Papers by Shafa Samad

Many countries have embraced formal education to confront illiteracy and unemployment within thei... more Many countries have embraced formal education to confront illiteracy and unemployment within their society.This is because one major advantage of formal education is the transfer of generic skills which is the cognitive strategies and domain independent knowledge. Generic skills are vital today because life and workplaces are in flux and are getting more complex which requires initiative, emotional mastery, flexibility, creativity, and the ability to take on many different tasks (involve learning by doing and experience).However, many students are found to be deficient of this skill which is making them unfit for the labour market and unattractive to employers.In addition, very few schools teach generic skills which are making students unable to develop them and be employable attractive to employers. Therefore, this study investigates the impact of generic skills using problem-based learning (PBL).This paper represents the first part of the study, which is to investigate the influen...

Membangunkan modal insan merupakan agenda sangat penting bagi sistem pendidikan di Malaysia. Pend... more Membangunkan modal insan merupakan agenda sangat penting bagi sistem pendidikan di Malaysia. Pendidikan teknikal dan latihan vokasional (TVET) dilihat tonggak penting dalam sistem pendidikan negara. TVET merupakan salah satu bidang pendidikan yang bertujuan bagi menghasilkan pekerja mahir bagi pembangunan ekonomi negara. Platform pendidikan ini bukan sahaja untuk membangunkan pembangunan akademik dan teknikal pelajar, tetapi juga melahirkan pelajar bagi memperolehi kemahiran berkaitan pekerjaan. Setelah hampir sedekad, beberapa kelompangan masih membelenggu TVET, serta menghalang peranannya dalam mengungguli sistem pendidikan arus perdana. Oleh yang demikian, kertas konsep ini bertujuan untuk membuat penilaian terhadap keberkesanan, kemahiran generik dan jenis tret-personaliti terhadap aspirasi kerjaya dalam kalangan pelajar TVET. Kajian ini adalah berdasarkan metodologi kuantitatif. Elemen-elemen ini dilihat tidak hanya penting dalam menyediakan pelajar untuk kebolehpasaran mereka pada masa hadapan tetapi juga sangat penting bagi penilaian tretpersonaliti pelajar TVET terhadap aspirasi kerjaya mereka. Oleh itu, tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk membincangkan isu tersebut demi bagi memastikan pelajar TVET terus mengekalkan aspirasi kerjaya yang sama dengan bidang yang telah dipelajari mereka di Kolej Komuniti.
MALIM Southeast Asian Journal of General Studies, 2019
Artikel penuh boleh diakses melalui link berikut:

Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai tahap gaya pengajaran PBM pensyarah dan hubungannya dengan pe... more Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai tahap gaya pengajaran PBM pensyarah dan hubungannya dengan pemikiran kritikal terhadap kemahiran generik pelajar di Kolej Komuniti di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia. Seramai 117 responden terlibat yang terdiri daripada pelajar bagi program pengajian menerusi persijilan Modular Kebangsaan (SMK). Berdasarkan pengajaran PBM pensyarah dan pemikiran kritikal serta kemahiran generik, satu model hubungan antara pembolehubah kajian dibina dan diuji. Kajian berbentuk tinjauan ini melibatkan soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada responden. Dapatan menunjukkan (1) tahap gaya pengajaran pensyarah berasaskan masalah berada pada tahap yang memuaskan, (2) terdapat perbezaan penilaian yang signifikan terhadap gaya pengajaran PBM berdasarkan jantina pelajar, (3) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara PBM pensyarah dengan pemikiran kritikal pelajar dan kemahiran generik pelajar, dan (4) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kemahiran kritikal pelajar dengan kemahiran generik pelajar di Kolej Komuniti. Oleh itu, dapatan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa pembelajaran berasaskan masalah boleh dijadikan metod pengajaran pensyarah berkesan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir secara kritikal dan kemahiran generik. Cadangan untuk kajian seterusnya juga turut disyorkan dalam kajian ini.

The research is undertaken for the purpose of evaluative lectures teaching level on pro... more Abstract
The research is undertaken for the purpose of evaluative lectures teaching level on problem based–learning and its relationship to critical thinking and generic proficiency level at the Northern Malaysian Community College. 117 respondents consist of students from five study programme from National Modular Certificate (NMC). This descriptive research employed questionnaire distributed to respondents. The results portrayed, (1) lectures problem-based teaching level is at satisfactory level, (2) the research found that there is a significant different in lectures teaching level based on problem-based learning method according to different gender, (3) the relationship between lectures teaching on problem-based learning method and students critical thinking skill is extensive, (4) the relationship between lectures teaching level based on problem-based learning method and students generic skill is moderate, while (5) the relationship between students critical thinking skill and students generic skill in Community College is extensive. These results clearly indicated that problem based-learning could be utilized as an effective method in enhancing students critical and generic skills. Suggestions for future research is also indicated.
Keywords: lectures teaching level, problem-based learning, community college students, students critical thinking, students generic skills

Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan aktiviti kokurikulum yang dilaksanakan di Kolej Komuni... more Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan aktiviti kokurikulum yang dilaksanakan di Kolej Komuniti terhadap pembinaan potensi kendiri pelajarnya. Kajian ini akan menggunakan kaedah temu bual bagi mendapatkan maklum balas sepenuhnya daripada pelajar yang pernah menjalani aktiviti kokurikulum di Kolej Komuniti. Seramai lima orang pelajar berumur antara 19 tahun hingga 23 tahun di salah sebuah Kolej Komuniti di wilayah Utara telah dipilih secara persampelan ‘purposive’ sebagai responden. Kesemua mereka telah menandatangani surat persetujuan dan kebenaran untuk merakam perbualan mereka. Bagi tujuan pengumpulan data dan maklumat, instrumen temubual mendalam secara semi struktur telah bina dan digunapakai. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis secara ‘content analysis’ yang melibatkan kekerapan dan peratusan bagi mewujudkan tema kesan yang diperolehi pelajar menerusi aktiviti kokurikulum yang telah dialami. Hasil daripada analisis data ini telah menemukan tiga tema utama sebagai kesan yang pelajar perolehi iaitu (i) pembentukan sikap positif; bersamaan dengan 48.61 peratus (ii) peningkatan kognitif; bersamaan dengan 37.50 peratus dan kesan (iii) fizikal dan emosi bersamaan dengan 13.89 peratus. Oleh itu, dapatan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa kesan utama aktiviti kokurikulum bagi pelajar adalah kesan ke atas pembentukan sikap positif, peningkatan kognitif dan juga kesan bagi aspek fizikal dan emosi. Cadangan untuk kajian seterusnya juga turut disyorkan dalam artikel ini.
Conference Presentations by Shafa Samad

Proceedings of ICSoTL 2017, 2017
Many countries have embraced formal education to confront illiteracy and unemployment within thei... more Many countries have embraced formal education to confront illiteracy and unemployment within their society. This is because one major advantage of formal education is the transfer of generic skills which is the cognitive strategies and domain independent knowledge. Generic skills are vital today because life and workplaces are in flux and are getting more complex which requires initiative, emotional mastery, flexibility, creativity, and the ability to take on many different tasks (involve learning by doing and experience). However, many students are found to be deficient of this skill which is making them unfit for the labour market and unattractive to employers. In addition, very few schools teach generic skills which are making students unable to develop them and be employable attractive to employers. Therefore, this study investigates the impact of generic skills using problem-based learning (PBL). This paper represents the first part of the study, which is to investigate the influence of students’ PBL on their generic skills This paper makes used of action research method, while quantitative research approach using both survey and documentation is employed for the study data collection. The study finding show that there is a significant influence on problem-based learning (PBL) and generic skills (GS). Similar significant influence is found on critical thinking (CT) and generic skills (GS). It was further pointed out that there is no disparity on students’ gender and academic background (science and non-science) with their generic skills. This implies that problem-based learning (PBL) and critical thinking (CT) enhances students’ generic skills.
Papers by Shafa Samad
The research is undertaken for the purpose of evaluative lectures teaching level on problem based–learning and its relationship to critical thinking and generic proficiency level at the Northern Malaysian Community College. 117 respondents consist of students from five study programme from National Modular Certificate (NMC). This descriptive research employed questionnaire distributed to respondents. The results portrayed, (1) lectures problem-based teaching level is at satisfactory level, (2) the research found that there is a significant different in lectures teaching level based on problem-based learning method according to different gender, (3) the relationship between lectures teaching on problem-based learning method and students critical thinking skill is extensive, (4) the relationship between lectures teaching level based on problem-based learning method and students generic skill is moderate, while (5) the relationship between students critical thinking skill and students generic skill in Community College is extensive. These results clearly indicated that problem based-learning could be utilized as an effective method in enhancing students critical and generic skills. Suggestions for future research is also indicated.
Keywords: lectures teaching level, problem-based learning, community college students, students critical thinking, students generic skills
Conference Presentations by Shafa Samad
The research is undertaken for the purpose of evaluative lectures teaching level on problem based–learning and its relationship to critical thinking and generic proficiency level at the Northern Malaysian Community College. 117 respondents consist of students from five study programme from National Modular Certificate (NMC). This descriptive research employed questionnaire distributed to respondents. The results portrayed, (1) lectures problem-based teaching level is at satisfactory level, (2) the research found that there is a significant different in lectures teaching level based on problem-based learning method according to different gender, (3) the relationship between lectures teaching on problem-based learning method and students critical thinking skill is extensive, (4) the relationship between lectures teaching level based on problem-based learning method and students generic skill is moderate, while (5) the relationship between students critical thinking skill and students generic skill in Community College is extensive. These results clearly indicated that problem based-learning could be utilized as an effective method in enhancing students critical and generic skills. Suggestions for future research is also indicated.
Keywords: lectures teaching level, problem-based learning, community college students, students critical thinking, students generic skills