyalakan api kemarahannya semasa zaman al-Ma’mun al-Rashid dan berakhir semasa zaman al-Mutawakil. Ilmu ini mempunyai kepentingannya yang tersendiri agar dapat melihat pegangan golongan al-Mu‘tazilah terhadap mihnah ini yang ditunjangi oleh pemerintah ketika itu.

Maʿālim al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah
Efforts in preserving the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) obligate the hadith scholars to filt... more Efforts in preserving the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) obligate the hadith scholars to filter narrations attributed to the Prophet (PBUH), including those on his biography. These efforts have given birth to a methodology used to criticise the narrations since the days of the companions. However, applying the methodology to narrations pertaining to the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) or the sīrah has been a challenging task given the multitude of narrations that do not meet the criteria of acceptance by the muḥaddithun that infiltrate the knowledge of sīrah. Thus, this paper aims to scrutinise the methods of criticising hadiths employed by hadith scholars and the application of these methods on the works on sīrah. A qualitative study was conducted by collecting data from the major works on hadiths and sīrah. The finding demonstrates that the muḥaddithun’s critiques of the sīrah narrations are based on the critiques on sanad and matan. In applying the method, it is imperative to...

KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities
Al-Maghāzī (peperangan) dan al-Siyar (sejarah) ialah riwayat yang berkaitan dengan kisah peperang... more Al-Maghāzī (peperangan) dan al-Siyar (sejarah) ialah riwayat yang berkaitan dengan kisah peperangan pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tidak dinafikan bahawa ulama silam memberikan kelonggaran untuk menerima riwayat al-Maghāzī dan al-Siyar yang daif selagi tidak berkaitan dengan akidah dan hukum. Namun begitu, ulama juga menetapkan bahawa riwayat al-Maghāzī dan al-Siyar tidak diterima jika bercanggah dengan dalil lain. Antara kaedah yang mereka gunakan adalah menjadikan al-Quranul Karim sebagai neraca untuk menilai ketepatan riwayat al-Maghāzī dan al-Siyar. Kajian ini menganalisis metodologi sarjana hadis dalam mengaplikasikan kaedah ini. Metodologi yang akan digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah metodologi perpustakaan. Metodologi deduktif dan induktif digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh daripada rujukan hadis ketika melakukan kritikan terhadap riwayat al-Maghāzī dan al-Siyar. Kajian mendapati bahawa kaedah menjadikan al-Quran sebagai neraca dalam mengkritik riwayat al-Maghāzī d...

‘Abqari Journal, Dec 4, 2018
The discussions on the Malay cosmology are inseparable from the lives of the Malay community that... more The discussions on the Malay cosmology are inseparable from the lives of the Malay community that it plays a role in the formation of the Malay civilisation. Among the dimensions that shaped the Malay civilisation are their beliefs of nature. With the advent of Islam these beliefs had a massive shift including with regards to the creation of universe. However, the traditional belief system having deep rooted traditions drawn from animism and that of Hindu-Buddhism origin, are hard to recuperate from. Therefore this article seeks to study the Malay cosmology and that of the Islamic by way of comparing the two in light of the aspect of natural creation. The comparison is based upon the evidence found in the al-Quran and al-Sunnah. This qualitative study is conducted via library research by obtaining data from the major works of tafsir and hadith. Data were analysed based on inductive and deductive methods. The finding shows that there are a few elements of Malay cosmology which coincide with the teachings found in the al-Quran and hadith; for example that the universe is created out of soil, fire, water and wind. However, there are some which contradict both sources one of which is the Nur Muhammad concept. This writing is expected to contribute in the efforts to uphold the al-Quran and Hadith as the authentic sources for the Malay cosmology. Keywords: Malay cosmology, Islamic cosmology, creation of universe, al-Quran, al-Sunnah. Abstrak Perbincangan mengenai kosmologi Melayu tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada kehidupan masyarakat Melayu yang berperanan mencorakkan pembentukan ketamadunan Melayu. Antara dimensi yang membentuk ketamadunan Melayu ialah kepercayaan orang Melayu tentang alam. Dalam hal ini, kedatangan Islam telah berupaya memberi anjakan yang ketara daripada sudut pemikiran masyarakat Melayu tentang alam termasuklah dalam aspek penciptaan alam. Namun, kepercayaan tradisi yang berunsurkan pengaruh Animisme dan Hindu Budha yang telah berakar umbi dalam masyarakat masih tidak terhakis sepenuhnya. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji kosmologi Melayu dan kosmologi Islam dengan membandingkannya daripada aspek penciptaan alam. Perbandingan tersebut dibincangkan berasaskan dalil-dalil naqli daripada al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif ini dilaksanakan melalui kajian kepustakaan dengan mendapatkan data-data daripada karya-karya induk dalam bidang tafsir dan hadith. Data-data tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan kaedah induktif dan deduktif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa elemen kosmologi Melayu yang didapati bertepatan dengan nas-nas daripada al-Quran dan al-Sunnah, umpamanya alam terbentuk daripada unsur tanah, api, air dan angin. Namun masih terdapat beberapa elemen yang dilihat amat bertentangan umpamanya konsep Nur Muhammad. Penulisan ini diharapkan dapat memberi sumbangan dalam usaha memartabatkan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah yang sahih sebagai teras kosmologi Melayu. Kata kunci: kosmologi Melayu, kosmologi Islam, penciptaan alam, al-Quran, al-Sunnah.
Journal of Hadith Studies, Dec 18, 2019
Journal Of Hadith Studies, 2021
Debates regarding the beautiful names of Allah has sparked off since the early age of Islam until... more Debates regarding the beautiful names of Allah has sparked off since the early age of Islam until now. Only three narrations that counting these Names which were narrated by al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim. Other narrations only quote that the almighty God has 99 beautiful names without counting and specify it. Ibn Hajar was among the early scholar who has criticised narrations that specifically counting these names. By using the comparative narration approach and analysing each of these narrations the objective of study is to study similarities and differences between these names. It was discovered that all the narration counting the names is not originated from the Prophet but an opinion (ijtihad) from the narrator himself that has been inserted (mudraj) into the hadith. 27 names should be adjusted according to Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani.

Journal Of Hadith Studies, 2021
The terminology of hasan has sparked polemics from the stand point of its definition which brings... more The terminology of hasan has sparked polemics from the stand point of its definition which brings forth differences of opinion among hadith scholars. In addition to the debate on the definition of hasan which is often associated with al-Tirmidhi and al-Khattabi, other hadith scholars also use this term. One of them is al-Daraqutni. This study therefore, aims to examine the use of the term hasan according to al-Daraqutni in his work entitled al-‘Ilal al-Waridah fi al-Ahadith al-Nabawiyyah. In conducting this study, a library research method in the form of document analysis was used. The data obtained were then analyzed based on inductive and deductive methods. The findings of the study demonstrate that the term hasan applied by al-Daraqutni refers to its literal meaning that is good or fine. Apart from that, the term hasan according to him also carries the meaning of gharib. This statement is based on his commentary on certain sanad narrated individually by a single narrator; from th...

The vast amount of views by Islamic scholars in debating this issue of leadership of women as a d... more The vast amount of views by Islamic scholars in debating this issue of leadership of women as a driving force and juristic authority stems from their respective comprehension on the scriptures of the al-Quran or the al-Sunnah. In this regard, the hadith explicitly mentions the lack of intellect in women being associated as one of the reasons women are prevented from leadership positions. Therefore, this research aims to study the hadith on lack of reasons in women that is compiled in the Sahih al-Bukhari to gain a true understanding of the meaning and intention of the hadith. To achieve this aim, this research applied qualitative research method conducted through data collection sourced from the master compilation works of hadith and subsequently analysing the data based on inductive and deductive methods. The findings of the study indicate that the hadith does not point to the prevention to appointing women as leaders in organisations. The lack of intellect mentioned in thereof ref...

This article discusses the interpretation of hadith asnaf zakat according to al-Qaradawi based on... more This article discusses the interpretation of hadith asnaf zakat according to al-Qaradawi based on his book Fiqh al-Zakah. This article uses qualitative methodology through document analysis methods. The study found that al-Qaradawi's thinking has given a new perspective in improving the zakat system management while addressing the problems of society. In addition, there is also a new idea that has never been raised before by any scholar.Keywords: Hadith, zakat, al-Qaradawi, fiqh, scholar. Abstrak Artikel ini membincangkan tentang pentafsiran hadis asnaf zakat menurut al-Qaradawi berdasarkan bukunya Fiqh al-Zakah. Artikel ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif melalui kaedah analisis dokumen. Kajian mendapati bahawa pemikiran al-Qaradawi telah memberikan perspektif baru dalam meningkatkan daya pengurusan sistem zakat semasa disamping menangani masalah masyarakat. Selain itu, terdapat juga idea baru yang dikemukakan yang tidak pernah ditimbulkan sebelum ini oleh mana-mana ulama.Kat...

Abstrak Pendekatan dakwah yang diambil oleh Nabi SAW terhadap kaum wanita disifatkan oleh seseten... more Abstrak Pendekatan dakwah yang diambil oleh Nabi SAW terhadap kaum wanita disifatkan oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai berbentuk kekerasan, hinaan dan merendahkan martabat mereka. Tanggapan tersebut bertitik-tolak daripada kefahaman yang salah terhadap hadith-hadith sahih berkaitan interaksi Nabi SAW terhadap kaum wanita khususnya yang terdapat dalam kitab-kitab hadith induk. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji pendekatan dakwah Nabi SAW terhadap kaum wanita berdasarkan hadithhadith terpilih terutamanya yang terdapat dalam al-Kutub al-Sittah dengan membincangkan pandangan ulama hadith terhadap maksud dan konteks hadith. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif dilaksanakan bagi mendapatkan data-data daripada sumber primer seperti Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim dan kitab Sunan yang lain. Data-data tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan metode induktif dan deduktif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan dakwah Nabi SAW terhadap kaum wanita adalah pelbagai, berda...

Performing hajj is the ultimate ibadah among Malays since years ago. During the 19th century, to ... more Performing hajj is the ultimate ibadah among Malays since years ago. During the 19th century, to perform hajj was not an easy task. Thus the “haji” and “hajah” were among the respected characters. In performing hajj, there are certain additional practices that are long exercised by Malays until present day. Among these are some practices which are considered bidaah and khurafat. These practices have tainted the sacredness of hajj itself. Various efforts have been done by the relevant authorities such as Tabung Haji to educate the society on these issues. In short, continuous efforts are still needed since the practices are already absorbed in the Malay society. Thus this paper tends to discuss the various forms of bidaah and khurafat in hajj practices which are used and still followed by Malays since the 19th century. These practices will be analyzed based on sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. The data of these practices are obtained from historical manuscripts and interviews from selected re...
Papers by Roshimah Shamsudin