Papers by Setyawati Karyono

Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
Cross-provincial lanes in Majalengka are often passed by truck drivers, and they often encounter ... more Cross-provincial lanes in Majalengka are often passed by truck drivers, and they often encounter accidents in which their help is required. The aim of this study was to determine the direct and indirect effects of truck drivers’ knowledge, motivation, and attitudes when performing first aid and the most dominant influencing factors. The research followed a cross-sectional design, and 55 respondents were chosen using total sampling. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling was used for data analysis. In relation to the practice of first aid, the direct effect of knowledge was found to be significant (p=0.001), motivation was insignificant (p=0.341), and attitude was significant (p=0.017). The indirect effects resulting from the intervention of knowledge motivation was found to be insignificant in the practice of first aid (tstatistic 0.530 < ttable 1.96), and attitude was also not significant (tstatistic 0.758 < ttable 1.96). Attitude was found to be the most dominant...

GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Preeclampsia is a "disease of theory" because of the cause and pathophysiology of preec... more Preeclampsia is a "disease of theory" because of the cause and pathophysiology of preeclampsia is still uncertain. In preeclampsia invasion of trophoblast cells does not occur completely, the spiral arteries not undergo remodeling so it still has a component of muscle and elastic tissue, in addition to endothelial dysfunction characterized by reduced relaxation factor and increased contraction factor resulting in ischemia of the placenta by The end result of hypoxia, hypoxia is the condition that causes the production of free radicals in large quantities. Free radicals can damage all the cellular biochemical components of lipids by taking lipid electrons in a cell membrane called lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation process produces several products including Malondialdehyde (MDA) also mediate proinflammatory cytokines such expenditure Interferon Gamma (IFN-γ). In this study, researchers took the form of placental tissue paraffin blocks which have been made, on each of t...

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
The abnormal scar is a unique fibrosis disease because it only occurs in humans (Homo sapiens). R... more The abnormal scar is a unique fibrosis disease because it only occurs in humans (Homo sapiens). Researchers now challenge no other animal species, including primates, are found to naturally form scar7, whereas animal models are essential references for human treatment modalities. This study aimed to determine the Modified Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) score with the addition of collagen density parameters used to assess the scar in experimental animals quantitatively and generates a better assessment of the scar. The cross-sectional analytical survey method was adopted. The experimental animal was Rattus novergicus. The Modified VSS score was applied to assess the normal and abnormal scar data. The Likert categorization guidelines were used to obtain the VSS Score modification score. The collagen density and VSS had a significantly different based on T-test (p <0.05). The differences were also shown by the control and treatment groups. On the correlation analysis, there were the pos...

Acta medica Indonesiana, 2022
Elderly people who have poor social relationships have a higher risk of death than those who have... more Elderly people who have poor social relationships have a higher risk of death than those who have strong social networks. Loneliness and social isolation are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Physical activity can reduce social isolation, diverting feelings of loneliness by socializing with other people and expanding social networks by participating in the community. This study aimed to determine the effect of physical activity on social isolation in the elderly. A Cross-sectional study was conducted to 181 respondents. The data is collected through interviewing respondents with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and social isolation questionnaires. The data was then analyzed descriptively and calculated using Fisher's exact test. Ardirejo and Panggungrejo villages, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency. Based on the Fisher's exact between physical activity and social isolation results were obtained p-value 0.000 (PR = 23.407; 95% CI = 3,117-175,800). There is a significant relationship between physical activity and social isolation in the elderly in the community.

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2022
Purpose: To analyze the effect of enzyme papain administration, after its injection into abnormal... more Purpose: To analyze the effect of enzyme papain administration, after its injection into abnormal scars of Rattus norvegicus rats, on pH alteration (ΔpH) of scar tissue, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression levels, and determine their impact on collagen degradation. Methods: This study used Rattus norvegicus as an experimental animal. The pH measurement of the scar tissue was carried out before papain injection at 12th weeks while abnormal scar was established after papain injection at 15th weeks. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was examined by Western blot technique, while hydroxyproline levels were measured using QuickZyme Total Collagen Assay. Results: Changes in ΔpH, VEGF expression, and hydroxyproline levels in the treatment group were significant (p < 0.05) compared to control. Path analysis showed a direct relationship between the parameters (p < 0.01), except for the correlation between VEGF and hydroxyproline value (p = 0.23). C...

0px; "> Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is best-known as a potent pro-inflammatory cy... more 0px; "> Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is best-known as a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in many<br> cardiovascular diseases. During vascular calcification, TNF-α has been reported topromote osteogenic differentiation of<br> human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). In contrast, there is alack of data<br> reporting the osteoinductive effect of TNF-α in endothelial cell. In this study, experiments were performed to investigate<br> and determine theoptimum dose of TNF-α that induces expression of the osteoinductive factor bone morphogenetic protein<br> (BMP-2) in endothelial cells. Human vein endothelial cells were treated with TNF-α at doses of 0, 2, 5, 10, or 20 ng/mL<br> for2, 8, or 24 h time intervals. BMP-2 cell expression was evaluated using immunocytochemistry staining by calculating<br> the percentage of BMP-2 positive cells. Apoptosiswas determined by counting the number ofpyk...

The Malaysian Journal of Nursing, 2021
Background: Caring for people with post-pasung (post seclusion and restraint of patient) mental d... more Background: Caring for people with post-pasung (post seclusion and restraint of patient) mental disorders can provide special experience for families who act as caregivers. Objective: To explore family experiences in rehabilitating people with post-pasung mental disorders in Trenggalek Regency. Methods: This research is a qualitative research with an interpretive phenomenological approach. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews using semi-structured interview guidelines. Participants in this study were twelve in number who treated people with post-pasung mental disorders in Trenggalek Regency. Results: Analysis of data using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis), found eight themes, namely having compassion for patients, having the responsibility of caring for patients, repaying the kindness of patients and others who have helped, having the hope that patients can recover, feel the need to supervise the independence of patients, realize the condition of mental patie...

Salah satu pendapat di masyarakat saat ini adalah buah nanas berbahaya dikonsumi pada saat kehami... more Salah satu pendapat di masyarakat saat ini adalah buah nanas berbahaya dikonsumi pada saat kehamilan. Nanas mengandung enzim bromelain yang dapat menstimulasi peningkatan prostaglandin dan meningkatkan kontraksi uterus. Nanas muda dan nanas tua diduga memiliki perbedaan dalam memberikan efek kontraksi karena perbedaan kadar enzim bromelain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingan pengaruh ekstrak buah nanas muda dan buah nanas tua terhadap kontraksi uterus. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental murni rancangan in vitro dengan post control group design menggunakan uterus marmut tidak hamil. Penelitian ini terdiri atas 3 konsentrasi ekstrak buah nanas muda dan 3 konsentrasi ekstrak buah nanas tua dengan dosis yang berbeda ( 0,2 %, 0,4 %, dan 0,6 %). Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak nanas muda dan tua meningkatkan kontraksi uterus secara bermakna (nanas muda p = 0.000; nanas tua p = 0.000). Hasil uji korelasi Pearson membuktikan bahwa semakin besar dosis ...

ABSTRAK Infak miokard akut recurrent banyak terjadi terutama pada 1 tahun setelah serangan pertam... more ABSTRAK Infak miokard akut recurrent banyak terjadi terutama pada 1 tahun setelah serangan pertama. Pasien yang pernah mengalami serangan infark miokard akut 50% kemungkinan akan mengalami infark miokard akut recurrent akibat pasien tidak patuh mengontrol faktor risiko. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan mengontrol faktor risiko dengan kejadian infark miokard akut recurrent. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengunakan desain case control . Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu consecutive sampling . Jumlah sampel penelitian 90 pasien infark miokard akut yang terdiri dari 45 pasien kasus ( recurrent ) dan 45 pasien kontrol (tidak recurrent ). Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian mcnunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepatuhan mengontrol tekanan (p=0,000), kepatuhan mengontrol gula darah (p=0,000), dan kepatuhan mengontrol kolesterol (p=0,001), terhadap kejadian infark miokard akut ...

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Keloid is a form of wound healing that results from fibrous tissue activity. It can d... more BACKGROUND: Keloid is a form of wound healing that results from fibrous tissue activity. It can develop beyond the boundaries of the original wound, extends into the dermis layer, and disrupting the appearance. Previously, no studies have revealed a correlation between melanin pigment and keloid. AIM: This research aimed to describe the correlation between melanin concentration and collagen deposition in keloid tissue. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study conducted through the application of a cross-sectional analytic survey method. The color of the skin was measured using a chromameter, and a histopathologic examination was performed on the skin surrounding the keloid, as well as the keloid tissue. Data were analyzed using a t-test, correlation, and linear regression statistics. RESULTS: The results showed a significant difference between melanin concentration and collagen deposition in the skin surrounding the keloid tissue. No significant difference was observed between mel...

Journal Of Issues In Midwifery, 2019
Dengan selesainya Tugas Akhir ini, penulis mengucapkan terimakasih yang tak terhingga kepada : 1.... more Dengan selesainya Tugas Akhir ini, penulis mengucapkan terimakasih yang tak terhingga kepada : 1. Allah SWT atas petunjuk dan hidayah-Nya saya dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir ini. vi 2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., MS., selaku Rektor Universitas Brawijaya yang telah memberikan kesempatan penulis untuk menuntut ilmu di Universitas Brawijaya. 3. Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, Msi.Med, Sp.A(K) sebagai Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya yang telah memberikan penulis kesempatan menuntut ilmu di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. 4. Ibu Linda Ratna Wati, S.ST., M.Kes sebagai Ketua Program Studi S1 Kebidanan yang telah membimbing penulis menuntut ilmu di PS Kebidanan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. 5. Dr. dr. Setyawati Soeharto, M.Kes sebagai pembimbing pertama yang dengan sabar membimbing untuk bisa menulis dengan baik, dan senantiasa memberi semangat, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir ini. 6. Ibu Mustika Dewi, SST, M.Keb sebagai pembimbing kedua yang dengan sabar telah membimbing dalam penulisan Tugas Akhir ini, dan senantiasa memberi semangat, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir ini. 7. Dr. dr. I Wayan Arsana Wiyasa, Sp. OG(K) sebagai Ketua Tim Penguji Ujian Tugas Akhir yang telah memberikan masukan untuk menyempurnakan naskah Tugas Akhir. 8. Segenap anggota Tim Pengelola Tugas Akhir FKUB, yang telah membantu melancarkan urusan administrasi, sehingga penulis dapat melaksanakan Tugas Akhir dengan lancar. 9. Para analis di laboratorium Farmakologi yang telah membantu penulis dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini. vii 10. Yang tercinta Ibunda Diyanawati dan Ayahanda Abdul Latif serta adik Fari Fahmi dan adik Daris Da'ab atas segala bentuk kasih sayang dan semangatnya. 11. Teman-teman kelompok penelitian apel Nadya, Zian, Abir, Khalisa, Fathan, dan Nova yang telah memberikan saran, masukan, dan dukungannya. 12. Teman-teman dekatku Naila, Sherly, Indah dan Zalfaa yang senantiasa meberikan dukungannya. 13. Semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir ini yang tidak dapat penulis sebutkan satu persatu. Penulis menyadari bahwa karya ilmiah ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh karena itu penulis membuka diri untuk segala saran dan kritik yang membangun. Malang,

Cukurova Medical Journal, 2014
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, sigara dumanina maruz kalan sicanlarda -tokoferolun overlerin oksidat... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, sigara dumanina maruz kalan sicanlarda -tokoferolun overlerin oksidatif stresi, over folikullerinin degisiklikleri ile ostradiol duzeyleri ve endometriyum kalinligi uzerine etkilerini degerlendirmektir. Materyal ve Metod: Kirk disi sican bes gruba ayrildi. Bu bes grup icerisine kontrol grubu ve sigara dumanina maruz birakilan gruplar; 100, 200 ve 400 mg/kg dozlarinda -tokoferol takviyesi yapilan, dahil edildi. Sigara dumani icin duman pompalama ekipmani Brawijaya Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Farmakoloji Laboratuvarinda tasarlandi ve universitemiz kullanimina sunuldu. Kolometrik olarak MDA seviyesi analizi yapildi. Over folikulu sayisinin analizi ve endometriyum kalinligi hematoksilen eozin boyama ile histopatolojik olarak yapildi. ELISA teknigiyle ostradiol seviyesinin analizi yapildi. Bulgular: Kontroller ile (0.121 ± 0.026) (p> 0.05), sigara dumanina maruz kalan sicanlarin over MDA duzeyleri (0.388 ± 0.085) karsilastirildi. Sigara dumanina maruz kalan sicanlarin over MDA duzeylerinin onemli olcude arttigi gozlendi. Cesitli dozlarda -tokoferol verilen gruplar sigara dumanina (P 0.05) gozlemlenen rakamlara ulasilmasini sagladi. Ilk doz -tokoferol uygulanan gruptaki (3.8 ± 1.095) birincil folikul sayisi, kontrol grubuyla karsilastirildi (3.8 ± 1.095) (P> 0.05). Tokoferol grubunda Ilk doz (5,2 ± 1,304) ve ikinci doz (5.4 ± 0.548) sekonder folikul sayilari kontrol grubuna (3.6 ± 0.548) (p 0.05) seviyesine ulastigi gozlendi. Sigara dumanina maruz birakilan ve birakilmayan gruplar (600,265 ± 76,563) (p 0.05) seviyelerine ulasti. Sonuc: Yukarida belirtilen bu sonuclara gore, -tokoferol nedeniyle azalmis MDA duzeyleri, primer ve sekonder folikul artislarinin yani sira sigara dumanina maruz kalmayla ostradiol hormon, oksidatif hasari ve overlerin fonksiyon kaybini onleyebilir sonucuna varildi. Ayni zamanda endometriyum kalinligida artis gosterdi.

Cukurova Medical Journal, 2014
This study aimed toknow whether administration of α-tocopherolable to increase uterine endometria... more This study aimed toknow whether administration of α-tocopherolable to increase uterine endometrial vascularization, inhibit uterine cervix oxidative stress, and augment cervical proliferation in female rats exposed to tobacco smoke. Material and Methods:Twenty five, 8 weeks old female Wistar rats (Rattusnorvegicus) were divided into 5 groups (n=5 each), including control group (non exposure group); the rats were exposed to tobacco smoke (CS); the rats were exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with α-tocopherol at dose of 100 mg/kg/day (CS + AT1); rats were exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with α-tocopherol at dose of 200mg/kg/day (CS + AT2); rats were exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with α-tocopherol at dose of 400 mg/kg/day (CS + AT3). The expression of endometrial VEGF was observed by immunohistochemical staining using anti-VEGF primary antibody and biotinylated universal secondary antibody. MDA levels were measured colorimetrically. The number of spiralis arterioles and proliferation of uterine cervix epithelial cells were counted histologically withhematoxilin eosin staining. This research has been approved by research ethics committee Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia (Number 477/EC/KEPK-S2-KB/10/2013). Results: Tobacco smoke significantly lowered VEGF level, the number of spiralis arterioles, anduterine cervix epithelial cells compared with control group (P < 0.05). Administration of α-tocopherol in different doses significantly increasethe VEGF level to reachs the level in the control group (P > 0.05). Second and third doses of α-tocopherolsignificantly increased the number of spiralis arterioles compared with CS group (P < 0.05), to reached the similar level in the control group (P > 0.05).Exposure to tobacco smoke in rats can increase uterine cervix MDA level significantly compared to the control (P< 0.05). The α-tocopherol in various doses cansignificantly reduce MDA level compared to the CS (P <0.05), but has not reached the levels of the control group. The number of epithelial cells in α-tocopherol-administered groupwas not significantly different compared with CS group (P > 0.05). Conclusion:Administration of α-tocopherolcan increase the vascularization in endometrial uterine of rats exposed to tobacco smoke. Besides, α-tocopherolinhibit uterine cervix oxidative stress, but can't induces the proliferation of uterine cervix epithelial cells.

Introduction: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD), as a diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) complications, ... more Introduction: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD), as a diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) complications, is getting more prevalent nowadays. Inflammation is one of the renal injury mechanisms evaluated through the surge in in TNF-α and NF-κβ expression. Impaired expression of gluten transporter 1 (GLUT1) and GLUT2 reduces glucose uptake. DBLS3233 is a novel anti-diabetes agent and Indonesian herbal product responsible for glucose control and upregulation of insulin signal transduction. We performed an experiment on DLBS3233 to examine the response of TNF-α and NF-κβ and the expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT2. Methods: A total of 30 adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six groups (n=5 per group): nondiabetic rats in the control group (group 1); untreated diabetic rats (group 2); diabetic rats treated with DLBS3233 4,5mg/kgBW (group 3); 9mg/kgBW (group 4); 18mg/kgBW (group 5), and diabetic rats treated with pioglitazone (group 6). Immunohistochemistry was performed to examine the exp...

The aim of this study was to evaluate acute toxicity of methanol extract of Sargassum echinocarpu... more The aim of this study was to evaluate acute toxicity of methanol extract of Sargassum echinocarpum on male and female of mice ( Mus musculus ) strain BALB/c two month age. S. echinocarpum was obtained from Talango Island in April 2008. The powder of S. echinocarpum was macerated by methanol (1:3) at 4 °C for 3 x 24 hours, then concentrated, dried, and extracted. The extract was screened to observe the phytochemical compounds. For acute toxicity extracts was given orally and once on one hour before feeding. The dose treatments were 0; 625; 1250; 2500; and 5000 mg/kg body weight (BW). Parameters measured were phytochemical contain, body weight during the study, 50 percent of lethal doses, and histology score of liver and kidney. The phytochemical study showed that methanol extract of S. echinocarpum contained tannins, polyphenols, saponins, glycosides, and steroids. On 1250 mg/kg BW or more, methanol extract of S. echinocarpum inhibited the increasing of body weight on mice, but, unti...

This study aims to evaluate whether the Punica granatum fruit extract modulates the Angiotensin-I... more This study aims to evaluate whether the Punica granatum fruit extract modulates the Angiotensin-II Type I receptor (AT1-R) and thromboxane B2 level in endothelial cells induced by plasma from preeclamptic patients. Endothelial cells were obtained from human umbilical vascular endothelial cells. At confluence, endothelial cells were divided into five groups, which included endothelial cells exposed to 2% plasma from normal pregnancy (NP), endothelial cells exposed to 2% plasma from preeclamptic patients (PP), and endothelial cells exposed to PP in the presence of ethanolic extract of Punica granatum (PP + PG) at the following three doses: 14; 28; and 56 ppm. The expression of AT1-R was observed by immunohistochemistry technique, and thromboxane B2 level was done by immunoassay technique. Plasma from PP significantly increased AT1-R expression and thromboxane B2 levels compared to cells treated by normal pregnancy plasma. The increasing of AT1-R expression significantly (P < 0.05) ...

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcuc aureus (MRSA) merupakan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus yang m... more Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcuc aureus (MRSA) merupakan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus yang multi resisten terhadap antimikroba. Tumbuhan ceplukan (Physalis angulata L) dapat dijadikan sebuah alternatif pengobatan infeksi MRSA karena pada umumnya memiliki senyawa aktif yang berperan sebagai senyawa antimikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun ceplukan sebagai antimikroba terhadap MRSA in vitro. Metode yang digunakan adalah dilusi tabung untuk menentukan Kadar Hambat Minimum (KHM) dan Kadar Bunuh Minimum (KBM). Konsentrasi ekstrak daun ceplukan yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah 50%; 55%; 60%; 65%, 70%, serta 2 kelompok kontrol yaitu kelompok kontrol bakteri tanpa diberi ekstrak daun ceplukan (0%) dan kelompok kontrol bahan (100%). Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan pertumbuhan koloni bakteri yang lebih rendah pada pemberian ekstrak daun ceplukan dibandingkan kontrol dan jumlah koloni semakin rendah dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi ang (r=-0...

Purpose: This study aimed toknow whether administration of -tocopherolable to increase uterine e... more Purpose: This study aimed toknow whether administration of -tocopherolable to increase uterine endometrial vascularization, inhibit uterine cervix oxidative stress, and augment cervical proliferation in female rats exposed to tobacco smoke. Material and Methods:Twenty five, 8 weeks old female Wistar rats (Rattusnorvegicus) were divided into 5 groups (n=5 each), including control group (non exposure group); the rats were exposed to tobacco smoke (CS); the rats were exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with �tocopherol at dose of 100 mg/kg/day (CS + AT1); rats were exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with �tocopherol at dose of 200mg/kg/day (CS + AT2); rats were exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with α�tocopherol at dose of 400 mg/kg/day (CS + AT3). The expression of endometrial VEGF was observed by immunohistochemical staining using anti-VEGF primary antibody and biotinylated universal secondary antibody. MDA levels were measured colorimetrically. The number of spiralis arteri...
Papers by Setyawati Karyono