Papers by Sevara Ibragimova

Архив научных исследований, Jul 1, 2020
The collection of scientific papers available on Materials of the XVIII ... more The collection of scientific papers available on Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1. Reyimov Nietbay, Reymov Omirbay, Reymova Feruza-Improvement of water situations in the areal region 2. Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS 35. Kuldasheva Zebo-The Affecting factors on consumers' online shopping behavior: The case of Uzbekistan 36. Kurbanova Oysha Beknazarovna-The use of speech forms in the development of speech compartments of students in grades 10-11 37. Sagdullaeva L.Kh.-On the theoretical basis for the development of curiosity in preschool age 38. Azatbaeva Miyasar Satbaevna-Efficiency of Power Point Presentations in learning a language 39. Obidova Orasta Azamovna-The role of religious-philosophical teachings in the struggle against destructive ideas 40. Orakbaeva Gullala Orakbaevna, Eshmuratova Amina Togyzbaevna-The issue of educating bad behaviour youngs 41. Sherzod Primov-The pedagogical bases of developing communicative comptence of teachers 42. Soliyeva Khavaskhon Omonovna-Art as a special means of education 43. Toshpulatov D.A.-The peculiar semantic features of commercial terms used in foreign economic relations and the method of teaching through modern technologies 44. Yusubbayeva Nilufar, Yo'ldashev Asadbek, Kholmurotova Ravshanoy-Using modern information and communication technologies in education 45. Yusubbayeva Nilufar, Yo'ldashev Asadbek, Kholmurotova Ravshanoy-Writing in foreign language classes and to teach to express an opinion in writing PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES 46. Abduraufova Umida,Nurmattova Madina,Matjanova Bakhtigul Saparbay qizi-Several elements of reading and writing 47. Abidova Zilola Xabibullaevna, Hudoyarova Ziyoda Maratovna-The study of the syntactic structure of a sentence in the history of linguistics 48. Allanazarova Mohira Bakhtiyor qizi-The country allah said to alpomish children. 49. Amriddinova N.Sh-Invariational and differential features as the most important condition of system organization of phraseological field. 50. Babayeva komila Rishatovna, Toshmurodova muhabbat Nazaralievna-Importance of acquiring euphemisms from fiction in learning process Materials of the XVIIi International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE IMPROVEMENT OF WATER SITUATIONS IN THE AREAL REGION Reyimov Nietbay-Candidate of Agricultural sciences, Associate professor of Nukus branch Tashkent state agrarian university Reymov Omirbay-2nd yaer master of the Nukus branch Tashkent state agrarian university Reymova Feruza-Assistant at Karakalpak state university Absract.The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located at the very end of the Amu Darya River, in the lower reaches of the central sprinkler of Central Asia. Low water often occurs in the region. The volume of the main climate control source, the Aral Sea, decreases every year. Therefore, it is necessary to combine efforts to overcome the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster and improve the socioeconomic situation in the Aral Sea region, solve the water and environmental problems of the region, taking into account the common interests of neighboring and neighboring countries.
Papers by Sevara Ibragimova