Papers by Shahbaz Afzal Bezar

Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Though a comparative study opens up new horizons of knowledge and a vast body of literature has b... more Though a comparative study opens up new horizons of knowledge and a vast body of literature has been published on Marxism from the perspective of comparative study but a Marxist analysis of Brecht as compared with Pakistani Urdu poet, Naaz Khialvi, has not yet been accomplished. Marxism is a theory and a method originated from the work of Marx and Engels to analyze and critique the capitalism that produced social conflict and class struggles. The present study is qualitative in nature and it uses research methodology of comparative study. The findings of this study are: i. exploration of the exploitation of the poor class; ii. reflection of Marxist inclinations in the selected poems of Brecht and Khialvi. The objective of this study is to compare the marginalized Pakistani Urdu poet Khialvi from the perspective of Pakistani capitalist society with the mainstream Marxist poet and playwright Brecht.

Al-Qalam, Nov 30, 2019
This study analyzed N. Scott Momaday’s play The Indolent Boys in order to bring the marginalized ... more This study analyzed N. Scott Momaday’s play The Indolent Boys in order to bring the marginalized Native Americans and their literature into center and to explore the Natives’ resistance to Euro-American hegemony from the perspective of cultural materialism especially hegemony. Cultural materialism tends to challenge hegemony of the dominant culture and ideology because it deals with ‘genuine dissidence’. Employing methodology of cultural materialism and method of Dollimore and Sinfield’s model (1985), this study explored how the Euro-Americans exercise their hegemony over the Native Americans and how the Natives resist to the Euro-American hegemony through imaginative revival of Native culture in the mainstream American society. There are four traits of Dollimore and Sinfield’s model i.e. historical context, close textual analysis, theoretical method, and political commitment. Findings of this study were: employing ‘historical context’ of this model, exploration of hegemony of the state (U.S. government) and academy (the Boarding schools); using ‘close textual analysis’, investigation of the hegemonic position of the Euro-Americans that marginalized the Natives; and utilizing ‘political commitment’, exploration of the resistance of the Natives to the Euro-American hegemony through Momaday’s political purpose of the revival of the Natives’ culture in the mainstream American society from his play The Indolent Boys.
Journal of Gender and Social Issues, 2018
This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida’s différance i.e. ‘to differ’... more This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida’s différance i.e. ‘to differ’ or dissolving the boundaries from the theme and textual techniques of Michael Ondaatje’s selected poems. This integral has been investigated through textual analysis in the paradigm of postmodernism especially différance. Postmodernism is a model of rupture. The present research is qualitative in its nature which tries to figure out how Ondaatje uses this integral to dissolve the boundaries between husband and wife, man and nature, present and primitivism, east (Ceylon) and U.S (Connecticut), prose and poetry in his poetry. Boundaries are also dissolved through postmodern textual techniques i.e. parody, pastiche, intertextuality, non-linear structure and multi-voiced narrative.

Global Economics Review, 2021
Rational Choice Theory is a fundamental theory of economics deals with the behavior of an individ... more Rational Choice Theory is a fundamental theory of economics deals with the behavior of an individual in which an actor chooses an action rationally in order to minimize costs and maximize benefits. Several studies have been accomplished on RTC in the frame of reference to the law,criminology, sociology, etc., but only in a small number of researches, RCT has been applied to literature. A realistic piece of literature demands a rational-choice explanation, but the novels of Hardy-'historian of Wessex' have not yet been studied from the perspective of an economic theory, RCT. The purpose of the present study is to widen the compass of RCT and to produce the plurality of meaning of Hardy's The Return of the Native. Employing the method of textual analysis, the present qualitative study explored:i. reflection of RCT in individual actors,' i.e., Eustacia and Wild eve's preference to their available choices; ii. Eustacia's economic and Clym's unprofitable inter...
This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida's différance i.e. 'to differ'... more This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida's différance i.e. 'to differ' or dissolving the boundaries from the theme and textual techniques of Michael Ondaatje's selected poems. This integral has been investigated through textual analysis in the paradigm of postmodernism especially différance. Postmodernism is a model of rupture. The present research is qualitative in its nature which tries to figure out how Ondaatje uses this integral to dissolve the boundaries between husband and wife, man and nature, present and primitivism, east (Ceylon) and U.S (Connecticut), prose and poetry in his poetry. Boundaries are also dissolved through postmodern textual techniques i.e. parody, pastiche, intertextuality, non-linear structure and multi-voiced narrative.
This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida's différance i.e. 'to differ'... more This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida's différance i.e. 'to differ' or dissolving the boundaries from the theme and textual techniques of Michael Ondaatje's selected poems. This integral has been investigated through textual analysis in the paradigm of postmodernism especially différance. Postmodernism is a model of rupture. The present research is qualitative in its nature which tries to figure out how Ondaatje uses this integral to dissolve the boundaries between husband and wife, man and nature, present and primitivism, east (Ceylon) and U.S (Connecticut), prose and poetry in his poetry. Boundaries are also dissolved through postmodern textual techniques i.e. parody, pastiche, intertextuality, non-linear structure and multi-voiced narrative.
Papers by Shahbaz Afzal Bezar